
A Dragon's Perspective

Transmigrated into the body of a useless noble doomed to die early, he vowed to avoid the deadly traps of the storyline by discarding his heir role, aiming for a simple, long life filled with wealth and the right number of wives. Though he promised to stay uninvolved, he was ready to act decisively if needed to ensure the tides turned in his favor. To his family, he appeared a lazy deadbeat, sweet and caring, while to others, he was a mad hound and an Unstoppable Psychopathic Being... ________________________________ [A/N: 1. Don't expect the MC to get power served to him and grow strong overnight. He is a lazy deadbeat but works just had enough... 2.Using the real world Common sense only ruins the joy in reading ●DAILY UPDATES! ●Discord Link in Bio -Small Win-Wins- ●100 PS - 1 Extra Chapter ●200 PS - 2 Extra Chapters ●300 PS - 3 Extra Chapters ●500 PS - 5 Extra Chapters N/B: The Cover and Character Illustrations are mine

HeavenlyMike · Fantasy
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71 Chs


The grand dining hall of the Astarot Mansion was a sight to behold.

The long mahogany table, polished to a gleam, stretched almost the length of the room.

Golden candelabras stood proudly at its center, casting a warm, inviting glow over the rich, dark wood.

The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes of dragon lore and the house's glorious past.

Tonight, the hall was more vibrant than usual, as the entire family and the household gathered for a special supper to welcome Ava back to the mansion.

The room buzzed with activity. Servants moved gracefully, placing platters of sumptuous food on the table: roasted pheasant with honey glaze, steaming bowls of vegetable stew, baskets of freshly baked bread, and an array of exotic fruits.

The aroma was tantalizing, promising a feast that would be remembered for a long time.

At the head of the table sat Valtor, the master of the house.

In his human form, he was an imposing figure with long black hair tied in a ponytail, piercing blue eyes, and four black dragon horns that marked his noble lineage.

His royal black clothes were a perfect fit for his status, exuding power and authority.

Beside him was Lady Jade, his beautiful wife, who radiated elegance and grace.

Her red eyes sparkled with anticipation as she glanced around the room.

Eva, had finally returned home. It was a moment Jade had been eagerly waiting for.

Eva entered the hall, and all eyes turned to her.

She was a vision of beauty, with flowing auburn hair and eyes as green as emeralds. Her presence brought a sense of warmth and joy to the room.

As she approached the table, Valtor stood up, his face breaking into a broad smile.

"Eva, my cute princess, welcome home!" Valtor's voice boomed with affection as he opened his arms.

Eva's face lit up.

"It's so good to be back. I've missed you all so much."

Jade stood up as well, hugging Eva tightly. "We've missed you too, dear. The house isn't the same without you."

As Ava took her seat between, the rest of the family and guests began to settle in.

Diaval, the eldest son, took a seat across from Eva, a proud smile on his face.

Next to him was Mira, the blue-haired maid who had become more than just a servant to the family. Her loyalty and kindness had earned her a special place in their hearts.

Lady Isolde and Lady Seraphina, the other two noble wives of the House, sat further down the table.

They were known for their sharp tongues and penchant for drama, always finding a way to inject their opinions, whether welcome or not.

As the meal began, conversations flowed freely. Laughter and light-hearted banter filled the air.

Valtor leaned in towards Ava, his eyes twinkling with delight.

"So, tell us, Eva, how was your trip? Did you bring back any interesting stories?" Valtor asked, his tone playful.

Ava chuckled. "Oh, you know me too well. I have plenty of stories to share. But first, let me tell you about this fascinating marketplace I visited. They had the most incredible spices and fabrics. You would have loved it, Lady Jade."

Jade's eyes lit up.

"I can't wait to hear all about it. Maybe we can incorporate some of those spices into our dishes."

Cedric chimed in, a mischievous grin on his face. "I bet Eva has some tales of romance and adventure too. She always seems to attract the most interesting suitors."

