
A Class of His Own

As the world starts to drastically shift, the humans are sequestered away to evolve at their own pace. Leto Faslin is not one of those lucky souls. He will grow with the world, with no System to save him.

Caffiend_Writer · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Straining Against the World

His mana reserves were so low, where he had felt like he was in an ocean before, now he stood barely knee deep. Even in this noncorporeal form, he could still feel the effects that the battle had taken on him. Wounds from the dogs and Cheeroonear still hurt his body, but he could tell there was much more damage than that.

In his arms and legs, his muscles were torn to shreds and his bones were seconds away from fracturing. Pushing his body further than it could handle with all that excess mana had left backlash, punishing him for his actions. With some light focus he pushed a little bit of mana into his healing skill, feeling heat rise all over his body as his wounds began to stitch themselves closed. Pushing through the knee deep mana, he came up to his nodes, his skills. They felt slightly larger, but almost imperceptibly so. If it were a physical object, he never would have been able to tell but these abilities were in his soul. Leto estimated they had grown by a few percent each, his movement skill receiving the biggest boost. Constant use throughout the day and overhauling it during his fight must have pushed it further.

Feeling, more than seeing, he focused on the mana around his skills, noticing a weird interruption in the mana flow. Following the stream to the interruption, Leto studied it, a strange broken form. It was a broken skill, half formed before it shattered. Absorbing the knowledge, he realized it was the skill he had used earlier to defeat the hunting pack. Pushing himself and his mana had begun to create this skill, but the abrupt overflow of mana had stunted its growth and broken it before it could form. This is when he realized what skills were.

"They are making it easier to do the things I want to do." he said softly to himself as he came to that realization. When his abilities formed, he had unintentionally pushed mana in ways that he needed. The skills formed after, allowing the mana to flow properly and take the stress off of him, reducing backlash to him and his mana flow.

With this newfound knowledge, Leto wrapped his imaginary hands around the aborted skill, drawing in a little bit of the flow around him. An image came of him in a fight, striking an indistinct enemy. His strikes were powerful and supported by the mana flow, but it wasn't overwhelming him this time. The way he had used it in combat was inefficient, not having anywhere for the mana to go after it entered his arms. It had shredded muscles, and nearly pulled his arms out of their sockets. In this image, it was a constant circulation, drawing mana into his limbs and back to his body, reinforcing as it went.

The core of the skill began to rotate in his hands, the shattered pieces drawing together slowly. When it had nearly drawn together, he felt an empty spot that he had not seen before. Now that he could see it, he realized all of his skills had these blank spots as well. It was like, in its current state, it just existed without definition. A thought came to him and he spoke.

"You are Wild Strike."

As soon as Leto had named his skill, its rotation sped up ten-fold, the shattered pieces pulling fully into and it seemed to shiver in excitement. Floating out of his hands, it began to float around his other skills, nudging and bumping them as if it wanted them to play. When none did, it stopped and spun slower as if it was sad. How this skill could show sentience, Leto did not know but he knew what he had to do, grabbing his other three skills and setting them rotating. Pushing mana into the empty spaces he waited, trying to feel the skills for what they were, what their definition was.

"Twilight Sight" he said, naming the eldest of his skills first. The skill spun, filling with this definition. It floated away from him, with an air of regality to it. Wild Strike bumped it a few times, and it seemed to shoo it away. This time though, Wild Strike did not seem to get sad. Leto took this as confirmation that his path was the right one, and refocused his attention.

"Swiftstep." He named his second skill and in an instant it took off, swirling around Wild Strike.

"Infernal Vitality" The name of his third skill slipped through his lips, shocking him. He could feel the impact the name had on the skill, and could feel a small change happening within it as it accepted its definition. Before it could float away, he reabsorbed the knowledge within it. The skill had changed from simple regeneration, but now became more potent the more rage he felt when fighting.It seemed the anger he had felt when he had used the skill for the first time impacted how he unconsciously felt about it.

