
A Dark Stormy Night

Rey is awoken in the night by a sex dream of her most loathsome enemy, Kylo Ren. Of all the people to have a wet dream about, why did it have to be him? Rey tries to push it from her mind when a mysterious ship lands not far from her camp. To her surprise, Rey finds Kylo Ren waiting for her. This is prompted from #Reyloween2020’s “A Dark and Stormy Night”. I hope you enjoy my first one-shot.

Evangel10n · Movies
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2 Chs

A Dark Stormy Night, pt 1

The crisp night air bit at Rey's face as she walked off the last inch of the ramp of the Millennium Falcon. She took in her surroundings of the unnamed alien planet. The water of the black lake ebbed and flowed, lazily touching the pebbled beach in the light emitted from the twin moons. The trees towered and were thick with leaves while fog loomed, weaving in between them. Rey let the serene beauty of the quiet forest settle her racing mind. What was with that dream, she thought, Why did it have to be him? Of all people to have a wet dream about, why did it have to be Kylo Ren? She loathed every fiber of him; he was her arch-enemy. He stood for everything that went up against what she believed. So why did thinking how his hips swayed into her body in her dream excite her? Rey let out a grunt of frustration into the silent night air as she began marching further onto the beach. The sound of the pebbles crunched underneath her boots as she walked closer to the water's edge. She lowered herself down to the uneven ground as she took long, deep breaths in hopes to rid her mind of Kylo Ren. But how could she when her dream was so lucid? Rey could still taste his soft lips on her tongue and feel the touch of warm fingers tracing over her body feverishly, wantonly.

Rey shook her head as if to physically expel the images from her mind. She reached out within herself to find the calm, the quiet, the center. She tried again taking deep breaths, focusing on the Force that was all around her. Taking in the energy of the sleeping creatures that lay in the forest, the way the still air sat heavily, and how the water edged the shoreline. But Rey reached further, examining the planet. Deeper inland, past the forest, something was brewing. She could smell the faint scent of petrichor in the air. It was a dank, earthy smell that filled her nose.

"Rey..." a man's voice sounded that was breathy, lustful and in an instant was gone, but she knew who the voice belonged to. Rey's eyes opened, abruptly pulled from her meditation, darting her head left and right expecting to see Kylo Ren, but she found herself alone. Rey tried in earnest to return to her meditation, closing her eyes and focusing on her breathing when the man's voice sounded again, but this time it was closer.

"Rey..." the same breathy moan sounded in her ear, as a gust of warm breath brushed her skin. A shiver rippled down to her core. She bit her lip at the way he said her name as if in a passing moment of passion. But Rey had not known such a thing.

Rey sighed as she unfurled, unable to focus any longer, laying down on the rocky ground. She placed her hands on her stomach as she looked up at the stars that littered the black sky. What had happened to her? Since she met Kylo Ren there has been a change, a shifting tide. It was as if something had been awoken within her. No one had made her feel so angry, yet so passionate. What was she doing? It was only a dream, right? There was no need for her to get worked up on the intricacies of her subconscious. It was just a sex dream after all. Everyone has them. But she had to admit to herself that this was her first.

"Kylo… where are you?" Rey spoke out pointlessly knowing that he was nowhere to hear her call out to him. She knew that she would always be connected to him through the Force-bond, but with no idea how it worked, it was useless to try to summon him.

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Rey woke to droplets of rain falling in a sporadic pattern on her. Her eyes opened, squinting through the falling water hitting her face. The night had turned viciously cold amidst the storm rolling in. Rey rolled over, pushing herself up to her feet. Quickly, she ran back to the cover that the Millennium Falcon provided. Rey turned to see the rain had begun to fall into a heavy and constant downpour. Despite the chill to her skin, she found it quite peaceful. It was just what she needed to keep thoughts of Kylo Ren at bay. Suddenly a mechanical whirr began to sound through the rain. Rey's head snapped up at the direction it came from. No doubt it was a ship heading her way. Rey ran up the ramp of the Falcon with haste. The automatic lights skittered to life as she passed them on her way to her quarters. Her fast gait echoed loudly before she stopped at her door, waiting for the ancient ship to catch up. The door opened with a hydraulic hiss after what seemed like minutes. She was uncertain who was coming, but she would be prepared.

