
A Dragon ball System With A Cultivation World

I got Bad Grammer

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Cao Jin

Match after match, Sora won his battles and soon there were only 3 other people other than Sora. the Son of Heaven, Dan Fei, and a mist young man who went by Cao Jin. These were the best remaining, although Sora took out 2 others who should have been there.

Now it was a battle to fight for the top 4, the first match between Dan Fei and Sora. which Sora was not complaining about.

"So, you want to do a bet?" Sora asked with a smirk, to which Dan Fei let out an enchanting giggle. her smile alone was a deadly weapon, causing many watching her to lose all reason, and to forget themselves. to them, all that mattered was making sure this woman keeps her smile.

"You're not trying to take me out on a date as well, aren't you greedy?" She asked with a smile, to which Sora shrugged.

"I'm guilty as could be," Sora said with a smirk, making her eyes narrow slightly. unlike Luan Xing, her charm and even Dao were all around seducing others. She was the most beautiful, so she turned it into a weapon. this made her charm more deadly than Luan Xing's arrogant charm.

even those old monsters would speak to her nicely, as they too would be charmed by her, but the effect of which wouldn't be as noticeable. so why was Sora standing before her, without any hints of being charmed?

"You're special. I accept the deal, if you defeat me I will not mind marrying you... but if you lose, you become my pet." She said softly her smile slowly disappearing and replaced with a serious look. Sora smiled accepting the deal, She took a deep breath and got ready for the fight of a lifetime. so once the fight started, she seduced universes, leading them to help her in battle,

the space around Sora turned against him, forcing Sora to use more energy. At the same time, the universes suppressed Sora as if disliking him for standing up against her. Sora frowned slightly before he saw that they had transformed, making a world where Dan Fei was a god.

'she is talented... unlike Luan Xing, she had time to study me.' Sora thought while watching how within this space, Dan Fei created many parallel versions of herself, each going on to enhance the space she had created by creating more worlds along with more copies. this went on countless times, before all that power gathered, into Dan Fei's palm

"I created this attack by watching you," She said with a smirk, Sora looked at her for a moment before he smirked. She snorted as she unleashed this attack, she was unable to control so much power far beyond her, this attack level of power had reached a power level of 7.5E72. this by far was the strongest she had ever unleashed, even with her equipment which she was not allowed to use in this tournament


the arena... no, the barrier and many elders who were looking after the arena was set flying, this forced the stronger experts to make a move to protect the crowd. everyone was in shock from the attack, even Dan Fei was shocked and was currently breathing heavily looking toward where Sora was with expectations.

"..." but she froze seeing Sora standing there without a stretch, or even dust. she saw the attack hit him, yet it was like it passed through him. She was confused and didn't know what happened. many people watching were also confused, forcing them to replay the scene, only to see that the attack swallowed Sora and continue forward, as it passed by Sora reappeared, as if he phased through the episode.

"This is my other technique, a personally made technique. I call it... Kamui, I didn't take that from anyone, all my idea." Sora said with a smile, making Hong Ying who was watching this scene roll her eyes, but Dan Fei and everyone else didn't care and simply wanted Sora to explain the ability of this technique

"it allows you to phase through stuff? but this space and that attack was too much for you to simply phase though." She said with a deep frown, she had seen Sora phase through the son of hell attacks, but this was different. far different form than

"Kamui isn't simply phasing through stuff. before your attack touched me, my body part was sent to another dimension. Of course, a space-time attack like that you sent out would have ignored this, but this is the uniqueness of my technique. So, my body wasn't simply to dimensions, it was sent across time of that dimensions." Sora said with a smirk

"meaning, to defeat me, you would have had to destroy that dimensions. but your attack wasn't aimed toward the dimension. the attack was too much for you to handle." Sora said with a smile, causing everyone to be speechless,

"y-you're a cockroach." She said in shock, the amount of technique Sora had to avoid being attacked was too many and too overpowered. Endless was overpowered, and now this Kamui nonsense.

