
A Close Call with the CEO

Odetta Lawrence has a secret, she is posing as Olivia Reyes, a renowned breakout fashion designer. The world was finally recognizing her for her talents but not as her true self. She falls in love with the distrustful bigshot CEO of Luxe Textiles, Edward Cummings and Edward is falling for Olivia, but what happens if she lets her heart lead? Will she give up her career for love or love for her career? *** I hear she assaulted a local in Delhi, what a racist. _Exes15 Olivia scoffed tossing her phone into her purse and zipped it up clapping her hands together. "If you'd like, I'd put up that outfit," He leaned on the wall. "Maybe buy it off your hands," She spread her arms to keep them apart, Edward just had the best way of endearing her and she stood her ground. "You...you will?" She nearly forgot about the headlines. They walked together on the beach, she held her hands together. "I appreciate that," She bit her lip. He stepped in front of her and she stopped "I could grab my boat_" "Yes, I'd love to sail," Tasha stepped in wearing a green wrap up bikini and fabric around her waist, she rolled her eyes when Dante nudged her and she blushed. "Quit bugging me alright?" She said and bit down a laugh then blinked at Olivia. "Poor dear, I'm so sorry about that guy...," Olivia fidgeted locking her fingers, "Nevermind," Edward held her shoulder and she disliked his advances. "I know, he was really good looking, I guess you never can tell," She ranted holding on to a bunch of keys and sighed. "The boat," "Right," She said and they roamed to the docks. Olivia watched a crab wrestle with a broken shell and she saw another empty one. "Are you gonna give it or live in it?" He cackled unknotting a rope, he had help with the sails and she tossed it in the water. "No thanks, I'm fine, it's a really nice boat," "Thanks, it's just a rental," He said and he stepped inside stretching his hand. "No, thanks I got it," She stepped up and her other leg was stuck in-between. "Help," She crossed over. "It's slippery," He said and made it to the controls after he released the sails. "Are you sure you know how to sail? Because I'm concerned_" "You had to stand and watch me do a safety check. Olivia, there's a lotta things I had to learn," He said and twisted the keys and the jets rumbled spewing a stream of water. "Hang on," He said and she reached around his side. "This is not funny," She said leaning on his shoulder and he was the least ridiculous at the moment. "Here we go," Edward stirred the boat and he was aware of the direction of the wind and set sail across the shores till he was sure they hit the water. The smell of salt lingered in the air and he set his hand above his eyes at the distance. Olivia was wistful and held on, she couldn't think of the last thing to worry her, maybe a sail was what she needed the whole time. The water wobbled and the sky was getting grey and he picked up speed warranting another grip from Olivia. He felt a drip on his skin and she yawned. In a moment, the turbines gradually stopped spinning and her head rose stepping away from him. A smile returned to his face when he was sure they were safe, the island was just a few metres away, he would drive there in a moment but still, they had to enjoy the view. She sat down on a chair wistful about her dad's trips. "It's been a while since I've been on a sail," "Not long enough," He went to retrieve two glasses and handed her one. "Been a while since I've had a drink," She swivelled. She sipped and her eyes popped at the sweetness. "Apple juice?" He laughed. "I figure if we did, then none of us will be leaving this boat," She imagined careening and Edward laying on the edge, wasted and she shook her head. "Better safe than sorry," She crossed her legs

FavourEkele_1969 · Urban
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33 Chs

Chapter 20: Unrest

"Yeah," She shuffled away. "

"Sit tight, we're getting a tow boat,"

She almost said a 'thank you' outloud and then paced about. "Danica's calling a tow boat, you might wanna sit down,"

"Damn," He cursed and wiped his lip, his hardly brushed hers yet he felt an electricity he could hardly grasp. He wanted more of Olivia, wanted to feel her. "I came this close to touching you_"

"Good riddance, you need more than just a splint to get you to feel better," She lashed out.

"You're right," He held back and shuddered with desire.


"Ollie, where are you?" She heard her voice on her earpiece. "At the cabin...I'm sorry Ed but it's just not going to work," She said sternly and stepped outside to watch out for the bodyguards and leaned on the wall just where Edward rested his forehead.


Back at Durham, Brooke's hand shook at the tablet where Edward stood with Miss Stareyes.

She noticed how his face lit up and so did hers latching on to him. "Hmm, interesting,"

She felt an uncomfortable sensation in her chest and her hand curled there. "Mei, can I get some aspirin?"

"Madame Brooke," Mei called and Brooke sat up at the uninvited guest.

Yvonne wept and rushed into her study sobbing. "Brooke, oh Brooke, I'm sorry I barged in, oh, it's David,"

She sat up perplexed and her heart skipped a beat causing more seizure. "What's happened to him?"

"My poor baby's had a seizure, he's in the hospital, I can't..." She sobbed and Brooke held her hands trying to get her to calm down.

The skid marks on her lawn said she drove here. Her car was flailed open.

Brooke wouldn't be able to drive either after the mishap and she called for a chauffeur. "Just stay calm,"

"It's all my fault," She whined and entered shutting the door.

