
A Different Path (MCU)

After having a streak of rather painful lives, the gods choose to send a familiar soul somewhere she’ll have fun. They think she won’t break the multiverse, but honestly, they aren’t too hopeful. Novahna ends up in a MCU like universe and decides that the only thing it really, really needs is some better, healthier friendships. But then again, that is her go to solution to fixing many things, particularly if stabbing isn’t an option. With the ability to See the future, (Even if it does cause a visual impairment), and her memory of countless past lives, she’s genuinely not as worried about the walking purple ballsack as she is about getting Iron Man and Captain America to get along.

Raat_Ki_Rani · Movies
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6 Chs

The Path She Walks


Few announcements, my dears! My next update will be a new installment to the series with a Walking Dead AU that explores evolved humans and zombies! Simply because the MC can't go to a world without certain requirements. For example, she could never reincarnate into a world where foresight is impossible by that worlds laws because that ability is ingrained her soul at this point. So imagine a WD AU where that shit is still possible. I hope yall will enjoy it 💙

Secondly! For those of you who don't know, I post of AO3, Fanfiction. Net, and webnovel, under the same names. On webnovel, italics don't show up, but I use them on the other sights to emphasize things and direct thoughts. I'm not sure how much it contributes to the experience, but heads up to yall.

Thirdly, my last few updates have had weird formatting issues, but Google docs just fixed some bugs, so no more weird letters popping up, I think. Hopefully. But I did have to go back through and put in all the italics again. Fuck everything, it's so annoying. Again, my webnovel homies will not see a difference lol

Lastly, join the discord to chat, get heads up on when I'm updating or what I'm doing, and I'll even give spoilers if asked 💙

As always, yall are so good to me! I'm so thankful for all the support , and the comments are my favorite part of posting since you guys help me with ideas and ship requests, and just make me want to write more! Thank you guys again and I hope you enjoy this update!






"Hot," I purr, hanging upside down from Tony's couch as he walks by, armor clanking obnoxiously.


He shrieks and fires a repulsed blast at me, one I don't even bother to shield against. It slams into my chest, sending the whole couch blasting backwards, glass shattering and tearing up the floor and I groan, trying to get the air back into my lungs with a wheeze.


"Oh my god! Nova! Oh, fuck, oh fuckohfuckohf-" the armor comes off and Tony is running towards me, hands hovering around me, and he very clearly doesn't know what to do, something I'd laugh out if I can gather enough oxygen to make the sound.


I let my legs tumble over my head so that I'm crouched upright on the floor, finally breathing again. "Hm, not bad," I grunt, running a hand over the hole in my shirt over my chest, tearing it so that he can see the lightly burned skin before placing my hand over it to cover my breasts, magic already repairing the fabric. "Knocked the air out of me, but honestly, if you hit me anywhere else, it wouldn't have even really slowed me down. Needs more firepower."


Tony chokes. "Y-you, you-"


I grip his shoulder, pulling him to sit on the damaged couch with me. "You needed this experience to see how ineffective your weapons could be on certain people, but how you're also lacking in safety protocols. Make it so that Jarvis will keep you from accidentally firing on allies or civilians. That could have mortally wounded Pepper or Happy or Rhodey."


Tony brushes his hand delicately over the already healing burn mark, before remembering himself and pulling his hands away, brown eyes blown wide. "You took that hit deliberately to teach me a lesson?" He hisses, sounding pissed.


"Because there are more horrendous ways to learn." I admit. "I don't do these things to torment you, I swear. You might not understand it, but I told you before. Some things must be experienced first hand. I imagine you are about to become extremely cautious about friendly fire, no?"


"That's completely fucked." Tony glares. "You're like, manipulating how to traumatize me!"


I nod, agreeing. "Yeah.but do you want to know how you would have originally learned the need for more safety protocol?"


He waver, hands tightening on my shoulders."… How?"


"You nearly kill People during a PTSD flashback when you summon your armor during a nightmare. And if I'd prevented that, you'd eventually kill a civilian by accident."


Tony blanches, dropping his head into hands and I rub his back. "I'm sorry. Truly. But, I can't protect you from everything. There are mistakes that have to be made. All I can do is mitigate the damage."


"Okay," he breathes, turning back to me. 'But, can you not sacrifice yourself just for this? Hurting you makes me feel violently ill, and this can't be a reoccurring thing."


