
A deal with the devil (mafia boss)

After Alicia's engagement was unexpectedly called off by her fiance. She was too shocked to digest the news. She found herself in a majestic house. What would become of her when she mistake her savior as an enemy?. She finds herself in another entirely different world where everything seems strange to her. Dealing with this cold annoying boss of her and his underworld secrets. Was she going to discover the secrets behind her mothers sickness? How would she uncover this family plot twist? Would she be the mafia Queen?

PrinCess05adEx · Action
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19 Chs

a clare warning

Sir".....the doctor called slightly trembling after he was done with checking up on Alicia, afraid he might be disturbing him.

"Speak" Williams ordered coldly still fixing his gaze on the documents he was attending to.

"Her condition seems bad, she caught fever and already lost some blood from her leg injury and she is also on her period. I have treated and applied oil to her injured back, it will be fine in few days time, her injured legs have also been treated. I will be going to the hosipal to collect more blood so i can tranfuse it to her. Its going to take a while before she wakes, i will ask someone to make her a soup and the pain reliever is on the table, after all of that, she will be fine".


The doctor knew it was best to retreat silently since he doesn't want to be disturbed.


Alicia woke up with a heavy headache which made her head spinning so hard. 

"Madam...its been two days since you fell unconscious, how are you feeling now?...you need to make use of your drugs now since you are awake, it will help you relieve your headache" one of the maid said to her.

"Two days?.... Stella must be very worried about me ....please where is my phone?"Alicia asked in a panic tone.

"Thanks alot for your hospitality and I am sorry for the inconvenience please I will be taking my leave now"

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid you can't leave yet .....young master is on his way here" the middle aged chief maid said in a low voice afraid she might sound offensive to her 

"OK it's fine, I totally understand, I also need to thank him in person 😊"

***In between a phone conversation of Alicia and Stella, Williams walked in.

Stella was still so mad and worried about Alicia not informing her ahead.

"Kk babes, i will talk to you later"

"Dont worry i will be on my way to come get you, just send me the address "

"Ok"alicia said as she quickly hung up the phone noticing Williams presence.

"Good...Good day sir" Alicia couldn't help but drool at the perfect man standing before her. He had a silky, well trimmed,  curly soft hair, his eyes brows were full, he had a long eye lashes, his nose was slightly pointed, he had a full size pink lips with a stubble beard making his sharp chin more visible. He was more like a painting, and every step he took were elegant, making him more like a king. His broad chest and heavily built muscles with an inverted triangle body shape. He wore a stylish black trench coat that huged his body well, which covered his black round neck top and half of his black gean trouser. He was on all black clothes making him look more attractive.

"Ma"...the maid said trying to call Alicia attention, drawing her back from her dream land.

Alicia face flushed in embarrassment, she was caught drooling over the perfectly standing man before her as she quickly wiped her mouth.

"Thanks alot for saving me. I'm really grateful and I'm also sorry for my impulsive behaviour" she said regretfully, she knew she owed him alot.

"Looks like you always misunderstood me" he chuckled softly 

"I didn't do anything to save you young lady, I just only wanted to get back at the old fat man and at least to make sure before you start throwing yourself to men, you should be in your right senses "

Alicia being the short tempered type felt really insulted by his words 

"Young man, just because you saved me at such an awkward moment doesn't make me a slot or I throw myself on men" she said opposingly. Being a proud girl, she wouldn't admit defeat easily or let others trample over her even at her lowest point.

"Then how do you explain the last time at the bar. If you can't recall well, you can as well check the cctv camera and these pictures" he replied her in a cold voice, handling the pictures to her.

Her ears and cheeks were all colored red as her eyes widened in shock seeing those picture of her kissing him against his wish. Things couldn't get more awkward for her.

"But....but....I was drunk" she tried defending herself.

"Thats not an excuse young lady, you should have learnt well about your alcohol tolerance before sexually assaulting people"

"Sexual assault?...i might agree I kissed you against your will, its shouldn't be a big problem, but saying sexually assault is exaggerative. It's more like an insult" she couldn't stand his rude behaviour anymore.

"How do you explain the day you met your self here, that was more than an insult. It was an emotional damage and also includes physical abuse" he said curving his lips upward, enjoying the fact Alicia sharp tongue were twisted, she couldn't find a word to refute him anymore.

"Since you have silently agreed to those accused offenses and there are so many hard proves evidences and lots of people as witnesses, you can as well wait for my lawyer. You guys will sort things out between yourselves" he said leaning his back on his chair elegantly and crossing his legs in a bossy manner.

"What exactly do you want?...is there no other way we can settle things aside using the law?" Alicia couldn't help but asked nervously. She wasn't a fool, she knew when to retreat and when to strike. She knew she had offended a big hit.

"Be my personal assistant for 4 months" he said mischievously.

"Personal assistant?!!!...are you joking around?!!!....I'd rather serve a mentally unstable person than be your personal assistant" Alicia sounded more irritably.

"Focus on getting yourself a lawyer " he replied her making his way to the door.

Realising Williams was going to leave her with no choice but to get a lawyer. "Wait....." 

Williams chuckled slightly as he halted his step. He rose one of his eyebrows giving her a questionable glare, waiting for her to continue her statements.

"Ok fine......I will be your personal assistant, but you don't dare make any funny moves on me" she said biting her lower lips nervously.

He really wanted to laugh at her childish behaviour "says the same lady that assaulted me. I should be the one really saying this but, DONT FALL IN LOVE WITH ME. That my own special warning"  he replied her in a cold stern voice that one could feel the weight of those words.

"Pttttts!!!!!!....who in his or her right senses would ever want to be in love with an arrogant spoilt man" she said murmuring 

"Young lady I can still hear you. The driver will make your arrangements ". He briefly told her making his way out, he still need to complete some things in the company 

"Mind you, you are still owing me for the treatment and hospitality".

Her eyes shone more brightly hearing those words from him. He had more than enough money for his tenth generation.

"You must have been told nothing is free in this world " his said filtratiously to her as he winked an eye and licked his full size pink lips seductively.  Alicia on the other hand was caught off guard by his sudden gesture, making her heart miss a beat.