
Chapter 4:The rescue mission

~~~~~In the speedboat~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"It's about 10 minutes before I reach the island. Hang in there Alexa,oh please be alright. I'm now there,everything is going to be okay."that's what I told myself to calm down,but it wasn't working all to well.

~~~~~In the dungeon~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

I was tied up and mouth of stuffed with something,so I couldn't speak. I was terrified. "I just hope I get out of this alive. Maybe I'll quit being a spy?"I thought to myself. "But they will still probably wipe my memory anyway, so why evens bother,I guess?"

~~~~~On the island~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"FINALLY! Hope I'm not to late. Please let her be okay."I said aloud. Hurrying to find some sort of entrance. I'll search near the mountains for a cave. That will surely lead me to her. And off I dashed towards the mountains.

When I reached the mountain,sure enough I accidentally fell into a pit that led under the mountain. I landed in a dark and moldy tunnel. From there I followed it till I found my way to her.

~~~~~In the dungeon~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Geraldine P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Well since I am to shorten you and your partner's life short,I might as well tell you my evil plan."I said in bad tone. I could see the horror in her eyes. Probably wondering why I am doing this.

"I was once to a beautiful model. I was famous,until that rechard day. It was my only chance to hit the big time,but one of my colleagues sabotaged it. Now I despise all the beautiful models."

"Awwww,you think I'm beautiful. Oh,but what are you going to do with the models once you have captured them?"she asked me. "Well,let me think. I can always just despose of them. Yes that will be quite easy."I answered. But all she did was look at me.

~~~~~In the tunnel~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

As I was walking in the tunnel,I took put my phone for light. As I got to the end of the tunnel,I walked into a big enclosed space where the aircraft that abducted Alexa was situated. But behind it was a door that was being guarded by 2 men. "Now how exactly am I suppose to get in? Nevermind,I have an idea."I said,as I saw a bunch of goons walk in. "They probably work for Geraldine."

So I went to the lockers that I had in my sight. I quickly got dressed behind the aircraft,then fell in line with the goons marching into the hideout. Luckily I was not stopped. I then wondered down every hallway to find her. "I'm on my way Alexa."

I found myself wondering deeper and deeper into the tunnel. It was now more like I'm in a cave then a hallway of a hideout. When I got to the end I saw a big guy in a black glasses guarding the door. Suddenly I heard something. "So his guarding someone,not something."

So I needed to get him away without causing to much of a racket. Luckily I grabbed some equipment from the speedboat just before I began to search for her. I grabbed some knockout gas. So I pulled out the ring ,covered my nose and tossed it towards him.

Once I knocked him out,I went to go and check who was in the dungeon. There I saw her,chained up with something in her mouth. It felt like my chest had became 100 time lighter. I then kicked down the door to see her look up at me as tears started to roll down her cheek.

~~~~~In the dungeon~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

When I saw him I couldn't help but cry. "Are you okay?"he asked,while walking towards me. He then went down on one knee,and then he wiped the tear that was rolling down my cheek and said"Don't worry anymore,I'm here now." After he said that,he unchained my leg then he embraced me.

I blushed as I felt his body heat against my body,and as I heard his heart start to beat faster. When he stopped,I looked up at him to see he was smiling. He then poked my forehead with his finger as asked"I told you that I would save you,so why do you look so worried?"

I looked up at him and realized that I was the bait to get him here. "L....l....leave? LEAVE! LEAVE NOW!"I yelled at him. He gave me a confused look and then asked why. All of a sudden we heard a lady's voice,and turn around to see who it was.

There she stood,Geraldine. She looked at us with a grim. I could see he was shocked. "I just hope he don't think that I set him up."I thought to myself.

☆☆☆☆Geraldine's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

As I entered the dungeon,I could see the shock on his face. "Well,well, well... I see that you fell for my trap?"I asked,with a smug look upon my face. He turn his face and looked at his partner.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"What is she talking? Alexa,what is she talking?"I asked her with a confused look. "NO! I didn't know. Only after I contacted you I found out. Honestly! You have got to believe me."she said in a innocent voice with tears in her eyes. "I mean really, what's up with girls?"I asked myself under my breath.

"Don't worry, I believe you."I said while placing my hand on her shoulder and wiping the tear from her cheek with a smile. "I promised you that I would get us out of here, didn't I?" I asked. "Yes you did,and I believe you."she answered confidently.

I then stood up and secretly press the emergency button on my watch to inform HQ of the situation. After that I dropped 2 containers of knockout gas and then ran towards Alexa to cover her nose and mouth from the gas.

It took about 2 minutes for the gas to clear out. Once the gas cleared out,I quickly handcuffed them and waited for the backup to take them away. So we had a small conversation to past the time.

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"So... I guess I done very poorly on my first mission? When we get back,I...I will back out of the agency. Then you won't have to worry about me anymore."I stated while hanging my face and letting my bangs cover my eyes.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

I looked at her in pain because of what she said. So I walked slowly towards her. As I did she walked back with her head still down,until she can't anymore as she reached the wall.

Then I placed my hand against the wall, next to her face.

I then used my other hand and cupped her chin. So I looked at her sad face. For some reason,I felt my face and her grow near. Our lips had just about touched,but I quickly pulled my face away. I then looked at her to see her in the same state as before.

"Why did I kiss her"i thought to myself before I embraced and kept her head on my chest. "Everybody makes mistakes. So when we get back you will not quit,do you hear me? If you need training,I will gladly help,but don't you quit."

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"O...okay."I said. I began to blush as I heard beat. I could also hear his breathing from under his breath. It was very comforting. So I wrapped my arms around him,but I don't really know why. But the moment ended when the boss and other agent came to take away the bad guys.

☆☆☆☆Gorge's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Well done on your first mission. You guys completed your mission very quickly."I complimented them. "No sir,it was all Alexa's idea. She pretended to be kidnapped,it was all part of the plan."is what Clawd told me.

"Is that true Alexa?"I asked her,but she replied "Well...?" Then Clawd butted in "Don't be modest,you should take recognition since it was your idea."while smiling at her.

"Good work. Now Clawd please make sure that she gets home safely."I instructed him in a stern voice. "Yes sir. We'll be on our way now."he replied to my instruction.

~~~~~•time skip•In the car•~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

The whole journey from the island was long and quite. We hardly spoke. All he said was that I done great on the mission,that's all. It was super awkward.

☆☆☆☆Clawd's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Hey,you did great. So don't quit being a spy just yet. I know you got a lot of potential. You can even be the best spy. After me of cause."I said,the she gave a small giggle.

"Thanks,but why did you say that it was my idea?"she looked at me and asked. "Because I want you to know that I always have your back."I assured her.

~~~~~Outside Alexa's house~~~~~

☆☆☆☆Alexa's P.O.V☆☆☆☆

"Thanks for taking me house."I thanked him. "As I said,I have your back."he said as he smiled and drove off. As he drove off, I blushed. Now I must sneak into my room and hide the android,eat and go sleep.

~~~~•time skip•In my bedroom•~~~~

When I finished eat and wash I headed to bed as I was tired. I done the usual things I do every night before I sleep,but this night I was thinking about what had happened between me and Clawd. I only turned redder and redder in the face.

*Chapter end*