

Emily removed her cloak and sat at the table close to his bed. She plucked out a grape from the stem and put it in her mouth. “You have 60 seconds to tell me why you are here.” Tyler said. Emily took a deep breath, “I am here to make you a deal.” Emily said. “And what makes you think that I will make a deal with you?” he asked her. “Because I am what you are looking for.” She spoke. “You need someone stronger than you because you are weak. I can teach you how to be stronger.” Tyler thought about it and what she said was actually true. She was strong. One of the strongest she-wolves he has ever seen. Her pack was known as the strongest mainly because their ability to control their transformation. Unlike every other pack that have to change during the full moon, they can choose when to transform. He knows she can fix his problem without and false. But what is the grantee that she can be trusted. Emily is the kind that stabs people in the back. “Is that not why you want find a mate? Because you want the whispers to stop?” she asked him. “And what do you gain from all this?” Tyler asked her. The Emily he knows never makes a deal without something in return. “As you know, I am the only child of my father, the alpha of Cresent moon pack. and because I am a female. I can’t take over when my father is gone.” She says and takes a bit of an apple she picks up from the tray. “What does that have to do with me?” “Well, in one of our old book laws, I can ascend the throne if the man I marry hands over the throne to me.” “What are you saying?” Tyler said. Emily could see that he was running out of patience. She put down the half-eaten and dusts her hands. “Simple, I will train you and each you how to be stronger and in return you will mate with me and hand over the leadership of my pack to me.” Tyler laughed at her face. part of her told her that something like this will happen. He wasn’t the first though. Other alphas she approached did the same thing to her but this time she will get what she wants from him. He is her best option. “And what made you think that I would agree to such deal?” he asked her. “Because deep down you know I am the only one who can help you.” She told him with a smile on her face.

Gemma_Alex · Fantasy
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25 Chs


Tyler didn't know what Emily was thinking. Planning a party in his name? what the heck is wrong with her? he finished the last work her had in Country F and took a flight straight to Australia.

All through the fight he was thinking of what had come over her. A normal girl would have gone and cried her eyes out and stayed in the dark after what he said but instead, she is throwing a party? He knew this is one of her tricks again but he will not fall for it. Immediately he gets back, he will put a stop to this nonsense immediately.

Meanwhile, Emily was keeping tabs on Tyler's every move. She knew he would come back; after all this is about his reputation. The only way she can achieve what she wants is if he comes back. No matter what happens, is will not lose. this is not only about her, but her pack as well.

Immediately Tyler landed in Australia he went straight home. He castles was crowded. The maids were putting up decoration and they rolled out the carpets. Emily really out did herself this time. Where did she get all the money for this? 

Tyler angrily stomped into the house. he went upstairs immediately went straight to the bedroom. He pushed the door open and saw her there on her phone.

"What do you think you are doing?" Tyler yelled.

"What are you talking about?" Emily asked and gave him an absurd look.

Tyler took a deep breath to suppress his anger. She was taking him for a fool.

"Emily, I don't know what it is you are planning but you are to stop it immediately! Do you understand!?" He yelled at her.

Emily Jumped as he screamed. She remained quiet. Tyler smirked. He felt he  succeed seeing how scared she was. He always wanted that impact on her ever since she reappeared into his life. he turned around, about to go downstairs and tell everyone to stop the decorations and clean up.

"Have a meal with me." Emily said out of nowhere.

Tyler halted and turned around. "What?"

"You just came back. I am sure you haven't eating anything so have a meal with me." Emily requested with a small smile.

In truth, Tyler was hungry. He was so worried that he didn't have anything on the plane and when he landed. The thought of food didn't cross his mind till now.

"I cooked." Emily added. 

Tyler looked at her for a while still shocked. "Fine. Lead the way."

Emily gave him and cute smile and led him to the dining table in the garden. She served him all that she cooked. 

Tyler was not really interested. He looked at the food and at her. he thought it was a stupid idea. Emily gave him the signal to go on. He had no other choice but to eat. Besides, he was already seated there.

He held his fork and took a bite and he was surprised. He looked at her and saw how calm she was; the food was delicious. He never knew her to be such a good cook. I mean, she is not like other wolves. she is more like a career than a wife.

"I never knew you could cook." He told her and kept on eating and God! the food was so good!

Emily remained quiet and watched him. he couldn't understand why she was quiet. The Emily he knows always has something to say he shoved the thought out of his mind and just enjoyed his meal.

When he was about done Emily told him calmly, "You can't cancel the ball." 

Tyler halted "And why not?"

"I have invited everyone including foreign investors of both packs and the party is happening in three days."

Tyler looked at her. she was so calm; there wasn't a smirk on her lips or twinkle in her eyes. She knew what she was doing. This food was just a distraction, she was never good to give up.

"I know you hate me but this ball has to happen. You know it is mandatory for me to accepted as this pack's luna." Emily told him.

"It is bad enough that I am planning it myself but you don't want it to happen?"

Tyler put down his fork. She did have a point; it is customary for their pack to throw a ball to introduce their new luna to the public. In that ball, she will take up and accept the role of the luna.

"Well if that is settled then," Emily and stood up, "I better go and finish the planning. Enjoy your meal. And before I leave," she said and turned around. Tyler looked at her. "We are sitting for a portrait tomorrow."

Tyler was confused.

"Sorry. I wanted to get our pictures taking but if we want the picture in the hall it has to be painted." She said with a smile.

"Okay then, I will see you tonight for dinner." She said and left.