Letting it go, it flowed toward the others. Swiftstep gave it a wide berth while Wild Strike came right up to it and bumped it around. It gave off the impression of heat in reaction, causing WIld Strike to spiral away before coming back excitedly. Leto smiled at this before feeling his internal world shifting suddenly. Looking around, he realized the issue. The mana ocean that had been reduced to a pond, was now a puddle around his feet. Apparently, forming these skills took a good amount of his available mana, on top of the fact that he had left Infernal Vitality running the whole time he was in there. Feeling his physical body outside being mostly repaired, he deactivated Infernal Vitality and left his little soul space.


His whole body ached, the stress from the day finally catching up with him. Though he was whole and healthy, it was apparent there was some backlash from drawing that much mana around his body and continuously using skills. When he opened his eyes, it was still night. The sky was beautiful, a clearer night than he had seen in his whole life. The Milky way seems to broil and move, constellations more clear than they had ever been. The moon…wait, the moon was HUGE.

He sat up, wincing at the pain but forcing himself to focus. The moon was nearly twice the size it had been the night before. Leto knew that there were times where the orbit of the moon brought it closer to Earth, but the change in distance was never this drastic.

"This really is an apocalypse," he said to himself. "The whole world is going to fall apart and then the moon is going to hit us. Fuck. Tim, is there any…" Leto's outer monologue was stopped abruptly as Leto realized he was all alone. Bodies littered the ground around him, and Tim lay across his lap. Tears fought their way back to his eyes, but he clenched them away and wiped his eyes.

"Deep breaths, just like he taught you. Stay calm." Leto leveraged Tim's body off of his legs and stood, trying to stretch the stiffness from his limbs. A new objective stood before him, he could not just let Tim's body sit here through the night. Who knows what other predators are out here. Leto studied the surroundings, planning to find a spot to dig a grave. The beach was way too stony, the earth covered in layers of rocks. He would have to move him.

Moving to Cheeroonear's body, he grabbed the long shield to use as a sled. Tim's body was way too heavy for a weakened Leto to carry. When he grabbed the shield, he winced at its front. The face of the shield was covered in horrifying images, mutilated bodies, dogs tearing apart women and children. A childlike drawing of Cheeroonear stood in its center, tearing flesh off of the skull of the decapitated head. Leto shivered, terrified at what could have been him and Tim. Slinging it onto his arm, he grabbed the atlatl and spear bag that Cheeroonear had kept slung on his back. As he moved from the body, he felt the horrifying shield shift on his arm. Pulling it off quickly he threw it away from himself, terrified by movement of a supposedly inanimate object.

On the ground, the shield changed, growing wider and rounder than the long ovular shape it had had before. The disgusting images melted off its face, morphing into a forest green color. It was now similar to a viking's shield in form. Seeing its transformation was done, Leto gingerly picked it up. All movement had halted, but new images appeared. A boat in a storm stood in its center, and skulls of dogs or wolves ringed it. Leto felt a connection to it now, as if it had changed owners once he had claimed it. Now it documented what he had been through. More disgust washed over him for a moment as he realized all the images he had seen before must have been Cheeroonear's life. The disgust was broken up by some satisfaction though as he claimed his enemy's property and made it his own, cleansing it of its vile past. The club, the shield, and the atlatl and spears would be his trophies and his lifeline in this apocalypse. Though he did not linger in his thoughts long, there were things to do.

He pulled rope out of his bag, tying it in the grip of the shield. Laying it next to Tim he rolled the man's body onto his sled, and wrapped the rope around his own shoulders. One step, straining against the weight. Two steps, straining against his guilt. Three steps, straining against the world.


Time Remaining Before Initialization//



"I'm still worried about Dad and Leto." Emilee said to him, their mom and Sara talking about their statuses, Sara showing her the basics.

"I am too Em, but we have to trust they can survive in their own area." Elijah said, patting her on the head. Usually she hated that but the touch and love that was behind it, combined with the stress of the moment caused her to appreciate the gesture.

Time Remaining Before Initialization//



"Okay, I think she's got it" Sara said, the two of them rejoining their group.

"Alright then I think we are as prepared as we can be. Sara, we will be relying on you if we have questions about the statuses from here on, your…knowledge, should be useful."

They gathered together, waiting out the last few seconds with a bated breath, leaning on each other for support.

