
A complicated case

A complicated case..

Hussi_Haa · Book&Literature
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6 Chs




So this story is not the best but is still not the worst, trust me!

It might sound childish and stuffs cause it was written a long time ago and i just don't want to abandon it.

  This is my first story on wattpad.


1 - Rahma



The sound of the door opening alerted me but I still tried to keep my composure.

I decided to keep up with the act of 'still sleeping' as I call It.

"Rahma wake up, you know you are having

school today" my mom said tapping me lightly.

That's my mother, her voice is always the first voice I listen to every morning mostly on school days.

I am not complaining,infact I love it. There is just this warm and welcoming feeling that transpires with her love from that voice.

"mama Dan Allah let me sleep just for five more minutes plsss" I replied dragging the s.

That is my usual act of pulling a tantrum and It always works on my mother.

"I know how to deal with you" she said and I heard the sound of the door being smacked back.

Okay...maybe she gave up too soon this time around' I thought as I opened one eye slightly but then quickly closed it back due to the bright light radiating from the room's bulb.

I closed my eyes back and sighed in relief as I went back to my five minutes sleep.


She took a couple of minutes before returning and I slept comfortably thinking she really gave up.

The feeling of a cold water on my skin woke me up hastily from my deep slumber.

"Kaiiii!" I shouted waking up when I saw my brother with cup of cold water on his hand.

I know that is his small job, this brat just poured cold water on me.

Walid is a headache to me.... Well not only to me..maybe to my whole upcoming generation too.

"me hakan yanzu? (what is this now?) I asked him more of like a complaint as I tried wiping away the water on my skin with my duvet but It's not working out because even my duvet is soaked.

"ya kika ji ruwan(how'd you feel the water) , it's a very chill one from the fridge" he said while taking a sip of the cold water.

The guts! After pouring a whole cup of cold water on me!

I should have thought of him when mother said she knows how to deal with me.

Walid is the only person she would have gone to.

" wallahi zaka gani(I swear you will see) , my time will come too" I shouted throwing pillows at him.

"Toh ai se ki tsaya lokacin naki yazo koh (then you should wait for your time to come)". he replied while dogging my pillows making his way out of my room while taking slow steps.

He was near the door when he splashed the remaining water in the cup on me,

"it's not good to waste water" he said and left the room.

"se kace ba hakan kaye yi ba (like is not what you are doing)" I shouted,

"your face needs it" he shouted from outside loud enough for me to hear him.

Good Job Walid! It's 1-0 for now.

I ignored him and entered the bathroom to get ready for school.

School is always fun... well not really that fun but it's fun.

There's always a new drama...like fight between seniors and juniors or stuffs, let me not lie I love those dramas.

It reminds me of action movies but the only difference is that this is a live performance and a free one to watch.

That is the most fun part of schooling for people like me... okay there is an exclusion, It gets fun but just when I am not involved in any of the doings, you know like I am just a Spectator.

The life just almost got knocked out of me as I almost slipped on the bathroom tiles.

I hate it when my tiles is wet. That is because It's psychologically not appropriate.

What if I had slipped and fell on the tiles... and probably broke my patella, then no man would have proposed to marry me!

Even if they do then my bride price will surely be reduced for sure!

Rahma, you need to be taking precautions' I internally scolded myself.

I thanked the heavens as I gave a perk to my sink for being there for me, I didn't know what I would have held onto.

I turned on the tap and sat at the edge of the bathtub as I watch the water filling the tub.

That is how god has blessed my life, my parents who love and care for me alot, my brother, well he is still a pain in the ass but I still live annoying him, my grandparents, they are the funniest relatives I have.

What more do I ask you for. I live in that perfect dream world of any random girl.

I washed myself up after I have put in the scents inside the bathtub.

After having a 15mins bath I stood infront of the mirror while having a look at my pretty self.

I brushed my hands into my long black hair that has been unplaitted for the past two days.

That is one of the advantages of having a fulani blood.

My pretty big eyes framed my well sculptured face well.

Oh...Self-love," I speak to my other half in the mirror as I smile charmingly at myself.

"Allah has really created a beauty here...like just look at me, I am so beautiful" I rambled again as I chuckled lightly.

"Oh my Astagfirullah" I said quickly as I exited the bathroom quickly.

I remembered my grandma saying that Jin might possess an individual through this way.

I don't want to have anything to do with a supernatural being.


guys this is my first attempt for a hausa mix story , tell me how it is.

Hello everyone this is Thursday 28th march 2024. I am editing this book again because I noticed that it has alot of grammatical faults so if you are reading this then I suggest you start from chapter one and do not read any chapter you did not see this message on because it means it is still unedited.

I want to try to keep this book up although it was written 2021,your mindset changes as you grow and so does your writing .

Follow me on this new edited version and I am sure you will love it more. Ramadan Kareem.