I consider it. "I'll try."


Tony narrows his eyes, but gives in. "Why are you even here? Surely not just to get blasted?"


I smirk. "I came to see the suit and check on you, of course. As I was saying earlier, it's one sexy ass piece of work."


Tony relaxes with a sly gin. "I know."


I turn serious. "Are you okay? You came back from defending Gulmira, right? Yinsen's home?"


"I'm fine," he states instantly.


"It's okay to struggle with the violence, Tony, even if it's bad guys."


"I said, I'm fine," he replies a bit too sharply, but I just nod, tapping his bracelet with a finger.


"Okay. Call me if you need me, then." I ruffle his hair playfully before vanishing into a portal to visit Heimdall, sweets in hand. The glittering gold and shimmering rainbow light of the bifrost greets me.


"Look what I've got!" I sing, bouncing over to the dark skinned man.


Heimdall smirks. "Another bribe?"


I snort, passing over the tarts I'd picked up earlier. "I don't need to bribe you now that you've accepted your role as my accomplice. Hell, you'd be in more trouble than me if Odin found out."


Heimdall grimaces, conceding the point. His gold braided locks swayed as we sat at a table I conjured and began to eat. "How are your Midgardian friends?"


My lips twitch thinking of Tony's crew, Deadpool, and the all X-men. "Good. They are hilarious and a pleasure to be around. A breath of fresh air. One day, I will introduce you and Frigga since I know you will like them."


Heimdall smiles, reaching out to pat my head. "I'd like that. Oh, before it slips my mind, I found the man you were looking for. The Soldier."


I perk up. "Already?"


He smirks. "I see all, girl. As if Midgardians could hide him from me."


I shrug, not bothering to tell him that there were definitely a few Midgardians that could manage it. "Excellent. I talked it over with the royals of Vanaheim and they've agreed to start the healing process and then I will send him to a few friends of mine on earth that are talented in mind arts. Loki has nearly finished the illusion ring to disguise him."


"I wonder who you found so worthy as to go so far out of your way," my companion prods, humming as he bites into a strawberry tart.


"Eh, he definitely deserves the help, and I have the power to do so. Besides, it's not actually out of my way."


Heimdall huffs. "You're so quick to dismiss your own kindness." I go to protest, but his raised hand cuts me off. "No, do not claim it is all for your plans. Yes, you plot and scheme, but you always aim to help and protect as many as you can reach. I'm sure this is no different. There are easier ways to address this issue, I'm sure, that require less from you."


I open my mouth, but end up closing it because he is technically right. Getting Bucky out early would be a complete pain due to all the time and magic I'd be spending to get to him without alerting HYDRA of my existence earlier than necessary and bringing them down on our heads, but it had to be done. I sigh, glancing out at Asgard's gilded streets. "You're right. There are easier paths for me, including waiting a few years and letting him fall right into my lap, or eliminating him out right since he is very much a threat. But what good is an easy path if I can't even look at myself at the end of it?" I take a bite of creamy cake, looking back at Heimdall, his gold teeth glinting as he smiles


"Our star is so noble and good," he teases and I scowl, stuffing my face as I try to ignore the embarrassment.


A few hours later, I get a distress signal and portal, only to find Tony mid panic attack in his workshop. I sigh, not because I'm annoyed at having to do this for him so often, but rather because he stubbornly refuses to acknowledge his trauma in the first place. I coax him out of the ball he has curled himself into and get him to breathe after a while, his hand on my chest to feel my heartbeat.


We sit together quietly, and I rub circles on his hands until he speaks. "You were right. Killing people, even bad guys, is harder than I thought it would be."


I nod. "That's because you're a good person."


He snorts, wrenching his hands away and scowling. "I don't know who gave you that impression-"


I flick him in the forehead. "Don't be foolish. I'm a powerful creature that can read the very soul of someone. I know very well what kind of person you are, even if you refuse to accept it."


Tony turns away, but seems to give in. "I've worked out a deal with the military. They'll let me continue to help take on the Ten Rings because I'm still making armor for them and keeping ties with them. It's essentially a consultant position."


I smirk. "Well, good that they won't be trying to shoot you out of the sky."


"How did you- nevermind. You want to watch a movie? Ever seen…. Wait, you're an alien, have you ever watched a movie at all?"


I smirk. "You'd be surprised. Been a while since I've had a good movie marathon, though."