The door opened to dim artificial lights revealing a messy room. Rey stopped at the threshold shooting an arm up, summoning her modified quarterstaff into her hands. From the far corner, the staff rested up against the wall when it drifted effortlessly into the palm of her hand, hitting it with a dull, wet smack. Its weight was perfectly balanced despite being made of salvaged parts from various ships and vehicles. Satisfied, she turned on the balls of her feet, running back down the familiar and circular halls of the ship. Rey slowed her pace as she approached the open ramp that was slick with rain. Her eyes darted up, searching the night sky for any sign of movement, but there was none. The ship's drone was getting closer, but it was coming from behind her in the forest. Rey jumped off the side of the ramp, hitting wet earth with a hard thud. The rain fell on her hair and clothes that were being more saturated by the second. Standing there in the rain, Rey waited for the ship to land before she went looking for its pilot.

The whirr was close, maybe a mile behind her. Rey skirted the side of the Falcon walking toward the treeline. The forest was black as night and dense with an eerie fog that hovered over the ground. She moved carefully, quietly, keeping a good pace with her staff gripped tightly in her hand. Rey stopped for a moment observing the silent forest. Just off to the distance, a hiss from a ship opening broke up the pitter-patter of the rain. Rey crept slowly towards the origin of the sound, her staff ready in an offensive position. Rey took cover behind a large tree when she happened upon a ship that's engines had just been cut. A dark silhouette stepped out of a First Order command shuttle. The figure was tall and clad in dark robes that matched the night.

"I know you are there, Rey." The man's voice called out through the downpour. The voice was familiar and it baffled her that he was here, just feet in front of her. Rey turned, pressing her back into the rough bark of the tree, flattening herself up against it.

"How did you find me, Kylo?" Rey yelled out, trying to not reveal her location to Kylo Ren, whose intentions could not have been anything but benevolent. Her breath quickened, her heart beat with force in her chest awaiting his reply.

"Your ship. It's cloaking device is ancient. Anyone could have found you." His voice was soft now, closer. Rey's head darted in its direction, but Kylo Ren was not there. She shifted her head, looking the other way. Kylo Ren stood towering above her with deep brown eyes looking down at her. His face touched by a hint of sadness, she thought, as he searched her frantic, panic riddled eyes. His black curls were pressed to his face that were separated into wet sections. His robes and cloak ripped in the wind. Rey felt her face turn into a grimace with the furrowing of her eyebrows. Determined, Rey brought her quarterstaff up, ready to use it on Kylo Ren. He looked down at the weapon and with a disapproving look took a black-gloved hand and grabbed it, jerking it. Rey would die rather than let him disarm her. She stumbled into him, her hands still gripping the staff. Her body hit his hard torso with a wet smack that was dampened by the storm.

The lighting up above them threatened to bring forth its wrath as it rumbled inside of storm clouds. Her clothes were heavy with water and her wet hair whipped at her face with violent strokes. The wind blew through the trees, the rain began to puddle on the forest's floor, but Rey and Kylo Ren stood there, motionless and locked into each other, almost unaware of the explosive storm around them.

"Rey, I didn't come here to fight you. Please put the weapon down." His voice was soft, almost a whisper as he spoke to her. It stunned her. She had never heard him speak in such a manner. Her face softened as she brought her staff down to her side.

"Why did you come here then, Kylo?" Her voice matched his now, no trace of bitterness or anger. Kylo Ren's face, if only for a second, flashed a look of sadness before he broke their eye contact. He looked away, turning his back and took a large step, separating himself from her. Rey watched with a careful eye, not knowing what he might do next given how out of character he was acting. His leather-gloved hands clenched into tight fists. He held them there for a moment before taking a deep breath and releasing them.

"Why do we fight, Rey? I mean, really— What's the point?" He spoke as if this question had been eating at him.

"Because," Rey was all too keen to answer his question, "You fight for the wrong side. You're a Sith, Kylo. You are everything that is wrong with the galaxy. How could I stand by and let you destroy everything?" The question had angered her; it was obvious why they fought each other.

"No, you misunderstood my question." Kylo Ren turned to face her now. He seemed deflated, saddened. He looked like a child, feeling all too small to do anything for himself.

"Why do we fight for anything? My life is nothing I imagined it would be. I became Kylo Ren because I was a petulant child, eager to show my uncle and my parents I couldn't be who they wanted me to be. Now, I have so much blood on my hands, Rey— but no matter how much I wash my hands it won't come off. My hands are stained. I thought-" Kylo Ren stopped here, biting his bottom lip as if to stop it from quivering, looking away from her eyes. It was too painful to admit to himself, let alone look into her eyes and say it aloud.