Time Remaining Before Initialization//



Congratulations Pioneers! Welcome to the Initialization Space! Your bodies have passed the minimum threshold to retain mana and your Systems will update in accordance!

The Initialization Period will last many long months, but the faster you adapt and Level Up, the shorter that period will be! Your Initial Skills will help you through the first days, and beyond! Your surroundings are dangerous, but the area in which you appeared will be a Safe Zone where you may return. Use your skills and survive!

There are clear conditions to this phase, but you will have to discover them on your own.


This appeared on screens in front of each Pioneer, behind which a few smaller screens began to appear. Elijah dismissed the screen, annoyed at the abrupt introduction and several of the things that it implied. But, he turned his mind to the smaller screens

Congrats Pioneer Elijah! Here is your first skill, your Initial Skill. It will align with some of your intrinsic traits and Affinities. Use it wisely!

Initial Skill Acquired//Might Affinity Influencing the generation…

Aegisurge: Allow the user to reinforce their body, reducing damage and raising strength! The skill will grow more powerful with higher Strength and Constitution, as well as constant use.

Reward Granted! Achievement [First Into The Brink!] grants the user

an additional Initial Skill!

Initial Skill Acquired//Space Affinity Influencing generation…

First Step: When you want to go further than one step will take you, take a First Step. Allows the user to move through space to a spot within line of sight. This skill will grow more powerful with use.

Current limit: 3 Meters


Elijah was satisfied with the skills he received. He noticed First Step had an

Upgradeable tag where Aegisurge did not. It seemed like he had been given something that, while useful, would become even more so in the future. Nodding to himself, he pulled up his status.

Status// Elijah Callahan//Level 1

Designation: Pioneer

Strength: 5

Dexterity: 7

Constitution: 4

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 8

Charisma: 5



First Step(...)





Achievements: [First Into the Brink!]

There were two changes to his status, the most obvious being that his Skills tab actually had something now besides saying N/A. The second was intriguing and harkened back to the introduction they had received. Next to his name, he had a level. He was currently level 1, but he was certain that would rise. If the current game-like structure stayed, then the warning about their surroundings would be serious. He had an inkling about how they would have to level up, and he did not feel good about it.

Elijah and his family, Sara included, stood in the group of displaced Earthlings listening to a few people speaking in the center of the crowd. One of them was the mayor of Klamath Falls, the nearest city to Crater Lake where they had been when the transfer had happened. A short man, though he was still able to project loudly enough to be heard by all hundred or so survivors. His brown hair was greasy, a flop sweat forming. He was accompanied by a commander from a national guard training center nearby who happened to be visiting family in Klamath at the time. She was a taller woman with dark skin and short curly hair.

"We believe it would be best if we could organize all the Pioneers here in an orderly fashion. As the Commander here and I have the highest technical rank within the government back home, we think it would be best if we headed this operation." The mayor explained, his words confident even though every body cue he had told a different story. His direct opposite was the Commander next to him, steadfast and stoic. A voice rang out in the crowd.

"This isn't home though! We all watched as things fell apart around us, so there probably isn't a standing government anymore. Why should we listen to you?"

The mayor opened his mouth to speak, when the Commander placed a hand on his shoulder and stepped forward.

"These are dangerous waters here, people." Her voice rang out strong over the crowd. "The Mayor and I have experience directing and organizing groups, and would have the best chance of helping at this moment. We are not looking to be in charge per se, but we would like to establish a leadership soon. People that show ability in leading, with strong hearts and minds. For now, the Mayor and I will operate in this function until we can solidify our surroundings. All of you received the warning that the woods around us are dangerous, and going off without organization would just be dangerous." She paused, waiting for her words to be absorbed by those listening. There were murmurs all around, but no one else was outspoken against them. Nodding at this, she continued.

"Those that have useful skills for building and maintaining a shelter. Cooks, builders, medical staff, and those with combat experience please report to us first. Also, if you have any supplies that could help," She made eye contact with Elijah within the crowd as he held two large bags with him, "Please speak to us also. Establishing our knowledge of current supplies is just as important. For the rest of you, I will ask a few things of you. We need to expand our current knowledge base of our surroundings. If you could form groups of no less than five and sweep the nearby forest, your help would be immense. We have no knowledge except that it is dangerous, but many around here are familiar with the redwoods and should be able to help. If you are scared, do not worry, you do not need to go. That is all. Thank you."

