
Chapter 6:Geraldine's escape

~In the cafeteria at WOOHP's prison~

☆☆☆☆Geraldine's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"I have been locked up her for almost 5 long,God damn mouths. But no more. About 11:35 tonight,I'll make my daring escape from this hell hole."I thought to myself as I was eating. I looked across to Rufus and nodded my head,if he nodded back then he knows that tonight is the night.

~~~~~In her cell at around 11:35~~~~~

*ARRRRRRRRR....* "That is the alarm. Rufus will be coming to set me free."I thought to myself aloud. "He better not mess up my plan."

The Plan:Part 1

Rufus will start a fight with his cellmate, he's strong and brawny, he can handel any brute. When the guards enter,they will start to attack the guards and take his keycard. Then his cellmate will keep the guard down,while Rufus sprints out and unlocks all the cell doors so there can be a huge fight. They will then use that fight to make their great escape. Geraldine will wait for Rufus in her cell.

~~~~~Waiting for Rufus~~~~~

"It has been five minutes already. How much longer will he keep me waiting?"I asked myself in a angry tone,while pacing around in a circle. Then I stop to check the time while tapping my right foot continuously in frustration.

*BAM!* I heard the cell door slam open. So I quickly turned around to see who it was,luckily it was Rufus. "Oh,how he is going to get an ear full. He will need to find him another set of ears by the time I'm through with him."I told myself in my head. "No mercy."

☆☆☆☆Rufus's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

When I got to the cell where my boss,Geraldine stood like a porcelain doll in a rundown rickety house, all so out of place. Even in those amber eyes I could see her fury. I could feel the air thining around me, couldn't breath at all, almost shit myself too. So I came up with something to say before she bites off my head. "I got it."I said quitely. "We need to hurry. The guards are coming." So we dashed out of the cell.

The Plan:Part 2

Once they have reached Geraldine's cell,they will then make their way through crowds of guards and prisoners. When they are through,they'll keep running till they reach the prison's basement. In the basement,behind an old cardboard is a tunnel. That tunnel will lead to the ocean. At the docks,they'll will hijack a speedboat from the boating shop on the shore and make a clear escape.

☆☆☆☆Geraldine's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

We started to make our way through the crowds of guards and prisoners,until we reached the prison's fire escape. We then ran down 3 flights of stairs,then stopped when we reached the emergency exit which led us to the ocean. Rufus and I ran along the coast of the beach. "The docks are not that far away boss."Rufus told me.

"Good job Rufus. We are almost home."I thought to myself aloud. "Rufus,do you know how to hot-wire a speedboat?"I asked him,hoping he does. "I sure do boss. Before I started to work for you,I was an auto mechanic. I can hot-wire anything."he told me. I was now super impressed with Rufus. But I was not going to tell him that. We must have swam for hours, I nearly drowned a few times but we made it, it was painful but we made it.

~~~~~In the speedboat~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Rufus's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

Right now I'm trying to hot-wire the speedboat boat. And in no time,I had the speedboat working. So we buckled up and started to head towards our previous HQ,on the island off the coast of Africa.

☆☆☆☆Geraldine's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"It won't be long will we reach the the HQ."I told Rufus. "Hmmm. Are you sure? If I'm not correct isn't the HQ far away?"Rufus asked me. But I think he has a point. "Wait,I think it's not that far away. Let's check the map."I suggested. So Rufus went to check the map.

"It looks like we will not take us as long us I thought boss. You were right, I'd say about 45 min."Rufus told me. As he did,a smile came upon my face. "Step on it. We need to get there before they figure out that we escaped."I ordered him. "Yes boss."he answered in a stern voice.

~~~~~•time skip•In her lab•~~~~~

"Rufus,pull up all the files that we had on the WOOHP organization. So he went through all the files,until he found the one labeled 'WOOHP'. "Boss,I found the file."

"Good. Now I want you to pull up the organization's main HQ." He nodded and said "I'm right on it boss. It looks like the main HQ is in Los Angeles. Beverly Hills to be exact boss." A huge smile began to form on my face. "Rufus,load the aircraft with weapons. We are going to pay HQ a visit."