"I thought when I killed my father that I would be able to evolve, but I was wrong, Rey. I'm so lost now. I guess I came here because I had nowhere else to go. Me, Kylo Ren, coming to an enemy for solace." Kylo drew in a sniffle through his nose, letting out a small somber chuckle. Tears began to fall but they were indistinguishable against the rain on his face. Rey was stunned, baffled by the situation, and couldn't offer up a reply. From the first time she had met him, he had never been anything other than short-tempered, and to her opinion, incapable of emotion. But here, in the chaos of the storm, it was as if she was truly looking at Ben Solo for the first time.

"I'm just so," He paused, "So fucking empty, so fucking tired..." He let out defeated with a breath, still unable to look into her eyes.

"I understand…" Rey said in a sympathetic tone. And to both their surprise, she meant it.

Eventually, after a long moment, "I'm not a good person." Kylo Ren shouted through the rain, pain laced in his voice while Rey stood there with watchful eyes. Ben took a step backward further away from her. Rey took a step with her hand outstretched before her, every finger erect. She began to protest his declaration, but he shot her a glare that told her to stay put. Her arm fell almost limply back to her side. She swallowed, but could not say anything. She was frozen.

"I lost myself a long time ago and I can't find my way back. Han––my father tried to bring me home and I killed him, Rey. I killed my father. What kind of man does that make me? I am evil. Truly, irrevocably evil." He let it all come out as he spoke. It was raw and pain-ridden. It stung for Rey to watch him internally writhe in pain. He broke his own heart and fractured his mind over the countless years under the Dark Side's tight reign. Whether it was the energy from the storm or long-suppressed emotions of a broken man, Rey witnessed the shattering and weathered mask of Kylo Ren fall, just for a second.

"I'm damaged too," she stated loudly enough for her voice to reach him through the downpour.

"You know nothing of damage. You are a young and naive girl, Rey." Kylo Ren callously spat back at her from across the distance. Rey seemed taken back by the assuming snide reply. She bit the corner of her lip with a sharp incisor that stung. Kylo wanted to take another step backward but was frozen in place by the intense glare she gave him.

"Those nights," she paused, swallowing the lump in her throat, only rain filling the silence, "On Jakku, utterly alone in the world and you don't think I ever knew pain and suffering? The nights where I begged for someone to save me. Or longing to feel wanted and loved and you tell me I don't understand? I never had anyone. I was so alone all the time, but you know what? I kept going even though I felt like giving up. I starved and scavenged and I am still here. As I got older, every day felt like I was walking up a steep rushing stream that had no end. The rocks on my path were so slippery. I would fall time and time again back to the bottom, but I got up each fucking time and walked back up. So do not tell me I do not understand pain. I've suffered and I survived. That's what people do. We survive." Rey shouted angrily through the storm while Kylo Ren sat motionless. Rain fell down his face, but he did not react to the fast-falling drops of water.

"Look at me," Rey demanded through bared teeth, "Look at me in my eyes and tell me that I don't feel your pain. Tell me I can't see right through it all." he stayed quiet, the rain was still falling heavily between the distance that separated the two. The storm was deafening as it surrounded the two of them. Rey closed the distance, looking at his face. He lowered his head down, looking away from her. Rey glanced at a large gloved hand, deciding to take it up in hers. She kept a firm grip on it when she spoke.

"You and I will never be who we were expected to be… it is as the Force wills." she finished softly trying to offer up some comfort. The words perked his ears and resonated within him, they eased him as she panted, out of breath.

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Kylo Ren followed wordlessly behind Rey as she led them up the ramp of the Millennium Falcon. It hadn't changed one bit since he had last been inside of it, except, of course, the pure white interior was aged and had turned an off white color. The circular hall's floors still creaked when he walked over them. Rey stopped in front of what he assumed was her chamber door. The door opened to dim artificial lights that came to life. The room was littered with books and spent candles in candelabras. It was fitting, he thought, for Rey. Off to the far side was a bunk that was left unmade. It was a chaotic mess, so unlike the sterile way, the First Order kept things. But the room felt like home, almost comforting to him.