Tony narrows his eyes, pointing at me. "One day, I'm going to figure out all your secrets."


I smile softly, taking his hand and dragging him out of the workshop, refusing to let him work while we watch movies, the mechanic in dire need of a break. 


I drag Yinsen into it, too, and then the Lion King is blasting from the home theater. One popcorn fight and two movies later, Tony is sleeping peacefully and Yinsen and I are silently high fiving over his head.


Sensing Pepper and Rhodey, I head them off with a finger to my lips, ushering them away while Yinsen stayed with our poor overworked friend. "Hi."


"Ms. Novahna," Pepper greets with wide eyes. Only Yinsen and Tony really knew how to treat me normally, the others still somewhere between awed and baffled by my existence.


Bemused, I wave my hand. "Just call Nova. Tony's sleeping."


Rhodey frowns, hesitating. "He's…"


"He is struggling a bit. Wounds of the mind and heart aren't easily healed, but he is strong. He just needs to get his footing," I reassure, taking in their worried looks. "With friends that care so deeply about him, he will be just fine."


"And this whole crime fighting thing he's doing?" Pepper asks, frazzled. "He's going to get himself killed!"


I sigh. "He…. He needs to do this. Not for the glory or fame. But, this… this is his atonement."


"He isn't responsible for-" Rhodey hisses, eyes burning in indignation.


"I never said he is at fault for how his stolen weapons are used, but it doesn't matter what we think. Only what he believes," I cut off, hands raised placatingly. "All we can do is be there and offer our support so he isn't alone."


Rhodey and Pepper exchange looks before nodding, determination oozing off of them. "We will."


Tilting my head in acknowledgment, I remind them to use the bracelets I'd gifted them to call me if things were getting out of hand or if something dangerous happened and they thought Tony was in over his head. "Any word on Stane and his accomplices?"


Pepper smiles, a terrifying, bloodthirsty thing. "We're almost ready."


"Be careful," I warn. "Even of SHIELD, although Coulson is safe. Tell him I said hi, kay?"


Pepper sputters. "How-"


I vanish with a cackle.




"Looking good, Lucky," I say, sauntering over in my flowy dress. Loki shoots me an exasperated, but pleased smile, absolutely handsome in his button up and suit vest and pants. "I said what I said. I was lucky to meet and befriend you. It was perhaps the luckiest incident of my life so far."


Loki huffs, but he looks positively tender. "Only you would say such things."


I shrug, tucking his arm in mine as we portal into an alley and swagger out into the New York sunshine. "You can't expect many to have my wisdom."


Loki chuckles. "That's a very diplomatic way of calling the rest of the world fucking imbeciles."


"I am an ambassador, darling."


Loki laughs, kissing my cheek. "You are beautiful in that dress, by the way."


I beam, going to ring the doorbell of the large, graceful building only for the doors to swing open, revealing a robed bald woman. "You were not expected, not at all."


I raise an eyebrow, entertained by the dramatics of it all. "But am I welcome?"


The amulet around her neck begins to glow a brilliant emerald, and a small, enigmatic smile appears on her face. "Most welcome, please come in."


Loki and I enter the Sanctum Santorum, admiring the architecture as we're escorted to a sitting room with comfy armchairs. "Do you know why we're here?"


"I have an idea, but I'm not entirely sure. The Eye of Agamemnon is only now showing me glimpses."


I take a floating tea cup. "There are two things; First, I'm aware that your successor will be the one to join the battle with us, but it will be easier if you smooth the way by preparing your people now."


The Ancient One pauses. "I cannot see which battle you refer to since it is beyond my time."


I nod, offering her my hand. When she takes it, I show her certain glimpses of the future, mainly Thanos and the stones. It's only a few minutes, but the Sorceress Supreme has turned a terrible shade of gray that's even visible to my weak eyes. "… I see."


I cock my head to the side. "Your people will have to fight as this is a mystical threat, and the Mystic Arts will not remain a secret afterwards. I'm hoping to secure your aid earlier this time in the battle of New York since it is still a part of Thanos's army. It would not only reduce casualties, but it would allow me to make sure your people will get similar protection as what I plan to offer the mutants, meaning no government will be able to interfere with your duties. And if any should try to hunt sorcerers for their abilities, I would personally step in, Ancient One."


"Call me Tao. I get the distinct feeling I'm not much, if at all, more ancient than you," Tao comments wryly, before going quiet in contemplation. "I must think on this before I offer an answer."


