

Rachel woke up from a coma After four years...she was happy that she finally meet with her mother and her boyfriend Raymond. but things did not go the same way she remembered... her best friend is engaged to her boyfriend.... Rachel feels heart broken as she decide to go into a contract marriage with her arrogant boss. Did Rachel make a right decision??? will she succeed in her new relationship... will her relationship work with Nelson...the business tycoon .....

Deborah_Gabriel_8307 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

chapter twelve

I wonder who will be at the door now, am sure it wasn't mom or Charlotte cause the just left to go get groceries.

   It was supposed to be my second day at work but I suddenly got a morning sickness, and I had to call madam Louise to inform her I couldn't make it to work.

  So wasn't angry or upset with me but rather she advised me to take care of my self until I recover.

  Actually there was no so much to do over there since my mysterious boss is still out side the country.

   " Ding_dong " I heard the door bell ring again.

  I left the bed as I left my blanket laying on the ground, I did not bother turning back to return it to it normal position.

  " Am coming " I said as the bell rang again.

    Who knows maybe it Raymond or Helen, speaking of that friend of mine, I haven't set eyes on her.

  I wonder how she is faring.

   I held the door knob as I slowly open it, and to my greatest surprised it was the least person I expected to ever visit me at home.

   " You won't let me in " his muscular voice rang through my head.

   " No am just surprised, you can come in, I will get a glass of water for you, you should be tasty." I said as I gave him space to walk in.

  Which he did, he ran his fingers through the wall, tracing every corner trying to find what i don't know.

  My house wasn't that fancy to catch anyone attention but still we actually have a good taste.

    I showed him towards the direction of the living room, he sat down in one of the couch.

   I took the remote and turn on the TV and just let a random station played.

I don't know if he is gonna enjoy the station so I let the remote lie close to him in case he feels like changing the channels.

   " What will you prefer to take, coffee  juice, or some red wine.

   " Ah I don't know but I think I prefer coffee black coffee no sugar." He responded with a smile.

  " Okay your lucky cause you just met the best coffee maker in town".

  " Ohh stop feeling yourself I can only complement you when I have a taste of it." He said.


  I just ignore the last words as I went straight into the kitchen, I took the coffee seed as I blend it.

  " Here you go, have a taste of it and you can sincerely tell me what you think." I told me with a wild smile, looking like a student curious student who is about to check his scores after writing the exams.

  He took a sip of it and all I could focus on was his facial expressions.

  " I think the coffee is a bit....."he stammered.

   " You don't need to say anything, if you don't think it good enough you can say so".

   " What the heck are you saying this is one of the best coffee I ever tasted, what do you call".

  " It a bit silly,I took a sip from another glass and cleared.

  " It is actually call sunset."

  " Wow that name sounds familiar but still I love your coffee."

    " Thanks for the compliment, but I don't still understand why you're doing here Jake".

    Yes it was Jake, I wonder who you thought it was maybe Raymond, if that your thinking I won't blame you cause I also thought it was going to be Raymond or an old neighbor, but after opening the door a handsome face smile at me , and it was jake.

    " I came here cause I was worried about why you weren't at the office today ". He spoke out is reason and it was convincing enough.

    " You where worried about me, for Christ sake Jake we just met yesterday and you already came to my house".

   " That isn't the way I thought you how to communicate with people" I heard mom voice, I immediately turn and looked at her.

    " Good afternoon madam you should be Rachel mother " Jake said as he stood up to greet my mom.

  I must say he has some politeness in him.


   " Yes I am, and you are " my mom said as he stare at him.

  " Okay, I don't know how to put it but I happen to be Rachel new friend at the office,I happened not to see her in the office so I thought of coming over to check what was wrong with you.

    I thought mom would be angry so I already prepared my mind to receive any scolding of her choice.

   " You can have your sit, and I must also thank you for supporting and caring for my daughter, she is a little stubborn."

   " You don't need to thank me Rachel is my friend and I promise you Mrs  Adam that I won't allow any harm come to her over there".

   " Your sure a sweet gentleman, your parents are very lucky to have you."

   " Thanks Mrs Adam " Jake said and all I could do is just sit there dumbfounded.

   " Mom what about Charlotte she went with you to the market, why is she not here " I asked Mom.

   " Charlotte could not make it here she received a call from her mom that her dad was in the hospital".

   " What the heck, what Happened to him *.

   " He had a stroke, so the had to rush him to the hospital, the doctor said he is going to be okay."

   " Thank goodness I will phone Charlotte immediately am done with Jake ".

   Speaking of Jake, he is no longer here ".

   " Mom where is Jake " I asked Mom and she also wore a surprised look telling me she doesn't have an idea.

   " Jake where are you " I shouted but no response".

   " Mom you check upstairs and I will handle downstairs I don't know how he could escape from us."

  " Maybe he went to the bathroom, while we where talking.

  Let me check" mom said.

  I went downstairs and my instinct told me to go to dad library I immediately follow my instinct without doubting.

Thanks for reading up to chapter 11 .

Don't for get to give a thumbs up for the next chapter.


1. Who do you think Jake is.

2. With your own instinct is he the bad guy or the good guy.

3. Where do you think he went After disappearing from Rachel and her mother.

4. When will the truth be reveal.

Next chapter.