
A Duelist in Marvel (Yugioh X Marvel)

Shawn a fan of anything duel monsters dies and wakes up in Marvel with a mission find the scattered millennium items and keep the secret of duel monsters and shadow games hidden.

wiz161 · Movies
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22 Chs

Ch. 18 Initiation of 'X'

(A few days later)

POV: Shawn Valon

Location: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

"...I'm starting to regret my decision of attending this school," I said unable not to notice the many looks I and by proximity X-23 were getting from our future fellow students.

Kitty: "Oh don't worry it's just you'll be the first non-mutant to attend the school as a student," said Kitty Pryde aka 'Shadowcat' as she lead X-23 and me through the school's main hallway past open classroom doors and large communal areas.

Kitty Pryde was in her early to mid-twenties long and messy brown hair going past her shoulders and was an easy nine out of ten with an extra point from the air of kindness she just radiated.

she wore a yellow and black skin-tight suit with yellow boots with a red and black belt with the iconic 'X' symbol on the front.

Today we would be introduced to our fellow students officially but word has gone around the school that a mutant and her nonmutant friend would be attending soon.

Most likely the new mutants who barged in on our Danger Room session couldn't keep their mouths shut, but Xavior neither confirmed nor denied it so it was an educated guess on how the news spread to the student body.

"So are we going back to the dangerous because I think we just passed the not-so-secret elevator down?" I asked pointing at the inconspicuous bookshelf that hid the elevator down Kitty smiled and shook her head.

Kitty: "Nope your both here to introduce yourselves and show off what you can do so we set up a little introduction course for you both," she said and I could tell she was excited which made me feel a little nervous.

"What kind of introduction course?" I asked but Kitty merely put a finger to her lips and winked at me.

- - - - - - - - - - -


'Well she seems to be enjoying herself,' I thought as I stood overlooking the so-called introduction course that the X-men had set up for X-23 and but what they had set up wasn't exactly what I had in mind.

The introduction course was in a massive semi-underground gymnasium/auditorium where the larger student body of the school trained and played with their powers unlike the Danger Room this gym didn't have holographic scenario creation but it still could create physical constructs, traps, and different training robots and above it, all was a display like a basketball ball game which showed highlights and the trainee's information im sure if it wasn't a one vs many right now it would be a really impressive display.

'How the hell is Xavior paying for all of this?" is thought as I watched the broken machines and mechanisms slowly get absorbed and self-repair.

then I watched as X-23 was suddenly trapped in between two pillars that suddenly sprouted from the ground only for her to rip herself out of the confined space and continue her rampage through the metal constructs.

But I wasn't the only one a second later I had to cover my ears as the loud cheers of the observing students also watched.

"Holy shit look at this girl go!"

"How is she still going?"

"Isn't she supposed to be new?"

"See her claws they look like professor logans don't they?"

"Who cares I want to see the human get wrecked!"

I felt my body shiver a little at the last comment I heard and my blood froze as I heard other students agree with the comment

'I knew by coming to this school there would be some resentment from the student but not this soon,' I thought but a part of me realized I was just being naive and probably a bit too hopeful.

But before I could dwell on it I felt a firm hand land on my shoulder turning I looked into the familiar red visor of Scott Summers aka 'Cyclops'.

He was in his mid-twenties head of brown hair and wore a yellow and blue jumpsuit with far too many pockets and straps.

Cyclops: "You Nervous?" he asked giving me a friendly smile and I nodded "Don't be your session won't be the same as hers," he said and I turned my head back to the action just in time to see X-23 bisected a robot.

"So I won't have to fight wave after wave of robots while avoiding and escaping random traps and obstacles under the watchful gazes of my fellow students and future teachers?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Cyclops: "No that part is still the same but we won't be dropping you on the deep end like hers but your session will get harder over time so be prepared," he said and I nodded.

Just then with the decapitation of the last robot soldier, the morphing and moving metal around her stopped.

[...Leval Charlie: Wave 5 completed beginning Level Charlie: Wave 6...]

{Difficulty Level Easiest to Hardest}

{Echo, Deta, Charlie, Beta, Alpha, Omega}

Wolverine: "Welp she had a good run...Better get the gurney ready Chuck she ain't about to go down without a few scrapes," he said stopping to smoke an old-looking cigar.

