
Chapter 14

Lydia slightly shifted the cake box on her lap as she wistfully watched the golden scenery fly by. Her little family unit was making their way to the parental abode for the monthly holiday visit. She would have preferred to stay home for their first Thanksgiving but knew that if they didn't go, the pregnant woman would be naturally hearing from her extremely vocal stepmother. That was not something Lydia wanted to deal with, especially with the way she has been feeling as of late. The distinct possibility of her blowing her top at her nosey and bossy stepparent was higher than ever. She didn't want to screw up the delicate relationship that started cautiously building between them. Hell, it was a slow go, but it was going better than it had in the past. No one could say she wasn't trying to understand one Delia Deetz.

Her attention moved from the passing landscape and her thoughts to her husband who spoke loudly over their babbling daughter in the backseat.

"Babes, ya sure we don't need any more food? What about a third pumpkin pie or another platter of that green bean crap?" Lightly teased the clever poltergeist as his bloodless lips twitched and his bold gaze flicked in her direction before turning back to the familiar road.

The young mother huffed loudly and rotated her expressive eyes at his cheeky humor. "Betelgeuse stop making fun. Believe me when I tell you that we will need the dishes I've made. My stepmother tends to get overzealous about holidays, and some of those things can be…unique."

Betelgeuse snorted as he continued guiding them toward their intended destination. "You mean fancy. Red looks like the type to try and be all hoity-toity, but we all know she's a fire breathing dragon."

The memorable image of Delia with fire shooting out of her nostrils came to the forefront of her mind causing her to snicker lightly. Well, he wasn't that far off. Lydia genuinely tried to ward off more snickers with locking her lips tightly together but failed spectacularly when they broke through her façade. "Be nice, B."

The poltergeist scoffed and ran an agitated hand through his platinum hair. "I am and have been nice to your folks and the Cleavers."

Lydia toss back her head and laughed gleefully then raised her inquisitive brows at him. "Really? The Cleavers?"

He shrugged his burly shoulders and cackled himself. "What?! If they were able to breed, that's what they would be; so wholesome and shit."

What was the deal with the old nuclear family show references? This was starting to sound like a lifelong grudge. What did those tv shows ever do to him? Or does Betelguese just secretly like them but is too manly to admit it? That did sound like her old man and something that he would typically do. After all he did have a rep to protect. She snickered quietly and poked lightly at his side. "I'm starting to think that you secretly like those shows. You know quite a bit about them. Care to share?"

Another snort sprang out of him, and he shot her a raised brow of his own. "Do I look like someone who watches that shit?"

Lydia instantly flashed her beloved husband a toothy grin and positively affirmed her thoughts with nod. "In secret, yes."

His pale fingers tighten on the steering wheel and he sneered while spitting out his gruff words. "I wouldn't be caught dead watchin' those shows!"

She could not help to point out the obvious nor could she promptly stop the mild sarcasm that rolled off her clever tongue. "Umm…Hun…You are dead…"

His blazing eyes turned to her and barked in outrage. "Oi, you know what I mean woman!"

Her plump lips upturned mischievously as she slowly shook her glossy mane and twirled a finger at him. "Sure, you enjoy watching nuclear family shows. I wonder what other things you have buried underneath all that bravo of yours?"

The outrage promptly disappeared and was replaced with a sly smirk of his own. "Other than my body." He wiggled his light brows before returning his attention to the road.

Lydia rolled her dark eyes again and propped her head against the headrest. "Haha. Funny."

Turning onto the private drive, the specter laughed boastfully and dutifully sent his tiny wife a smug look. "Well, I do aim to please, Babe." His brows jiggled some more as he pulled into a parking space and shifted the car into gear.

Before she could reach for the seatbelt, Betelgeuse snatched the cake box from her lap and thumbed towards the backseat. "How about you grab Bug, and I'll take all of this food you wanted to bring along."

The startled mother opened her mouth to speak but paused when her husband flashed a saucy wink then hurried out of the vehicle.

Shaking her raven head and unclipping her belt, she quietly followed and made her way to the rear to get their gabbing child.

After retrieving Lucy from the automobile and throwing the diaper bag over her shoulder, the expectant woman eyed her spouse. He was juggling the reusable bags and the cake box as he snatched the rest from the trunk. The loaded container teetered slightly causing Lydia to suck in a harsh breath before shouting something to the poltergeist. "Betelgeuse, please be careful with the cake! It took me forever to get it right."

The dead man rolled his green eyes while he juiced the lid shut. "Yeah, Yeah, woman, I know. I heard ya cursing up a storm in the kitchen while you were making it."

Lydia made a face, remembering bitterly the frustration of that emotional day. It had not been one of her finest moments, and the rampant hormones had not helped. Baking cakes was not something that she normally dabbled in. No, her usual was cookies or pies and if she did make a cake, it wasn't anything colorful. A simple chocolate or vanilla were her go to. It had been trial and error to get the color as vibrant as she had wanted it to be, but in the end, it had turned out.

She promptly turned her nose up at the mocking man and stomped to the entry throwing a response over her shoulder. "I just wanted it to be perfect for when we have the reveal."

Betelgeuse chose to ignore his charming wife's evident annoyance, raising the portable container to inspect it inquisitively then continued to talk. "Remind me again why ya want to do that gender reveal crap? You're not the type to jump on the bandwagon."