With no further words, she turned toward the Mayor and the two of them began to speak just to each other. The crowd was shuffling around, many that had the requested skills coming to the fore of the group, while many others shrunk back. Elijah turned to his companions.

"Guys, give your bags. I'm going to bring them to the Commander."

"But Elijah come on, these could be really helpful to us." Sara argued.

"Exactly. As helpful as they could be to us, they will be more helpful for the group as a whole. Grab the bare necessities and hand off the bags."

"I'll come with you." Elijah's mom said. "Hopefully a patient care coordinator can be of some help." They hugged before Elijah turned back to the girls who had finished grabbing a few things from the bags. He grabbed them and the two of them took off toward the center.

They had to wait about twenty minutes to speak with the Mayor, waiting in the shortest line that had formed full of those that had the foresight to grab supplies as the world was falling to shit. When it was their turn, the Mayor wore a wide smile.

"Thank you both for this. Very few people have had this many things to give, or at least, wanted to give." He took the bags, handing them off to a man who had experience in doling out supplies in a shelter. When they didn't move along, the mayor turned back.

"Is there anything else I can help you with.?"

"Ah yes sir, I worked in Philomath and Corvallis as a patient care coordinator."

"Oh wonderful!" he exclaimed, grasping her hand and shaking it "I am Mayor Oren, and you are going to be of much help…"

"Moira." Elijah's mom responded, shaking his hand and matching the man's happy grin. "I am glad I can do something."

"Forest, can you lead Moira here over to the medical care line? She should be of some help in evaluating the experience level of those volunteering." the man led her away, leaving Elijah staring awkwardly at their departing backs.

"If I can say so young man, " Mayor Oren spoke up again, "You look like you would be some help in scouting. Were you an athlete?"

"No, my dad was in the military though. Kept me fit even though I was kind of a nerd."

The Mayor laughed at this, patting him on his shoulder.

"Well as a fellow nerd, be glad you are also well built son. I think I saw several groups forming up near the other end of the clearing if that's what you want." Elijah nodded, thanking the short man. Turning on his heel, he headed toward the other end where several large groups had been forming and gathering near the tree line. His pace picked up when he noticed his sister's blonde hair and Sara's red in one of the groups.

"What the hell are you two doing?" He demanded when he came up on them.

"Well, I wanna go kill mobs, but your sister kept talking about doing our part so here we are." Sara pouted a little, still in her gaming mindset. Emilee rolled her eyes and turned toward Elijah.

"Mom is already off helping, so we should do something. I don't wanna be one of the people who cowers inside the Safe Zone and only takes."

"Well said young lady!" A voice boomed from behind them. They turned and saw a tall man walking toward them. He was well over six feet tall, and wore an outfit like he was going to go cut down trees with Paul Bunyan. Hell, he could have been Paul Bunyan built the way he was. A giant wood cutting axe was leveraged on his shoulder, gripped in a tanned, hairy, and heavily calloused hand.

"The name is Grant." He stuck one of his large hands towards Elijah. "And you look like someone we can use, kid." Elijah looked down the man's highway of an arm, and looked at him with not a little suspicion in his eyes.

"Why did you accept my sister and her friend? They aren't even eighteen yet."

"Oh trust me kid, I was hesitant at first. But she's got a spark, so does her friend. And they are right, we do need help. Even if the System calls this a Safe Zone, we need to make sure everything around us is at least slightly safe too. I know I'm angling to get back home, what about you? I'm not being taken out by any overgrown squirrels they got stashed away out here." Reluctantly, Elijah took the man's still outstretched hand. Grant shook it excitedly.

"Excellent! Looks like we got our little scout troop. We are going to move…" The man took a moment to look at the sky. The sun was now drifting lightly from the dead center of the sky it had been before. "North! Let's go, people." Elijah took off, followed by a group about fifteen large. Elijah stopped at the treeline, staring up into the sky again.

"Leto…I'll find you. Please be okay." and stepped into the woods.