
Segment I: Scott D. Owens

Third Person's POV

In a far corner on the back of the classroom, sits a quiet unnoticeable girl with a book in her hand. Her pale brown hair rested above her shoulder in a braid, her skin was pale and thin, the freckles that was on her nose bridge can be seen as the sunlight from the window hits her face, and her uniform, which was from her first year days, tightly hugged her petite body. The girl was quietly reading her book, uninterested in her surroundings as she was too immersed on what she was reading. It was this exact reason why her book was easily snatched from her hand.

"Ah!" The girl exclaimed. She nervously looked the person who snatched her book from her and was immediately relieved to see that it was her friend. "Hey! I was already on the good part!" She complained. "Yeah, I can see that." Her friend sarcastically rolled her eyes. The girl giggled at her friend's usual remark. "What do you want, Gabriella?" She asked, her hands were raised in defeat. "Nothing much, Giselle." Her friend endearingly called out her name in a low tone. "Just, can you not do this stuff? You look boring!" Gabriella furrowed her eyebrows as she examined the book in her hand. "What stuff? You mean reading?" Giselle rolled her eyes at her friend's silliness. "What else were you doing? Duh." Gabriella rolled her eyes back at her. They continued to bicker at each other while giggling.

"Ugh. Can you not?" A girl in the middle row of the classroom blurted out. She looked at the two girls in disdain as she placed her mirror down her desk. Giselle and Gabriella stopped laughing and just qiuetly stared at the girl which made the girl raise her eyebrow at them. "Yeah whatever, your royal highness, Ellise." Gabriella rolled her eyes before looking at her friend again. The girl who was just called Ellise gasp in shock at what Gabriella just did and just rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Ugh! Losers!" She exclaimed, before going back to staring at her reflection in her portable hand mirror again.

Giselle looked at her friend in horror, "Oh my god!" She whispered in a shocked tone. "Yeah, I know right!" Her friend proudly said. They then both giggled at each other's ridiculousness.

a few minutes later and their teacher walled towards the classroom. A familiar group of boys followed behind her. Everyone stared at them, some were excited but some were horrified and scared. Of course, who wouldn't be when these were the same group of guys who are notorious for their awful and tyrannical attitudes.

"They wouldn't transfer in our classroom, would they?" the students whispered at each other, the tones differ on each individual. This caused a quiet commotion in the classroom. Everyone was filled with questions.

"Quiet down students!" The teacher loudly said, grabbing the attention of the whole classroom. Everyone looked at the teacher, they were observing the situation. "Ehem" The teacher cleared his throat. "Today, these gentlemen are transferring to our classroom for some reasons I am not obliged to tell you. Anyways, I know everyone already knew of their name so introductions are already unnecessary." The teacher announced, his face was stern as he nonchalantly sat on his seat.

"Please. Pick your seats." The teacher raised his arms as if he were instructing them to sit down. The group ignored him and sit on each seat they laid their eyes on, the back row.

Giselle quietly examined the group as they drove away the students who were just sitting on their now seat by scaring them off with their threathening stares. She shaked her head in disappointment before focusing back on her book, not noticing the intense stare one guy was giving her. The guy, with his bleached gray hair and countless piercings nudged his friends, signaling them to look at Giselle who was blissfully reading her horror novel book. They smirked and laughed at each other before chatting with each other again.


The bell rang as a signal for the end of classes. The teacher bid her farewells to the student before withdrawing from the classroom.

Giselle stretched out her whole body before arranging her things. She decided to wait for her friend Gabriella who carried the class notes to bring at the faculty as the teacher requested.

She just finished arranging her stuff when suddenly a tall shadow towered her. She looked up just to meet the gaze of a certain gray haired fellow.

Confused, she asked the man, "How may I help you?" She couldn't think of anything particular that she did for him to approach her.

"Nothing much, just wondering if you want to have a drink with us." The guy said, smiling. Giselle looked at the guy dumbfounded, before looking on the guy sitting behind him. She looked at the guy standing infront of her again and told him, "I'm sorry, I don't drink."

The guy's mates laughed at him which strucked his ego. He looked at the thin petite girl in front of him again, his eyes were not friendly at all. "C'mon girl... I know you actually want to drink with us, no need to act all shy." He said in a condescending tone with a smug look on his face. "I really don't drink, please ask someone else, I apologize." She rejected him again as she stood up and grab her things. This angered the man so he grabber her arm as she was about to walk away. "Now, now, there's no need to be like that." He said in a low voice. Giselle looked at the guy, not showing any of the fear she was actually feeling inside. She looked around the classroom and noticed that it was already empty and only the seven of them are there. Next, she looked at the guy's friends, they were laughing as they watch their own friend except for one man who was sitting quietly in gis chair.

"Let me go." Giselle said, trying to take away her arm. "No need to act this way, just drink with us girly." The guy said playfully. Giselle wasn't liking it at all, she know deep down that associating herself with these peoples would bring her harm.

"Oh my god! Let me go!!" She loudly said, fighting her way out of the guy's grasp. The men only laughed at her futile efforts. "What's wrong girly, you better be thankful that I'm even offering someone like you to drink with us." He told her. "I don't care! Let go of me!!" Giselle roared.

Finally, a palm rested on Giselle and the man's shoulder. "Scott D. Owens, that's quite enough." The man said, smiling at the gray haired man. The gray haired guy, who's name was Scott, immediately let the girl go before backing away cautiously. The group stopped laughing as the man with blonde hair, who was just sitting a while ago, stood up and stopped them. The man patted Giselle on the shoulder, bent down to face her and smiled at her apologetically, "I apologize for my mate's actions, it was really disrespectful to do that to a woman, wasn't it?" "Ah, n-no, I'm fine, thanks..." Giselle was flustered. Anyone would if someone as handsome as him is too close. She blinked at the man and studied his facial features. He was really handsome, his nose was sharp and thin, his jaws were well defined for someone his age, his eyes has a mesmerizing and clear hue of deep sea blue, his skin was glowing and clear, and his lips were plump and rosy. She noticed how the other 5 were handsome, but was incomparable to this guy in front of her. To say that she was in love at first sight was a understatement. She was never this awestruck with any men before. "U-Uhm. Anyways, I'll get going now." She smiled politely as she regained her composure. "Sure. I wouldn't want to keep you occupied now." He chuckled at her. She bowed at him then quickly walked away from the classroom, her heart was beating so loud and fast. She held both her cheeks and squeezed them when she realized how hot they are at the moment. It seems like she have a crush at the man earlier.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! Just who is that guy?? she asked herself. She saw her friend Gabriella who came from the faculty room and quickly grabbed her arm to tell her everything about what just happened...