
A Dark Journey

Lenin, a perennially drowsy and seemingly inept boy, grapples with a lack of close connections, his father deceased, and his mother immersed in work. However, his unremarkable life takes an extraordinary turn when he encounters a unique being – his grandfather – hailing from a concealed realm. Seeking Lenin's help for a crucial task, they forge a bond that, unfortunately, is short-lived as they are separated. This parting becomes a catalyst for profound change in Lenin. Transitioning from a lethargic and lackluster individual to a hardworking genius, he undergoes a remarkable transformation. Fueled by the desire to explore the unseen facets of the world, Lenin embarks on a journey that leads him to forge friendships, encounter worthy rivals, form strong alliances, and face formidable adversaries. His path unfolds with twists and turns, revealing a tale of personal growth and exploration into the unknown.

03Matot · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Son of Ronen

Class No. 2002

"Today, all of you are going to Woodenpool Jungle for another camp.

This time I will guide you, kids.

And the supervisors will be there, of course.

Get ready," Sir George Munsey.

Sharia comments, "So we are gonna be 20 days older than our actual age."

"We will be spending 3 days there," Sir George clarifies.

In a mysterious place, some strange entities are having a meeting.

"That human boy is the son of Jacob Ronen."

"The rebel prince was protecting Ronen's son."

"This is getting interesting."

"Could it be that the boy is also..."

"There is only one way to know."

"Where is the boy now?"

"Currently, the boy is in Woodenpool Jungle."

"Well, aren't we lucky."

"Let's capture the boy before he leaves the Woodenpool Jungle."

In the Woodenpool Jungle,

"This time the nature will be a little more challenging for you kids. But don't worry because the adults are here," Sir George Munsey assures.

It is a beautiful sight. There are enormous trees everywhere. The sun is going down.

"This doesn't seem like a harsh environment to me," Liya observes.

John adds, "Yeah, this part of the jungle is pretty gorgeous... aaaaaaaaaaaa."

Sir George has one foot on a huge dead snake, which was not here a second ago. "Search the area and make it safe for everyone."

"Yes, sir," the supervisors vanished.

"We couldn't even sense this snake, but he killed that already!!" Lenin thinks.

"After the defense and offense training, you kids will be able to do this as well."

"We would love to do these kinds of stuff, sir," Sharia remarks.

Sir George says, "That's the spirit."

"Where did these tents come from?" Gary questions.

"And this wood!" Orni exclaims.

"And these fruits."

"And these."

"And these."

Students are asking all these questions.

"All thanks to us. Your program supervisors. Pinto and Monto," Lenin thinks, "What the hell is going on here?"

Someone with immense dark power has arrived in Woodenpool Jungle. While he is walking, every living creature from a little bug to giant snakes is hiding from him.

"It has been a while. I have to admit, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic here."

On the camp, Lenin is looking at something in his hand.

"What is that thing?" Liya asks.

Lenin responds, "It is just a pyramid-shaped stone. A gift from grandpa."

"It seems like you love your grandfather," Liya observes.

Lenin says, "I just don't hate him."

"Hey, have you two tried these weird fruits?" Sharia interrupts.

All the students are having fun and learning a lot.


"Which one of you is Jacob Lenin?" a stranger asks.

Sir George is shocked. He thinks, "I couldn't sense him!!!? Who the hell are you?"

"Just a curious guy. Now answer my question," the stranger demands.

Lenin thinks, "Who is this guy? Why is he looking for me? Could it be that he is a friend of Grandpa Polin? What if he is a bad guy? What should I do now?" In that mysterious location, the unknown warriors are talking.

"Why did you guys vote for Costa? I wanted to go there so badly."

"He is the only one among us who can bring that boy alive."

"You can't vote for him only because he has a soft spot for kids. All of us know what he is capable of when he is mad."

"Calm down, Nanak. We will vote for you next time."

In the camp,

Sir George says, "Identify yourself, now."

"Will you answer my question after that?" Costa questions.

Sir George responds, "That depends on who you are."

"I'm a friend of his father. Let me talk to him for a moment," Costa states.

Costa is about to touch Gary, but Sir George stops him.

"Take them to safety."

"Yes, sir. Kids run toward the west. We will deal with the dangerous animals; don't worry," the supervisors vanished. All the students are running toward the west.

Sir George is trying to keep Costa right there.

Costa is a little annoyed, "Do you want to die?"