
2: Introduction

As soon as I came back home there was a huge argument between me and my parents especially my mom about where I have been and why did I gave them my monthly paycheck I took out all the money I had in my wallet and handed it to my mother "Its all I have for now . I shall give you the rest tomorrow.... '' they didn't say a word nor did I . I went into my room and slammed the door on their face. After a while my father came to call me for dinner but I didn't respond without waiting he went back I was kind a hungry so I took out the snacks which I usually hide in my room while scrolling through my phone I fell asleep I guess I was too tired that day.

It was early in the morning when I woke up by a call. It was from the bar manager/Owner P'Jaa (the club where we work she is just like a older sister to us we both were working there since our high school days )

"Good morning Jee sorry to wake you up so early but can you inform Bao that today you both have to come to the bar early cause half of the bar is booked by a person and they want you both to play."

"Good morning P' Ok . I will inform her and we will be their at 6:30 ."

after the call ended I called Bao .. after it rang for a couple of time someone picked up- "Hello where the hell are you."

"sorry!" a voice replied from the other side

"Can you please give the phone to Bao?"

" She is in the washroom taking a shower. I will inform her to call you back when she is out. "

The call ended . After 10mins Bao called me back  " P'Jaa called me to inform that today we have to go to the club early so be ready and let's meet at our usual place..BTW who was the guy?"

"I will tell you everything once we meet "

Time Skip

I got ready and went to the place where we have decided to meet when I arrived I saw Bao waiting for me with her guitar . She was wearing a crop top which reveals her tattoos she paired it with a short slit pencil skirt and with a pair of black heels .

"Isn't it too short?"

" No baby it's 21st century it's called fashion. Jee You are wearing the same clothes again let's go to shopping after we are done with all this."

I didn't reply  I was also wearing a ripped demin jeans with sky blue shirt I paired it with some accessory and a pair of white sneaker .

when we reached the bar we had some time left as we were early we came to know it was a party arranged by one of our classmate that's why they had requested P'Jaa to let us play that night . They offered us drink I refused so they passed  me the soft drink in the other hand Bao kept on drinking  instead of knowing that we still have our performance left . I tried to stop her but she ignored me that was when I saw Sathit with his cousin Zara . I guess they were also invited by our classmate ofcourse ...Bao previously told me that they were very famous among the students of our school and although she told me they were very rich. I grabed Bao's hand and indicated her that Zara and Sathit were also invited to the party. Sathit was wearing a plain white t-shit paired with black denim jeans with a pair of black sneekers and his hair was a little bit messy.. he was looking so handsome that when he walked in every one was looking at them . At first I was not able to recognise Zara as she walked in she was wearing and oversized hoodie with ripped black jeans with black boots and her hair tied in little messy bun it make her body look more masculine. As soon as they walked in Sathit went towards his friends to talk but Zara stood still staring at Bao. It was when Bao turned her head and both of their eyes met they stayed at each other and then Bao turned her face away picked up the glass which was kept in front of her and finished it with in a second . I tried to stop her but again she didn't listen Zara found her way to sit beside us . It was now time for us to perform Bao picked up her guitar and walked towards the stage I supported her cause she was not able to walk straight. Then we started performing while performing my eyes turned towards Sathit our eyes met and he gave me a bunny smile which made my heart skip a beat and made me blushed I quickly turned my face away and it was when I noticed Zara staring at Bao with a huge smile in her face in the other hand Bao was way to concentrated in playing her guitar.  It popped in my head that Bao never mentioned that she and Zara were so close friends . After we were done with our performance their was a huge  round of applause.  While getting down the stairs of the stage Bao twisted her ankle I was about to help her but suddenly Zara helped her from falling down by getting a grip of her by her waist. Bao flinched as Zara's cold masculine hand touched her bare waist . Bao was so drunk that she wasn't able to stand straight by her own I rushed to help her and took her outside to have some fresh air , we went to the balcony and it was when I asked Bao out of curiosity " Are you close friend of Zara?"

"W-Whyyy" as she tried to stand still but it was huge fail; I her helped her to sit on a chair which was sitting previously

"Aren't you are a close friend of Zara???" that was when Bao replied in her tipsy voice "No I-I don't  k-know her that well....we both have some mutual friends....no-nothing special....why ??"

"Nothing I was just curious.."

Our friends came to call us back. I helped Bao to walk in to the room and she sat beside Zara , I had to sit beside Sathit as there was no place left it was when Sathit initiated a conversation

"Hi ! Kim Sathit . Nice to meet you"

I awkwardly introduced my self " Hi ! I'm Park Jeerawat and she is my friend Chem Choi aka. Bao" Pointing towards Bao .Bao looked towards us and gave us a huge smile

"Hi ! I'm Li Zara. I am his cousin "

"Nice to meet you both" it was when I noticed Bao picking up another glass of drink "Didn't you have enough!? " I shouted a little as I tried to snatch away the glass from her hand.

"Jee it's fine I can hold my alchohol pretty well" she chucked in another glass while saying.

" You can hold your alcohol well???? The next day you won't remember a thing you do in the previous night !!!!" I whispered and tried to give her a intense stare but she didn't listen and kept on drinking I saw Zara looking at her. Sathit also offered me a drink but I refused as it was getting late as I have to go back home . Sathit made drinks for themselves while talking with me

" so what major are you at?" He asked while adding the ice

" Design Studies.... What about you?"