"Sit down here while I get a towel." Rey pointed to the bunk as she set her staff against the wall. Kylo Ren crossed the short distance of the room to the bed. It was small in comparison to him, but he still sat and waited. The automatic door shut behind Rey with a hiss. Kylo grabbed the tips of his gloves, pulling them off with a tug, and tossed them haphazardly on the ground. He let out a deep sigh. What had he gotten himself into, he thought as he unfastened his cloak, pulling the waterlogged garment out from under him before casting it away with the gloves. Why had he flown halfway across the galaxy to a woman who had every right to turn him away? It only spoke volume to Kylo Ren that he, in fact, had no one other than an enemy to turn to. The door opening pulled him from his thoughts. Rey came in carrying two towels with a determined look on her face that Kylo Ren couldn't resist giving a small smile at. Rey tossed a towel on the bed before she took the one in her hands and unfolded it.

"Let's get you dried off." Her voice was soft when she spoke as she approached him. He offered no complaint as she draped the woolly fabric over his head. Rey took her hand softly grabbing small tufts of hair in the towel. She went at this for a few moments before pulling the material off him. He was already looking at her with a glint of amazement in his eyes when the towel fell. How could she be so kind to a man who, for all intents and purposes, was a monster? Neither of them knew the answer, but Rey felt that she couldn't turn him away. He needed someone, anyone, to hear him... to see him. But it was not Kylo Ren who flew to the Unknown Regions, no, this was Ben Solo. Her Ben. Rey tossed the towel into his lap before closing what was left of the space between them. Maybe it was the wild energy of the storm outside that caused her to drop to her knees in front of him. She placed her hands on his knees, looking up at him. Rey bit the soft flesh of her lip, nervous, as her hands rose reaching for the soaked hem of his shirt.

Kylo Ren offered no fight, stunned that she was close to him, touching him with caring hands. Kylo studied her face. Her lip was caught loosely in between teeth, her eyes searching for his permission. He couldn't help but notice that she really was beautiful. Her hair, dampened, pressed into her soft, yet sharp features. Her lips, plump and had small curves to them, were a pale shade of pink. Rey grabbed the hem, pulling upward. Kylo Ren let out a soft, private breath when her fingertips traced bare skin as her arms rose, pulling off the wet garment. Rey took a long moment to examine the torso of the man that sat on her bed. It was lean, yet loosely sculpted. Her eyes etched each roughly healed scar that littered him. Rey felt a pang of sympathy at her chest. She knew that he had seen violent battles, many of them with her. No doubt some of the scars he toted were a parting gift from her Lightsaber. Kylo Ren watched her every move as she sat on her knees in front of him. What was the expression on her face? Was it pity? Guilt? His eyes darted to her right hand as it rose to his chest. It was warm on his chilled skin. Her touch was tender as her fingers began to trace the coarse scars.

"You have known so much suffering… I- I'm so sorry." her voice was a whisper that laced with a small brush of sadness. Rey's eyebrows pushed together as she looked back up into his eyes, letting go of her lip that rebounded back into place. Kylo's demeanor had lightened, but now his nerves ran rampant in his stomach. He had never been alone with a woman who wasn't in fear for her life, let alone half-naked in front of one. He felt so exposed and vulnerable, feelings that were foreign to him. Kylo took up his hand, reaching up to Rey's that now sat flat on his chest. His breathing turned into short, quiet breaths when his hand met hers and held it there. Rey's breath caught in her throat, looking down at his large hand holding hers before looking back up into his unwavering stare. The look in his eyes had changed, sadness still floating in the background while a flicker of a hungry fire began to take the forefront, which quickly got snuffed out. Kylo Ren took his hand from hers. His hand rose to his mouth as he cleared his throat. He looked above her head at the blank, white wall across the room. Then, it hit Rey. What the hell was she doing? This was Kylo Ren who she sat in front of, touching him with tenderness.

He is still a treacherous snake, despite the rare form she had found him in. Rey withdrew her hand from the cool surface of Kylo Ren's chest. She stood up with haste, panic rising to her throat, and turned away from the man that sat awkwardly in the deafening silence of the room.

"I don't know what I am doing. I—" She cut her words off. Rey's words were just as hasty as her movements and without looking back, she left Kylo Ren in a cold, messy white room. Rey drove herself back down the halls of the Falcon, angry and disappointed in herself. How could she let herself be so utterly disarmed by that horrible man? She couldn't help herself with his sad eyes, and penance filled words. Rey shook her head in frustration with clenched fists at her side when she descended the open ramp of the ship. The storm was in full form now. The wind blew through the tall trees that bent and heaved at its relentless will. The rain flowed so heavily from the heavens that Rey could barely make out the black lake spewing itself around. The air was frigid now as the hard winds chilled her already wet clothes and skin. Her simple linen clothes and wet hair ripped with it. The ends of her hair whipped at her face stinging the youthful, supple skin. Rey stood on the pebbled beach, looking up at the sky that was nowhere to be found through grey clouds.

