
A Dream Life With You.

It says that in this cruel world, every once in a while a kind-hearted fool is born who is willing to leave everything aside just to give justice to others. Helson Victoria was also one such fool but she only cared about women and hated men. She ran away from her home when she was 23. Because she was choosing a path her family wouldn't approve of and because they were telling her to get engaged. Running away from home, she struggled a lot. Doing part-time jobs and all, she finally passed the Bar exam. Still, she had a hard time as she couldn't do everything as she pleases. Years later, she becomes a top women's lawyer who was known for fiercely defending women and at the same time, she was also famous as the Ceo of Victory Law firm. People worshipped her and admired her. They praise her for her bravery and kind heart yet they forget to see what's all behind it. It was just hell. Though she won the cases and saves the women, nobody saw the scars on her body. She did everything she could but still, she just gave the victims justice, she can't protect them from injustice no matter how hard she tries. Suicide and murders of the Victims left her an unpeaceful life that can't be peaceful with all the Victories she had won. But someone came, yet another man. Who proved to her that not all men in the world are bad. Who finally made that sickening feeling that doesn't let her have a single peaceful day disappear. He just came like an Angle for her who saved her from the misery. On a special day, holding a precious baby girl in her arms, Victoria cried her hurt out as the man embraced her...

Alencica · Urban
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42 Chs

Chapter 39: A Woman So Unrecognizable

Oscar reached the first basement of the warehouse. Looking around, he felt someone was there a while ago. He got scared that the serial killer escaped somewhere with the victims as he saw them. But then he thought it was too fast to escape unnoticed.

Oscar observed all the doors were quite hidden so he began searching here thinking it would be the same this time. As he was searching, he suddenly heard some voices from the floor. He was madly looking for a door in the walls and didn't think about the floor yet. He was stunned.

Oscar quickly went towards the voice and alertly stood there. He was prepared for everything. With a click, the sound of the lock opening was heard. The door slowly opened upwards.

The three who were conscious brought the unconscious ones on the stairs first while one of them was tasked with opening the lock as the keys were all together and it was hard to identify which one was for which.

As the door opened, an eerie silence crept into the place. The victims were very scared thinking he was an accomplice of the killer while Oscar not in his wildest imagination ever taught they would escape themselves.

However, he quickly returned to his senses and his eyes desperately searched for Victoria among all of them. As he took a step forward, they all moved back a little trembling badly. Oscar tried his best to calm down and said to them.

" I am with the police. They should almost be here. We came to save you all."

Oscar helped them out. He saw Rosie and felt relieved. He wanted to ask them about Victoria when the woman who got out first said.

" M-mister! Leave us alone. Please go down there and help her. She is the only one remaining."

Oscar knew it must be Victoria. He was sweating as he thought she was hurt. But never had he ever thought that she would be in that grave condition.

Oscar didn't have time to think as he run downstairs. As soon as he saw the cages, a cold tremor went through his body. He ran further searching for Victoria in the cages while screaming out her name.

" Victoria! Victoria!"

Suddenly, he stopped and looked on the opposite side. His contracting eyes travelled down and froze.

There was a woman so unrecognizable. Blood covered her looks. Bruises and dirt covered the colour of her skin. Her clothes were so messed up and shattered that they couldn't be described. Even the colour of her hair couldn't be defined. However, how could Oscar not recognize her?

Seeing her condition he trembled as he approached her like he was walking on thin ice. Tears were falling out of his eyes and he didn't know. He bent down in front of her. Her eyes were open but she wasn't looking at him. Not a single hair of hers was moving. He called out to her but she wasn't reacting.

Oscar was shaking way too badly. What could it mean when a person lay frozen with eyes open but not moving?

" Vi-Victoria?! Vic-Victoria? Please... Answer me!" Oscar begged. He was practically begging her.

At that moment, Oscar felt like death was mocking him. Right beside Victoria, telling him how pitiful he is to be begging. But for Oscar, for the very first time in his life, he fell in love with someone. He was the type of person who would hardly fall in love all their life.

They are said to be unlucky because they couldn't love anyone in their lives. But sometimes, they also find their one. When they love, they are worse than slaves in love. They could go mad, crazy and totally unstable when they lose their loved ones.

For Oscar, despite not spending time with Victoria, and only ever watching her from the shadows was hell more than enough. He loved her that much. As long as she was in his eyes, there was nothing he could ask for more.

But now she was in front of his eyes, but he felt like she wasn't. This was making him go real crazy. He was really going insane now.