
A Close Call with the CEO

Odetta Lawrence has a secret, she is posing as Olivia Reyes, a renowned breakout fashion designer. The world was finally recognizing her for her talents but not as her true self. She falls in love with the distrustful bigshot CEO of Luxe Textiles, Edward Cummings and Edward is falling for Olivia, but what happens if she lets her heart lead? Will she give up her career for love or love for her career? *** I hear she assaulted a local in Delhi, what a racist. _Exes15 Olivia scoffed tossing her phone into her purse and zipped it up clapping her hands together. "If you'd like, I'd put up that outfit," He leaned on the wall. "Maybe buy it off your hands," She spread her arms to keep them apart, Edward just had the best way of endearing her and she stood her ground. "You...you will?" She nearly forgot about the headlines. They walked together on the beach, she held her hands together. "I appreciate that," She bit her lip. He stepped in front of her and she stopped "I could grab my boat_" "Yes, I'd love to sail," Tasha stepped in wearing a green wrap up bikini and fabric around her waist, she rolled her eyes when Dante nudged her and she blushed. "Quit bugging me alright?" She said and bit down a laugh then blinked at Olivia. "Poor dear, I'm so sorry about that guy...," Olivia fidgeted locking her fingers, "Nevermind," Edward held her shoulder and she disliked his advances. "I know, he was really good looking, I guess you never can tell," She ranted holding on to a bunch of keys and sighed. "The boat," "Right," She said and they roamed to the docks. Olivia watched a crab wrestle with a broken shell and she saw another empty one. "Are you gonna give it or live in it?" He cackled unknotting a rope, he had help with the sails and she tossed it in the water. "No thanks, I'm fine, it's a really nice boat," "Thanks, it's just a rental," He said and he stepped inside stretching his hand. "No, thanks I got it," She stepped up and her other leg was stuck in-between. "Help," She crossed over. "It's slippery," He said and made it to the controls after he released the sails. "Are you sure you know how to sail? Because I'm concerned_" "You had to stand and watch me do a safety check. Olivia, there's a lotta things I had to learn," He said and twisted the keys and the jets rumbled spewing a stream of water. "Hang on," He said and she reached around his side. "This is not funny," She said leaning on his shoulder and he was the least ridiculous at the moment. "Here we go," Edward stirred the boat and he was aware of the direction of the wind and set sail across the shores till he was sure they hit the water. The smell of salt lingered in the air and he set his hand above his eyes at the distance. Olivia was wistful and held on, she couldn't think of the last thing to worry her, maybe a sail was what she needed the whole time. The water wobbled and the sky was getting grey and he picked up speed warranting another grip from Olivia. He felt a drip on his skin and she yawned. In a moment, the turbines gradually stopped spinning and her head rose stepping away from him. A smile returned to his face when he was sure they were safe, the island was just a few metres away, he would drive there in a moment but still, they had to enjoy the view. She sat down on a chair wistful about her dad's trips. "It's been a while since I've been on a sail," "Not long enough," He went to retrieve two glasses and handed her one. "Been a while since I've had a drink," She swivelled. She sipped and her eyes popped at the sweetness. "Apple juice?" He laughed. "I figure if we did, then none of us will be leaving this boat," She imagined careening and Edward laying on the edge, wasted and she shook her head. "Better safe than sorry," She crossed her legs

FavourEkele_1969 · Urban
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33 Chs

Chapter 18: Voyage

"You're gonna press charges?" His eyes rounded.

"No, get rid of him, he's probably just a crackhead," She flapped her hand wildly.

"I'll leave," Jordan said and he cursed rushing out of the tent, the boss had seen him.

"Tasha, are you alright?" Edward asked holding her.

She sobbed holding her ankle. "Oh Ed, why are they so out to get me?" She whined and Edward got her to sit back, his eyes lowered to her ankle.

She winced at her leg and he brushed her hair.

"You're too kind," She said touching his bicep.

"You probably shouldn't be sleeping in a tent, you know," He said and dressed her ankle heavily.

"I'm scared, can you stay with me tonight?"

He chuckled "I'm sure you can sleep without the lights on Limelight,"

She grimaced when he left and growled pounding on the cushion. "Dammit,"


Edward went home to his fort and he gazed outside at the night currents. His hair ruffled watching the house across and he spotted her saunter down the steps.

Olivia hugged her robe kicking out on the water and sighed.

"Take your time," She mimicked Tasha and scoffed pacing about "Please,"

"Can't sleep?"