"Rey!" Kylo Ren yelled out through the torrential rain, but she offered up no reply. Rey only pivoted on the balls of her feet turning to look up into the Millennium Falcon where he stood tall and shirtless. The wild winds only barely touching his damp curls as he looked at her with eyes that were wild as the storm, angry and yet a sense of benevolence in them.

"You— you and I— we just don't work. I mean look at where we are, don't you see what a mess it is?" Rey let out a frustrated laugh at the situation they were in as she took a hand, pointlessly wiping rain off her eyes. It was humorous to her that an enemy was here, stuck in a storm, and looking for someone to comfort him. Rey could barely hold herself up lately let alone hold up a man who was stained in blood.

"For a second, just a second, there was a look in your eyes that made me feel like I was looking at you, the real you. I saw you. I feel the fight that rages like this storm. I see the fight for control and right now I don't think we should be anything more—" Rey was pulled out of her speech when the towering body of Kylo Ren walked with determination in his step. His face almost seemed angry when she got a better look at him when he stopped in front of her. They were toe to toe, the tips of their nose touched. His eyes burned wildly as she sat there looking up into them, petrified.

"Rey, shut up." Kylo spat, throwing up large hands, taking her face in them. He pulled her into a kiss. His lips were soft as they conformed around hers. It was not a gentle kiss; it was hard and feverishly placed on her. They sat still for a moment settling into it, letting the initial shock fade. Rey forgot her qualms and even forgot the rain pouring over them. She took her hands, caught up in the untamed moment. Her hands roved up the wet skin of his chest, conforming them to the fall and rise of muscle. He clenched underneath the tender touch of her hands as they caressed the skin of his neck before they wove into wet, black locks. Their hearts pounded with a ferocity that matched the storm raging around them. Their skin was on fire with the whirlwind passion of the moment. Rey moved her lips with his, her hands tugging black locks harder, pulling him deeper into the kiss. Kylo's hands let go of her face, tracing down the contours of her body that was pressed into his, taking hold of her hips. Rey moaned into his kiss when her hips crashed into his hard length. She shivered in his hold, warmth pooling in her abdomen. His nails dug into the soaking clothes that clung, conforming to her body. The kiss turned feverous, lustful, primal. Their mouths moved fast with want, their moans dulled by the savage storm.

As fast as the lustful moment had begun, they pulled back, coming up for air. They looked at each other, both panting as they pulled in hard breaths. Kylo Ren's eyes combed hers that flickered with hunger. Rey dropped her hands from his wet curls to his shoulders while his tight grip on her hips loosened.

"All my life I have been told who to be, how to act, and what I needed. Not for one second in my futile life did I ever get to do or be what I wanted. But here, on this stupid, crazy night, I want you, Rey. I will never fit in the box everyone, even you, try to put me in. What I am saying is that I am done. Done with Kylo Ren. Done with the First Order. Done with fighting the Light

side in me. I want to be Ben Solo again. " His voice was rough and breathy, still recovering from the kiss, as he spoke. Her face bore an expression of surprise as if she had been waiting all along for him to say those words.

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The hot water of the shower ran down Rey's body, thawing her. The time spent in the brisk storm had chilled her to the bone. Rey moved her head under the continual stream letting it wash away the last of the chill. Just in the other room, sat the man whom she just shared a passionate kiss, her first kiss. Her lips still tingled with excitement and her skin still ran with a dull sense of ecstasy from his touch. Warmth began to pool again at the thought of his hard length pressed into her. Rey bit her lip, taking the soft flesh in between a sharp incisor as her body clenched around nothing, rippling welcoming euphoria through her. Rey pulled her hand into a hard fist, her nails biting into the skin of her palms, as she rode the short wave. What was she doing relishing in her and Kylo Ren's fleeting moment of passion? The same argument played over in her head; he was a monster, still deeply disturbed by his atrocious, unspeakable acts. But then there was that small moment in the forest when that stoic mask slipped, even just a little, to reveal the man she wanted.