"What makes you say that?" I asked as I watched Xavior mentality send out a command to someone.

From what I could see X-23 had been a non-stop robot blender from the moment this whole thing started.

Wolverine: "Trust me kid she's a few good hits away from dropping and after wave 5 the kiddy gloves come off," he said lighting the cigar.

I just raised an eyebrow at the man not understanding what he meant but after a few moments into wave six, I couldn't help but have my jaw drop.

At first, I didn't see any difference between the waves except for the number of soldiers you need to take down before the next wave began and the difficulty of the opticals and traps.

But then as X-23 was dealing with the normal robot soldiers on the opposite side of the field a large opening began to form and from it was a Sentinel.

After overcoming my utter shock at seeing the mutant killing robot I was able to observe it and a few things stuck out to me about it the first being it was considerably smaller than what I expected it was 11 or 13 feet tall and a majority of its chest, arms, legs, and a few other areas weren't armored.

But it made up for these faults by having an arsenal of weapons on it as from its chest two cylinder-like cases opened and showered the field with mini missiles.

'Oh I am so dead' I thought but I shook my head and began thinking of the best strategy to survive my ordeal for as long as I could.

But like Wolverine had said it only took a few good hits before X-23 was knocked unconscious on the field and by extension, the robots and Sentinel all stood down and disappeared back into the floor while X-23 was taken by Beast to the infirmary.

as she was taken away Cyclops led me to a locker room I had a few minutes to prepare myself and be alone...well I'm never really alone anymore.


"Sorry but I'm going to need numbers to keep myself going out there not power," I said finally deciding on the deck I would be using.


"I know you'd love to show off but I need to make this into a show that they enjoy not a display of power to scare them," I said checking out my stats.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

<Name- Shawn Valon>

<Title's- Runaway, Trainee, True Duelist, Eyes of Red, Need-4-Speed, Lone Duelist>

<Lv- 7>

<Age- 16>


Str- 25

Dex- 21

Int- 29

Cha- 22

Luk- 26


•Swordplay- "Stick'em with the pointy end."


•Hand to hand- "I am a weapon."


•Magic- "You're a wizard Harry."


•Summomer- "I summon. . ."


•Driving- "Let's Rev it up!"




15, 0, 0

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A/N: (I never explained the skill rankings my bad 😅)

{lowest to highest}

Beginner, Rookie, Novice, Trainee, Apprentice, Squire, Knight, Lord, Duke, King, Emperor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Just as I was about to close the system a mission appeared making me feel like I was making the right choice.

[Mission: Ready...Set...Action Duel!]

•The spotlight is on you and you alone with the eyes, ears, minds, and souls of those observing ready to see what you're made of best not to disappoint them.

•Defeat up to Wave 5 any further bonus rewards will be delegated.

•The System will initiate your first action duel if you accept the mission if you decline action duels will be locked until another opportunity.


-100,000 Gems-

•Action Duel available

•Gx Duel Disk

•5 Large mana crystals

• Pendulum Pendant

• 1 Random item from the shop



-Title: School Outcast

-Action Duels unavailable permanently



"Do I even have a choice?" asked but got no answer I hesitantly accepted the mission and made my way out but stopped and looked at myself in the mirror.

I still wore my classic outfit red jacket, black T-shirt, black jeans, and black boots after a bit of consideration I closed my eyes and focused then after feeling a shift I opened my eyes and smiled.

I now wore light fantasy knight armor my Duel Disk have molded into my arm gauntlet with a long red scarf with a sheath on my back noticing this I raised my hand and focused my shadow became darker and began to ripple like water as from it came the [Sword of the Obnoxious Celtic Guardian] which I pulled the rest of the way out and slipped it into place on my back.


"Thank you, Pegasus..." I said to myself as I headed out of the locker room.

I walked down the large hallway to the open gymnasium only to find X-23 standing at the opening I couldn't help but notice the straps still around her arms and legs that hung cut.

"You know they probably had a tv you could watch this from in the infirmary you didn't have to come down here to wish me luck?" I said but I got no response back not even a mental one as she held out her hand.

Raising an eyebrow at her action I shrugged and from my shadow, her duel disk and deck appeared and I handed them to her and I watched as she hurried back down the passage.


