
A Drifting Whirlwind.

Awakened into a new world with little memories in mind, only coarse collections of misty events and his single name, Diacrao is thrusted into this new world that is foreign to that from a world that he supposedly once called home, but he is not alone in this endeavor, along with him are a few individuals who shares a similar fate. He, and the others would find out that this new world is larger then life, and are to witness a new dawn that would change their lives. エエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエ The cover picture is a modified picture that has been modified using an anime filter. Credits to the original user who had taken the original picture. This story would be a slow burner, a real slow burner, and updates would be inconsistent given my schedule. I apologize for any inconvenience. This work will be rife with grammatical errors and mediocre writing. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. !! Chapter revamps are taking place, so there will be plot altercations. !! エエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエエ Hello Everyone, my schedule has been tight and my uploads has been inconsistent, i apologize for the slow delays everyone.

Karaoni_a · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 12: A new scenery.

Securing their first victory and earning a few pieces of silver was a much needed motivational boost they needed to keep their morale high. Sure, it wasn't a grand victory, but it was a stepping stone for the group to advance forward and improve on the tactics that they had employed to secure their aforementioned glory.

The newfound resolve gave them a reason to continue their tasks, and for the next few weeks, they traversed around the forest and fought against the outlying, outnumbered gnolls that they were able to take down. They proceeded with caution, of course, and as time went on, they improved their tactics and coordination as a group when facing their enemies. This further contributed to their advancement in taking down foes in the forests.

Their income growth was modest, but it was steady, at least, for now. Aside from the costs that were spent on basic necessities such as food and equipment maintenance, they were able to spend the extra on skills enhancements, each learning new abilities that enabled them to be much stronger in their own regards.

As the weeks went by, it seemed like their ventures into the forests had started to wear some of them down, citing that it was already becoming dull and boring dealing with the same enemies in the same region. Diacrao personally felt comfortable with the forest and found the steady challenge and income source were too good enough for a party of their caliber, but Conrad, Chiasoka, and Zemfina have stated plans to move to another place, a place that might bring them more rewards and expand their combat knowledge, putting their new skills to test as well.

It was risky, but alas, they can't be beating around the forest forever, they have to move on, and Aitana, the de facto group leader, has unanimously agreed to their decision to take a breath of fresh air and move on to a new hunting spot. Their new hunting grounds would be the ruined city of Azawe situated northeast of the forests, not too far away, but it was still a considerable distance to travel.

The group heard of Azawe, but Kadungon had some knowledge of its history based on his conversations with the locals he met. As explained by Kadungon, Azawe was a border city founded by Zanziyin and Kharash traders in ancient times, sitting at a strategic position that was connected with the traders from the interior. Due to this economic factor, the city quickly grew in size and leveraged its geographical position, attracting traders from the interior and from the port towns. During the rise of the Kharash empire, the city came under their influence and became among the principal economic centers in the region.

However, during their decline and the rise of the Xeyrian empire, the city was unfortunately sacked a few times and its population declined due to the conflicts. The nail in the coffin was during the Civil War when the city was besieged for four months, and what followed was a sacking that lasted for a few weeks. By then the city was far from its former glory and it was subsequently abandoned by most of its inhabitants. In its place, Gnolls have moved in and invaded the city, displacing its remaining inhabitants and securing the ruined city as their homeland.

But from what it looks like, the gnolls were inept in masonry or maintenance, content with the ruined stone structures that were only reinforced by crude wooden supports that barely held onto the ruined stone structures. Its streets were overtaken by nature and wild animals such as the antelope drink from the ruined fountains scattered across the city. 

Despite its ruinous state, the party still marveled at its ruins, especially Diacrao, who still found its masonry, while corroded and decayed, had a charm that alludes to its ancient accomplishments and its once economic marvel. It spurred mixed emotions of admiration and sadness within him.

Once a great city, now left in ruins and decayed, a harsh reality that not all great things last forever.


The ruined walls, if it could hardly ever be considered as one was the first sight that greeted the adventurers, its ruined archways with stone rubbles were covered with moss and overgrown weed. It was the entrance to the ruined city of Azawe, and thankfully, no gnolls stood guard at the entrance. The party advanced directly into the entrance, but it wasn't long before Zemfina guided the party to stay away from the main streets and navigate through the ruined buildings so that they don't become bait for the gnolls.

They weren't alone in this foray, just a few hours ago, they heard that a few parties were planning their venture into the ruined city, some having made a few rounds in the city already. When Kadungon and Conrad asked them for any useful tips, they only provided sparse advices that weren't too beneficial, but was still helpful, nonetheless.

The interiors of the decayed buildings were littered with collapsed walls and woodworks that made it hard to navigate through, sometimes creating obstacles and narrow passageways that forced the party to take it to the mainroad before heading into another building for cover. Aside from Conrad who was able to maintain some form of discreet in his footsteps, the rest of the party were creating creaks and cracks from the rubbles and old wooden floors that they stepped on.

They wandered like mice around the city, and this went on for about a good thirty minutes, before they were able to find a pretty decent spot, underneath two ruined pillars that crashed onto each, creating some form of cover, while there was an opening that led to another side of the street. It seemed like a good place to rest, and plan out their roles for now.

Kadungon, being the biggest and acting as the porter for the party, laid down the bag containing their essentials such as food, cooking equipment and other survival kits alongside his own personal items inside. It was a heavy load, and he rested his back on a stone slab after placing the bag down. Chiasoka offered him her canteen of water to quench his thirst, but Kadungon refused, granting his thanks, but he was not thirsty, yet.

