
A Dragon's Perspective

Transmigrated into the body of a useless noble doomed to die early, he vowed to avoid the deadly traps of the storyline by discarding his heir role, aiming for a simple, long life filled with wealth and the right number of wives. Though he promised to stay uninvolved, he was ready to act decisively if needed to ensure the tides turned in his favor. To his family, he appeared a lazy deadbeat, sweet and caring, while to others, he was a mad hound and an Unstoppable Psychopathic Being... ________________________________ [A/N: 1. Don't expect the MC to get power served to him and grow strong overnight. He is a lazy deadbeat but works just had enough... 2.Using the real world Common sense only ruins the joy in reading ●DAILY UPDATES! ●Discord Link in Bio -Small Win-Wins- ●100 PS - 1 Extra Chapter ●200 PS - 2 Extra Chapters ●300 PS - 3 Extra Chapters ●500 PS - 5 Extra Chapters N/B: The Cover and Character Illustrations are mine

HeavenlyMike · Fantasy
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71 Chs


The morning sun bathed the Astaroth mansion in a soft golden light, and after the tumultuous yet joyful family breakfast, Diaval and Eva decided to head to Claire for their first date as an engaged couple.

The energy of the room had been vibrant, and the memory of Lady Jade's joyful outburst and the family's reactions still lingered warmly in their minds.

As they walked through the grand entrance hall, Diaval couldn't help but steal glances at Eva, whose smile was radiant and infectious.

They both felt a sense of freedom and excitement, like two teenagers sneaking out for a secret adventure.

"Are you ready for our first official date?" Diaval asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief and love.

Eva laughed, her voice melodic.

"I've been ready for this since the moment you proposed. Let's make today unforgettable."

They climbed into a luxurious carriage, and the horses set off at a brisk pace towards Claire.

The journey was filled with light-hearted banter and stolen glances.

Diaval reached over to hold Eva's hand, feeling the warmth and softness of her skin.

They spoke of their plans, their dreams, and even the silly little things they hoped to do together.

Claire was bustling with life as they arrived. The market squares were filled with vendors selling everything from fresh produce to intricate jewelry.

Musicians played lively tunes on street corners, and the air was filled with the smell of freshly baked bread and the sea's salty breeze.

Diaval led Eva to a charming café with a quaint outdoor seating area overlooking the busy market.

They sat down and ordered a selection of pastries and coffee. As they waited, Diaval reached across the table and took both of Eva's hands in his.

"Eva, I want today to be perfect for you. I want you to feel as special as you are to me," he said, his voice soft but filled with sincerity.

Eva blushed, her eyes shimmering with emotion.

"Diaval, just being with you makes it perfect. I don't need grand gestures, just you."

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of their order.

The pastries were a feast for the senses, each one more delicious than the last. They fed each other bites, laughing and savoring the sweet flavors.

After their delightful breakfast, they wandered through the market, hand in hand.

Diaval bought Eva a delicate necklace with a sapphire pendant that matched her eyes perfectly.

She insisted on buying him a leather-bound journal, knowing how much he loved to write and sketch.

They continued exploring, stopping at various stalls and shops.

At one point, they came across a puppet show that had gathered a small crowd of children and adults alike.

They stood there, watching the whimsical performance, their hands intertwined.

"Remember when we used to watch puppet shows as kids?" Eva asked, her eyes sparkling with nostalgia.

Diaval nodded. "I do. I always loved how you'd get so engrossed in the stories. You've always had such a vivid imagination."

Eva chuckled. "And you always made up the best stories. Remember the one about the dragon and the princess?"

Diaval grinned. "How could I forget? The princess who tamed the dragon with her kindness and courage. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?"

They both laughed, and the sound was like music, blending perfectly with the joyous atmosphere of Claire.

As the day progressed, they decided to visit the botanical gardens, a beautiful and serene oasis in the heart of the city.

The gardens were a riot of colors, with flowers of every hue and variety blooming in abundance. They strolled along the winding paths, admiring the beauty around them.

At one point, they came across a secluded gazebo, surrounded by roses. Diaval led Eva inside and sat her down on a bench. He knelt before her, taking her hands in his.

"Eva, this place feels like a dream. It's like we've stepped into one of those fairy tales we loved as children," Diaval said, his voice filled with emotion.

Eva smiled, her eyes filled with love. "It does, Diaval. And you're my prince."

Diaval leaned in and kissed her gently, the world around them fading away. It was just the two of them, lost in their own magical moment.

They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the gardens, taking in the beauty and tranquility.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over everything, they made their way to a nearby park where a local festival was taking place.

