
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs


time passed, and with each second, many people were defeated, before long, the top 1,000 remained. at which point, they all appeared in the arena, allowing the universes to get a good look at all 1,000 of them.

Among these were the top two beauties in the universe, from the 33 heavens was Luan Xing, a goddess among all lifeforms within the universe. beauty so high that she is spoiled by the heavens

from the 33 hells, was Dan Fei, with beauty she high that she too was spoiled by the heavens. these two beauties had their form forms of beauty, Luan Xing was of a goddess... well, more like a boss goddess. her eyes said that everything belonged below her,

meanwhile, Dan Fei was a seductive beauty, she was the type one had to because off or else they would find themselves selling their soul to her, just to get the chance for her to look at them.

there were others like the son of heaven, and the son of hell, two of the most talented people of their heaven. but there were still those who came close to rivaling them, and currently, all 1,000 people there stood, proudly showing themselves to the universe... well, that was all but one, who was sitting in a chair, playing with a guitar.

"you're quite arrogant." Luan Xing said coldly, since John was next to her, she was annoyed as his playing around was annoying. what was more annoying was that Sora was paying more attention to the guitar than herself. never in her life, as she had never been the center of attention, and to be ignored as if she didn't exist by someone left a bad taste in her mouth.

"All of this is just for those big shots to see which one amongst us could be Sora, I rather try and learn a new skill while wasting my time," John said with a smile as he turned to look at Luan Xing, leaving her stunned at his words.

"Plus, I'm shocked someone like you would bother to take part in such a tournament, what's the point? will you marry Dan Fei if you win or something? the title of the most talented might be useful to others, but what has the heavens not given you?" John asked with a smile, to which she snorted coldly,

"I'm only interested in meeting this Sora with my own eyes. only a man like that is worthy of me." She said softly, causing the universe to go quiet, with everyone sharp hearing, how could they not be able to hear her words?

Hatred... an uncontrollable amount of hatred and jealousy filled the air. if Sora were to appear at this moment, and forgot those big shots, everyone in the universe would rash at Sora to kill him, ripe his flesh apart

"I see..." John said lazily before turning to his guitar, leaving Luan Xing slightly displeased at Sora's indifferences. She glared at John for a moment, after which she ignored him. it was a first for her to space so... freely with another person, yet the other person disrespected her. he better hope they don't meet in the arena

with everything out of the way, the fighting began. and Luan Xing joy, the heavens truly loved her, making it so her next match was with John. She was the first to walk onto the stage and calmly watched as John's theme song was played, with a lot of smoke filling the entrances.

such a scene normally had the crowd restless to see John, but this time it was different, John was going up against their goddess, so they, of course, had to support their goddess while praying to god John didn't charm her.

John cooly walked out of the smoke, and the boos of the crowd began to rain in. John stood there, bathing within the crowd's boos for some time before he jumped, and with a flash, he appeared in the arena, facing Luan Xing.

"..." Luan Xing said nothing and simply waited for the battle to begin, she had not watched John fights, so she knew nothing about him. but that didn't mean she was uneasy or anything. As soon as the battle began, a sword flashed and John was cut apart.

but Luan Xing who had a sword in her hands was not happy seeing this, as John disappeared slowly while waving his hand before his face. She was unable to see John, or even sense him, leaving her shocked and to quickly look around her for any traces.

"... Spacetime." her eyes glowed with light before she cut the space, cut filled the space, revealing a parallel space where John was shooting towards her, with a fist. she snorted, before moving her sword, deflecting the fist before she swung around, her sword cutting towards John's neck.

John quickly blocks with his other hand, but the sword cut through his flesh, stopping at his bones, and stunning her at the hardness of John's bones. John went in to grab Luan Xing, but she moved, kicking John away, while pulling her sword out of him.

John flipped through the air and landed on his feet. with a smirk, he dusted himself, making the crowd want to kill him. they would have liked the part her foot touched them, yet he dared to dust himself as if something dirty touched him.

"A skilled space-time expert like yourself is rare... how come I know nothing of you?" She asked calmly, to which John sighed softly,

"I have a shitty master," John said with a shake of his head, Luan Xing wanted to ask more, but since John didn't say anything, it showed he was not willing to say anything. This annoyed her, since when was she not given what she wanted? with cold eyes, she got ready to lunch an attack, and with a burst of speed, she shot toward John, he held out two fingers before crossing them.

Luan Xing appeared before John, and her sword swung towards John, yet he slowed down, and came to a stop, leaving not only her stunned by the how crowd stunned.

"Can't touch me," John said with a smile, Luan Xing shot backward, looking at John in slight shock.

"I technique that brings infinity into reality." She said in shock, the technique John was complex. infinitely exists everywhere, what Sora did was simply enrage those small infinitely, for example, the space between 1 inch and 2 inch. short to us, but infinitely existed there, and everywhere

John pretty much was untouchable, unless one was quicker than the rate John increase these infinities, he was untouchable and unreachable through normal means.

