
A Fate To Hate

Ellen is an orphan in her late teens, with the desperation to make some money for college she works as a maid in the home of a Business mogul Dave Marcellus. Things went south when she got more than she was expecting.

Akinwunmi_Mariam · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Chapter three

Ellen stood in front of the full-length mirror checking herself out in the maid outfit. She had never worn it before.

She looks good in it except for dark circles around her eyes.

She had less than two hours of sleep last night.

Her granny had gotten angry at her because she came home after midnight.

She had even become angrier when she said she was at the carnival.

It was like she went into panic mode.

Ellen had feared the old woman would suffer a heart attack.

She had never gotten angry like that before.

"I don't think you would like it when you get caught standing in front of a mirror when you have work to do," Jessica said.

Just like her Jessica also works as a maid here but she works in the kitchen.

The lady seems to be a couple of years older than her and a little strict Ellen always finds herself obeying her every instruction.

"I got carried away," Ellen said before motivating herself to start the day's work and left the room.

Sighing, Ellen pushed the door gently open and walked into the master bedroom.

Instinctively she pressed the light switch to brighten the dark room.

"What are you doing?!" A harsh voice made her flinch immediately.

She took a step back, sitting on the bed was a man she had never seen before in her life but she knew he was her boss and beside him was a woman who was throwing daggers at her with her eyes.

She had the blanket around her chest area to cover her nakedness. And the man was naked to his waist and the rest of his body disappeared under the sheets.

"What are you looking at?" Dave asked while the maid still stood in the same position while watching him and Summer with eyes widened with shock.

It was the weekend, wasn't she aware that he doesn't leave bed early on those days?

"I'm sorry, I have no idea you were still sleeping." Ellen apologized before fleeing from the room.

Dave heard Summer grumbles beside him.

"Get dressed and go home, why are you here till now by the way?" Dave asked.

He hates it when she deliberately stays longer than necessary.

"Okay," she mumbles before getting up to get dressed.


Ellen was flustered by what she just saw and angry at the same.

She doesn't understand why she felt angry.

She was still feeling a bit confused about the incident when she returned to the room an hour later to clean it as she had initially gone in for.

Without ceremony, she opened the door again.

And this time her heart almost stopped beating.

Dave was standing in the middle of the room drying his wet hair.

He had heard the door open and by the scent that was invading his nostrils knew it was the maid that walked in earlier.

Maybe it's because of his special ability as a wolf that made it more prominent but the sweet smell is addictive.

He had perceived the same scent yesterday when he came back from the office.

He had only briefs on and was completely naked aside from that.

Ellen forgot to breathe as she stared at him without blinking.

Water was dripping from his hair down his broad shoulder further down his back.

His muscles twitch as he moves around.

"You have a knack for entering a room without knocking" Dave's comment woke Ellen up and she almost cried inside of her behavior.

"I'm sorry about that, I never knew I would meet you inside" Ellen replied trying hard to focus on his face but it was hard and her eyes slowly traveled down his body.

Her eyes widened in horror when she realized he had caught her looking.

She is supposed to turn and leave the room but her legs have suddenly become disobedient.

"Is there anything you want?" Dave asked with a smirk because of the way she was staring at him.

He does enjoy it when he becomes a distraction to a woman.

"Huh- nothing. I will come back when you are done" Ellen said in time to save herself from another round of embarrassment.

What was wrong with her?

She has never reacted to a man Like this before.

It's almost like she can't control herself.

"What do you want to do with a human?" Hearing the question after the maid left Dave realized they hadn't been alone all this while.

"I had warned you countless times not to appear in my room anytime you want,

don't you know what privacy means?" Dave asked with disgust, staring at the nonchalant man that sat on his couch with his leg crossed like he owned the place.

And he wasn't even there a minute ago.

"I don't think I can remember the last time I had followed a command," the man said with a throaty laugh.

"Maybe you can start now because the next time you do this, that would be the last time you will be able to" Dave warned before turning his back to him to get dressed.

He was happy just a while ago. Now his mood has been ruined by this creature that does not know when not to appear out of thin air.

"Your sister is cursed," the man said suddenly with no ceremony.

He had not intended to say it this way but he was left with no choice.

"What do you mean by cursed" Dave's voice was dangerously low.

He does not want to believe this.

No, he was not going to accept it.

"The carnival she attended last night" he replied again without further explanation.

Feeling himself going crazy.

Dave knew he would not explain further and as he expected he vanished into thin air seconds later.

"Ralph!" Dave said with venom into his mind summoning him, anger evident in his voice.

He has entrusted his sister to his most trusted warrior. how did she become cursed all of a sudden?