He was right. Normally she wasn't the type to jump on any bandwagon and usually left that to her stepmother, but it couldn't be helped. When she had been pregnant with Lucy, there had never been ample time to think about that stuff. Hell, she had been too busy looking over her shoulder and worrying about any damage that Luke might have done to her pregnancy. Lydia just wanted to do something that was normal. Even if she must jump on a trend. Plus, she had to admit it was kind of cute and upped the thrill factor then just simply telling them alone. Blowing some hair out of her face, the hormonal female willingly agreed with her significant other. "I know, but I think it's a cute way to reveal the gender of a baby. Plus, it's more exciting that way."

Carefully lowering the confection container, Betelgeuse shrugged his capable shoulders and snarked out a pained response. "If ya say so, sweets. Now come on and let's get this shit over with."

Her dark brows rose as she swept inquisitive eyes to the side. "You're acting as if this will be painful."

A grimace plastered his features as he scoffed loudly. "When dealin' with the fams, it's always painful, Babe."

Laughing merrily at the dead man's dramatics, Lydia's rosy lips twitched into a sly smirk and curvy hips swung flirtatiously. "Maybe for you…"

Betelgeuse snorted brashly as he diligently followed right behind, his gaze lingering on her wiggling derriere while quipping back sarcastically. "That's not what you were saying the last time we were here."

They tentatively approached the familiar door, and the expectant woman paused a few paces from it to twist around to face him with a loud sniff. "Well, it was nice of them to help you throw me a birthday party, but whatever that one dish that Delia had made had smelt so bad. It wafted throughout the house and made me freaking nauseated. If we hadn't gotten out of there when we did, our night would have been over before it had even started. That would have been a shame, since it had been such a beautiful night."

His green eyes glazed over for a second and his pale lips twitched into a satisfied smirk. The tone of his hearty voice dropped huskily as he vividly remembered the extraordinary events that transpired that night. "That it had babe…" He subsequently sent a knowing wink in her direction and barked out a gravelly chuckle.

Lydia recognized where her clever husband's active thoughts had journeyed, and her rosy cheeks reddened brightly. That part of the memorable night had heated not only them but the chilly October air. The frigid temperature outside kicked up a notch and she fanned herself slightly before knocking lightly on the front door.

Moments later, the polished door swung open to reveal her stout father. A broad smile was plastered on his kindly face as he shouted happily at her with outstretched arms. "Pumpkin!"

She leaned in eagerly to give him a hug before pulling back to warmly greet him in return. "Hi Daddy."

His radiant grin widened while he stepped away from the doorway to allow them access. "Come on in, sweetheart."

Lydia crossed the threshold with Betelgeuse in tow and watched the nervous twitch begin as her dad acknowledged the silent poltergeist. "W…W…Welcome…B…B…Betelgeuse."

The amusement was apparent in her husband's eyes, but thankfully he smothered the obnoxious smile that wanted to come to the surface and instead held up the bags. "What's up Chuck? Where can I take these?"

Her anxious father thrusted an unsteady hand and pointed in the direction of the kitchen. His stuttering was worse than before. "D…D…Delia and B…B…Barbara are in the k…k…kitchen. Y…Y…You can t…t…take them t…t…there."

Lydia had to intervene before her pops had either a stroke or heart attack. She stepped between them blocking her father's source of anxiety. "Here Dad, why don't you take Lulu for me?"

He swallowed roughly and hastily agreed bobbing his round face. "S…s…sure Pumpkin."

She carefully passed along Lucy to her dad's arms and tried to shoot him a reassuring smile. "Thank you, Daddy." Lydia handed him the diaper bag, before continuing. "Take Lucy's diaper bag. If she needs anything it will be in there. I'm going to help Betelgeuse take the food to the kitchen."

Even with her form obstructing his view, her father was still stuttering wildly. "W…w…we'll b…b…be in the f…f…family r…r…room." With that said, he raced through an empty doorway and dropped out of sight.

The pregnant woman sighed heavily then turned to bestow her better half with a pointed look. "You still make Daddy very nervous."

Betelgeuse glanced in the direction that his father-in-law and child had hightailed it to and snorted noisily. He turned back to his wife and levelled his vivid eyes dramatically. "I just look in his direction, and he nearly pisses his pants. What can I do about it?"

Lydia knew her husband was right, but it couldn't keep going on like this. She really was worried something was going to happen to her father. There had to be something that they could do. It is possible he just needed to get to know Betelgeuse better, and that would eventually soothe his anxiety. Her brown eyes bore into his bottle greens and gently pleaded her case. "Would you try spending some time with him? Maybe if you did, he wouldn't be so freaked out."

At her suggestion the poltergeist's face contorted in unspeakable horror and it undoubtedly reflected in his tone. "Me spend time with Chuck? You're shitting me, right?"

She blew her bangs out of the way then bit back a groan of frustration. Lydia expected this reaction though she was completely serious about him spending time with her father. It wouldn't hurt for him to outstretch the olive branch. They were all mature adults here damnit. "No, I'm very serious! If he keeps going like he is, he'll end up having a heart attack or something just as bad. Please do it for me." She glanced up at her husband fluttering her thick lashes with her bottom lip protruding slightly. "Please honey…"

Air released from his lungs and he look away from her pleading features towards the doorway. He glared at it in disgust before returning with resignation. "Fine, but you own me woman."

Her expression brightened with a smile as she came up and kissed him on the cheek. "Anything Love."

He grinned down and winked at her. "I'll keep you to it."

Of course, he would. Lydia was certain she would find out what he wanted tonight. She stepped back and led her man to the cupboard to hang up their coats. Once the articles were stowed away, she closed the closet door and stepped eagerly towards the encumbered specter reaching out to grab one of the bags. "Come on. Let me help."

Betelgeuse leaned away and declined her offer. "Naw I got it."

