
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

The Number One Under The Heavens

"Well, I was going to get you and return you to the clan, but hearing how you want to enter the tournament, how can I stop you?" Sora's grandmother said with a smile, making Sora's aunt go blank for a moment

"Mom, you can't, thats too dangerous." Sora's aunt said quickly, to which Sora's grandmother answered her with a glare, leaving her sighing helplessly, but those who knew her would know she was enjoying this. things have been too boring, this was more interesting.

"Cough, not to be rude, but it would be less fun if there is a powerful expert like yourself to fall back on," Sora said calmly, making Hong Ying's hand itch, lately she had been finding her hand itching a lot.

"... you like the excitement of life and death too? I feel you, how about I seal away my cultivation, this would mean if there is a danger you would have to live long enough for me to release it. that would be a whole second, thats like trillions of years to experts like us." She said with a smile, making Sora's eyes brighten slightly

"thats a challenge? You want to make a bet" Sora asked with a smile, to which She laughed slightly at his words.

"You want to make a bet with this old lady? Sure, i your grandmother will play. if you can live long enough, I will do anything you want, plus give you a special reward." She said with a smile, to which Sora smirked, and nodded leaving her with a raised eyebrow

"where's your bet?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, to which Sora looked at her in confusion

"I don't lose, so it's a waste of time to think of something," Sora said calmly as if it was a fact, Sora's grandmother was speechless for a moment before she burst out and laughed.

"Alright, since you are so confident, erase all your life-saving tricks, it's a bit cowardly to speak such big words when you have something to fall back on. Doesn't that show fear?" She asked with a cold smark, her words acting Sora Law causing him to stumble backwards while coughing up a mouthful

She aimed for a key point within Sora's law, a flaw that was built into how Sora measures he took to ensure he lived. To hit such a key weakness, and even the biggest weakness Sora had the moment they met, showed her level of understanding of Sora. then again, with her level of power, that split moment she sensed Sora was enough for you to go over Sora a quintillion times over. Her mind just worked on a level of speed where she could seemly instantly understand anything she looks at.

of course, this didn't mean she has comprehended Sora's law, it just meant that she found an opening which she attacked. Sora coughed up a mouthful of blood, his face turning pale. to say the least, this weakness was something he never noticed.

there was no such thing as perfection. with the route he was taking, he couldn't overlook such imperfections in his law. Giga Chad's law could perfect itself later, but his cowardly this early on could mean his future being blocked. forcing him to start all over

the blow Sora just took to his law was huge, enough to cause his law to start crumbling. and since he was fused with it, it meant that Sora would die along with his law. this was a sudden attack that Sora didn't even attack, and seeing this Hong Ying and the others were horrified, but they were left unable to move, a strong power forcing them to simply watch as Sora's body fell apart.

"Fear... Haha!" Sora suddenly brought out laughing, what was he Sora, afraid of? his body shook, putting itself together, at the same time, all of those things he set up to save his life shattered, disappearing from this world.

Sora's laugh was mocking at the thought that there was a hint of him that was scared of death. the only thing he feared now was to die a boring death, if he were to die, he should die within a battle like none other, a battle to be told for lifetimes to come. thats how he wanted to go out, he refused to get defeated any other way

Sora's grandmother was shocked slightly, she didn't expect for Sora to recover so quickly, but this goes to show just how complex Sora's law was, and how his mindset was. her eyes brightened slightly while looking at this grandson of hers, this grandson was worthy of being called grandson by her. no, she might take Sora as her son.

"Well, I will sit aside, I will take you all to the tournament when the time comes. if you fail the bet, you die. deal?" She said with a smile, to which Sora nodded with a smile, leaving Hong Ying's hands feeling more itchy.

So, Sora went on to train, by training he meant that he went on to go and master everything he had. the new True Super Saiyan state was powerful that he was sure of, and the power up it brought was huge before even being mastered.

Sora trained with Giga Chad, this way Giga Chad's Strength quickly began to skyrocket, and thanks to a pill his grandmother gave him, Giga Chad's strength reached a new peak, more of his bloodline being awakened, allowing him to reach catch up to Sora.

but just when it looked like Giga Chad was equal in strength to Sora, Sora suddenly pulled something out of his ass. The True Saiyan State shattered its limits, and Sora gained a new form, True Saiyan State: LImit Breaker...

"Welcome to the Number One under the universe, a tournament to find just who is the most talented person within the universe. I ensure you that the people that came are from all over the 33 heavens, and the 33 hells. you might know some of these talents, as the Son Of Heaven, the Son Of Hell, and many more who might be their equal, or below them. well, you will have to watch to find out." on a screen that was spread all over the universe, an announcer did its job, hooking every lifeform under

"wait, thats not all. we all heard of the once-in-the-lifetime genius... no, the two once-in-the-lifetime genius. Sora and Giga Chad, I hear that they would be secretly taking part in the tournament. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure the Son Of Heaven could bitch slap both of them into last year's trash." He said with a slight laugh, before moving on to the arena he stood on, he went over the rules quickly, no weapons, all things go, and no flight,

"Well, you all must have heard of the rewards. the winner of this tournament would be titled the most talented under the heavens, which would of course come with the benefit of being blessed by the heavens. who knows what abilities and gifts one would gain once the whole universe knowledge you." He said causing everyone to grow envious slightly,

but that was enough talking, he called out those who would be taking part in the first-found, they already had an elimination match in the back to cut the numbers down to only 1 million, or else the numbers would be a bit too much. each match would have a time limit of 1 second, so everyone would have a second to fight.

