

Third Person's POV

If I could change one thing, it would be how I responded to him that day...


In a dark and desolate warehouse that was located in an abandoned cargo port, a young woman can be seen laying down in the cold floor.

"Help." She begged in a choked up quiet voice. "Help me please." a drop of tear ram down her pale cheeks.


Despite knowing how her pleas are in vain, she still tried her best to hope for someone to help her. The girl tried to move what seems to be her paralyzed body. She tried to crawl to the entrance, a trail of red followed behind her as she crawled with all her might.

"Help... me." She quietly plead, her painful grunts can be heard on her hoarse voice. There was no one there, but still, she begged, hoping for any sort of miracle.

Finally, she succesfully crawled to the entrance. She observed her surroundings and noticed where she was. She was in the middle of nowhere. She was in an abandoned port, with nothing but grass weeds, rusty cargos, and puddles from the rain. She cried out for pleas, despite knowing that no one is there to save her, the rain drowned out her quiet voice.


Realising how this would be her last moments alive, she smiled, despair was written across her beautiful face.

How did I ever come to this state? She thought. Then, she remembered that annoying face.

Ah. Yes, I remembered now... She smiled yet again, but this time, there were no emotions seen on her eyes, it was dark and deep, it was comparable to the deepest part of the sea.

She hysterically laughed as she remembered the faces of those who just murdered her. She felt angry, disgusted, resentful and despondent.

"If there's any god out there, let me atleast die in peace. The only regret I have is the fact that I wouldn't be able to witness their downfall with my own eyes, or that I wouldn't be able to punish them with my own hands." She said, her voice was full of regret, anger, and despair.

If I could change one thing, it would be how I responded to him that day.

She thought as she closed her eyes and let the darkness take her away....