
Introduction: Bitch It’s Me!

Hi Bitches, I am Samantha Elizabeth G. Queens. I am 18 years of a bitch, and If you start reading this that means I am your queen bitch and you are my slave now. I lived In California USA until my family moved here in the Philippines, because Dad's Company here needs more attention and I really convince them that Im gonna stay in California but the f*** they won't let me. So enough of a nonsense. My mom was a Filipino named Gloria Glenns and my dad was a German named Andy Queens, we owned 10 stars hotel in Germany, California, Japan, Korea and obviously here in the Philippines where everyday is summer. I am now a first year College taking Tourism, in a Expensive school in USA and bitch I transfer here in Philippine School. I know bitch I don't need school because I am so crazy rich, i got everything I need and obviously I can buy anything I want bitch! But? My parents said that I need to have a degree in order for me to handle my family's company in the future, so that's a perfect reason. So enough of this, let's start my f******g journey.

Still Writing The Next Chapter Guys. Comment down of what are you bitchy thoughts about this Chapter. Thanks for Supporting bitches. Love you

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