'Yeah but she wasn't any weirder than usual,' I thought as I walked out onto the field where I immediately felt my legs want to become jelly as I looked around at the stands full of people of many different shapes and sizes.

Taking a few deep breaths I looked up to where the original X-men now teachers stood and nodded toward them as I activated my Duel Disk.

[Level Charlie: Wave 1...Error...connection to Duel Disk established Action Duel...parameters...Accepted...Duel Field...ERROR...activated: Starry Night Sky]

As the computer-like voice made the announcement I saw the looks of confusion descend upon everyone watching only for that confusion to intensify as the metallic and grey training field suddenly turned into grassland and the ceiling above became a beautiful night sky with golden stars making a path through the cosmos and from the sky, and suddenly a ball of glowing cards exploded and dozens of them fell to the ground.

'Action card gotta try and remember where they fall,' I thought as I tried to watch them all fall to the ground tracking where they landed.

But then as the last card landed the ground shook and metal pillars sprung up from the ground and from them, the familiar metal robots appeared.

"Let's get this Duel started!" I said drawing my hand only to hesitate as the first robot suddenly transformed into a Duel Monster and with a Roar jumped right at me sword poised to skewer me.

I quickly jump back and made to draw my hand when a blue screen appeared.

[Bonus Mission: What's training for?]

•You've put yourself through the wringer everyday time to show off what you've learned.

•Defeat 5 monsters without summoning.



Quickly skimming the blue screen I accepted the mission and quickly dismissed it as I dodged another monster that had appeared this one on all fours and I recognized it as Silver Fang.

<Monster- Silver Fang>

<Atribute- Earth>

<Level- 3>



Attack- 1200

Defense- 800

The silver-furred wolf quickly rebounded on its feet its open jaw going for my throat but it didn't even make it halfway to its target.

*Ksshh* *Swish*

I drew and swung my sword in one smooth motion decapitating the monster and I followed as its body and head fell separately its fanged mouth still open.


"D-did I just do that?" I asked no one as I was honestly so surprised by what I had just done that the small blue counter disappeared just as I noticed it.

*Grr* *Roar*

Flinching at the sudden growl and roar in my head I barely noticed the reflection of my bewildered face in the battle axe that had just missed my head by mere inches.

<Monster- Battle Ox>

<Atribute- Earth>

<Level- 4>



Attack- 1700

Defense- 1000

"Thanks, Red-Eyes paying attention now!" I said quickly as I swung out with my blade only to have my attack parry and kicked me in the chest sending me skidding backward and knocking all the air out of my chest.

Battle Ox not missing a beat bent down and charged forward its horned helm poised to impale me as I tried to catch my breath.

I rolled to the side my chest burning for my effort as I felt the air blow by me as Battle Ox passed by where I once stood.

But I didn't have time to relax as a familiar glint in my peripheral had me swing around and bring my sword up just in time to block the sword that tried to skewer me earlier.

<Monster- Hero of the East>

<Atribute- Earth>

<Level- 3>



Attack- 1100

Defense- 1000

Our swords locked together I tried to think of a way to beat the monster in front of me only to hear the familiar heavy steps of Battle Ox behind me I smiled.

Then as the heavy steps got closer I dodged to the side and heard a collision and looked up to see Battle Ox struggling to stop his momentum and the Hero of the East crushed.


'Should that one count?' I thought but dismissed it as I quickly stood up and charged Battle Ox.

Seeing my charge it swung its large ax out at me but it was unbalanced making its swing clumsy and easy to dodge letting me get close to shove my blade into its throat.


"Fuck me...I-oh shit!" I shouted as I ran dodging the pillar of fire and looked up to see the source of the flames was a familiar orange dragon.

<Monster- Baby Dragon>

<Atribute- Wind>

<Level- 3>



Attack- 1200

Defense- 700

The little dragon hovered a few feet off the ground and chipped happily as smoke bellowed out of its nostrils.

Seeing it distracted I charged at the dragon but before I could even get close to it the baby dragon's chest suddenly inflated to a ridiculous size.

Throwing myself to the side and covering myself I felt the heat wash over me and I started to sweat.

'How the hell am I going to get close enough to hit the damn thing?' I thought and looked through the system hoping to find a skill or item I could buy as I threw myself to the sides of pillars of flame.