Even though Cedric wasn't a part of the trio when they were kids, she came to know of Eva when he was young and at the time Eva had left to learn at an Academy.

Eva blushed, swatting Cedric playfully. "Oh, stop it."

"I see the young Cedric I knew isn't the same anymore,"Eva said teasingly.

The room erupted in laughter. Even Mira, usually reserved during such gatherings, couldn't help but giggle at the banter.

As the laughter died down, Lady Isolde's voice cut through the merriment.

"Speaking of suitors, Ava, have you considered any marriage proposals? You are of age, after all."

Eva's smile faltered slightly, but she maintained her composure.

"Not yet, Lady Isolde. I'm focusing on other things at the moment."

"And its E-va, with an E,"Eva added as tension filles the room.

Lady Seraphina leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Oh, come now, I'll call you however I please to. Plus, surely there must be someone who has caught your eye. It's only natural."

Diaval having enough was about interrupt but his father did it before he could.

Valtor's expression hardened slightly, sensing his daughter's discomfort.

"Eva will marry when she is ready and not a moment before. This is a time for celebration, not interrogation."

Jade placed a reassuring hand on Eva's arm, giving her a supportive smile. "Valtor is right. Tonight is about family and happiness."

The tension eased, and the conversations returned to lighter topics.

As the meal progressed, Valtor continued to engage Eva in conversation, eager to hear more about her experiences.

"Tell me more about this marketplace, Eva. Did you find anything special?"

Eva's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Yes, I found the most beautiful pendant. It's made of moonstone and has intricate carvings. I thought it would make a perfect gift for Lady Jade."

Jade's eyes filled with tears of joy. "Oh, Eva, you are too kind. I can't wait to see it."

Valtor's gaze softened as he watched his wife and daughter. This was the family he cherished, and moments like these reminded him of what truly mattered.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the table, Lady Isolde and Lady Seraphina were whispering to each other, their eyes occasionally darting towards Ava and Valtor.

"Did you hear about the recent developments in the neighboring province?" Lady Isolde whispered, her tone conspiratorial.

Lady Seraphina nodded. "Yes, I heard there were some disputes over land ownership. It seems there might be trouble brewing."

Their hushed conversation did not go unnoticed by Diaval, who shot them a warning glance.

He leaned over to Mira, who was seated next to him. "Ignore them. They thrive on gossip and drama."

Mira nodded, her blue eyes filled with understanding.

"I know. They always seem to find a way to stir things up."

As the meal continued, the atmosphere remained warm and lively.

Valtor shared stories from his travels and meetings, his deep voice captivating everyone at the table.

"You won't believe the kind of characters I met during my last trip," Valtor said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"One of them was convinced that demonic wolves could be trained to perform tricks like circus animals."

Eva laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, that's ridiculous. Demonic wolves are more experienced in shredding flesh and are ferocious creatures, not performers."

Valtor nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Exactly my thoughts. But it was quite entertaining to hear him out."

The table erupted in laughter again, the image of a befuddled man trying to train a demonic wolf dancing in their minds.

As the evening drew to a close, the servants began clearing the table. Valtor stood up, raising his glass for a toast.

"To family, to love, and to our dear Eva's return. May we always find joy and laughter in each other's company."

Everyone raised their glasses, echoing his sentiments.

"To family!"

Eva felt a warmth spread through her chest as she looked around at her family and friends.

This was home, and she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

After the toast, Valtor pulled Eva aside, his expression turning serious for a moment.

"Eva, I want you to know how proud I am of you. You've grown into a remarkable young woman."

Ava smiled, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Father. That means a lot to me."

As they embraced, Lady Isolde and Lady Seraphina exchanged another glance, their expressions unreadable.

But for now, their whispers and intrigues were far from Eva's mind. She was home, surrounded by those who loved her, and that was all that mattered.

The night ended with music and dance, the grand hall filled with the sounds of joy and celebration.

Ok, I'll stop delaying the proposal...

I just want it to be perfect XD

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