What the hell! This was getting absurd. Carrying a bag or two wouldn't place that much strain on her. A willing hand moved towards the dessert container, fingers wiggling. "At least let me carry the cake box then." Surly that was light enough for her to cart about.

Still the poltergeist seemed reluctant to give into her reasonable request. Lydia bit back a growl and the urge to stomp a foot childishly. She was about to open her mouth with a snide comment when he grudgingly conceded with an exasperated sigh. "Fine, but nothin' else."

Her lips snapped shut and twitched upward as she took the cake box without another word. She wasn't going to complain. It was better than nothing at all, though she desperately wished he would stop treating her like she was a piece of spun glass. Her cheeks puffed with a slight breath as the annoyed female turned towards the kitchen and leisurely began the brief walk with her other half bringing up the rear.

Just outside of the entrance, the duo could hear Barbara and Delia talking naturally amongst each other. Their familiar voices were too garbled to properly understand what they were saying, and Lydia wasn't sure if she wanted to know anyway. It was still weird to witness them being so civil, especially when the first few years of living together were tense. The two women hadn't always agreed completely, especially when it came to her; one understanding while the other was oblivious to who Lydia truly was. Now it seemed that they have come to some accord and because of it, a strange friendship had started to blossom. It was still something that the young woman was not used to, though she never voiced her unease to the bosom buddies. Barbara was better than Otho any day.

As they stepped carefully into the cavernous room, both women instantly ceased what they were doing. Their faces lit up with excitement and directed a smile at the expectant female. "Lydia!" Barbara and Delia eyed the poltergeist and greeted him with a sharp nod.

Lydia glanced keenly between the two women and her husband. The tension amongst the trio was heavy in the air. Maybe her ghost with the most was the cause of the mutual friendship? Well…They did seem to genuinely feel the same about him; a large amount of mutual distaste and mild disapproval.

An exasperated sigh willingly left her as she gently shook the worrisome thought off for another day and stepped up to the counter. She wisely directed a cheerful smile at the pair and softly placed the cake box on the polished surface. "Hi Guys." Lydia thumbed back at her husband and the cargo of food he was holding. "I hope you don't mind we brought some dishes along."

"My dear Lydia. Of Course not! Your father loves those mashed potatoes you made last year. You did make those, didn't you?" Replied Delia as her glittering eyes eagerly scanned the bags in veiled hunger.

It wasn't only her dad who liked those potatoes. If Lydia remembered correctly, Delia had eaten two large helpings that day. Her glossy lips twitched in amusement while her head bobbled in validation. "Yes, I did. I also made a green bean casserole, Sausage stuffing, and four different pies; apple, cherry, pumpkin, and lemon meringue." She watched Betelgeuse deposit the carrier bags on the empty surface and stepped back to wrap his arm around her growing waist. She cracked a smile then pointed at the dessert container. "I made a cake as well, but that is for after."

This time it was Barbara who spoke. Clearly the ghost's curiosity was piqued. "Why is that?"

The expectant mother bounced on the balls of her feet in excitement and cradled her ample stomach lovingly. "Well, we recently found out the sex of the baby and wanted to tell you all today. So that is what the cake is for."

Delia set down her spatula and clapped her hands together with a good amount of unbridled enthusiasm. "Oh! It's a gender reveal cake! Barbara, remember the video I showed you? The one with the couple with the cupcakes that had either the pink or blue filling. That was so cute!"

Barbara smiled affectionately at Delia's zest and nodded her curly head. "I remember Delia and it was very cute." She swiveled round to Lydia and inquired politely about the dessert. "Lydia, did you make the cake yourself or did you have someone else do it?"

The pregnant woman's ample chest puffed with fierce pride while she glanced happily at the cake and back to the dead lady. "I made it."

Her husband tried masking his humor but failed miserably when he cut in cheekily. "Yeah made with lots of yelling and swearing."

Lydia's plump lips pinched together, and her cheeks burned from embarrassment causing her to turn away from Barbara and glare up at the dead man with a loud huff. "I didn't swear that much."

His wife's attempt to tone down his statement amused the specter further. Betelgeuse felt a snort burst forth and slapped at his thigh. "Hell, if you didn't woman. You were madder than a bull trying to buck off its rider."

Haha. He was such a talented comedian. For all one knows that was his day job? Yep, he stopped the bio-exorcist gig and moved in the direction of comedy. Lydia couldn't help but notice she preferred her old man terrorizing breathers to cracking a bunch of jokes. Christ, they were meant for each other.

His boisterous laughter continued while she jabbed him in his side and made certain he saw her eye roll. That only trigger more snickers which was conveniently ignored as she stepped away from his embrace. Her mouth was parched and wondered if Delia had any sparkling water.

Lydia wandered to the fridge to grab a bottle of water and a long neck. She knew a beer would shut her man up and if it didn't, she'd have him check on Lulu. Heck, she would send him on his way as soon as she promptly delivered his beverage to him.

Grabbing the refreshing drinks, the moody mother returned to her husband's side and held out the beer. "Here. Now why don't you go see how Daddy and Lucy are doing?"

The poltergeist seized the bottle and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Ya bribing me to get me out of your hair?"

A bemused smile crept onto her features while she popped the p. "Yep. Is it working?"

His broad shoulders lifted then dropped before he tipped the long neck to his lips consuming some of the contents. The dead man pulled the bottle back and flashed his wife another impish grin. "Sure. I'm certain Chuck will be thrilled to see me some more."

Lydia pointed a small finger at his chest and gently reminded him of their exchange minutes ago. "Remember you promised."

His green gaze rotated in their sockets with his blonde head bobbing from side to side and both hands lifting up. "Yeah, Yeah. I'll be nice and show pops that I won't drop him from any stairwells."