Brooke sat by her and she directed him, he drove all the way and Brooke stepped out.

"Oh dear, use a napkin, you're soiling yourself,"

Yvonne blew her nose loudly and she sniffed. "He's at the emergency ward, he's yet to be moved,"

Brooke cracked yet she forged ahead with her to the lobby, a nurse was trying to slow them down and showed them to the waiting room instead. "I can't have it, this is my ex-husband you're talking about," She argued and the nurse nodded.

"I understand, Mrs Hall but Mister Cosby still needs to rest, it's been a very long and stressful day for him, I suggest you leave and come back tomorrow,"

She tapped her heel against the floor when the nurse left and waited. "Oh David, what horrors you might be going through,"

Yvonne plonked on her seat with bloodshot eyes. "It's my fault," She said in a half-tranced state,"

Brooke looked back at her when she shook.

"I did it,"

Brooke shook her "Yvonne, stop talking like this, David's still alive," She tried to bring her out of her shock. "Please Yvonne, take it easy,"

Yvonne clutched her hand softly and blinked swallowing. "I wished I did, it was all me, I pushed David into a heart attack,"

"What are you saying? What have you done?"


Odetta gasped taking off her sweater, the flight had been a success and she was home for the weekend.

"And I have work on monday," She groaned falling back on her bed. Her chest rose and fell in a long drawn breath and she received a phone call then groaned rolling over. She didn't see who it was from until she made an effort.


"Lawrence," He said and she held her other arm.

"Edward," She turned and her eyes flickered at Jake coming in and she turned her back to him.

"I mean Mister Cummings, how did you get my number exactly?"

"Your catalogs,"

She bit her lip "Right,"

"I still have some questions to throw at you about the custodian,"

She looked stunned for a moment. "Oh, the janitor,"

Jake looked perplexed when he sat down and she avoided his smile when he sat cross legged.


"We'll be talking over that at our lunch break,"

"Good timing," She bit her lip.


"See you at lunch," She turned off the call and sighed, her relief was short-lived at the last call they had.

"Where were you?" He raised a question and she licked her lip.

"What, like I don't have a right to travel?"

Jake wiped his hair, her eyes moved up with a need to tousle it. "I've been out of town,"

"I see, would you mind telling me where?"

She chortled opening a bottle of juice "Jake, you stalker,"

He sighed "I was worried, okay?"

She pecked him on the cheek. "Now you're not,"

He held her waist and stared at her with newfound admiration. "You can tell me all about it here, _"

"No, I'm still, worried about my aunt Dinah seeing us,"

"Us? I think it's fair game,"

She looked all over his face and the clock. "How about over dinner, saturday night,"

"Dinner?" He sounded stunned and she nodded.

"I thought I'd be the one to ask,"

"Oh yeah? What are the odds?"

Jake softened and pushed up her glasses and she giggled when he pinched her nose. "I'd love to, not because you're my bestie,"

Her eyes scoured his face and she sighed. "Jake,"

"I'll be there, give me the time and address,"

She chuckled "Oh almost forgot," She texted the venue and time on her phone and he saw it pop up on his screen.

"Well I'll be," She giggled when he wore nothing less than cargo.

She propped his black polo shirt. "You should be wearing pink instead, suits you more,"

"Well, black suits you...I think," She brushed his shoulders.

He walked to the window and she waved "Bye,"

Jake stopped and turned to her, the muscles in his jawline twitched and he came closer. "I don't know, Odie, but there's something about you that always keeps me guessing," He shook his head at his theories.

"Wow, never thought you'd say that," She put her arms behind her back crossing her fingers.

His eyes followed her gesture. "Are you kidding? I never stop guessing,"

She smiled and looked surprised at his kiss and enfolded his shoulders. Lured by curiosity, she was surprised that she felt nothing afterward and stepped down. She wasn't sure of that feeling and she closed in clenching his hair and Jake reddened gasping and stepped down.

"Wow, I never thought you'd be so passionate," He grinned.

Her cheeks turned hot. "I didn't know that myself, uh see you then, Jake,"

She pushed him out and he left. She slammed the window down. "And we're too late,"

She walked to her bed and pulled a pillow to her face and gave a muffled screamed in it. "What am I doing!?" She moaned in frustration.


Tasha stepped down from her car carrying her stuff, what are you gonna do, leave the country till everything clears? She confounded her thoughts and rushed to her rented apartment. She needed to settle down and think.

Her eyes shut under the cucumber slices while her worker filed her nails, she felt the tension on her shoulders loosen and drifted to sleep.

Edward stood in his office and she roved in where he held a paper. "Ed, what are you doing!?"

"It's over Tasha, your career is ended," He turned dark and pushed a button on a handheld device.

She screamed when he flicked on a lighter and set the paper ablaze. "No!"

She groaned at the men pushing in and they held her and pulled her arm.

"Cut off her hand, she's no longer in need of it,"

Tasha gasped and woke up then gazed at the worker "Are you trying to dismember my arm or something? What is wrong with you?"

She had to do something about Jordan or he'll end her career for sure.