
Chapter 2: First Day of School

Chapter 2: First Day of School

I woke up with a ugly voice of my Yaya ( Nanny )

"Maam Samanta!? (Knocking on my Door) maam samanta!? Gising na po!? ( bitch!? I know how to speak Filipino, don't me! ) sabi nang Mommy mo brikfast "( breaskfast) taga probinsya kase Yaya ko kaya forgive her" Maam Samanta!? (still shouting and knocking) !

Bitch! Wtf!? Hindi ka ba titigil dyan!? ( i stand up and open the door) bitch! It's Samantha not Samanta! Tell mom that susunod na ako. ( shut the f******g door. I take a warm milk bath and listen to blackpink "Let's kill this Love" . ( after I bath, i wore my New Dress, oh sorry, always new, for the record hindi ako nag uulit ng Damit )

( I headed to the dining room to join my family's breakfast, and FYI I am the only child, so I can have everything that I want )

" Good morning Daddy ( Kisses ) Goodmorning Mother ( Kisses )" I sat down and eat my Californian Salad. " so baby girl are you excited on your first day of school here in the Philippines" ( Dad ). "I don't know Dad, Sana nalang mayayaman and class yung nga tao dito or else mapipilitan akong ipasara yung school nila" ( I answered ) " Anak naman, wag ganyan, we all have a unique attitude and situation, hindi lahat ay mayayaman and class, understand that baby?" ( mom answered me. ) " whatever mom. K Im good now, bye mom, bye daddy" ( i headed to my Lambo, and start the driving to this Expensive School. ) as I park my car, everyone eyes on me and I know they mesmerized my existence, I am the Goddess again bitch, with my yellow crop silk top and black silk fitted jeans and leather hermes boots and long black coat, bitch I really stand out! As I walk, another two Lambo parked and two girls walked out in there cars, the first Girl is so freaking white with here pink Lambo, dressed with floral pink roses, and a red 6 inches high heels and a hair with a apple cut so freaking black bitch! She's like snow white in a freaking modern era. And the other girl has the yellow Lambo with tanned skin, with a crazy curly hair and a yellow heart shaped dress and a white high heels. They also both so lit and slay, so i think we're gonna understand each other, unexpectedly they approached me and said " let me say that you slay with that outfit and that car, btw I am Viktoria Estelle Cua, call me vikky, I am half chinese and I love sweets but not friendly with a poor and ugly people" and this is my friend ( pointing at this second girl ) " yeah you slay girl, I am Dolly Hale, I am half black and I think we all slayed ( I love this girls, no wonder the first girl is so white, and the second girl explains the crazy curls) "Hi bitches I am Samantha Elizabeth Queens, and I am the Queen! ( Looking at them) "ohmygod! You mean the owner of this Crazy 10 stars Hotels? ( Vikky said,sabay hawak sa bibig nya) " yes bitch that's ours" ( I replied ) " ohs*** you must be really really rich ( Dolly said ) " yes of course" ( I replied to Dolly) I loved to be your friend! ( they both said ).