Her own stare narrowed, and her dainty hands went to rest on her shapely hips. "Not funny."

Betelgeuse brought up his thumb and pointer finger showing an inch of space. "It's just a little." He cackled at his joke and watched attentively as his wife pointed at him again. "Go. Now."

"Yes Ma'ma." He saluted his angry bride then swooped in to kiss her on the lips before blinking out of sight.

When her husband had disappeared, Lydia tossed her dark head back and let out a deep sigh. She turned to the silent women and smiled before glancing at the counter. "Do you need any help with anything?"

"No, we are just putting some things on platters then we are done. Why don't you unpack your goods?" Her stepmother pointed to the bags then went back to transferring the food onto dishes.

"I can do that." The riled female nodded and went about delicately lifting out her hot dishes from within the bags.

It wasn't long before she had everything open and ready to take to the table. Lydia tilted so that her frame faced her stepmother and asked if they needed any more help. "Do you need me to do anything else?

Delia pointed the spatula at a big bowl of sweet potatoes. "Why don't you begin to take out this bowl?"

"Okay." She picked up the dish and carried it carefully out to the dining room. She set it on the nicely clothed table then went back and forth depositing platters here and there.

After they were done, Lydia slowly sauntered towards the family room to find her husband and child and was hit by the weight of sudden exhaustion. Ugh, just carrying those dishes had spent all of her energy. She placed a hand on belly and gave it a gentle rub. Or her baby was trying to tell her to listen to its daddy? Betelgeuse did tell her to take it easy and so did Irene, but she just couldn't sit by and do nothing. That wasn't in her nature even when she knows that she must.

As Lydia approached the room, the sound of some type of game echoed loudly from the tv. She stepped in to find Betelgeuse sitting on the couch with Lucy on his lap. He bounced their child lightly on the knee causing her to giggle and clap. In the corner was her father sitting in his overstuffed chair nervously watching between the game and the brash poltergeist. He looked like a scared animal stuck in a snare trap. The pregnant woman wondered if having her husband spend some time with her dad was really such a good idea after all.

She cleared her throat and drew their attention. "Hey you guys. The meal is ready."

Her father flew out of his chair rather quickly and hurried past her with a quick thanks. "T…t…thank you, P…p…pumpkin."

"No problem Daddy." She watched him leave the room then turned her focus towards her husband. Her brows rising high in silent questioning.

Betelgeuse shrugged his shoulders and raised his free arm in defense. "I didn't do nothin'. I tried talkin' like you asked but fuck babes, I'd rather converse with Big Red. Hell, I'd probably get more out of her than a bunch of stuttering that dear old pops spews."

Obviously, it hadn't worked since the man bolted from the room in record time. Hopefully her father would eventually relax and stop stammering around her partner. It seemed that it would take a larger amount of time for that to happen. "Just keep trying please. You have to remember that you did try to kill him."

A scoff rang over the loud tv as the dead man stood up and spit out the candid words. "If I had been tryin' to kill him, he would have been dead, sweets. I knew that drop wouldn't do shit to Chuck. He made it, didn't he? "

Lydia rested her forehead against her palm then looked up at him with heavy sigh. "Physically, yes. Emotionally, not so much. Not that my father was emotionally stable to begin with." She began to rock lightly from side to side and tugged her hand through her dark waves. "We did move here to get away from the city, so my dad wouldn't have another nervous breakdown."

His freehand connected with his hip and cocked his blonde brow. "You saying my visit didn't help."

"That is exactly what I'm saying. I guess we will just have to give it some time. Now come on. Barbara aided Delia with some of the dishes, so they aren't that bad this time around. It looks like they are becoming good friends. Better than Otho."

"I'll second that. Though Red and Babs becoming besties most likely will bite me in the ass since they both hate me." The poltergeist ran his hand over his face and into his shaggy mane while shaking his head.

Lydia contemplated his words and shook her own head in disagreement. She didn't think that they hated the dead man. Now it had moved on to something a little less severe. "They don't hate you any longer. These days It's evolved into mild dislike and a slight tolerance in your presence."

His tone was laced with unveiled sarcasm. "Gee that makes me feel much better."

The pregnant woman rubbed her bump and sniffed loudly. "It should. Now I'm getting hungry and need to feed your unborn child."

Betelgeuse's head bowed and swept his hand in the direction of the door. "Well then lead the way, Babes."

Second's later had them walking into the dining room where the other family members had congregated. Lydia noticed that Adam had finally left the attic and was now conversing with her father.

A grin bloomed widely as she called out to the spectacled ghost. "Hi Adam!"

Adam returned the greeting with one of his own. "Hey Lydia!" The light tone hardened as he switched his attention to the poltergeist. "Betelgeuse."

Betelgeuse pulled his pregnant partner firmly to his side and addressed Bab's other half. "Maitland."

Adam's gaze traveled from the specter and to his wife who was chatting with Delia. "Barbara honey, why don't we get going and let them eat?"

Barbara's happy features dimmed at her husband's words and before she could respond, Betelgeuse cut in rudely with a question. "Why ya leaving?"

The couple stared at the dead man as if his head was spinning. "Because we are dead and can't eat."

The poltergeist shrugged his shoulders and looked at them with raised brows. "So, I'm dead and I eat. Doesn't do shit for ya, but at least it's one thing that makes ya feel alive. Haven't ya tried to eat?"

The couple shook their heads in unison as their eyes flicked to the full table. "We haven't been hungry, so we never thought about it really. Would we even be able to taste it?"