I dip my head in acquiescence. "The other thing I'd like to speak on is if you would allow Loki and I to study here and teach our own magic in return, although I'm not sure how much of it your people could do."


At this, Tao looks rather delighted, agreeing immediately, although she still wishes to think on the rest.




"So, this is the lost soldier, hm?" I purr, perched on the ledge of the building, taking in the smooth movements of the man stalking the streets of Buenos Aire far below us, the Argentina city skyline stretching out around us.


"Indeed," Nova murmurs, eyes shut as she watches the distant figure below us the only way she can, using her magic. 


"And why exactly have we spent the last week stalking him? The two of us could have destroyed all those pathetic vermin hidden in their lair without strain," I point out, unable to entirely suppress my annoyance at the waste of time. "Your caution is misplaced, darling."


Novahna shakes her head, the long strands of gleaming silver thoroughly distracting me as she prowls along the edge of the building before leaping lazily to the next roof. "Destroying a HYDRA base would be easy enough for us, but the aftermath would have been troublesome. They might choose to become more careful or move underground, meaning it would be harder for SHIELD to find and tear them apart. Or they might come after us and those we associate with before we secure our position in the public eye."


"And why must we have a reputation first? Surely we could take on anything they throw at us."


"Arrogant, love," she warns, and I gulp at the flush of heat her casual words bring me. "Public image is crucial because it would be harder for them to target us, or worse, twist our existence into something nefarious and turn the other humans against us. No matter what, we are unknown aliens to Midgard and the unknown breeds fear. This secrecy will keep their eyes off us a bit longer, which is optimal."


I sigh, but acknowledge her. I, of all people, know the value of an intricate plan. I merely think that she might be too wary since there is yet to be anyone to match the two of us in battle, but I am fine to play this game with her if that's what she wants.


"And Loki? Don't underestimate him. Midgardian he may be, but he is strong and experienced and he won't hesitate to kill us, or at least try."


I frown. She is being uncharacteristically serious as of late. "He is but a human, lovely. You worry too much."


My sheildsister gives me a bemused, knowing look that says she will simply let this go and tell me she told me so later, and I roll my eyes at her. "Come, we'll take him when he enters the alley."


We creep along behind him, magic masking the sight of us, and on my signal,we drop down on top of him. I smirk, smug as I come crashing down on the bulky man, but it only lasts until he suddenly side steps us. Alarmed, I crouch, dispelling my own momentum as the ground cracks beneath me, but before I can get to my feet, the soldier is whirling, his foot connecting with my jaw and sending me flying into a wall.


I groan, shocked as my illusion drops as I realize the man managed it all without sight, but I recover easily, having centuries of experience taking hits from those of unparalleled strength like the god of thunder himself. I scramble to my feet just in time to see Nova curse and flip away from a spray of bullets. Hissing, I fling my hand out, sending a stream of flames at him, giving Nova the chance to roll behind him and drive her foot into his side, knocking him between us. 


I lunge forward, my dagger clashing with his arm, the sound of metal on metal ringing out rather than that of flesh tearing, briefly annoying me, the feeling deepening even more so when he catches my other wrist. For a moment, my eyes lock with blank, cold, blue ones through dark hair, and then his eyes are rolling back into his head as slim yet strong hands touch his temples almost delicately from behind.


Nova catches him and lowers him gently to the ground as he loses consciousness under her sleep spell. Her smug, mocking smile greets me. "He is but a human, lovely. You worry too much, ooooh."


"I don't sound like that!" I snap, unsummoning my daggers. Her condescending face has me retaliating with two middle fingers even as she opens a portal to Vanaheim, her cackles loud as I fight the heat in my cheeks.




"Such depravity," Princess Freya sneers as she ghosts her glowing hands over the Winter Soldier's head. "It always surprises me, the horrendous things intelligent life forms can do to one another. And to think, now Midgardians had the science to do such things as well."


I smile bitterly. "Then you are more of an optimist than me, Princess. I stopped being shocked by cruelty long ago."


Princess Freya shoots me a sad look. "Your time alive has not been easy my friend."


I tip my head in acknowledgment. Freya is one of the few I'd entrusted with the secret of my past lives, simply because it felt right to do so, and because she is wise enough to understand what a heavy burden it actually is. It is partially why the trust between us has only grown over the years that she raised, protected, and taught me, and why I am entrusting this secret task to her and her twin, King Freyr, since there would be hell to pay if Odin realized I'd been visiting Midgard, especially with Loki.


