
A Close Call with the CEO

Odetta Lawrence has a secret, she is posing as Olivia Reyes, a renowned breakout fashion designer. The world was finally recognizing her for her talents but not as her true self. She falls in love with the distrustful bigshot CEO of Luxe Textiles, Edward Cummings and Edward is falling for Olivia, but what happens if she lets her heart lead? Will she give up her career for love or love for her career? *** I hear she assaulted a local in Delhi, what a racist. _Exes15 Olivia scoffed tossing her phone into her purse and zipped it up clapping her hands together. "If you'd like, I'd put up that outfit," He leaned on the wall. "Maybe buy it off your hands," She spread her arms to keep them apart, Edward just had the best way of endearing her and she stood her ground. "You...you will?" She nearly forgot about the headlines. They walked together on the beach, she held her hands together. "I appreciate that," She bit her lip. He stepped in front of her and she stopped "I could grab my boat_" "Yes, I'd love to sail," Tasha stepped in wearing a green wrap up bikini and fabric around her waist, she rolled her eyes when Dante nudged her and she blushed. "Quit bugging me alright?" She said and bit down a laugh then blinked at Olivia. "Poor dear, I'm so sorry about that guy...," Olivia fidgeted locking her fingers, "Nevermind," Edward held her shoulder and she disliked his advances. "I know, he was really good looking, I guess you never can tell," She ranted holding on to a bunch of keys and sighed. "The boat," "Right," She said and they roamed to the docks. Olivia watched a crab wrestle with a broken shell and she saw another empty one. "Are you gonna give it or live in it?" He cackled unknotting a rope, he had help with the sails and she tossed it in the water. "No thanks, I'm fine, it's a really nice boat," "Thanks, it's just a rental," He said and he stepped inside stretching his hand. "No, thanks I got it," She stepped up and her other leg was stuck in-between. "Help," She crossed over. "It's slippery," He said and made it to the controls after he released the sails. "Are you sure you know how to sail? Because I'm concerned_" "You had to stand and watch me do a safety check. Olivia, there's a lotta things I had to learn," He said and twisted the keys and the jets rumbled spewing a stream of water. "Hang on," He said and she reached around his side. "This is not funny," She said leaning on his shoulder and he was the least ridiculous at the moment. "Here we go," Edward stirred the boat and he was aware of the direction of the wind and set sail across the shores till he was sure they hit the water. The smell of salt lingered in the air and he set his hand above his eyes at the distance. Olivia was wistful and held on, she couldn't think of the last thing to worry her, maybe a sail was what she needed the whole time. The water wobbled and the sky was getting grey and he picked up speed warranting another grip from Olivia. He felt a drip on his skin and she yawned. In a moment, the turbines gradually stopped spinning and her head rose stepping away from him. A smile returned to his face when he was sure they were safe, the island was just a few metres away, he would drive there in a moment but still, they had to enjoy the view. She sat down on a chair wistful about her dad's trips. "It's been a while since I've been on a sail," "Not long enough," He went to retrieve two glasses and handed her one. "Been a while since I've had a drink," She swivelled. She sipped and her eyes popped at the sweetness. "Apple juice?" He laughed. "I figure if we did, then none of us will be leaving this boat," She imagined careening and Edward laying on the edge, wasted and she shook her head. "Better safe than sorry," She crossed her legs

FavourEkele_1969 · Urban
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33 Chs

Chapter 15: Attachments

The ceremony was brief with a concluding speech from the mayor of Delhi.

Tasha stayed by Edward and smiled during his speech.

"Not only will we be commissioning this place but creating job opportunities for brilliant fashion savvy people in India,"

Edward shook the mayor's hand and he took a pair of scissors snipping the ribbon in half and they applauded.

They proceeded to tour around the building and Tasha smiled. 'With that witch out of my view, I'll have my poor sweet Eddie to myself,' She brushed his chin and Edward brought down her hand.

"I thought you looked smashing with your stubble," She fluttered her eyelashes at him.

He chuckled "I'll do just fine without it,"

She grimaced in secret and smiled back while they escorted the locals to the floors.

She spoke a little Hindi to the locals and they put their hands together and looked pleased.

"We are glad to be working with you," One said and Edward shook hands with them.

Tasha said something else and they laughed.

"We understand, Mister Edward sir,"

"That even though we sell expensive clothes that charity is our top priority?" He had a dry look.

Tasha shrugged. "What can I say? Our people around here are very cheerful, they don't take anything to heart. I assure you, Edward, we will be the most hardworking people in this company,"

He grinned "Too bad, you would've made a great supervisor here, Tasha,"

Her smile wavered and she nodded brushing her hair out of her eyes and sighing at his brush-offs or maybe she wasn't making her intentions clear enough.

