
A Chef in the World of Dungeons

Everyone on Earth is taken to a new world. A world of Dungeons. Chuck is selected to represent his family. As a Dungeon master, he has one month to make a safe place for his family to come to. Unfortunately, he has one of the worst classes available. But through a stroke of luck, it is upgrade 100 times to become a top tier class. Chuck is a top tier chef. He decides to make a restaurant on the bottom floor of his dungeon. He will need to protect it well and also satisfy his customers if he wishes to create a good home for his family.

Dao_Of_Fiction · Fantasy
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25 Chs


[SotrminNormin: Ha, ha, that was great. What a breath of fresh air. I almost felt like I was back on earth while I watched that.]

[SandyShores: I know right. And that last meal looked so good. I am going to save up my pocket money and give that place a try.]

[BillyTheMan: Damn, what a good idea. That dude makes DP from serving food and he gets extra DP if you stay in his dungeon for an hour. Guess who is jealous? Now my gunslinger class looks kinda dumb.]

[TinaTopHot: This lady is jealous for sure. Me and the girls are already planning a ladies night out. I am gonna go check the market to see how high the price goes on that meal.]


Chuck stopped looking at the comments and went into the marketplace.

The prices for the fancy were meal slowly going up, it was already close to 1,000DP each. He really didn't expect that.

Chuck wanted to keep watching, but a sudden notification distracted him.

[Your 'Livestream' class quest has been completed. Your restaurant has been promoted and you received 8,843 likes.]

Chuck quickly checked the livestream and saw that everyone who watched gave a 'like'. It was understandable that not everyone in the region had tuned in. There were some people who were too busy and there was bound to be others who were out and about in the wilds.

[The meal you provide only reached the level of 'tasteless slop' but was well received by your viewers. You have been granted a multiplier of 2.4 for this quest.]

[You have received 21,223 RP.]

'Not bad.' Chuck thought to himself. He now had 47,223RP.

With that in mind, he decided to check out the Reputation Store again. The first thing he looked at were the potions. He would buy as many as he could.

But that plan quickly fell through. There numbers were unlimited in the shop, but there was a catch with the potions.

If he drank a health potion, he wouldn't be able to take another for the next hour. It was the same with mana potions.

He then checked the various levels of potions.

100RP could buy a health potion that restore 10HP.

1,000RP could buy a health potion that could restore 50HP.

10,000RP could buy a health potion that could restore 250HP.

It was the same break down for the mana potions.

Chuck spent 6,000 RP to buy 3 mid-grade health potions and 3 mid-grade mana potions.

He then spent 20,000RP to buy 1 high-grade mana and health potion each.

He didn't even have 250 health or mana but he could still use them to save himself from death.

Chuck then spent 5RP on some miscellaneous things like a toothbrush and toothpaste, other toiletries and a set of comfy pajamas.

He was tempted to try out the lucky draw, but he still had things to do right now. Chuck decided to come back to it later.

After closing the reputation store, he opened the marketplace. The three meals had just finished being auctioned off.

TonySmart took the first one for 1,700DP. The second portion was sold to Crusader47 for 1,650DP. The last portion went to BoozeHound who directly scared away all competition with his bid of 2,500DP.

Chuck was surprised that he made close to 6,000DP just from the three meals.

It was true that Kyle had told them that each set was priced at 1,500DP but that was just because of the alcohol. Like all restaurants, Chuck had a huge markup on liquor. But he was in a unique position. The smallest portion of whiskey that the dungeon sold was a barrel. 50 bottles could be filled from a single barrel. He planned on selling each bottle for around 1,000DP. The barrel cost him 10,000DP. The profits were easily made. But most normal dungeons wouldn't bother spending 10,000DP on alcohol.

At least that was the case in the beginning. Once they upgraded their dungeons enough, they would be able to buy their own barrels, but hopefully by then, Chuck would have his own distillery and could make it even cheaper. He would be able to offer many more types of products. He would be out the dungeon tab in terms of variety while keeping his prices competitive.

Chuck glanced at the kitchen; it was a complete mess. But Crumb had already gotten the two dwarves to help him clean up.

"Faster! Faster!" Crumb urged. He knew that once they were done cleaning up, then it would be time for the feast.

While they were busy, Chuck headed up to the top floor. He needed to get a bit more work done before the feast. He knew that he wouldn't want to do it after the feast.

The first thing he did was spend 8,000DP for the Razor Stag spawner. 3 large majestic creatures appeared before him. Their sharp metallic antlers loomed over him while the creatures looked at him with curiosity.

Then they turned and darted into the trees, disappearing from sight. They moved quickly and quietly while surveying their new home.

With that taken care of, Chuck moved towards the very back of the dungeon floor.

It was time to buy the Boss. He had continued building a boss room and putting a gate that would lock his enemies in but decided against it.

That type of setup wasn't bad, but it wasn't what Chuck wanted. Without a designated boss room, the bear would wake up whenever any intruders reached the back half of the floor. It would then be able to make a move if it thought the others weren't capable of fending them off.

The boss room was nice since it made it impossible for groups to lure away the boss while others bypassed it. It also made it so enemies wouldn't be able to escape if they were doing poorly. But the down side was that the boss would have to fight alone.

With his current set up, the Swift Wind Black Bear would be able to surprise attack a group that was fighting the Razor Stags or Night Stalker Panthers. Or it might even be able to attack them while the group was resting up in order to search for the 'Boss Room'.

Chuck would make those boss rooms on other floors, but for now, it was fine to let the Swift Wind Black Bear oversee its territory.

The spawner was placed directly beside the entrance to the second floor. A large bear appeared and softly snored. Right now, it didn't look intimidating, but Chuck knew that this was a level 20 Boss creature. It was nothing to scoff at. Unlike the other creatures from spawners, this guy would have a few abilities and wasn't to be underestimated.

Chuck had spent a lot of DP today. 13,000 on alcohol. 28,000 on the two spawners and another 5,000 on the ingredients for his livestream. He was now down to just over 20,000DP left in his account. The spending might have been high, but it was necessary. And the money spent on beer, wine, whiskey, and mead would be returned 5-fold once he sold it. And there was also the fact that his dungeon was now level 13.