"Can you help him? I know this isn't a magic issue, but-"


"Peace, Nova. I can help, at least with remembering the things he lost. But, removing the conditioning and the trauma will take much time. I'm not sure…"


I wave it off. "No, that's more than enough. I have a friend on Earth who would actually be more suited for the conditioning issue and rehabilitation. Please be careful, he's dangerous. Just look at Prince Loki's face!"


I grin wildly as I point at my mortified friend's slightly swollen jaw and he responds by whacking me over the head as his Great Aunt cackles. "Oh! And his arm! It is painful and terrible and I need the tracker gone before I send him back to earth."


Freya smirks. "We'll make him something particularly nice."


The words are more than a little ominous when you know the kind of enchantments Vanir sorcerers favor, but I can't bring myself to question it. This is the first step to helping Bucky Barnes after all.


As Loki and I return to Asgard, he steers me to the gardens, weaving spells around us that ward off unwanted listeners. "When will you tell Stark about his parents' killer?"


I wince. "As soon as he deals with Stane. He mustn't be distracted."


"And what of the secret you wish to tell me?" Loki asks casually and I cringe hard, stopping in my tracks.


Realizing it's time, I gnaw on my lip. "Tell your father we are going hunting. Then you can react in peace."


Loki softens, cupping my cheek. "Thank you, my friend."




Loki takes the news of his adoption both worse and better than expected. Oh, the part of the forest we were camping in is utterly leveled, several miles of land burned and frozen and uprooted in his wrath, but after he'd burned the anger out, I spent an entire night cradling him as he wept, years of paternal neglect finally explained, although never justified. 


"Mother- no. The Queen-"


"Queen Frigga is your mother. She loves you just as much as Thor, the son she birthed herself . She could no more tell you than anyone else with Odin's orders hanging above her head," I tell him firmly, his head in my lap as I dab carefully under his damp, swollen eyes.


Loki nods, face crumpled in pain and I run my fingers through his hair gently. "The All-Father and the other Aesir… when I was a child, they always told stories of the cruel, barbaric, and monstrous frost giants. They often said that the only good Jotun is a dead one…"


I sneer. "Utter nonsense. Did you forget that the Queen of Vanaheim, Frigga's mother, is a frost giant?"


Loki blinks, startled. "I never really registered that she wasn't Vanir. Mother is half Jotun, too..."


"Both queens are kind and wise," I add. "There is nothing, nothing wrong with you. You are magnificent as you are. There is no one in the nine realms and beyond that I cherish more."


Loki lets out a choked laugh, hiding his face in my belly. "Oh, how foolish I am to doubt myself when I'm so loved by the two wisest women in all the realms: Queen Frigga and Novahna the Great!"


I preen jokingly. "Finally, you said something sensible."


Loki pees up at me through thick lashes. "Nova. Thank you. Truly."


I kiss his forehead, brushing him off, and we spend the rest of our trip gazing at the stars above.




This was not the Chair. No scent of blood. No darkness, no metal, no pain. Sitting up slowly, the Soldier opens his eyes. "Ready to comply."


The woman, (-Handler?), is strange. She leans sideways in her chair, legs thrown over the arm, posture open, non threatening, relaxed, (-easy to kill-). 


The winter soldier knows how to read people. It is a crucial skill for an assassin. But, this woman is odd. There is no violence, no fear, only a gentle smile on her face.


It makes no sense.


"Hello. I'm Novahna and I am not HYDRA," the woman says, her voice lilting and her accent implacable.


It could be a trick. But, why bother? It would have made more sense to initiate reprogramming while unconscious. 


Reprogramming? What is-?


-a thin blonde boy smiles with a bloody lip-


-gunshots ring out-


-a dark haired woman laughs, dark hair swinging-


-a flying car and cheering crowd-


-falling, falling, falling, into nothing but ice and snow. It's so cold-


-screeching tires and burning cars-


(I, no-), the soldier grunts in pain, clutching his (-my?-) head. Like prices of a puzzle that don't fit right, the images that form are distorted and unclear, nonsensical yet familiar.


"Easy, easy. HYDRA was forcing you to forget things. I'm sorry, I know it hurts, but you are safe now. Do you remember your name?'


