

Rachel woke up from a coma After four years...she was happy that she finally meet with her mother and her boyfriend Raymond. but things did not go the same way she remembered... her best friend is engaged to her boyfriend.... Rachel feels heart broken as she decide to go into a contract marriage with her arrogant boss. Did Rachel make a right decision??? will she succeed in her new relationship... will her relationship work with Nelson...the business tycoon .....

Deborah_Gabriel_8307 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

chapter eleven

     Rachel POV.


   " Wow that went well I must say that I really enjoyed your  mother dished I can't stop myself to dig in." Raymond said as we walked out of the house towards his car.

" Yeah you can say that again I thought you where going to choke ".

    " Oh yes I saw that coming " Raymond responded with a laugh that could only make me stare wildly, he looks so super handsome while smiling.

    " Hey why are you starring" Raymond asked as he drifted my mind back to the presence.

     What the heck, don't tell me he caught me starring at him, this is way too embarrassing.

    " Your wrong I wasn't starring  I was just.....I don't know don't asked."

  I said as I walked faster ahead of him and I could noticed that he also increase his speed.

   I finally got to the car and I opened the door for him to step in I don't know why I did that but I just wanted to avoid him from asking more questions.

   " Okay Rachel i guess this is good bye for now.

    And I never got a chance to ask you where you working." He said.

    " You don't need to ask now I promise to tell you every details the next time we meet okay." I told him as I bang the car door as I watch him start his engine and zoom he went.

   Finally I can catch a breath I don't know what to do if I had to explain why I was starring.

   But I don't get why I should be afraid of starring at him I don't need permission for that he is my boyfriend.

    " Rachel come in already "

   " Yes mom I will be there in a sec okay "

  I walked into the house and walked straight to the dinning table where Charlotte and mom where sitting.

   " Come sit Rachel it your day, tell me everything and don't leave any detail left." Charlotte said as she pointed towards a chair closer to her.

  I just shake my head.

  " Your too full of gossips can't you do with gist or chit chat."

   " No can't do ".

   " Okay I will tell you everything but can I have my food first.

   " Yes ....yes yes come here and eat."



   " Good morning madam Louise"

   " Morning darling you look different today".

   " Oh come on ma I should be the one complementing you."

   " Really do I look that bad " she said as she stare at me.

  Is she kidding me, she look younger than her age a perfect description of perfection.

   " Come on ma you look to gorgeous on that plain black suit." I told her with a wide smile on my face.

  " You took Rachel, to be sincere I never thought you will look so gorgeous on suit." She said as she patted my shoulder.

    Mentioning of my outfit today I actually wore the black and white suit madam Louise sent to me.

  She dedicated that I had to wear this on my first day of work which I actually did.

I was fitting and I tied my hair in ponytail that allowed my face to come out.

   At first I wasn't sure how the outfit look but I took encourage after Mrs Johnson my next door neighbor told me it was okay.

   " Thanks anyways madam Louise, what kind I help you do now that my boss is still out." I asked her politely

" Your such a nice lady, okay if you insist you can help me out in the flat files, gather them up if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me if there is any". She said and I just nodded and took a sit.

   I started by scanning through all the film's and reading, some film's had the list of all the employees in Rox fancy and I took an urge to look for madam Louise's name.

  " Then I found something that caught my attention a list of all the damages the company is facing, this is actually something I can handle, I said within me as I turn around to ask madam Louise but she was speaking to someone on the phone, and she signal me to keep silent.

Which I did.

    " Hey your new here right, am Jake by the way" a film but muscular voice spoke.

   " Yes am new here, it nice meeting you Jake.

  " And you are....." He asked.

  " Am sorry ... where are my manners am Rachel Adam" just here to grab


   " Okay am here for the same thing do you mine if we take a sit and talk while eating.

   I hope you don't mind.

  " Off course no it okay for me at least someone to talk to here."

  " Ok my lady you go first, I will be protecting you from behind".

  " Your a funny guy." I said as I laughed at his funny courtesy position.

We grab some vegetables and rice cake as we took a table close to two ladies sitting just two sit away from us.

  By the way there were sitting you could easily tell the way cutting someone on that table of their, women can never stop gossiping.

  Wait am also a lady but I hate gossips so the right thing to say is someone ladies.

   " Hey what are you thinking about Rachel" Jake said as he click his fingers close to my face to get my attention.

   " Am not thinking am just scanning the environment, this is my first real day at work, you can't stop me from starring  to familiarize the whole building.

  Or don't tell me it a crime here to stare I don't want to get arrested just for starring " I said him with a curious looked, it will really be funny if he tells me their office don't allow starring.

   " Calm down Rachel your new here and no more is going to stop you from starring, you just need to be careful around here, everyone is not as friendly as I am.

  Here in Rox fancy hotel every one mine their business and focus on their work.

   So if you need anyone to talk to here just look for me at the sixth floor okay.

    " Okay I responded, I don't know why am not rejecting is offer of being friends, I just feel it will be right to have someone to talk to over here.

   " Do you mind giving me your number":


Thanks for reading this book so far.

I have to end it here but everything will be reveal in the next chapter.

So aren't you curious who is Jake and will Rachel exchange number with the new stranger, that is struggling to get into Rachel's life.

Good night and have a blissful morning.

I love you

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