Betelgeuse tossed his head back and forth and confirmed their enquiry. "Actually yeah. For some reason we keep our taste buds." He shook his head when it looked like they were going to ask another question. "Don't ask me why. It's just one of the fucked-up things that happens when ya die."

Adam turned to his silent wife and softly asked what she wanted to do. "Honey, do you want to stay?"

Barbara gazed longingly towards the table and her hands twisted together. "If we can eat, Adam, I wouldn't mind. I haven't had green bean casserole in so long and I did make those sweet potatoes that you love."

The dead woman's eyes moved around to the breathing members and tenderly smiled at them. "Do you care if we join you?"

Delia smiled reassuringly and motioned toward some empty seats. "Of course not. You are family after all. Now come sit with us."

They all sat at the large table and began to quietly pass the dishes amongst one another. When their plates were full, they started to eat in comfortable silence.

Delia was the first to break the stillness with a question to her step daughter. "Lydia dear, how is your pregnancy going?"

Lydia swallowed the bite she had taken then reached out to wash it down with some water before answering her stepmother. "It's been good. This month I have been dealing with a little bit of high blood pressure though. Our midwife is going to keep an eye on it just in case it should get worse or I end up with protein in the urine."

Barbara's soft voice joined the conversation with a question of her own. "What does the protein mean?"

The pregnant women slid some more food onto her daughter's tray before peering at the anxious faces of her loved one. She had known as soon as she had brought up the complications of her pregnancy that they all would be worried. It would be best just to explained what it all meant and hope that they would be okay. Hell, she needed them to be okay because she was trying really hard not to let her own anxiety get the best of her. "It could be a sign that we are dealing with the onset of preeclampsia, though you can have it without the protein as well."

Delia's red lips thinned, and concern flooded her lean features. She cleared her throat and tried to hide the worry with another enquiry. "Preeclampsia? That can be dangerous, right?"

Lydia wasn't going to lie. It could be dangerous if not monitored and left to its own accord. "If left untreated, yes. We are just going to keep my blood pressure monitored and should something arise then we will deal with it. As long as we can control it, everything should be fine."

Adam spoke this time around pushing up his glasses that begun to slide down the bridge of his nose. "But the baby is okay?"

She tried to send a reassuring smile to all the worried faces. "Yes, the baby is fine and doesn't seem to be in any kind of distress."

Delia released a shaky breath as her gaze traveled to the munching child and smiled lovingly at her. "That's good to hear. Now how is our little granddaughter doing?"

Lydia fluffed Lucy's hair and smiled when the little girl shook her hand off her head. "Lucy is right on track for her percentile and growing every day. She just started to use the furniture to help walk around. I wouldn't be shocked if before long that she was walking on her own."

"Wow I can't believe she's walking!" Exclaimed Barbara, who leaned her head on her husband's shoulder and sent him a look.

The young mother flashed a grin at her own partner and let out an amused laugh. "Yeah we were surprised when we saw her and so not ready for her to be mobile."

Her father cleared his throat then began to nervously speak. "P…P…Pumpkin, y…y…you w…w…walked ab…b…bout her age."

Surprise lit her features. It was rare when her dad spoke about the past. Her mother wasn't a topic that he talked about that often. "Really?"

He nervously smiled as he continued in his stuttering manner. "Y…y…your mother s…s…said the same thing to me when y…y…you took your first s…steps. I…I…I think we have s…s…some photographs somewhere, d…d…don't we Dee?" His gaze left her to trail to her stepmother who was adding an extra helping of potatoes.

The hungry parental turn up from her plate and shook her head in agreement. "Yes, I think they are in a trunk in one of the closets." She swung her attention towards Lydia once again. "I'll have to find where they are, and I'll have them for you on your next visit."

Lydia inclined her raven head and directed a genuine smile at her stepmother. "Thanks Delia. That would be wonderful."

Delia returned the gesture then shifted her inquisitive gaze to Betelgeuse before flicking back to her form. Her stepmother tried to slyly ask what she wanted to know without exactly asking outright. It was not lost on those in the room. "So….Is everything else good?"

'Real subtle there Delia.' The young mother thought drily as she turned to her husband, brows raising while he just rolled his bright eyes and wisely kept his mouth shut. She bit back a giggle and swung her attention back towards her nosey stepparent. "Everything is great. I've been taking photographs again. It's good to be adding new images to my website and I even sold some to a couple of galleries. Not that we needed the money. I still have quite a bit from my last gallery deal and the proceeds from what was sold. Also, Betelgeuse brings home whatever we need. I am really enjoying staying home with Lucy and cannot wait for the little one to join us."

All eyes moved to the poltergeist at the table with a large dose of curiosity. Adam shoved his frames up again and asked the other dead man what everyone else wanted to know. "Betelgeuse…are you still doing the bio-exorcist gig?"

Betelgeuse wondered when they would stick their noses his way. It had taken less time than he had thought. Biting back his sarcasm, more for his wife than his own benefit, he answered the wholesome ghost. "Naw. I don't do that line of work anymore."

Brows rose at the unexpected response and silence descended for a minute before Delia's lofty tone broke it. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you do then?"

Lydia sat quietly, biting her lip as she waited for her husband's reply. What he did was one of many things that she didn't know about him. Everything about their relationship had happened so fast and she hadn't wanted to come off as nosey and clingy. Plus, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know or not really. Maybe somethings were better left unknown. After all he was a very power and considerably dangerous specter. He had no problem hurting others when need be; Not that he would hurt her, but hell hath no fury like a pissed off poltergeist.