☆☆☆☆Rufus's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

I gave her a confused look and asked "Weapons? Aircraft? Boss,where exactly am I supposed to get these things." She then shot a nasty look at me. She took a deep breath and continued "Remember when we were busy building the lab,we had a secret room where we kept all the extra weapons and aircraft." I then thought long hard about it. "Not really boss."


"Yes boss. Right away boss."I answered with a scared look on my face. "Boss,so where exactly is this secret room?"I asked and her face was so red,it could explode. "It's underneath us you idiot."

"Un....underneath us?" So I watched what my boss is doing. She worked over to a statue,and lift it up. Under the plant was a red button. "I suggest that you move away from the center."

As I moved away from the center,the floor started to open. Then a staircase opened on the side which led down below. "Now go and do what I said. And do it NOW!"she ordered me.

☆☆☆☆Geraldine's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"I swear,sometimes he is just as useless as a dog. I mean really,how stupid can one person be? Well,he did very well when it came to hot-wiring the speedboat. So I'll give him that. I guess the only reason I a keep his is because of his muscles. But maybe I can use him to help with the vehicles."

~~~~~In the secret room~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Rufus's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

So I'm now walking down the stairs,making my way to the secret room. So I reached this big metal door of some sort,with a keypad attached to it. "I don't the code. I better phone and find out."

~~~~~In her lab~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Geraldine's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Well,since Rufus is busy loading the weapons onto the aircraft, I'll activate the traps. Just in case the guards have tracked us here."I thought to myself.

(My phone rings. I see it's a call from Rufus.)

"Yes Rufus. What seem a to be the problem now?"

"W...w...well Boss..."

"What is it now Rufus?"

"I need a code to open the doors."


"I don't know the code boss."

"For the love of God Rufus. The code is 212802. Did you get that?"

"So the code is 212802?"

"Yes Rufus, that's the code."

"Okay boss. I got it."

"Good. Now hurry and load the aircraft asap."

"Yes boss. Right away boss."

~~~~~In the secret room~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Rufus's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"So boss said that the code is....hmmmm. It think it's 212802." So I entered the code,and luckily the doors opened. It was pitch black. So I entered the room and tried to find a light switch. I suddenly felt something that had a shape of a light switch,so I flicked it. Who would have guessed it would be the light switch.

Once the lights came on,I felt like I had a mini heart attack. What I saw were dusty shelves, old boxes, flooe boards but there was no weapons and absolutely no aircraft. "What do I tell the boss? She won't be happy about this."

~~~~~In her lab~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Geraldine's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Okay,traps are set. Next I must do th..."I was about to finish my sentence when Rufus interrupted me. "Boss,we have a problem."he said with an almost worried look on his face. "What is it now?"I asked him in a unimpressed tone. "Well,the secret room apparently wasn't so secret after all."He said looking down. "What do you mean?"

"When I opened the door to the secret room, it was empty. No weapons and no aircraft." A shocked expression showed on my face "WHAT! SO YOU'RE TELLINGME THAT IT'S EMPTY?"I yelled and he just nodded. "Okay. New plan. I'll contact the council."

"Are you talking about the council of villains boss?"he asked with a surprised look on his face. "Yes. The council of villains."

(She takes out a phone which she got off the prison guard and phoned the council.)

"Hi,it's Geraldine seat number 7 on the council. I just escaped prison, and I need an aircraft and some weapons."

"Ahhh Garaldine, it's been too long, you cost me money. I'd placed a bet that you'd be out in a week. Once the Secretary told me that your calling I just had to ask... what took you so long?" asked Jonathan

"Apologies sir, i needed to set up a proper plan for what to do after I escaped."

" It's no matter, I believe in your judgement, anyway I hear your request but such a thing will take a minimum of 2 weeks. Will that be okay with you?"

"Yes sir. Thank you sir."

"My pleasure."

"So it looks like we will have to wait a minimum of 2 weeks. Until then we'll lie low for awhile.WOOHP,I'll be coming for you."I said with an evil laugh.

*Chapter end*