
A Dream Life With You.

It says that in this cruel world, every once in a while a kind-hearted fool is born who is willing to leave everything aside just to give justice to others. Helson Victoria was also one such fool but she only cared about women and hated men. She ran away from her home when she was 23. Because she was choosing a path her family wouldn't approve of and because they were telling her to get engaged. Running away from home, she struggled a lot. Doing part-time jobs and all, she finally passed the Bar exam. Still, she had a hard time as she couldn't do everything as she pleases. Years later, she becomes a top women's lawyer who was known for fiercely defending women and at the same time, she was also famous as the Ceo of Victory Law firm. People worshipped her and admired her. They praise her for her bravery and kind heart yet they forget to see what's all behind it. It was just hell. Though she won the cases and saves the women, nobody saw the scars on her body. She did everything she could but still, she just gave the victims justice, she can't protect them from injustice no matter how hard she tries. Suicide and murders of the Victims left her an unpeaceful life that can't be peaceful with all the Victories she had won. But someone came, yet another man. Who proved to her that not all men in the world are bad. Who finally made that sickening feeling that doesn't let her have a single peaceful day disappear. He just came like an Angle for her who saved her from the misery. On a special day, holding a precious baby girl in her arms, Victoria cried her hurt out as the man embraced her...

Alencica · Urban
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42 Chs

Chapter 31: I Won't Regret!

Oscar was desperately waiting for news. Finally, he got a call from his subordinates.

" Boss, I got some insider news. The police are tracking Miss Victoria's location. They seemed to receive a message with the location. It is probably from Miss Victoria. I couldn't get hold of any more details as the cop who is working on that serial killer is quite alert."

Oscar gritted his teeth and said.

" Okay. I will take care of it."

The subordinate left. Oscar's eyes darkened as he took out his phone and rang a number.

" Ring... Ring... Ring... " After three rings, the other side picked up.

" Hello, Oscar?"

" Uncle, I need a favour from you. It's urgent!" Oscar was rarely this serious. Even if he was serious, he always smiled and was the type of person one couldn't read easily. He was better than anyone else at hiding his true face if he wanted to.

" O-Okay Oscar! What is it? Everything's alright?!"

" I want all the information on the Serial murderer. Actually, it would be better if the police cooperated with me. On certain factors, my sources are faster and better than them."

" Okay but Oscar I need to know why you are taking such drastic steps. I have responsibilities and can't just take any steps without knowing the details."

" I know Uncle. But this time... The one who has been abducted... If something happened to her, I would not be Oscar Samuelson anymore. So much for someone of my calibre to not be able to save her. I will be ashamed to look into the mirror."

The other side was silent for a while.

" Alright. I will call you in ten minutes." A solemn voice sounded.

" Thank you, Uncle."

" No worries. This is my duty."

Right after ten minutes, Oscar's phone rang.

" Hello, Uncle?"

" Oscar, I've sent you the contact information of the officer in charge. You can contact him and he will cooperate with you."

" Okay!"

Oscar quickly hung up and called the number he received.

" Hello?"

" I am Oscar."

" I've heard. Please come directly to XXX compartment inside XXXX headquarters of the national security office. You will have to show your ID. This is for the better of all. We cannot reveal any information outside the secured area."

" I will be there in 15 minutes!"

" Okay."

Oscar really reached there in 15 minutes. Only he knows how recklessly and dangerously he drove.

One of the officers received him and they went through a complicated process to reach the main office. As Oscar entered, he saw a lot of officers working on the computers and the atmosphere was very tense.

" Follow me." A person was standing there. Dressed sternly with a solemn expression. Oscar read his badge and knew he was the one in charge.

They went inside a closed room. Oscar and the officer in charge, Levi sat opposite each other.

" I've heard about you from the higher-ups. Mr Oscar, I hope you are not playing around. This matter is very serious."

" Let's not waste time Mr Levi. I have a very important person to save right now." Oscar had a cold look in his eyes.

Hearing his words and seeing him, Levi finally believed in him and said.

" Then let's share information. The laptop in front of you has all the information related to the criminal."

Oscar didn't waste any more time and hurriedly ran over. Though he knew about something, after reading this, he finally realized he barely knew 50%. At first, his eyes were serious, then cold, then they were as frozen as Atlantica. Even Levi shivered unconsciously. He had not even seen a criminal so scary.

