
A complicated case

A complicated case..

Hussi_Haa · Book&Literature
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    2 -Revenge



I got prepared in my school uniform which was a white collar shirt, grey blazer and grey mid-length skirt with white long socks, and grey cap.

I smiled looking at my reflection one last time in the mirror.

"Perfect" I muttered as I exited the room but freezes just as I set my feet out of my room.

"My bag.." I chuckled as I entered back inside my well polished room and carried my bag which was hanged amongst others inside my wardrobe.

Upon reaching downstairs I was welcomed with the sight of Walid eating on the dining table while using his phone.

The dining was a large one adorned with white lilies in a vase on the side tables.

The chairs and tables were also white. This is something I love about my mother, she just has that ability of maintaining everything in order and preventing dirts.

The entrance to the dining was an N-shaped space decorated with light white see through curtains.

I walked to the dining arena and sat in my chair which was beside Walid.

He gave me a mischievous smile then went back to using his phone.

Why won't he after the tsiya he did to me in the morning.

"Good morning mom" I greeted and ignored him as I dived into my breakfast.

The dinning room was quiet as we all ate in silence.

We finished the breakfast earlier than expected today probably because dad was not with us for breakfast.

"Bye mom Walid" said as he sneakily put his phone in his school trousers pocket.

      wait...what is he trying to do sneak phone into the school.

    I am not going to allow him to get free today not after what he did to me' I thought to myself as I approached my mum.

I can not believe this brother of mine. On a normal day, I would have ignored him and acted nonchalant but not today, not after what he did this morning.

I rushed closer to my mom and whispered something in her ear **walid is trying to sneak his phone to school, its in his pocket**

she nodded signaling me that she understood.

I would not have snitched you Walid but you left me with no choice today.

It will soon be 1-1' I thought as I face palmed my face.

   "walid" Mommy called as she walked confidently and stood infront of him.

      "yes mom" Walid innocently answered as if he didn't do anything.

You could swear he didn't do anything If you'd seen his facial reaction.

      "bani(pass)"mom said.

      Walid was confused for some moments looking like a lost boy.

He looks so lost, like someone whose tongue has been bitten off by a dog.

"what?" Walid asked still feigning ignorance.

    He gave me a deadly glare and I knew he had figured out that I have exposed him.

      "Walid ka bani wayan da yake pocket dinka (walid give me the phone in your pocket)" mom said again.

      "walid so you were trying to sneak phone ,

lallai ss3 student kanka ya rika (indeed ss3 student your head is now thick)" I said acting innocent.

        Walid angrily put in the phone on my mother's palm that was still hanging on the air waiting for him.

I laughed out loud as I have gotten my revenge.

I was trying so hard not to laugh in his presence because I know it will rill his up more but I just could not help it.

He walked out of the dinning room to the car outside.

       "bye mom, greet baba for me when he is back from work" I shouted while following him outside so he will not tell the Hassan to leave me alone and drive away.

This is not the first time something like this has happened.

Walid has a really bad temper and all I do is make it worse.

What is a sister for after all.

I hasten my steps as I walk through the hallway to the main door for school.

I cannot afford to be late for school.


Hello everyone this is Thursday 28th march 2024. I am editing this book again because I noticed that it has alot of grammatical faults so if you are reading this then I suggest you start from chapter one and do not read any chapter you did not see this message on because it means it is still unedited.

I want to try to keep this book up although it was written 2021,your mindset changes as you grow and so do your writing.

Follow me on this new edited version and I am sure you will love it more. Ramadan Kareem.