"you like it, it's my personally created technique. I call it Endless, I 100% didn't steal the concept from anyone else." John said with a smile, making everyone roll their eyes, why did he have to add that last part?

"I good technique... but thats all." She said before she took hold of her sword, with a deep breath, John's head went flying. that attack didn't travel through space, it teleported, it spaces the progress needed to travel, and appeared before its target and attacked.

But Luan Xing seeing Sora's head flying in the air was not happy, instead, her pupils shrink as she saw the head disappearing, as if it never existed.

"well, thats one possible future dead... Endless has 3 parts to it, the first part is the endless distances, and the second one is the endless futures. you can kill me as much as you want, but you would only be killing a different version of myself, the true me shall instead become the past, looking at the future. it's a bit complex and hard to explain, after all, you all just saw my head go flying." John said with a smile, to which everyone waited for him to explain, but John didn't causing them to want to throw something at him

"It's like a dream... you dream of your future death, only to wake up to find that you are in the future. but a butterfly effect happened, and now you live." Said softly, to which John clapped his hands, before quickly crossing them as she attacked, and this action was noticed by her.

But this next attack from her was not simple, infused with the power of space, time, creation, destruction, Life, and death, this attack was powerful. One should know that once the battle started, the distances between one end of the arena to the others are increased to make it endless. yet with this attack, this so-called endless distance was overwhelmed, the power behind her attack shattering the barrier, and forcing experts on stand-by to quickly act to protect those watching.

there was no dust, just a flash of light, and she stood there all alone, John nowhere to be seen. she looked at the spot she was at for a moment, before slowly turning back to look at John, who was looking at the spot he was at in shock.

"the first part of Endless allowed you to increase the distances of things. the second part allowed you to create butterfly effects in the present... the last one is a combination of both space and time, I killed you, yet although you died, it wasn't you. A parallel version of yourself died, it's like you created this whole new possible universe." She said softly, shocking everyone was shocked,

"Haha, it's nothing that overpowered. all I did was simply control space and time," John said with a laugh, making everyone want to throw a cross at him once more, why not explain the whole thing?

"Indeed. instead of how others might fight against the heavens, you know how it would act, and work alongside it. this allows you to do such things, without using up a lot of energy, if all you do is play defense, this battle would end in a tie. but I do have a way to defeat you, you need to have those fingers crossed. destroy your past self before your fingers were crossed is also a good way to counter this ability. illusions, and so on" She said calmly, to which John nodded slightly,

"Can we make a bet?" John asked with a smile, making Luan Xing's eyebrow raise, but she gave John a look that said she was interested.

"If I win, you have to go on a date with me. if I lose, I will give you this technique..." John said making her eyes narrow. indeed, this technique John showed was overpowered, she would be laying if she said she didn't want it. to make things more interesting, was that she felt that John was holding off on his ability and true capability.

"... deal." She said calmly while her sword disappeared, replaced by another sword, and with this word her strength increased by 3 times. with a step, she was about to shoot towards Sora but froze when she saw Sora holding out a finger, and there a ball hole began to form.

"holes exist everywhere, even in between atoms. nothing truly touches, and those go for space as well. In the gaps of the universes lays mini back holes, which are too small to be noticed." John said as everything around him was sucked into the black hole, Luan Xing quickly stabbed her foot into the ground, stopping her feet which were about to be lifted into the air.

"if these black holes are strengthened using an endless, fuse with other black holes while blocking off the universe's attempts to stop these back holes, you have a powerful weapon," John said as the energy all around him was devoured into the black hole, the barrier was devoured, and the experts trying to stop this were left horrified as all the energy they tried to gather was sucked away by the back whole.

"but you can take this a step further," John said while holding the black hole in his palms, before forcing it to swallow itself, and before everyone's shocked eyes, a white hole formed, and instead of everything being sucked towards it, everything was sent flying away.

"Black holes suck... white holes spit. but this white hole is different, remember how I said that nothing truly touches? this strength this fact to heights rivaling that back hole, and best of all, the universe can help strengthen this white hole ability." John said with a smile, while calmly looking at Luan Xing who was sent flying off the arena, but she landed lightly on her feet with treasures protecting her.

"you lied to me?" She asked calmly, Sora said there were only 3 parts to endless, and now he was showing these other parts.

"No, this technique isn't a part of endless, instead I call it Black and White," John said with a smile, to which she looked at him for a moment before she nodded.

"if you don't take first place, I will kill you on the date." She said calmly, before disappearing, leaving the universes quiet for some time, before their eyes landed on John, their feeling reshaping reality, John ignored them and went to go wait for his next match, but this match was seen by everyone, leading the whole universe to know that there was a super talent in the way of Space and time.