
Chapter forty four



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Sitting outside waiting for Mrs amber to get home,

She is a victim of super who survived as I think mike Rodriguez death is connected to her,

Ruper had killed him because he found out about him and tried to confront him.

But the mystery is how he killed him, without him being able to notice the first hit.

A lot more questions bud in my head but I have to wait for Mrs amber.

Just then I see a limo pull up, after a few minutes he highlights from it,

Yes, it's her and him also,

I am guessing she is his lady interest, the night she got missing, he had opened the gates of hell,

Things you do for love, I smiled at the thought,

Mrs amber walks towards me and me towards the limo

I could not pass a chance to aggravate Antonio

His little show of power had made our night a hectic one, I had to repay the favor.

After he and I had a little heart to heart, he drove off,

I sighed with content as I walk back to meet amber who was waiting for me on her doorstep.

"Can I have a word with you?

"Are you here to book an appointment?

"Wow really? He could be out there trying to do what he did to you to someone else.

"Yes really, and I don't care you see", she said irritated, knowing ruper could not hurt anyone ever again she made sure of it.

"I just want to talk  about your experience", she asks

"I don't want to talk about it!

Now losing her patience, she did not fancy the idea of remembering her ordeal, she 

Wanted to forget about it all, she wanted it to just go away.

It made her feel like a chronic even though she knew she was not.

"I need your help to catch your abductor ", she says softly now.

"I would like to go to bed now ", she pushes the door open and enters, as she was about to close it, I use my leg to intercept the door and pass her my card, here call me when you want to talk, I look at her pleading.

She accepts it and I move my leg and she shuts the door.

I look around satisfied, I walk back to my vehicle.

As I sat there and thought about what the young lady had gone through and why it would be hard for her to talk about it.

Since I have already given her my card I wait patiently for her to call.

I know she would call, but what is uncertain was when.

I put the key in the ignition switch and soon I was on my way to my precinct, I had to do a little more work for the day before I go home,

I check my phone and it was already 8:20 pm

Overtime was something I could not pass up, as the city never sleeps.