His green gaze left the other dead man and grinned rather smugly at his condescending mother-in-law while boasting with that utter confidence of his. "I now help freshly awaken Netherfolk adjust to the afterlife. I answer any questions and deal with any problems that they might have. By speaking to me, they don't have to use up their visits with their case workers and aren't fed the line of bullshit that comes with it."

Barbara's brow furrowed in confusion and glanced her husband's way then back to the poltergeist. "Why the change?"

A snort erupted from him and tossed his blond mane turning in the direction of the curly headed ghost. "Wouldn't it have been helluva lot easier if you would have had someone there to answer your bloody questions?"

Her furrow deepened even though she agreed with his statement. "Of course, it would have."

Betelgeuse took a bite from his plate then tilted his fork at the couple. "That's why I do it. My time in the waiting room had me realizing that there were way too many Netherfolk saying the same damn thing. They wished that they would have had some guidance instead of that damn handbook or using up a futile visit and getting the run around."

Adam rubbed his chin with his thumb and pointer and shook his head. "That makes sense."

The poltergeist snorted once more and grinned manically. "It sure does, and it pisses off the higher ups in the process."

Lydia smothered her smile at her husband's response with a sip from her glass while silence descended the table.

Soon the plates were empty, and the half-eaten dishes were taken back to the kitchen and packed away for later consumption. The desserts were distributed by request though the cake Lydia had slaved over was on the table waiting to be cut into.

The pregnant mother nudged her husband with her foot and leaned around the high chair to whisper to him. "Since everything is starting to slow down, I think it's time for the reveal."

Betelgeuse could care less if they told the folks or not, but it made his woman happy, so he would go along with it. "Whatever you want to do babe."

Lydia's smile brightened before turning to look at the chatting couples. She cleared her throat and began to talk. "As some of you know, we found out the gender of the baby recently and wanted to do something fun to let you all know what grandbaby you will be greeting in a few months. I made a gender cake…" Motioning with her hand at the white frosted cake while Betelgeuse finished her sentence. "So, we will be hacking into the thing."

If the baby chair wasn't between them, she would have elbowed him. "Thanks B."

He ignored her sarcasm and winked at her cheekily. "Any time love."

Eyes rolling, Lydia pulled the cake closer, so she could cut into it. All watched excitedly as the knife sliced into the fluffy dessert and the pregnant woman carefully lifted out a bright blue piece.

Happy shouts erupted at the sight and the couples hugged each other tightly. "It's a boy!"

After the excitement calmed some, Delia smiled at the duo. "Have you thought about names?"

Lydia shook her dark head at her stepmother. "No not yet. We just found out a couple of days ago and have just been processing that we are having a boy."

Grabbing a napkin, Delia dabbed the corner of her eyes and nudged her husband with a shoulder. "I cannot believe our little girl has not only one child but another on the way." Patting the spots some more, she turned back to Lydia and sniffled slightly. "You grew up in the blink of an eye. Now look at you, married and with kids."

Watching the formidable Delia Deetz tear up was too much for the already sensitive woman. She felt the well of emotions rushing forth and softly pleaded with her stepmother. "Please don't cry. If you do, then I will too. These hormones are worse this time around."

A snort erupted from the side and her husband's unabashed tone washed over the table. "You don't have to tell me."

Her misty eyes narrowed in his direction and lips pinched tightly. The urge to cry evaporated when the rise of anger overwhelmed her. She slapped the table top and bitterly snapped. "What's that supposed to me? Are my mood swings an inconvenience to you, dear husband?"

The other occupants watched with wide curious eyes while the poltergeist scoffed loudly and returned her glare with one of his own. "Now woman, I didn't say that and don't be puttin' words in my mouth! You know I could care two shits about those damn mood swings and you ain't an inconvenience. You will never be one to me, so get that out of your pretty little head."

They glowered at each other for a few minutes before Lydia turned away with a huff and silently reached out to dish herself some of that lemon meringue pie.

No one said anything else as stillness descended upon the group. They all ate their desserts quietly and when finished eating, they slowly started to clean up the dirty dishware.

By the time that everything was picked up and packed away, the sun had begun to set, and the small family was ready to go home. Lucy had started to get cranky and no amount of soothing was working. As for Lydia, she could barely keep her lids open prompting the young mother to head towards the coat closet.

She jumped slightly clutching the coats to her chest when she turned around to find Delia right behind her. Sweet Jesus! How the hell did the woman do that? Was she part ninja or something?

Her stepmother directed a tense smile her way and lightly cleared her throat. "Lydia could I have a minute?"

Delia was nervous and that did not bode well. Lydia's clenched hands tightened on the fabric and her voice pitched slightly as she forced herself to respond. "Sure. What would you like to talk about?"

The older woman flashed another tense smile before carefully weighting her words. "I didn't want to bring it up and I am even more reluctant especially with how you have been feeling lately, but I thought you needed to know." Delia rung her hand tightly together while she grudgingly continued. "I received a call the other day from a detective inquiring about HIM." She spit out the word him as if it were poison and her lips flattened into a thin line.

"You did?" It never crossed her mind that they would call her folks. Why would they need to do that? The urge to vomit hit the edgy woman and her vision began to swim slightly. Couldn't they leave them alone? Luke was gone and wasn't coming back anytime soon. If her blood pressure wasn't high before, it was now. She pushed down the impulse to throw up and took in several deep breaths through her nose. Her tongue felt heavy as she spoke. "What did they want to know?"

Delia didn't seem to notice her stepdaughter's internal battle and answered the young woman's nervous inquiry. "Mostly it was about HIM, but they did ask about your relationship with your husband, Benjamin. It took me a second to realize who they were talking about."