She stood up and took a deep breath, all of a sudden the universes bathed her with energy helping her return to her peak. Sora went blank seeing this, Dan Fei smirked slightly seeing Sora look,

"Now, thanks for the heads up." She said as she waved her hands, space and time chains were created by the universe, all moving to chain Sora up and keep him not only in this space but also in this moment in time.

The chains were fast, and quickly wrapped around Sora... but everyone froze as they realized that wasn't Sora. That was Dan Fei, Dan Fei's eyes widened as she realized Sora had switched places with her, leading her to be trapped in her move.

"Space-time Gate," Sora said softly, a portal opened above him, and Dan Fei's pupils shrank as she saw the attack she had launched at Sora a few moments ago was coming out of the gate and shooting toward her. Sora had opened a portal into the past, to say the least, this portal wasn't strong enough to handle this attack and shattered, but thanks to the nature of the attack, it still arrived at this moment in time and shot toward her.

She gritted her teeth so hard it seemed as if they would crack under the force, the chains around her disappeared as she let out a roar. Channeling the power of her Dao to the limit, she tried to stop the attack with all her might, and such an action pushed her to her limits.

the attack and her Dao clashed, and she tried to seduce the attack, but the attack was too powerful. but she was unwilling to back down, pushing her Dao to such an extreme, she found it unable to withstand such an attack, and began crumbling.

blood dripped from her nose, mouth, and ears. One should know all this time, she was not slowing down the attack, her mind was pushed into overdrive it allowing her to gain the illusion she had more time than she truly had... and it was through such thing that allowed her to gain inspections,

This attack was not being controlled by anything. adding that it was her attack, seducing it was much earlier than what it would have been for others, but what played the biggest role in this was her Dao going through a breakthrough,

"Haha," She let out a laugh as the attack stopped a hair breath from hitting her, the ball of energy gathering transforming into a tamed little ball of energy that floated around her, waiting for her orders.

"I don't know if I should thank you or what." She said with a smirk while looking at Sora who was stretching his head slightly, shocked by what just happened.

"if your idea of thanking me is marriage, I don't mind," Sora said with a forced smile, to which she laughed slightly at the little joke before she shot the ball forward. at far greater speeds than ever before, the ball shot through the air, but the next thing that happened shocked everyone.

Sora suddenly appeared before Dan Fei, who froze before slowly falling to the ground while. everyone was confused, no one knew what just happened, but looking at Dan Fei it seemed like Sora attacked her, which caused much blood to boil.

Dan Fei fell to the ground, out cold. As for where that attack that was coming towards Sora disappeared, a few people noticed it shooting back towards Sora, only to be stopped by powerful experts as Dan Fei had lost.

Dan Fei was knocked out for a split moment, long enough for Sora to be announced the winner, but the moment she woke up she was confused and had no knowledge what just happened.

"You shocked me... so you said you didn't mind being my wife if you lost," Sora asked with a smile, leaving Dean Fei stunned for some time. she looked at Sora for some time, before she let out a deep sigh.

"What happened?" She asked softly, to which Sora waved a finger in the air, but as if reality was lagging, his finger began jumping all over the place, leaving her stunned.

"It's called time-space. When you attack, by then I had already made my move. you simply attacked my time shadow, while I was making my way towards you." Sora said with a smirk, leaving everyone stunned for some time once more. Sora was too skilled with these space-time abilities, it's almost like he was pulling them out of his ass.

"Endless, Kamui, and not this Time Space... you're too tricky to deal with. well, a deal is a deal. don't lose." She said with a charming smile, which caused the hearts of many to feel as if they were being stabbed with a burning hot knife. this was the goddess, how could she fall into his hands? he even had his eyes set on Luan Xing, how hateful...