"Business studies" Sathit turned his face towards Bao while he pass the drink to Zara "What about you what your major?"

"Me??..Arts..." Bao replied in a tipsy voice.... I turned my face towards Zara and asked "What about you??"

"Buisness studies " Zara replied I smiled at her she and smiled back at me . It was already pretty late and my parents were calling me constantly I knew I had to leave now so I went close to Bao and said while grabbing her wrist " Come with me its pretty late we should leave now..!."

"No!!! I wanna stay a bit longer!!please " she said showing her puppy eyes .. I bend down to reach her height and said slowly

"Bao please let's go I am getting continuous call from my home you know na if I reach home late what happen . And also I can't leave you hear alone!please understand "

"Jeeeeeeeee please let me saty a little bit longer!!!!!" she said while pouting .

"Ohh!!!what will I do with you ... ok I can leave you with them but promise me you won't drink anymore and as soon as you return you will call me ok !!" but I had a gut feeling

" Yesssss!!!MAM!!!" she said and I giggled at her words

"please take care and call me after you return ok and stay safe!"I said very slowly and softly so no one can hear what I was saying to her but unknowingly Zara heard all our conversations .  As I was leaving I heard  someone calling me from behind  "Jeerawat!!! please wait" I turned my face, it was  Zara .

Zara came forword and said "Don't worry Jeerawat I-we will take care of Bao"

I was kinda relieved to hear that but I was not assured " Thank you Zara.Btw you can call me Jee!.And please don't let her drink anymore she is already way too much drunk "

"I have to go now its already very late bye! Take care " I turned my face away and continued to walk towards my

I walked in my mother was sitting on the couch . I took out the money I had in my wallet , handed the money to her and went inside my room and slammed the door . My father knocked on the door and handed me a plate of food . While having my food I kept on thinking about Bao . After having my dinner I took a shower . While lying on the bed thinking about Bao and fell asleep

It was a early Monday morning kind a cloudy . I woke up due to the hustling noise of the cooker.  I rushed to check my phone if Bao had called me but their was nothing.  I rushed to school but she was not their I tried to call her multiple times but no one picked . I was mortified , so I went to the school senior who was their at yesterday's party to ask about Bao .

"Swadikhab Pi do you know when did Bao leave yesterday and with whom??" I asked awkwardly

"she left around midnight with Zara and Sathit.  I think they drove her . She was so drunk that she couldn't stand still "

"DID SHE CONTINUED TO DRINK AFTER I LEFT !!!!?"  the guy who was sitting beside senior replied "Ya! she was drinking really hard. Sathit and Zara tried to stop her but she didn't listen and after a while she blacked out . Zara picked her up in bridal style and carried her to the car and drove away"

"She was looking dam sexy bro! "senior said and continued to speak I didn't reply and turned my face away disgust and tried to call Bao . I wished I had taken Zara's number . I left the school campus thinking that she will come to the cafe

I went to cafe but she wasn't there I was worried.  Do I left the cafe early and went to her house

I rang the bell at first there was no answer , then someone opened the door.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU !??? WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER MY CALLS !! " as the door opened Bao stood their crying her eyes were red and dry tears can be seen on her cheeks, she probably had cried the whole day. When she saw me she hugged me tight. I was not sure what was happening I  didn't say a word  ,I went inside the house while hugging her . I tried to calm her down . After a while she calmed herself down and it was when she started telling me what had happened previous night after I had left

" A-After you had left....I ha-had a c-couple more..more d-drinks" I tried to give her a intriguate stare but her eyes were on the floor as if she was trying to find something.

" I I-I guess I had fa-fallen asleep but I re-remember someone carrying me gently in to the car, then I heard some conversation it was a female voice"


"Ya I guess it was Zara "

"What they were talking about?"

" She was happy...she was telling Sathit that she could finally be with someone  ...someone she liked..she was talking about a girl ... and when I woke up in a unfamiliar room, the lights were dim, huge curtains....Zara was sitting right beside me staring down at me...she padded me gently...she ran her hand through my hair.....I was barely able to keep my eyes open it was when she kissed me gently"

"she kissed WHOOOOOOOO????!!!"

"me...me you asshole........she keeped on kissing me I was way too tired to move and push her away, I tried to it but I wasn't able to even shook her body off me...I felt helpless I gave in.....she took off my clothes I was naked.....when I woke up the next morning she was sleeping beside me like a baby" she kept on crying as she continued

" our clothes were still lying on the floor, she was hugging my bare body tightly, I somehow managed to free myself grabbed my clothes took my stuff and ran out of there.....I got into a cab and I rushed back home"

" do something with those hickey's they are all over you" I didn't say anything and left the room and went into the kitchen while she sat on her bean bag looking at the ceiling and crying " did you eat ???"

" no" it was a very quick answer I guess she was hungry after what she had went through, I was very angry and upset cause I had left Bao in Zara's care and what she had done wasn't acceptable nor forgivable, she took advantage of her when she was drunk....I didn't say anything else we had a meal together and stayed the night at her place.....I felt guilty of leaving her alone it was my fault...