Stepping back so that she was resting against the closed door, her throat seemed to tighten uncomfortably making it hard to respond. "What did you tell them?"

"Well, I didn't know your back story, but I tried to keep it as vague as possible. I said that you and Benjamin used to be involved. It wasn't until a couple years later that you reconnected and ended getting married. It was a far healthier relationship then the one you had with HIM." Delia crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her heeled foot against the hardwood floors. "I also told them that we haven't seen the hide or tail of HIM since he beat the shit out of you and we were called to the hospital. Plus, he wasn't the fatherly type, so it hadn't surprised your father and I that he skipped out on you. Hell, he wasn't even boyfriend material."

Lydia pulled away from the door and ran a shaky hand through her dark hair then sighed heavily. "I'm so sorry Delia. I didn't think that they would call you. Their visit really shook me up and all I wanted to do was put it all behind us. So, it never crossed my mind to warn you that they might contact you."

Delia's harsh features soften while she stepped closer reaching out to lightly touch her bicep. The tone of her voice no longer held the bite it did seconds ago. "Lydia, I know we are not very close, but I do think of you as my daughter and would do anything for you. I never want to see you hurt like you were that day ever again and I most definitely will not help anyone to find out what happen to the punk that did it. He reaped what he sowed and deserved what happened to him." She smiled softly and gave her arm a little squeeze. "After all of that crappy mess, you seem really happy now and I won't have anyone ruining that."

Tears pooled at her stepmother's defense causing the young mother to blink furiously and reached over to touch the hand on her arm. "Thanks Delia."

Delia's smile warmed immensely as she spoke. "Always, my dear."

Lydia batted her lids a few more times and sent a watery smile of her own. "You know, I am happy. So much so that I could burst."

Light eyes flicked to the doorway then back to her form. A sigh left the older woman and grudgingly conceded with the younger woman's words. "Even though I have reservations about your current relationship…I know you are. Now dry your eyes and let's go say our goodbyes with the rest of the family."

Lydia released the hold on her stepmother's hand and stepped away to wipe her wet eyes with the back of her freed hand. She sniffled some and tucked a few strands of hair behind an ear while nodding her head in agreement.

With the conversation over, both women returned so they could begin to bid others farewell.

Once the couple and their child were in the car, the dead man turned his eagle eyes on his quiet wife. He didn't miss the slight puff around her eyes clearly indicating that the waterworks had been running during her interaction with the dragon. "Lyds, you gonna tell me what happened with Big Red?"

Lydia picked at the threads of her coat then glanced up at her husband whispering in return. "Those detectives called and spoke to Delia. She wanted us to know that she didn't give them any information other than a vague story about our past."

The poltergeist grunted loudly, not looking distressed in the slightest from the information just given. "They were most likely checking out our story to see if it matched up. I wouldn't worry about it babe. It's routine in an investigation." He explained while shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly.

His clarification did nothing to sooth her jumbled nerves and her response obviously emphasized that. "Routine. Okay…sure…"

A sigh slipped passed his bloodless lips as he rubbed a hand over his face in frustration. Betelgeuse knew that tone well. His little wife was not easily convinced when it came to the topic of those damned detectives. They had set her on edge which was not something that was good right now. He tried once again to soothe her worried mind by grabbing her hand and bringing it up to his lips to kiss her knuckles lightly. "Seriously Sweetheart, you shouldn't be worrying about it. Not with how ya have been feeling. We don't want your blood pressure raising remember." He kissed the soft skin one more time and a light breath of air escaped her tired form.

Lydia's free hand came up to pinch the bridge of her nose while shaking her weary head in agreement. "I know, but I can't help it though. Just thinking about the whole situation kicks my anxiety into overdrive." She gazed over at him with dewy eyes and watched him skim her knuckles some more then nuzzle it gently against his cheek.

"That's for sure Babe, but dwelling on it ain't gonna do shit, other than putting you and the baby in danger." He tenderly pulled the female in question into his embrace and held her tightly as he whispered reassuring into her ear. "I've told ya before that they're not gonna find anything."

She clung to him closely, burying her face between the juncture of his neck and taking in the calming earthy scent. Warm breath tickled the poltergeist's cool skin while the pregnant woman voiced the apprehension she was currently experiencing. "What if they do?"

Betelgeuse reached up to stroke her hair soothingly and vehemently made a vow. "They won't. I promise you that Babe." He kissed the crown gently before reluctantly releasing her. "Now let's get you and Bug home."

Lydia wiped her damp gaze and shook her head, pulling away to buckle herself in. "Okay B." Even with his reassurances she couldn't help the inkling of worry that smothered her waking days. Don't worry he says but how could she not when she has so much to lose. Air forced from her nose as she laid her head back against headrest and closed her tired eyes. The lull of the moving vehicle had her anxious form sleeping within minutes.

Once they got home, the poltergeist sat back against his seat and took a couple of cleansing breaths. His vision turned to his small wife and watched her chest slowly rise and fall as she peacefully slept on. Their conversation earlier had troubled his mind the whole drive home. He rubbed his palm against his face then ran his fingers through his shaggy hair. Betelgeuse wasn't sure what he could do to make his wife feel better. Keeping her relaxed and worry free was the key but fuck if he knew how to accomplish that. Right now, all he can do is take his sleeping family in the house and deal with it as it comes.

The dead man rubbed his face some more before finally slipping out of the vehicle. He quietly opened the rear door and unbuckled his sleeping child then carried her into the house. He carefully deposited her into the crib juicing her into pajamas and pulling a light blanket over her tiny body. Giving her cheek a soft kiss, the poltergeist made his way back into the garage to get his slumbering wife.

