
A deal with the devil (mafia boss)

After Alicia's engagement was unexpectedly called off by her fiance. She was too shocked to digest the news. She found herself in a majestic house. What would become of her when she mistake her savior as an enemy?. She finds herself in another entirely different world where everything seems strange to her. Dealing with this cold annoying boss of her and his underworld secrets. Was she going to discover the secrets behind her mothers sickness? How would she uncover this family plot twist? Would she be the mafia Queen?

PrinCess05adEx · Action
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19 Chs


Alicia being the smart type, quickly put those pieces of memories together. She knew someone picked her up, "but could it be?...was he the one?.....then Raymond didn't come back for her.....oh no!!! She truly misunderstood him, he was truly her saviour.....does that mean Raymond doesn't care anymore about her?, has he really moved on?" Different thoughts kept wandering her mind, she was tearing up again.

"Then who changed my clothes?" Alicia asked in an hoarse voice, trying really hard to control her emotions.

"The staff" Williams answered her simply.

"Then what about the blood stain on the bed and abdominal pain".she wanted to be sure she was safe and untouched. 

"How am I supposed to know" he answered nonchalantly.

"Ma, today's 24th of the month" one of the maids holding her clothes said trying to hint her. 

How could she have forgotten she was on that time of the month?, and her weak legs were due to the accident on her way to Raymond's house.

She had misunderstood him completely. Alicia was so embarrassed by her behaviour, she regreted not listening to her mothers advise not to be too impulsive.

"Oh Alicia!!! what have you done?.... what am I going to do?....where do I start from?...how do I even start apologising?...oh no!!! I can't believe i slaped the face of my saviour in the presence of his maids.....

What have I done?. She kept questioning her self hoping the floor could open up and swallow her saving her from this embarrassment. This is when she realise her mom advice (anger doesn't solve things but makes things more worst). She should have really calmed down, but who the hell calms down in situations like this.

However, before she could even start apologising for her mindless behaviour, she fell unconscious again.

"Call the family doctor" Williams ordered in a stern voice while he picked her up gently tucking in the bed.

He still had lots of files waiting for his attendance, and every of his minutes counts to him. He picked up his phone dailing a number.

"Send me the documents and reschedule the shareholders meeting till afternoon" he ordered the man on the other line briefly still fixing his gaze on the lady on the bed.

Williams was already annoyed with his time wasted here, he wanted to wait for the doctors report before going back to his office.

It's my first time writing... pls let me know how you feel about this story 🥰🥰🥰🥰also don't forget to comment and rate 

Guys sorry for the few changes I made.

And thanks alot for all of your  comments. I really appreciate 🙏💛😌

I love you all🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰☺☺☺

Pls and pls comments 😔😭🙏😢😪. 

Gid bless you all and have a wonderful day