"No, I'm just suffering the consequences of my guilty conscience," She said and Edward chuckled.

She blurted "Oh, well...,"

"You were right,"

"The stool wasn't enough proof for you?" She outstretched her arms up to the house and dropped them bracing her hands on her hips.

"Good to know," She said when he was silent.

"I'm fresh out of sleep, I'd rather just sit here and do nothing,"

"I smell the silent judgement," She said.

"I'm not afraid to admit I was wrong,"

She scoffed "You're not gonna guilt me into this,"

"Was that what I was doing?" He smirked.

She chuckled "Stop,"

He heaved a sigh "You got me, but it sounds promising," His arm went up when he yawned and his arm curled on the small of her back.

Her eyes popped at that.

"We should probably check on that island, I'll be leaving Delhi tomorrow," He feigned sadness.

Soon? She thought "Hold on, no no no,"

"What do you mean no?" Edward said.

"Thin layered silk is not a good cloth to wear, it gets windy," He smiled when she walked up the stairs.


Edward started the jet engines and she thought it was safer to stay on deck and tucked her flannel cardigan to herself. Her wig was on tight with a woollen cap.

She glanced at the torrents and she may have seen a dolphin swim by. "Or is that a porpoise?"

Edward guided her hand to the wheels. "Keep it steady, can you do that?"

She laughed "Oh, leave a 60-tonne vessel to me, Captain Kirk, the island is closeby,"

"It's not a big island," He said going into the cabin and she gazed at the complicated controls and the compass.

"How is he getting all this?" She said and she felt his hands on hers.

"Hands off, it's suffocating," She fidgeted.

"Quit complaining and watch," His voice hummed against her neck.

She felt his fleece skin navy blue sweater and the sleeves. She almost reclined on his back.

"Stop too fast, we risk a broken skull or we drown," He mumbled in her ear.

His deep voice made her shudder.

"Then I should probably gangway,"

His sturdy grip tempered "And you're going to start it,"

He reduced the jet speed before they hit shallow waters. "You hit that gear and pull back,"

She reached over and did as he said. "What next?"

"The actual parking,"

"How do I...hey!" She swerved the wheel when he stepped back and the boat turned.

Her eyes were on the small docking station by the palm trees. The boat gradually slowed and stopped by the docks and he kneaded her shoulders.

"There, we're saved," He climbed over the boat and touched ground driving the cable to fasten it to the hook.

She watched him work with dexterity and he tightened it. She heaved a sigh.

"Nice job," She stepped over the rim to the docks and glanced at the luminous reef. amazed.

"Are there any lights underwater?"

"Nope," He crouched at the end and dipped his hand in the cool ocean water. "It's all natural," He flicked excess water off his arms.

"I call it a tourist trap,"

She shuddered when he was coming and they progressed up the wooden stairs wedged in the rocks, to the humid wet ground with lights around, she gazed at the huge cover of trees and a boulevard by the left.

"Looks secure. Is there anyone else on the island?"

"No, it's just us souls,"

She fastened to his hand "I'll make sure to use you as a human shield,"

He grinned "As long as it gets me what I want,"

She simmered at that and his hand gripped hers as they walked through the dark boulevard.

She stared at his broad back while leading her further.

There was a white light guiding them and he gripped a lamp. "This whole island is powered by solar energy,"

"Not very bright, the lights I mean,"

He chuckled and let her go as they reached a bank,

She gazed at the modern cabin below above water.

"Ladies first,"

"Perfect," she took the lamp and scaled down the rocks first and her boots squelched in mud stepping down "I made it,"

"Alright," He wedged his feet on the rocks.

"Be careful," She raised the lantern and gasped at the rock that gave out under him with sand.

He grunted when he fell with a thud.

"Ed!" She ran to him and he pushed up and she hissed at the damage. "Oh my," She whimpered.

"That looks like it might hurt," He suppressed a groan.

"The rocks aren't stable,"

"No, it's the water,"

"You can't just stand on it,"

"Let's hope we make it before the monsters or I'll be toast," He smiled with a painful twitch on his eyebrow limping.

She had her doubts about the pond and the docks.

"I don't imagine you have a kit in that cabin, right?"

"It's still decent," He groaned sitting on the rim by the house and searching for his keys. "Must've forgotten them on the boat,"

She set the lantern over the pond and a frog jumped in, the rest were goldfish. "I'll be fine," She said and strolled to the bank watching where to put her feet on next and climbed over the bank.

"It's been real," She yelled and he gave a quick salute.