So, Sora got off the stage with Dan Fei, but she ran off soon after leaving Sora feeling bitter, anyways the next battle begin. and something which happened took place... the son of heaven lost.

as Sora walked onto the stage for the final match, he sized up Cao Jin with interest, and Cao Jin did the same. Sora looked at this guy for a moment, before removing the wristband around his arms, and when he dropped them, to everyone's shock, they were so heavy bent space and time, pulling things towards him.

but Sora had a total of 4 of them and had been fighting all this time with them, everyone was shocked with such a scene.

"what universes are you from," Cao Jin asked calmly, to which Sora smirked slightly. but the crowd was shocked at such a question as it meant that Cao Jin was not of this universe, many of them only knew of two universes, the one they were in and the one with the devil race attacking them

"I guessed as much, within such a small universe how could someone as powerful as you be born? I came here to play, but who would have expected I would run into someone like you?" Sora said calmly, of course, he was speaking BS. if people were to start thing he was not John but Sora, he was not sure he could survive,

Cao Jin eye brow narrowed slightly as Sora didn't answer the question, but at least Sora was telling the truth, in such a small universe people like themselves shouldn't be here. he was only here because he was searching for a star that should have flown somewhere around her or past it,

Raised a hand and the ground below them raised into the air... no, he was breaking apart the ground, and reforming it into weapons, and other metal. A sword with the power to cut through space and time flew into his hands, which he pointed toward Sora.

"troublesome," Sora said softly while he held his fist out, showing he was only a pure hand-to-hand martial art. after a standoff, Cao Jin shot toward Sora. only for Sora to punch forward.

Space and time vibrated with this punch, like an earthquake, but in space and time. Cao Jin froze in his footsteps and coughed up a mouth full of blood. but Sora didn't stop, his fists flew none stop, each vibration entering Cao Jin's body, ignoring his defense and even attacking his past and future self.

To Cao Jin, this attack didn't come in waves, instead, it was like him falling into the endless ocean. the pressure of the water didn't come in waves but was no stop crushing him. The attacks were none stop, and it was only getting worse with each punch Sora set out.

but he wasn't so easily defeated. he managed to cut the space and time, causing Sora's attack to be stopped. that split moment before Sora sent another punch, he created a shield, but with Sora's next punch, that shield shattered, but it brought him enough time to create another shield that was a bit stronger than before, and this new one withstood Sora's next attack while he created a shield on the same level as the sword he created.

Sora seeing this stopped in his attack, allowing him to fall to his knees, coughing up a mouthful of blood. he looked at Sora, shocked that Sora managed to do so much damage to him. although it was mostly because he was caught off guard without knowing Sora was capable of something like this, in the end, he could have been defeated just like that.

"Impressive, it's not everyone someone can survive my attacks. you should be proud of yourself." Sora said with a smile, causing Cao Jin to grit his teeth in rage. with a thought, he gathered matter to create a pill to eat to heal him. This was not against the rules as he was creating it during battle,

Cao Jin waved the sword, his injuries had yet to heal, but they would heal during battle. Sora punched forward, leading Cao Jin to move the shield to block, while his sword cut through space and time almost instantly appeared before Sora.

If not for him holding the sword, it would have been faster than an instant. after all, speed is a measurement of space and time, without it to limit the sword, this sword would have hit Sora at speed which couldn't be measured.


Cao Jin coughed up a mouthful of blood, while at the same time, Sora's hand was set flying. only for it to fly back into place as Sora healed time which was cut, and reconnected his time. all while this happened, his other hand continued moving, sending blows out

Cao Jin's pupils shrink as he realized that Sora's attacks were coming from everywhere, behind, in front, the sky, the side, and so on. everywhere was a place an attack was coming from, and his shield was only blocking the front.

these attacks were not any stop as the first attack from Sora, but the fact he felt like he was being crushed from all sides made this attack as worse as the first attack. he quickly transformed the shield to have an omni-defense capability, just in time to shield himself as Sora's other hand shot forward.

Cao Jin coughed up another mouthful, he looked at Sora in shock, his head was slightly light from the damage he was taking, making him realize he needed to go all out to defeat Sora. so, he did just that.