Aitana wasted no time, and took a stick that laid around, and drew a makeshift map on the ground, laying out the groundworks and strategy that they should employ in this new urban terrain.

"The urban terrain is full of surprises, I am shocked we have not encountered a gnoll party yet, only antelopes, deers and rabbits." Diacrao shared his thought on the journey they had so far. Indeed he was right, it was rather shocking that they encountered no gnolls yet.

"That's because we have been skirting around the city's edges, I believe. We haven't yet penetrated into the city's interior yet. That's where the meat and potatoes lies." Zemfina replied to Diacrao's question, to which he nodded in agreement.

"So what are we waiting for? Harvesting season? let's pierce through the heart and kill some gnolls! After we sort out our plan of course." Conrad excitedly poured his enthusiastic sentiment, as he kneeled down in front of Aitana's makeshift map that was becoming much more coherent now, and it seemed like there were a few stones already placed to help illustrate much better.

"The tactics we used in the forest isn't gonna be as useful in this urban terrain. The gnolls know more about this city then we do. We need to discuss the possible outcomes and dangers we need to be aware of." Aitana begun the discussion, placing her hands under her chin which formed her usual pondering expression.

"Firstly, I shall take note about traps that could possibly lurk around the ruins. I have only seen a few possible traps that could have been disabled or activated by an unfortunate soul." Diacrao gave his input of his concern. "So I suggest we stay aware when treading through this city, and possibly deactivate these traps. I am sure Conrad might be able to deactivate them so that we don't run into them in the future, and other parties might not face this trouble either." He followed by with a solution to his input.

"You want me to do what!?!?!" Conrad shockingly replied to the suggestion. "I can deactivate traps, but not complex traps! and besides I am not ready to do charity for the other parties!! They barely even helped us! Take a look at their helpful advice, it didn't even mentioned traps for gods sake!" He continued his tirade.

"Well as far as I have noticed they are not complex traps, just bear traps. But its too early to judge. Besides, you will be doing  us a favor if you deactivate them. Food's on me tonight Conny." Diacrao assured Conrad, to which the rogue just sighed and agreed. Aitana, and the rest of the party seems to agree and taken Diacrao's advice into consideration.

"Alright, speaking of traps, I am pretty sure we should also be aware of gnoll's lurking in the dark corners and springing into an ambush. Those guys know the terrain much better than we do, and this isn't their first rodeo anyways, so bet every strand of my hair that these gnolls are gonna strike us from these ruins! And god forbid we run into any of their encampments." Conrad gave his side of his input towards the party.

"Hmmm, that is valid, but what do you suggest we do?" Aitana asked in response of his input.

"Glad you asked, that's why me and Zemfina are here, we shall do the scouting and provide any useful info's from our scouting missions. After all, just because its the city don't mean we ain't useful!" And he's got a point, after all, scouts are still a beneficial part of the party.

"You got a point, Zemfina? Are you okay with the plan?" Aitana asked Zemfina's confirmation to see if she was alright, and she replied with a quick nod. 

"Oh! I would like to add one more thing, We should also be careful of blind spots where these gnoll archers might lie. The multistoried buildings and the ruins would be a good vantage points for these gnoll archers to pick our numbers apart, and from what I heard, they would like to target healers!" Chiasoka popped into the conversation, which surprised Conrad and Diacrao.

"Huh....they are targeting healers? Guess they are not too dumb after all." Aitana responded. 

"I suggest we should survey the areas before advancing through, and have each other's back, especially Aitana's back since she would be a high priority target. Kulaweka everybody?"

And everyone nodded in agreement to Chia's statement. Without their healer, they would have a hard time trying to aid them in the medical regards.

"If I may..." Kadungon arose from his sitting position and leaned forward to the discussion to voice out his opinion. "This made me realize that we are potentially up against enemies that are much better armed than the forest gnoll's. We might fight more armored foes, and perhaps organized warbands with cohesive tactics. What if they become too overwhelming for us?" He stated, and the party was hit with a sudden realization that it could be true, since the gnoll's would be better armed, and equipped with better armors.

"What if we pick out outlying gnolls and patrols as a starter?" Zemfina suggested. 

"That would be a good idea, Zemfina, I think it would be a good start to get us familiarized with their tactics and armaments'. I think that is a good idea, what does everyone think?"

The rest of the party mates thought to themselves about the idea, but alas, they agreed that would have been the much viable option at the moment, at least until they understand the enemies in the city and it's layout. 

"Personally. I think the city might have a few districts that gnoll's have laid out, but we haven't really gotten much clue about it. We can gather more information about this from our hunts, and scouting, and from asking the locals and other adventurers about it as well. There might be some who would know about it." Aitana finally gave her input on the matter.

"But we shall not waste anymore time, any other suggestion everyone?" Everyone seemed to have no other opinion to share, except for Diacrao, who raised his hands up randomly. "When are we gonna have lunch?" He asked, as his stomach grumbled.

Aitana giggled. "Later, silly, I am sure you can hold it in for a while, can you?".

"Yeah, of course. Let's wrap things up here then." Diacrao replied as he got up.

Everyone grabbed their equipment and did their routine check to see if they are prepared for battle. Once they were equipped and ready to go, they headed out into the city's interior to hunt down some gnolls.

Kulaweka is a slang in the Zanziyin Language for "understood". Its based off the Swahili word for "understood", which would be "kueleweka".

Karaoni_acreators' thoughts