
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs


1E-32 seconds, which was 0. followed by 32 zeros and 1. put into words, this was 0.000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds. that was a super small amount of time, this level of time was too small that even time would barely have moved.

a zeptosecond is the time it takes for a particle of light to cross a hydrogen molecule, and that was only 1.E-20.

1E-32, thats how long it has been since revealed himself to the world. to experts that their level, a second could seem like years, and even trillions of years. they move so fast that they might as well be teleporting.

"I never showed the world this technique, so let me go all out for the first time." Sora laughed as a purple aura surrounded his body. Sora unleashed everything he had, and his Supreme Zenaki Law exploded with unmatched out, which was only increasing at an increasing rate.

the group of experts moved, unleashing everything they had to make sure Sora didn't leave a heartbeat longer. Sora wasn't fast enough to react to one of these attacks, much less all of them, coming from all sides.

Sora let out a roar, his aura exploded out like a wave, forming an aura to shield him. but how could this shield him? Sora unleashed everything he had, so much so that his fur began to flicker with a blonde light from time to time, something which caused everyone's heart to skip a beat, leading to them throwing everything in this attack. at this moment, they didn't care for Sora's body anymore, he had to die.


so many attacks slamming against each other created a powerful shock wave, even they were forced back by such force. they all quickly looked toward where Sora was, yet to their horror they saw a drop of blood, a few of them had noticed that Sora had crossed his finger when he was about to be hit by the attacks, this gave Sora that opening to not up and die...

Sora popped back before everyone at a shocking speed, everyone was horrified at this level of recovery speed, but they were more horrified at the stronger purple aura around Sora which had an overwhelming air of destruction

"A bloodline that makes him stronger through injuries, a law that allows him to grow stronger through injuries, and talent that allows him to grow stronger through injuries, and now a technique that allows him to grow stronger through injuries... all on top of his power level which increases through pressure he faces, and martial arts capability which only keeps increasing." One of them said in horror at Sora who was looking at the sky, with a high look.

"He is High on power." One of them said, at this moment, no one wanted to make the first move. Sora was no longer an ant with a power level of 1.0E75, now Sora stood with a power level of 9.9E89

They knew his growth was huge, they knew his talent was unimaginable, they knew it all.... but how could his growth be this crazy even at this level of power he was currently in? One should know the stronger one gets, the harder it is to improve their strength, so what the fuck was up with Sora.

"You know... this is the problem with being to talent... no challenge can be lost past 1 second," Sora said with a smile as his law broke through to level 5, increasing his strength to another level, at the same time Ultra Instincts had its overall skills go through a transformation,

"I seem I was a moment too late." an old voice sounded throughout the void, it had only been 3.0E-32 seconds since Sora revealed himself. Sora looked at the sky, and there a demon with long white hair, and demonic black eyes appeared, walking towards Sora.

Sora guessed this demon had a power level of over 1.0E95, and with how confident this guy was, Sora was sure he might have a power level nearing 1.0E100. Sora took a deep breath and waved at the old man to come at him.

"you got somewhat stronger... but strong enough brat." He said before his aura spread out, Sora's pupils shrink as his guess was right. this old man had a power level nearing 1.0E100. the old man smirked slightly, and Sora's eyes instantly went blank, as he was trapped within an illusion

Within the Illusion, Sora let out a roar as his fist flew forward, raining blows on the countless numbers of enemies heading his way. Sora's body was filled with injuries, and to his shock, they were not healing, but under such pressure, Sora's power level only increased faster and faster...

Back to reality, The old man froze at this scene, and Sora's power level increase was reflected in reality. was this not too overpowered? and thanks to Sora law going through that breakthrough, its speed of improvement had only increased once more,

The old man with a thought tried to have Sora die within the illusion, which only needed a thought. but Sora's death, Sora's body should have disappeared... yet it didn't, Sora rejected his death, and awakened back in reality, the injuries he gained from the illusion appearing all over his body.

"Fuck... that was a good illusion." Sora laughed leaving the old man's pupils to shrink, Sora rejected death, but this was only an ability which those true Physique should have, the power to use one's will to reject death. at first, everyone thought that Sora could reform his body through his will, but this ability Sora just shocked made him 100s of times more dangerous in the eyes of the demon

How do you kill someone whose willpower was so strong they said no to saying? One had to completely erase them from existence, erase them from reality, time, and space, and make it so that they never existed.