The park was alive with music, laughter, and the smell of delicious food.

There were various stalls, games, and performances. Diaval and Eva joined in the festivities, playing games, and sampling different treats.

At one of the stalls, they tried their hand at a ring toss game.

Diaval, ever the gentleman, let Eva go first. She missed her first few throws but eventually managed to land a ring on one of the prizes – a small stuffed dragon. She handed it to Diaval with a mischievous grin.

"For my dragon prince," she said, laughing.

Diaval accepted the prize with a mock bow. "Thank you, my princess."

They continued wandering through the festival, stopping to watch a fire-dancing performance that left them both in awe. The dancers moved with grace and precision, their flames illuminating the night sky.

As the evening wore on, they found a spot near a fountain where a musician was playing a hauntingly beautiful melody on a violin.

They sat down, leaning against each other, and listened to the music.

"This has been the most amazing day," Eva said softly, her head resting on Diaval's shoulder.

Diaval kissed the top of her head. "It has, and it's not over yet."

They stayed there for a while, lost in the music and each other's company. When the performance ended, they applauded along with the rest of the crowd.

Finally, as the night grew darker, they decided to head back to the carriage.

The journey back to the Astarot mansion was quiet and peaceful, both of them reflecting on the wonderful day they had shared.

As they arrived home, Diaval helped Eva out of the carriage, and they walked hand in hand to the entrance.

Before they went inside, Diaval turned to Eva and pulled her close.

"I love you, Eva. Today was perfect because of you," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

Eva smiled up at him, her eyes shining. "I love you too, Diaval. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

They kissed, a tender and passionate kiss that spoke of their love and commitment to each other.

Having their bellies full, Eva and Diaval decided to skip dinner and head straight to their room.

On their way, they bumped into Diaval's mother, Lady Jade.

"Well, well, if it isn't the lovebirds," Lady Jade said with a mischievous smile.

"How was your first day as an engaged couple?"

Eva laughed, leaning into Diaval. "It was wonderful. We went to Claire, explored the market, watched a puppet show, and even visited the botanical gardens."

"Sounds romantic," Lady Jade teased. "Did my son finally learn how to be a proper gentleman, or did he trip over his own feet trying to impress you?"

Diaval rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile.

"Mother, I think I managed just fine."

Lady Jade laughed. "I'm sure you did. And Eva, did he bore you with his endless stories about Beasts and knights?"

Eva giggled. "Actually, I love his stories. They're always so imaginative."

"Of course, you do," Lady Jade said, her eyes twinkling. "I remember when he used to dress up as a knight and chase imaginary Demonic Beasts around the garden. He's always been a hopeless romantic."

Diaval groaned. "Mother, please."

Lady Jade chuckled. "Alright, alright. I'll stop embarrassing you. For now. But seriously, I'm so happy for both of you. Now go get some rest. You look exhausted."

"Thank you, Lady Jade," Eva said warmly.

They finally made their way to their room. Shortly after they arrived, Mira came in and left clothes for them to change into.

"Thank you, Mira," Diaval said, giving her a tired smile.

Mira bent down to Diaval and said, "It's my duty of course, you are most welcome."

As she stepped back, her heart ached slightly. But whether she liked it or not, she would have to cope with Eva and Diaval as a married couple.

Diaval, exhausted from the day, fell asleep almost instantly.

Eva sat at the desk, jotting down notes in a book. The room was quiet except for the soft sound of Diaval's breathing.

'He's the most caring man I've come to know,'Eva began her thoughts.

'And on top of that he can be fearless at times when there are matters that involve his loved ones,'Eva added to her previous thought.

Suddenly, as Eva went to stand up after writing, she felt a sharp pain.

A red light aura flickered around her body, dimming in and out.


She fell to the floor, groaning, and covered her mouth to avoid waking Diaval.

"Not now, I can't wake him up,"Eva struggled to get her words out although directed to herself.

When the pain subsided, she removed her hand and saw blood. She coughed up more, panic setting in.

Trying to steady herself, she grabbed the desk but slipped, knocking over a glass that shattered on the floor.

Hurriedly, she grabbed a cloth to clean up the shards, her hands shaking so badly that she cut herself several times.

Despite the nervousness and the pain, she managed to clean up the glass and dispose of the bloody cloth.

Standing up, she drank a bit of water, touched her chest, and whispered to herself, "I need more time."

Thank You 115599_ for the Golden Tickets and everyone else's support with the Power Stones and comments.

If you've reached this far, perhaps a review?

Also sorry for not releasing a chapter yesterday, my stockpile was depleted.

Preparing more :)

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