However, at the end, when Levi looked up, the same person who was scarier than the most wanted criminal has his eyes totally shaking. Like how a prey would shake in front of a tiger.

Levi was shocked to see this transformation within a few seconds. When Oscar read in detail and got to know more than what was shown, his hair stood on end. At first, he felt angry and disgusted by the criminal, but when he saw how extreme he was to the previous victims, he was totally shaken. If anything happened to Victoria, he won't be able to live anymore.

Oscar quickly calmed himself down.

" I know my information is not concrete or with evidence, but believe me, I know exactly who the killer is and who the kidnapped ones are."

" Is there more than one person kidnapped?!"

" Yes. One whose message you have received. However, there is another one too."

Levi listened quietly. As Oscar recounted what happened in the restaurant in detail, both of their expressions were becoming colder and colder.

" I am 90% sure he is the one. Though no evidence, I believe my story is enough to make you suspect him."

Levi was in no mood to joke. He fully cooperated with Oscar. Both the police and Oscar's force worked together. Complimenting each other for their shortcomings. Soon, a rough sketch of the killer was drawn.

Meanwhile, in the warehouse, after the killer left, Victoria got into action. She was trained yet it seems that she underestimated the killer. She couldn't get her hands out. However, she was glad she wasn't tied on the chair. Maybe the killer was confident.

The warehouse was dirty. Because her hands and feet were tied, Victoria had no choice but to crawl towards the other woman. She got dirty while crawling there. There was a little mud there and it caused her to scrape herself a little.

After trying her best for 5-10 minutes, Victoria succeeded in opening the woman's hands. After that, she saw that she was still unconscious and woke her up. At first, that woman wasn't waking up but after Victoria shook her a lot, she finally opened her eyes. What awaited her was only a nightmare.

" Who-Who are you?" She was confused at first. As her eyes cleared up, so did her memories. Her eyes widened with horror. Tears spilt out.

" I-I got kidnapped by that-that serial-ki-killer!" She was so badly shaking, she almost fainted from fear.

Victoria suddenly said.

" Do you want to be molested, hurt until your soul left you and then die?!" She asked furiously.

" Wh-what?!" That woman blankly and terrifyingly looked at her.

" You are not a kid! No one's gonna save us! If you really want to defy this destiny of yours, then just ******* help yourself damn it!"

Victoria was fed up with it. She hated seeing such people die. What she hated more was they didn't defend and fight for themselves because of their stupid cowardness.

" What's your name?!" Victoria asked irritatedly.

" Wha?"

" Your name?! Or did you forget it?"

" Ro-Rosie... "

Rosie finally calmed down slightly. As she looked around, she saw the darkness and the dull warehouse. Which looked like nothing more than hell. Completely separated from heaven and earth.

The calming voice of the wind was scarier than anything. Her eyes finally darted in front where a woman covered in dust with hairs scattered yet flowing like black flame was sitting. Her eyes were cold yet humane, soft yet strong, firm yet shaking, as she stared at her.

Rosie felt like she was seeing someone from a different world. She was tied up, her dress was scratched up, her knees were scraped, her hair messy, and her face covered in dust. She was in a state poorer than a beggar yet her eyes made people submit to her. She was clearly in the same or worse situation than her but they seemed worlds apart.

One calm and strong, the other useless and a coward.

" Open my hands! Quick!" Only then did Rosie see that her hands were untied. She opened Victoria's hands after great efforts.

As the ropes fell, a cold glint flashed through Victoria's eyes. She rubbed her wrist while looking coldly. They were slightly bleeding. Then easily, she opened her and Rosie's ropes on legs. Finally, they were free.

Rosie was happy and hope ignited in her heart that there is still a chance. A way out for her. Especially as she looked at Victoria's fragile yet strong back. It gave her a sense of security more than any man. However, Victoria looked back at her and seeing her so optimistic, she coldly said.

" Don't be so optimistic. There is a high chance this will turn our destiny into a crueller one."

Rosie froze and looked at Victoria in shock. Victoria silently stared at her and finally looked away as she said.

" You regret it? Listening to me and fighting? Losing the only hope that he may take mercy if you beg? Haha! I can help you tie up again. If you are such a coward, just keep hoping miserably from that ****. For me, no matter how tragic my end will be, even if I am shedding tears of blood at the end, even if death would be cruel enough to take away my soul, I won't regret the actions I took today. This is my way of life. I want to preserve my dignity as a woman until the last breath I took."