But it was only harder to do so the stronger a person was, was it so easy to erase a powerful being from existence? the more of an imprint they have made, the harder this world be. and look at what Sora has done, becoming title the most talented person in existence, being known all over the universe by every lifeform, and was a monster who wasn't even in the hundreds yet was here standing up to old monsters like them

"... sigh, what a disappointment. you are too dangerous to be left alive" the old man said before waving his hand, and with that Sora was erased. all forms found themselves forgetting who Sora was. From past and future, Sora began to disappear, leaving the river of time to try and fill in those gaps, without causing too many waves.

Sora gritted his teeth, he was being erased, he could feel himself disappearing completely. his memory, and so on... but would he give up so easily? HIs Law exploded with full might and he began fighting. Sora had lost all his senses, all he could do was fight and fight, and so his law was pushed to its limits once more, quickly having filled with cracks all over as if it would crack and crumble, once more... Sora hit that wall, that limit to his talent.

"what a shame, I wanted to study his secret. I have to look out for that other one." the old man said with a shake of his head, Sora was just too dangerous to allow to live. turning to leave, he froze as he looked into the void, where many other powerful exists on his level of power had gathered.

Just as he was about to speak, he froze as he heard a lazy yawn coming from behind him. he froze for a moment, and slowly turned to look at Sora who was standing there, stretching his body, getting ready for round two.

"did you think erasing me from everything was enough to make me disappear?" Sora asked with a smirk, making the old man and everyone freeze as Sora who had disappeared from their memory returned once more, as well as his imprints in the river of time.

"impossible." the old man was shocked, he had never heard of something having their whole being erased, only for them to just pop up as if nothing happened. What type of recovery capability was this? it was too broken,

"What? Is this the second time I did something which should have been overpowered?" Sora asked with a smile, before waving at them to come at him. but the old man didn't, instead, he turned and ran away. why would he stay and fight a losing battle? Sora's power level was already at 3.0E96, a few more pushes and he would be facing the beating of a lifetime and die.

"Why are running!" Sora quickly ran after the old man while crying out, how could this old man run away without helping him get stronger first?

"What a weak Dao you have, is it all about attacking the weak and avoiding any challenges? how could someone like you have lost their way to such a great degree? instead of standing strong and pushing yourself, you are running away? you want to study me, but what would be the point? the power is all thanks to my willpower, something you don't have." Sora called out, causing blood to drip from the corner of the old man's mouth, Sora was attacking his Dao's heart.

"To only go for opportunities when it's safe and to run away when things get hard, just how do you plan to leave this universe and explore the endless primordial void out there? you came with such an arrogant are, as if everything was in the palm of your hands, yet the moment things get slightly hard, how could you abandon everything and run away? Have you trapped your Dao heart in an illusion to trick yourself into reaching such heights?" Sora yelled, the old man's face turning paler as he coughed up more mouthfuls of blood, his strength dropped to a great degree, allowing Sora to quickly catch up.

Sora's arm turned into some liquid-like form, which shot out, swallowing the old man. as if he had gum on him, he was unable to break free, and he was absorbed into Sora's body. Sora smiled as his body exploded with great power, his palm the power of illusions gather, only for this power to be devoured by his Law of Zankai.

"I'm... A GOD!" Sora let out a laugh that sounded throughout the whole universe, he was high on power at the moment. he was the strongest, he was untouchable and beatable. He was GOD... but this illusion of unmatched power came and disappeared quickly, and Sora stood there in the void with a bored look.

"Well, this is boring," Sora said with a bored look, he looked around at the many experts who had ganged up on him, and with a wave, he took away an octillion years' worth of cultivation, stealing it all and leaving them as nothing more than mortals

With a breath, they were sent flying into some weak parts of hell or heaven, for them to be almost the strongest in the universe, only to return to levels of mortals in the blink of an eye, it was a state worse than hell for them. had work, planning, so many years of work, just gone like that, who would take it

It's like becoming a billionaire, only to have all that money stolen by your wife, leaving you with only enough to live in a box outside.