Rey shook her head, water spraying as she went. How silly she was being, she laughed at herself.

She was thinking too much into the situation. What was that age-old saying, Rey asked herself, Ah, it is as the Force wills. She raked her fingers slowly through her wet hair, taking in the relief of the warm water and filling her lungs with hot steam. Rey's body felt alive with buzzing energy she couldn't shake, it was foreign to her. It took over her mind, it wove it's way through her nervous system, taking over her senses. All she could focus on was the memory of his large hands holding her tightly and the feel of his lips. It gave her goosebumps despite the hot water pouring over her. Rey shivered.

"What am I going to do with you?" Rey said in reference to Kylo Ren with a chuckle in her voice. She let out a sigh reaching for the knob, turning the water supply off that still dripped slowly on the tile of the shower. Rey turned, splashing as she went, pushing on the foggy glass door of the shower. Hot steam billowed out of the shower stall behind her as she stepped out onto the cold, uneven tile. Obviously, Han Solo had done it himself. Rey took a long step, crossing the small bathroom for her towel that hung from a hook. She took up the towel and brought it to her body, patting off the leftover water. Her hand rose and began clamping the fabric over large sections of hair mindlessly when it hit her. Her eyes went wide with panic, her heart jumped. How could she have been so stupid to not bring a change of clothes? Great, she thought in frustration, now I have to go out there in this stupid towel, Rey gulped, in front of him. Rey started to frantically pace back and forth in the small bathroom, quietly freaking out. She whispered curses and let out breathy, muted screams.

"Fuck," she droned, dreading the only conclusion she could come to as she rapped a palm against her forehead. She was going to just have to woman up and go out there in a towel and grab her clothes. Rey nodded to herself as she stopped in front of the modest mirror. She took her woolly towel in both hands, opening it up. She wove it around her middle, cinching it over the swell of her breast. Rey looked once more at herself in the mirror before turning with an outstretched hand. She opened the door to the corridor that branched off the main circular hall. I only have to go up the hall, make a left, and go straight to my room, grab my clothes, and leave. Okay, go, Rey thought over her plan before putting it into action. Her bare feet hit the floor with wet slaps as she hurried up the corridor and into the main hall. Her breath was ragged, not from physical excursion, but with pulsing nerves. The automatic door of her quarters opened with a hydraulic whine. Kylo Ren sat, in basic clothes salvaged from storage, on the floor with his back against the bunk reading a book. Rey did not bother to make eye contact as she practically ran past him to her dresser.

Kylo Ren looked up from his very boring Jedi tome when Rey skittered past him before returning his attention to the book. He read maybe two words when he doubled back to Rey. Her hair hung past her face in damp, wavy sections as she dug hastily in the top drawer. His eyes took in her appearance with heat rising to his cheeks. A towel. Only a towel that sat tucked over her chest. Down, his eyes went to sun-kissed legs, tracing their slopes and falls. His mouth fell at the sight of her. Rey turned from the bureau, pink in the face, frozen when she found him looking at her. Kylo turned his head, averting his eyes from the practically naked woman. It made his heart jump in excitement and his ears burn to be in her presence with her in such a state. Rey drove her eyes at the floor as she dashed out the door, embarrassed. Kylo Ren was, once again, alone in her room, stunned.

"God," he drawled as both hands came up to his head, running broad fingers through his loose curls, holding them there. His thoughts had turned suggestive with images of them on the bunk he rested against. He could see her long, soft legs wrapped around him, dipping into the crook of her neck placing feverous kisses on the delicate skin, and how her moans would sound in his ear. He took a sharp tooth and took up his bottom lip, biting it. Kylo Ren dropped his hands from his hair with a frustrated growl. He shouldn't think of such things, no matter how much he wanted it to happen. Moments later, a flustered Rey came back in the room with her eyes aimed at the floor. Now, she was dressed in a creamy linen nightgown with long sleeves and a slit that ran up her leg. His eyes followed the exposed skin of her leg again, letting the sight take ahold of his thoughts. He felt hot as if the temperature had risen in the room. She looked up from the floor toting a false sense of confidence in her stance and then she looked into his eyes. Despite her fearless posture and serious face, her eyes couldn't hide the truth. They were softer, more delicate that protested the facade she presented. And despite his better judgment, Kylo Ren spoke.

"You really are beautiful, Rey," he said with an easy voice in awe of the woman in front of him.

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