"Our first match is an unknown, never seen before, he is quick and would have you questioning where he is at... his name is John Cene." the crowd cheered even though they never heard of this person, followed by explosions going off as a handsome young man shot out of the smoke, landing onto the stage in an epic matter. the crowd seeing such a unique entrance cheered even more, leaving the announcer's lips twitching slightly,

"the next person... well, you all know him. he started as a mortal, struggling his way up to the level he was at, facing betrayers, schemes and so much darkness this world has to offer... it, Youren." the announcer called out, causing the crowd to cheer even louder, as a handsome young man stepped forward and walked into the arena while waving at the crowd, but many of them were left boring at how boring the entrances was

the two went on to face each other for a moment, and once the match started, Youren shot forward toward John Cene, and John Cene shot forward toward him. Youren energy gathered, taking the form of a sword which he cut towards John Cene. Yet moved quickly, jumping over Youren. Youren turned to follow up with an attack, but when he turned to attack John, John was nowhere to be seen.

He turned around and was caught off guard as he saw John before him, waving his have before his face

"you can't see me," John said as Youren attacked, only for John to disappear. Youren looked around, but before he knew it, someone picked up, placing him on their shoulders, before they slammed him hard onto the ground, knocking him out for a moment.

He wanted to get up, but he saw John's elbow falling from the sky, landing hard on his face and knocking him out.

"the winner is... John Cene." The announce yelled while John shot his hands into the sky, while the crowd cheered on. while those with sharp eyes who were watching this battle eyed John with an unease look, they never heard of this John, and his combat style was like nothing they had ever seen. he took out a talent like Youren with such ease, how could they not be unease

The announce wanted to get John off the arena so that the next match could start, but who would have expected that a sound would suddenly start playing out of nowhere, leaving everyone's limits twitching as that was John's voice.

"Your time is up, my time is now

You can't see me, my time is now" the sound continued as John slowly walked off the arena, leaving everyone speechless at the fact he came with a song ready for the moment.

after more than 500,000 seconds, enough for everyone to have gone onto the arena, it was John who turned once more to get into the stage.

"for our next match... this person needs no introductions." the announcer said seeing John was next, but once his words fell, the sound of music suddenly went off, with fireworks flying into the sky,

As the crowd cheered, John stepped out of the cloud of smoke, looking around at the place while nodding his head. he expected nothing less, but everyone froze seeing the shirts he was wearing. a shirt with his appearance on it, and even a hat. this guy had a huge ego.

as the Announcer annoyed the next person, John removed his shirt, which he looked around before throwing into the crowd, where a group of females began fighting for it. to say the least, John had the looks, and the ego was something that charmed many there.

"Woo..." John was caught off guard after taking his attention off his fans only to see a beauty standing in the arena, looking at him with a disdainful look. her face didn't say any of this as it was ice cold, but her eyes which were emotions were the only way for a person to read her emotions,

"Such beauty I didn't notice, but since I did, all that comes to mind is... nice," John said while eyeing her body, causing her face to turn cold. As soon s the match began, she raised her hands, but as soon as she blinked, she found that Sora was nowhere to be seen

She froze, for a split second before he unleashed her technique, creating a snowstorm that covered the whole arena. a chilling cloud spread out, causing everything in the arena to freeze up, even space began to harden, and space to slow down.

But there was one part that remained normal, there everyone saw John standing there without his shirt, enjoying the snow, his body heat burning away the cold. the woman was shocked seeing John was able to stand in her technique would trouble, before her eyes narrowed seeing John wave his palm before his face, after which, he disappeared with the smoke, leaving her looking for him

"You need not worry as we are a pair, just call out my name, and I will be there," John said as he appeared before her, stunning her as she didn't know how John was disappearing like that. but Seeing John so close up, with that charming smile, and body dripping with sweat, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva slightly, but she shook her head and attack

"You are as cold as ice, I wonder when people chase you, do they think twice? I'm willing to roll the Dice, my love, be my spice." John said as he disappeared, dodging her attack, and appearing behind her, speaking gently into her ear, and causing her face to blush.

"I-i surrounder." She said calmly, before turning around and walking off, leaving everyone stunned by what just happened. John just charmed his way to a victory in less than a second, of course, she most likely saw that she couldn't win and left, but many people would rather think of such extreme things.

"the winner is John Cene." The announcer said calmly, only for his fist to itch when that theme sound suddenly began playing, and John enjoyed the cheers from the crowd.

"what expert raised such a capable disciple?" within a pocket space, a ground of experts watched this, eyeing John in amazement. to them, John was not known because the force he blocked kept him locked away, which explained why he was going around showing off so much,

they didn't for a moment this thing was Sora, for one, every time John spoke, there was a unique pattern to his speech, his fighting style was completely different, and his overall personality was different.

Sora was the type who would challenge everyone in the back to speed things up, John was the type to speed more time in the eyes of the crowd, bathing in their cheers. Sora was the type who sought the peak in Martial arts, John's fighting style was all on making him look closer than everyone else

"Who cares, can he face up to that monster?" an old man said calmly while looking in the past, closely looking at every battle to make sure he didn't miss Sora. experts of their level see the past with ease, and even see the future to some degree. Because of this, they all knew that Sora was here, he could be in the crowd or among those fighting, but sadly they couldn't say for sure