Betelgeuse silently opened the passenger door and gently released his unconscious partner from the seat then tried not to jostle her awake when he lifted her from the car. He shut the door with his hip and made his way back into the dwelling.

Stepping into their room, he approached their bed and rested his exhausted woman on the soft surface. The poltergeist's fingers snapped replacing her outfit for a comfortable sleep shirt and juicing the blanket out from under her to cover her already shivering frame.

He glanced at his watch and debated if he was still going to run that errand. It was pretty late though time meant nothing in the Netherworld. Hell, time wasn't the factor here; the red tape was and could take forever to get shit processed. It was better to get this done so he didn't end up breaking the rules. Not that it bothered him any to do so, but he promised Lyds and damn if he'd break it. Fuckin' a, he was pussywhipped. The dead man never thought that day would come. Betelgeuse laughed quietly to his self and shook shaggy head while he bent down to kiss his slumbering wife lightly on the lips before blinking out of sight. He popped into a familiar dingy office and kicked back in one of the chairs to wait for the old girl to come.

Juicing himself a cigarette, the specter slowly drew in a lung full of smoke and scanned the room. It hadn't changed much. It was still drab and boring as all hell. At least she shut the damn shutters this time around. Ha, the old bat must have gotten sick of seeing all those sheep perform the same shit every single fucking day.

The door creaked as it opened drawing the dead man's attention and watched his old mentor step into the small room.

She looked none too pleased when she spotted the sprawled-out poltergeist. Her pale eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Geuse, what are you doing here?"

Betelgeuse puffed on his cigarette and blew out a few rings of smoke. "Aww. Is that anyway to talk to your favorite person?"

Juno scanned the room and shrugged her bony shoulders. "Who is that? I don't see them."

The old broad did have a sense of humor after all. He placed a hand over his still heart and sent her a wounded look. "Ouch and here I thought we were getting along so well."

A snort escaped her frail frame as she made her way to her desk. "You thought wrong. Now what do you want?" Juno flicked her boney hand at his boots and glared icily. "And get your feet off my desk."

His feet dropped from the table top and carefully adjusted himself in the chair. The poltergeist continued to puff on his cigarette as he juiced some papers in front of her. "I have some things I need to get approved."

The old woman's face light up with surprise then tightened in suspicion once again while thumbing through the paperwork. "When have you ever asked to do something?"

Betelgeuse contemplated her words for a second and shrugged his shoulder. "Well fuck never, but there is always a start. I told ya that shit was gonna change." He drew in another breath of smoke and watched his prior superior.

Her thin brow rose while she questioned him further. "And you come to me, Why?"

An amused laugh sprung from him and he shook his head. "As much as ya don't want to admit. You're my case worker, Junie. If I want somethin' done, I'm gonna have to go through you. Everything ya need is right there. All ya have to do is turn them in for approval."

Juno straightened the papers then set them down in front of her. "I will have to look at these before I turn in anything from you Geuse."

The dead man agreed with her request and bowed his head in her direction. "Fair enough, but it's all there nonetheless. I know the rules just as much as you do." He flashed her a toothy grin and raised his lit cig to his dry lips.

"You know the loop holes as well." Stated the sarcastic case worker with another pointed glare.

Betelgeuse wasn't perturbed in the slightest and instead appeared to be rather pleased. "That I do. Though It's not like those other times, but…if ya wanna read all that paperwork, well, I ain't not gonna stop ya. I guess ya have to do something to deal with all of this fuckin' boredom."

Juno shook her head sadly, lighting a cigarette of her own. "Not all of us are bothered by the office setting."

His face contorted into a snarl and the words that flew out of the specter's mouth were sharp as razors. "Or ya just don't wanna stir the water and make waves."

She didn't seem fazed by his insinuation and sucked in a large puff of smoke. Some leaked out of the wound in her neck as she spoke. "We've reaped what we sowed."

He thumbed at himself and tossed his blonde head in disagreement. "Not me. I just got placed here cuz they didn't know what do with me after that incident with my car."

"Your car was alive and causing mass destruction in the Netherworld." Said Juno dryly, her free hand coming up to pinch the bridge of her nose.

Betelgeuse's green gaze glazed over at the memory then his smirk widened with humor. "What can I say, he just wanted to have a good time."

A billow of smoke escaped the wound as the elderly woman sighed heavily from the clear lack of remorse on the dead man's part. "I wouldn't call plowing into Netherfolks and their pets a good time."

He looked at her as if she had gone nuts and flail his arms in the air in exasperation. "No one got hurt and shit, they are dead for fucks sake!"

Ashing her cigarette into a small ashtray on her desk, Juno threw him another sharp glare then pointed it at him. "I was not speaking about physical damage. Some are still seeing therapists because of it."

"Hmm…No shit." He sat in contemplative silence sucking slowly on the last of his cig before raising his arm to lower his sleeve, so he could glance at his watch. He flicked the cigarette butt and it vanished just as it was about to hit the floor. Betelgeuse adjusted his jacket and grinned toothily at the quiet caseworker. "Well Junie this has been fun, and I'd love to stay and shoot the shit about my past deeds, but I have another place to be. You know how to get a hold of me if ya need to."

Sarcasm was heavy on her tongue while shaking her head for the umpteenth time. "It was a blast as always..."

The poltergeist rotated his shoulders and puffed out his chest as he boasted. "When the ghost with the most is involved it is."

The older women rocked her pale eyes toward the ceiling taking in another puff of smoke before waving the big-headed ghost with her boney hand. "Go Geuse, before I come to my senses and change my mind."

Betelgeuse just grinned at her broadly and winked while blinking out of sight.