What is the correct answer? "The Winter Soldier."


She shrugs, face neutral. "That is your title. Given to you by your captors. But, do you remember your name?"


-a young teen who smiles like dawn turns to face me, lips curling as he calls out-


"…Bucky?" The soldier, I, offer.


Her eyes gleam as she grins. "James Bachman, or Bucky, Barnes. You were a sergeant. You were taken prisoner and your memories were stolen. My friends and I wished to help, so we… took you away."


"Why?" None of this makes any sense.


"You deserve it. That's all. But, if it helps to think of more practical reasoning, HYDRA is my enemy and I don't want you on their side." 


I look down and notice my arm is gone (-again?), something in my gut twists in… horror? Disgust? The feeling is shoved down immediately.


"Don't worry, the tracker is gone. When you're ready, we can help you choose a new prosthetic."


Choose? I get a choice?


-pain racks my side as metal clamps force me down, cutting and burning and piercing, agony ripping through my side as metal is forced into place-


Novahna, (-Silver hair? Dyed? Or a mutant?-), gets to her feet slowly and I tense, but she doesn't approach. "Think on it a while. Let your memories come naturally. There are some things on the table to occupy yourself with and you can ring the bell whenever you need anything. You're not a prisoner, so please don't attack anyone here."


And then she's gone, leaving me with thousands of memories that don't quite feel like they're mine.




Bucky improves rapidly. It makes sense really, considering how strong willed and bullheaded he is, enough to fight off a lot of his brainwashing alone in cannon even without remembering his past. With his memories restored, he's incredibly cautious, but he's only lashed out a few times, and never caused more than minor damage to property and the sturdy Vanir healers.


The first time I'd met him was a week after kidnapping him from earth, the healers having put him in a coma to restore all his memories and remove his fucked up arm, implanting a new socket that wouldn't agitate and hurt his nerves, one made with Aesir and Vanir technology and magic. It was not much longer after that that Loki and I started taking him on walks around the outskirts of Vanaheim, and he took the fact that we weren't on earth shockingly well, but I think that had more to do with how deeply emotional suppression was ingrained.


It has been a while since I'd met someone who quelled their emotions like that, lifetimes in fact, and it was ironically another traumatized assassin. The similarities between Bucky Barnes and Kurohiko, my most loyal friend, are suddenly abundantly clear, and I'm utterly helpless to the way it endears him to me. 


"Try this," I murmur, handing Bucky a sweet bun, meticulous not to touch him directly since last time someone did that, they got thrown into a wall.


He stares blankly until I snort, take it back from his hand, ignoring his tightening muscles, take a bite out of the bun, and hand it back. "Eat. If I wanted you dead, I'd have done it earlier."


"I know. But, does that mean you want to use me as your weapon?" He asks, face always empty, even as his aura swirls a bit more each time I see him. My mind goes back to young dark haired boy asking if he was to be my blade.


I shake my head free of those memories, my reply nearly identical to what it was then. "No. If you wish, you never have to fight ever again. You can spend all the rest of your days farming and… herding sheep." My lips twitch at the reference no one in this time line will understand.


Just like that, the days pass, and little by little, the Winter Soldier retreats, glimpses of the old Bucky Barnes showing through. It's the little things, a sarcastic statement here, an almost smile there, but slowly, he makes progress, and the ghost of my friend fades because while the Winter Soldier reminded me of Kuro, Bucky was a very different person. A month goes by and Bucky gains enough awareness to understand the situation, to recognize this isn't a trick, but somehow, the PTSD is worse now that The Winter Soldier has taken a back seat and isn't repressing and compartmentalizing all the terrible, mentally crippling experiences of his past. I'm not sure if it is an alternate identity, or just a mindset, but Vansheim isn't all that equipped to deal with it. Bucky needs some really good therapy and a certain Professor is better suited to it simply because as advanced as the Vanir were, they were still a somewhat backwards society that isn't very knowledgeable about mental wounds not caused by magic.


But, all in all, Bucky is healing and that's all that matters.



AN; How was it? Lot of things were popping off in this chapter, huh? New people too! How was Bucky's disjointed thoughts. And did you guys notice the POV change for him is in fact not a keyboard smash? His POV was difficult because of how chaotic it had to be while still showing both elements of the soldier and a semi aware Bucky, so I hope it's ok.

And what do yall think about a Walking Dead AU?