
Chapter 4: Oops

Author's Note : I don't know if you got the complete chapter 3 but I'm writing this Chapter anyways.

This Chapter is a little bit Cheesy.

I hope you love it.


Helen went to serve Don Erick and as he saw her, he smiled and asked: "what's your name, waitress?"

Helen softly replied "Helen. My name is Helen"

Helen was about to drop the meat and leave when Don Erick out of the blue said "sit here, Helen". he patted his lap. Helen didn't want to, infact, Helen wanted to leave as soon as possible because she fears that she wouldn't be able to control her emotions around a guy like Don so she was going to decline, well, she was about to but she saw Sharon at a distance making a gesture of one slitting her own throat. Helen didn't need to be told twice, she sat on Erick's lap. All this was done in front of his guests.

Erick whispered into her ear, " you're not working tonight. You're coming with me to my place". Helen's throat went dry in an instant. She never wanted to work at a place as disgusting as here, a bar but she didn't have a choice, this was fate.

"what? me? With Don Erick. Tonight? Oh surely it will be a night of scandal". She started sweating profusely not that it was hot but because she was nervous. Her heart was beating loudly. Serving Don Erick alone was an honour but now she was going to be with him for the night?! It was just too much to handle.

"Aww don't be shy." Don Erick said then he whispered lustfully into her ear, "it wont take long. Quick and painless like that". he snapped his fingers and smiled.

This made Helen's heart beat even faster. She was scared. This guy looked like he was in his early thirties and she was only nearly 25.

Later that night, Don Erick took her to his house and though it was dark, Helen could see the house and who said this place was a house; it was clearly a mansion!

Helen with Erick's help stepped out of the car and said an inaudible "wow".

"Welcome to the Don mansion". Don Erick said loudly then he looked at her and asked

"Shall we?"

Helen nodded. Then they entered the mansion and it looks better in the inside than the outside. There were huge flower vases at each side of the hall and it extended to a huge living room with the staircase at the middle. The staircase led to two other stairs opposite each other. They walked to the staircase and took the one at the right which led to his room which was about half the size of her house.

They entered the room, Don Erick locked the door and began the deed with Helen. Truly, that night was heated.

The next day, Helen wanted to leave but was

stopped by Don, "where do you think you're going, Helen?"

Helen's throat went dry. "Umm... home?"

Her reply was more of a question than an answer. Don chuckled softly and said, "No you're not. You're staying with me for two more days. Period."

"But, you don't even know me. How shameless of you to do this to a stranger like me." Helen was undoubtedly annoyed with his behavior. Don Erick frowned at her sudden change of mood but still decided to be courteous. Helen was already standing. Don Erick did the same. He said apologetically, "I'm sorry. Could you please spend the next two days with me?".

Helen turned around trying her best to avoid his handsome face and replied, "No".

Suddenly, Don Erick held her shoulders, made her face himand made her look into his eyes then he said in a hoarse voice. "Helen listen to me, you will stay with me for two more days and you will enjoy your stay here with me".

Helen as if being mind controlled nodded mindlessly. Her eyes were empty, almost like she wasn't herself.

Was he mind controlling Helen?

Two days later it was time for Helen to leave. Don gave her very expensive clothes and a huge sum of money and instructed her to pack up and leave immediately she was done. Helen didn't know why he was acting like that but she had to obey.

Don Erick had left but before leaving he secretly told the driver to take her home.

Helen was done packing but she didn't want to leave now; she needed to tour the house before leaving.

While touring, Helen saw a lady, she looked like a thirty- year old. The lady was seated comfortably like she owned the house!

Helen guessed that that lady was Erick's wife.

Suddenly, the lady's eyes snapped at Helen and she coldly asked, "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"

The lady's glare were so sharp maybe even sharper than daggers that it made Helen feel like her soul was being pierced.

Cold sweat broke on Helen's forehead but she gathered courage and said, "I'm just a maid and my work is done so I'm leaving now".

Helen turned and was about to leave when the lady said, "I know you're lying. You're just a cheap gold digger and you'll pay for tempting my husband."

Helen was shocked. This lady was scary.

"No, please, you don't understand, I'm really just a maid." Helen said

"Okay, but if I find out otherwise then consider yourself dead." The lady replied coldly.

Helen got into the car and was driven home.

A. N

Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.

More Chapters tomorrow. I promise.


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