Edward glanced at the door and he brightened at Olivia coming toward them unawares.

She wore a white tunic with bishop sleeves and a black waist belt and a khaki skirt and open toed heels.

There was a bright reddish orange bouquet around her neck and his chest heaved as she came forward with Danica holding a shopping bag.

"I hope we didn't miss out too much?" She looked around, glancing at Edward in his suit again, she was half disappointed that he stopped wearing it.

"Not at all,"

Tasha looked from him to Olivia.

Her shoulder to his chest and at the way he took her in.

Such a dirty player. I must find a way to win his heart.

Olivia wiped her snout and looked distant scooching away. She may have been too unguarded on the runway.

"You ghosted me at the runway," He said and her hair swivelled when she turned sharply at his accusation.

"No, it's nothing like that, Eddie," She waved her bracelet hands and she flinched at her ring falling off and he caught it raising it to her finger.

Tasha's nostrils flared.

"Haha," She chuckled. "I'm such a clod," She brushed her hair back entertaining Edward again.

"This looks like a replica of Mode, I love the contemporary styled chandelier and the plaster of Paris ceiling, it looks like it's gonna hold, say ten years,"

"Give it twenty," His nose wrinkled and she braced her hands on her hips mocking him.

"It's a bet I'd wanna remember this," She snorted.

"Oh, if it means that much then we'll keep in touch. Maybe go on a voyage here sometime...and have a look at it," He drawled and Olivia beamed at him.

"I'll be waiting," She pointed.

Edward shrugged, "I suppose you went on a shopping spree without telling me,"

"Oh, you have no idea," She reddened.

Danica coughed "Clutch! Pull back,"

cough* cough*

Olivia sighed mentally taking note of her warning. "Well, we've had a pleasant day,"

"Yes, Eddie, now that our ceremony's over, why don't we go see the rest of Delhi, since you're new here," Tasha's voice was high pitched and her eyes glimmered in a way Edward couldn't say no to.

"Olivia, would you like to tag along?" His eyes followed Dante Martino.

He had raven black hair, dreamy brown eyes, a big nose and olive skin. He was wearing a brown shirt and cargo shorts, he held an iTouch and shook Edward's hand. He was the Graphic Designer and handled Marketing.

"You were amazing, Senorita Olivia...," He spoke in Spanish and Danica bit her finger nervous and Olivia beamed.

"Yes, sorry I'm a mess now..., I don't wanna ruin your shot," She waved.

"Nonsense," She gulped when he pulled her close with the others, took a selfie and saved it.


"Ugh!" Tasha shoved when Dante took her arm and they walked outside the building.

"Let's go,"

"Yeah, we'll catch up," Danica swung her arm and Edward grinned leaving with them and she sighed. "You're making a big mistake,"

Olivia brushed her forehead and thought about Jake in Durham. She clenched her chest and wondered why she was thinking about that kiss and she switched her heels for white sandals. "I will and I'm ready for some fun,"

Edward exchanged his suit for beach wear, he wore red Bermuda pants and a shirt with the buttons flailed open.

A few women at the beach raised their sunglasses at him and cupped their faces gushing at him in the sun. While he played beach volleyball with Dante Martino and a few colleagues.

Olivia was just bringing up her cover and pulling down her sunhat then settled down with her sketchbook.

"Don't expose so much skin, too," Danica warned.

Olivia glared at her from the lifeguard tower. "Hello, Baywatch!? Look at me, do you see any g-strings or boob tubes?!"

She wiggled her hands around her outfit and clamped her mouth shut at the others staring at her and she chuckled while they moved on.

"Grrr," She felt like wringing Caroline's neck. "You are unbelievable!"

"So are you,"

She turned and winced at the total stranger.

He grinned and threatened to grope her breasts and she smacked her sunhat against his face tottering back.

"G_get lost!" She kicked him hard in the groin and he stumbled in the sand groaning.


Her bodyguards shoved him upright and took him away.

"Thanks, guys," She huffed at a bodyguard patting his shoulder. He nodded and left to oversee the scumbag that was dealt with.

And she lost traction of her sunhat in the breeze, Edward gripped it and then he brushed the sand off of it.

"That guy gives you any more trouble?"

"I'm fine Ed, I had it under control," She ignored his abs and made eye contact only.

"Damnstraight you did," He asserted and his eyes crinkled under the sun, scanning her.

"No one messes with my girl and gets away with it," He snorted holding her shoulder and Olivia gripped his shirt keeping steady.

Olivia's legs felt like melted butter and she shrugged.

"Excuse me, sonny, I am not your...," She gasped at the tabloids and flipped them at a photo of her and Edward on the runway. She had looked smitten then and he was looking right at her like deer with his arm around her waist. She swallowed hard.

'A new power couple in the works'

"What have I gotten myself into?"