

Next morning was very usual . Boa and I woke up Bao was still upset about Zara's matter and I was angry on myself for trusting Zara and leaving Bao alone there...anyways it was Tuesday and we were ready to go to school . We both were late for school we had missed our first class, so we had to hurry , after reaching school we didn't waste any time, we headed towards our second class . While we were going towards our class Zara came infront of us. I saw Bao from the corner of my eyes, she was hella angry, but she was trying to control her anger....

"I am sorry ..... please let me explain it to you "

"Jee! We are late for our class lets go" she continued to walk towards her arts class

"Please!!! Bao please let me explain" I could see that Zara was extremely sorry for what she had done....by the way she spoke and by her expressions

We were headed towards our class, suddenly Zara got a grip of Bao's wrist to stop her but Bao's extremely serious and angry.... She turned her towards zara and slapped her ..... every one in the corridoor were extremely shocked of what had happy coz Bao was always a friendly person it was extremely rare for anyone to see her dead serious.....a male friend of Bao came running towards us to stop her, and hugged her tightly and every one else continued to stare at , us some of them were also talking about something and it was when, suddenly a voice came "Please lets go somewhere and talk peacefully everyone is watching " I recognised the voice immediately it was Sathit.....

Sathit came in front of us and said - "please let Zara explain...please.!!!!!"

But Bao was not already over it to even listen to any one

"Jee I already missed my first class and if you don't want to miss your sencond class as well then go to your class I am leaving !!!!! " She didn't say anything else and headed towards her second class with a guy , everyone knew the guy very well he was also kinda famous and every one knew he had feelings for Bao and they both made a great couple. That guy moved his hand around Bao's shoulder which made Zara's blood boil....I could see she was feeling insecure and jealous by her expressions..... Sathit put his hand over Zara's shoulder to calm her . I was ready to leave from their when Sathit called me -

" Can we please talk???!!!! Please ???"

"What do you think is left to talk ?!!! I fucking gave you guys my friend's responsibly and that did you guys do ??!!!! You toke advantage of her in drunk state!!!" I was furious , I also felt like slapping Zara but I controlled myself and continued to walk towards my class which would had started in less than 20 minutes..I was not in a hurry but to escape from them I ran towards my class and it was when someone shouted loudly, " she would have never taken me seriously if I hadn't done that to her , I fucking did it for a reason.....l fucking like her, but she never pays attention to me" I freaked out as she continued to speak and sob at the same time ,everyone was shocked every one was starring at her" I fucking.....like her.....please please listen...to me....I am sorry.....I wasn't able to control myself...." I turned back and walked slowly towards her I could see her feelings for Bao was true.

"Let's talk!!" And continued to walk towards the school cafe it was kinda empty, I wasn't able to attend my class but at that point of time I was worried move about what Zara was going to tell....I got myself sited on one of the comphy chairs, Sathit and Zara sat down beside each other, what a view two good looking cousin in one frame....I ordered a ice tea and sandwich, I had skipped my breakfast in a hurry I was hungry as I ordered Sathit looked at me and smile and said


"Padon!!!!?, Did you say something?"

"N-no.. nothing...." I was clear if it meant me or something else....I ignored it both the cousin placed their order, Sathit had ordered a cappuccino and Zara had ordered a Black coffee....I could see she was tensed and stressed out, there was a awkward silence after the waiter had left, Zara broken silence, and I was relieved that I didn't have to start the conversation

" When I first moved into this city I had come across her in a party, she was looking gorgeous in her black dress with her open hair...." as she spoke there was a huge smile on her face, I could see how she felt about my bestfriend...that was when the waiter walked in with our order, he placed it right in front of us and went back, I unwrapped my sandwich and stuffed it in my mouth....I was freaking hungry, Sathit started at me and gave me a small smile....Zara continued with her story while taking a sip of her coffee

" she was with that guy....there was a moment I thought she liked me as our eyes meet and she smiled.... you saw it right ????" she turned her face towards Sathit to get his approval but he was busy with his cappuccino, she poked him with her elbow to get his attention

"huhhhhhhh?!!!!! yeah yeah I was also there, I also witnessed it"

" she was absolutely beautiful, I was shit into her, I wanted her number so bad!!!! I got all my courage together and went over to her.....but when I approached her she didn't say anything she was very drunk she got up and went into the wash room I followed her to get her number.....she washed her face and stood in front of the huge washroom mirror still...and I was standing at the corner , waiting for her to talk with me...she turned around and walked towards me; and with her hands she cupped my face , I was freaking out!!! my crush was holding my face...then something unimaginable happened...." I interrupted " DID SHE VOMIT ON YOU!!????" Sathit looked up at me and started laughing at me " what??? didn't she"

"no.....she kissed me..."