

Fay and her friend find some horrifying events in front of them while preparing for the holidays. Read to find out!

Ashe_s_burn · Urban
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7 Chs


The girls stared in horror and did not know what to say. 'B-b-bu-but,how is th-this possible'?Eve said starting to shiver.Fay who was staring at the other ornaments said nothing.'Fay'! Eve exclaimed shaking her.'Fay then suddenly said,'So this is what caused the smell.It was the flesh rotting.' 'There probably a lot more in the others'. Eve said still shivering. 'What should we do'?Eve continued. 'Should we tell the police'?Fay asked. 'Yeah that seems like the best thing to do'.Eve said agreeing with Fay.

Both the girls quickly left the house.It was late evening and quite dark compared to other days.The girls crossed the store from where they brought the ''ornaments''.They just about crossed the street when Fay suddenly held Eve's hand.'What's wrong,Fay'?Eve asked at being jerked so suddenly.Fay signalled her to be quite.Eve did not understand what Fay was doing but then she saw what Fay was seeing.

It was the creepy man who sold them the apparent ''ornaments''.He kept away from the street lights and closed his store.Then he suddenly looked around him to see if someone was watching him.When he was sure,he went through a narrow alley between the houses.Fay then nudged Eve and said,'Eve......lets follow him.' 'Are you crazy!Do you want to die!You saw what the man had put in the ornaments.Do you want him to do the same with you too!?'Eve exclaimed. She continued by saying,'Lets just go and quickly get the police.'

But Fay did not listen and quietly ran to the alley way through which the man had gone. Eve had no choice but to go with Fay.

They crossed the alley and reached a dimly lit road with some of the 'missing' posters on the wall.The girls were just examining the street when they saw the man facing the wall.He then tore one of the posters and started pushing the brick behind it after a few moments of trying the brick fell to the other side of the wall with a thud.Then a strange noise came from the wall and it opened making a narrow way to the other side of the wall.'The man' walked inside and before he closed it again the girls quietly slipped inside too.

They hid behind a barrel and realised that they were in a sort of basement.The place was dark,dirty and had the smell of the ornaments stronger than ever.The man who was now on the other side of the room,switched the light on.It was dim and buzzed loudly.The girls now got a clearer view of the place.They noticed that there was dried blood all over the walls.Moreover what really shocked was that at the corner of the room,there were three silhouettes visible. When they squinted their eyes they realised that the silhouettes were actually three people tied to a chair.

The man looked like he was searching for something.After digging in the stuff for sometime he finally seemed to have found the object.Turns out that the object he was holding was actually an old hatchet covered in dirt. The girls watched in horror,thinking what he was about to do to the hostages.

The man then went towards the people tied to the chairs and pulled all of them in the clear light.There were two girls,and a boy who looked like they had been starved and tortured for quite a while.

Fay saw one of the girls and thought she looked rather familiar.She tried to remember where she had seen her but couldn't figure it out.Eve on the other hand had her breath held back,thinking what the man was about to do to the people.

The man then suddenly pulled the boy towards him and grinned and whispered something to him.The whisper echoed through the whole place but the girls couldn't understand what he was saying.

The boy kept struggling to get out of the chair but then got exhausted.The man lifted his hatchet and was about to strike at the boy,when.....crash!

Eve had been shivering the whole time but when the man was about to attack the boy,she flinched so hard that the barrel she was behind,fell with a loud sound.

The man,now was able to see the two girls.He stared at them with wide eyes but then he chuckled and said,'look,we have two more visitors',to no one in particular.He pushed the boys chair and started walking towards the girls.

Eve was frozen at the spot but Fay grabbed her hand and they started running.They entered another room full of clothes,barrels and shattered pieces of glasses scattered everywhere.'We don't have much time Fay,where do we hide'?Eve said looking restless and on the verge of crying. Fay looked around and found a cupboard in the corner. She and Eve went to the cupboard and hid as quietly as possible.

Just as the girls hid in the closet,the man entered the room and started looking for them.Fay tried to calm Eve down so she wouldn't make a noise.The man then started coming towards the closet the girls were in.The girls held their breath but then there was a loud thud from somewhere else.The man ran towards the sound and the girls were relieved.Fay made sure that the man was well away and then slightly opened the closet.

She saw if anything useful was lying on the floor and suddenly spotted a broken phone lying a few feet away form them.Then she turned to Eve and whispered,'Eve,there's a phone lying on the ground.We could use that to call the police.I'm going to go see if the phone works or not.Till then,stay here and don't make any noise.Okay'?Eve just nodded her head.

Fay then got out of the cupboard and quickly grabbed the phone.She realised that the man was coming back to the room and that she will not have enough time to hide back in the closet.So,having no choice,Fay left the room and Eve was all alone.

She heard the man enter the room and stayed still,not daring to make a noise.The foot steps soon started to fade away and Eve relaxed again.Her breath had gotten uneven she started to breath really loudly.She tried to control it but it just got worse.Then she suddenly realised that the place had suddenly become really quite.She decided to peep outside,to see whether the man was there or not.But when she did,she screamed loudly and was petrified.

The man was right in front of the closet staring right at it.The man slowly opened the closet and stared right at the horrified eve.He grinned widely and was about to get a hold of her but she pushed him and ran.

He started to chase her and she hurt herself many times.In the end Eve collapsed to the floor due to pain and exhaustion.The man still grinned and then got hold of his hatchet.He lifted his hand and was about to-........

But then suddenly someone from the back said,'Don't do it son'.The man and the worn out Eve turned back to see an old man.She thought the man looked familiar when she realised who it was.It was the man they had met at the street who told them about his friends missing daughter.

'Please stop it Casper.Its enough.I can't see you killing innocent people anymore'.The old man continued with a shaky voice.Casper in turn said,'what's the worth dad.They are sure to be just like them'.Then he lightly smiled and said,'They all deserve to burn in hell.What they did is unforgivable.They all deserve the sa-

But then suddenly a crashing sound came from the walls and all of them turned their heads to see many armed police men surrounding them,pointing their gun towards the man named Casper.

Casper turned his head towards his father and said,'looks like I won't be seeing you for a long time dad'.Just as he completed his sentence,the lights went off and when one of the police men switched the light back on,every one realised that.......

Casper . Was . Gone.