Sora pulled back his fist, before shooting forward, those powerful experts who were watching this fight were in shock seeing this attack. this attack had the power of his past and future attacks combined, leading to one deadly punch which was many times stronger.

But a mirror appeared before Cao Jin, and the next moment, Sora was sent flying backward while coughing up a mouthful of blood. he felt like his whole being was vibrating none stop, but Cao Jin didn't stop there after his counter, he flashed before Sora while cutting down with his sword,

but Sora suddenly switched places with the air not too far away, allowing him to barely dodge the attack. Cao Jin didn't follow up with an attack and simply looked at Sora with a smirk.

"How does it feel to be hit with your attack?" He asked with a smirk, Sora touched the blood dripping from his nose before nodding slightly

"No wonder I felt pain... I expected nothing less from an attack of mine." Sora said with a laugh, making Cao Jin's lips twitch slightly. reaching out, he created a spear, which he threw toward Sora. this spear was unique, the moment it leaves his arm, it shall instantly ignore cause and jump to effect. meaning, it shall instantly piece Sora's heart.

"..." Cao Jin stood there while looking at his chest where the spear was, stabbed through his chest. he looked at Sora who was reversing time on himself, returning to his peak as if nothing had happened.

"I was shielded from her ability." He said in shock while looking at Sora, but Sora just shook his head.

"If you had noticed, I was standing at the spot you were at before you had created that shield. I simply manipulated space and time, having the spear hit your past shield. but of course, with that shield, you pass self-defeat or whatever wouldn't affect you... but what's that mark on your shield?" Sora asked with a smirk, leading Cao Jin to look at his shield only to see a mark.

"When I was launching those Omni distractions attacks, you ignore your front, giving me a chance to mark that shield. thats a time mark, and with it, I froze its ability, for a splint instant. allowing your past injuries to affect the current you. of course, this had to happen to the past shield and the current shield, so the shield had appeared on its past self." Sora said with a smile,

"damn..." Cao Jin said softly, and with that, Sora won. and with his victory, he was crowned the number one talent in the universe, although many people were unwilling as they knew he was not of this universe. but with that win came the blessing of heaven and earth, which increased Sora's overall talent and gave him a unique ability to instantly understand almost anything in the universe, which shocked Sora.

"Cough, well. this was nothing to me. my main goal here was to fight Sora, sucks that he didn't come... or did he? I have reasons to believe he is somewhere here." Sora said with a smile while looking at the crowd, leaving the announcer speechless as he was supposed to give the speech.

Sora's finger pointed towards the crowd, causing the heart of everyone to skip as they followed the finger which slowly dance around the crowd. Sora stopped for a moment and placed his hand on his chin, before coving his face. like a clock hand, Sora's hand moved across his face, revealing his true appearances bit by bit, leaving everyone shocked.

"Haha, it was me, Sora!" Sora laughed, before shooting off at top speed. After a moment of shock, countless experts exploded into action as they shot after Sora. quickly surrounding Sora, but Sora exploded with the strength of 4.9E75 Universes, with such a power level, they were caught off guard, and to make things worse Sora's power level was increasing at a high rate, how could it not after being under such pressure.


Sora was sent rocketing back, his body shattering from his clash with an old man. the old man was shocked as he was sent back slightly, but it's not like he was the strongest person here, the other experts moved in towards Sora, but Sora's recovery capability was something that caught them off guard. the next moment after suffering his injuries, he was already up and moving,

"This is what I came for... THIS IS FUN!" Sora roared his face covered in blood, and eyes filled with the will to fight. this was hundreds of times better than that boring tournament, this was dangerous, this feeling of knowing your strength can't increase fast enough and be forced up against an edge, this feeling of standing before a hopeless situation, this feeling as of the adrenaline running throughout your body, and your senses pushed to its limits to try and find a way to survive... this was to die for.

I failed to catch up to One Piece in time, I'm a huge embarrassment. I shall lock myself away inside for a few weeks to reflect on my weakness.

Itachi102creators' thoughts