
A collection of Short Stories

Please enjoy a selection of short stories written by a sleep deprived writer on a sugar high! None of them are particularly NSFW but a few do have violence or descriptions of blood, disease and death. - Frodo xxx

Frodoughnut · Fantasy
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6 Chs

It wasn't my fault


I didn't mean to. I was just joking. I wasn't going to actually do it. It wasn't my fault.

My hands trembled as I sat in the back of the car. My knees bounced but I didn't know whether it was the potholes in the roads or the fear running through my body like boiling water. Although vision was blurred by the tears brimming in my eyes, I could still make out the bars separating me from the front of the vehicle. They were treating me like a criminal, but I hadn't meant to do it. It wasn't my fault.

Blood pooled in my cheeks from the cuts inside of my mouth. They stung like I had just eaten a lemon but the only thing I could taste was my mistake. My accident. My picture had been painted like I had set out this morning, with the rain ricocheting like bullets off of the pavement, intending to do it. I hadn't meant to. It wasn't my fault.

You could see my nail beds after I had spent the last few hours chewing my once pristine nails, pain shooting through my fingertips as if it would shock me awake from this nightmare. The harsh reality that echoed around in the empty chasm between my ears just wouldn't shift. I could feel the blood pounding in my head, making the world around me tilt and shake. Everything had been swiped out from under me, my possessions, my freedom. My sanity; But it wasn't my fault.

I could hear the world revolving around everyone outside of the car, but I had been snatched away from it. Faint murmurs of voices leaked through the metal walls, car engines running and people getting on with their lives. I just wanted to be out there with them. It wasn't my fault. There was a blanket of numbness beginning to fall over me, walls rising around me, protecting me. Shielding me from everything else, but it wouldn't hold when the car stopped. It wasn't my fault.


This was really rushed, I put it together for an assignment last minute so it's not my best work but I enjoyed writing it.