
A Chef in the World of Dungeons

Everyone on Earth is taken to a new world. A world of Dungeons. Chuck is selected to represent his family. As a Dungeon master, he has one month to make a safe place for his family to come to. Unfortunately, he has one of the worst classes available. But through a stroke of luck, it is upgrade 100 times to become a top tier class. Chuck is a top tier chef. He decides to make a restaurant on the bottom floor of his dungeon. He will need to protect it well and also satisfy his customers if he wishes to create a good home for his family.

Dao_Of_Fiction · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Lucky Draw

When Chuck returned to the kitchen, he started to whip up a feast with the help of Crumb. He made the same meal he auctioned off on the livestream. The only difference was that he made blood sausages for Gareth.

The food was good, and the drinks were plentiful. At the end, everyone was too stuffed to move.

Chuck and Crumb eventually waddled to the kitchen to clean up the mess while everyone else went their separate ways.

The dwarves overdrank and stumbled to their rooms. Gareth decided to head outside for a stroll to work off his meal. Kyle went back to his farm while taking the bottle of whiskey he had been nursing all night.

When the dishes were done, Crumb left to head to bed.

Chuck looked out across his empty restaurant. The newbie protection period would end tonight at midnight, but he wasn't worried. He had made adequate preparations. He was more looking forward to the fact that he would now be able to serve guests.

With everyone gone, he turned off the lights and headed to the dungeon's core room.

After a quick shower he laid in his bed and thought about what was to come. He drifted to sleep while thinking about the future.

When his eyes opened the next morning, he quickly sat up and checked his dungeon tab. Even though he had lost his protection, nobody had ventured into his new dungeon. There were no notifications.

His daily allowance had been deposited. He was given 2,260DP.

Chuck nodded happily when he saw Crumb in the kitchen. The goblin was making scrambled eggs for everyone, and Kyle was placing a several large jugs of fresh milk in the refrigerator.

"Master Forest." Gareth said. "Last night, I killed 9 Horned rabbits. They are in the sink, Crumb has removed their blood."

"Mmm, good thinking. I forgot about that."

"Not to worry. The Night Stalker Panthers ate their fill and one was pregnant so I left it alone and instructed the Panthers to not bother it. I claimed the rest. The spawner has already reproduced their replacements."

The goblin's breakfast was then served to everyone.

Afterwards, Chuck showed Crumb how to butcher a rabbit. The two were busy in the kitchen all morning. A good amount of blood sausage was made. And several other things were prepared. Now that they had a steady supply of fresh milk, many more things were able to be made.

Chuck and Crumb prepped several different flavors of ice cream. Crumb was also put to work and made to churn the cream that had been separated from the milk yesterday.

The goblin didn't mind, he only considered it a light workout. Although, they already had plenty of butter in the kitchen, anything that was made from wild ingredients would taste much better than the ordinary things bought from the dungeon tab.

When the preparations were finished, Chuck took a look at the time. It was 11:00AM. The restaurant would be officially opened for business in an hour. He decided to head back to his room instead of pacing around the kitchen.

Chuck took a seat at his desk and opened the reputation store. He then scrolled down to the lucky draw.

There were a few options available. The cheapest was the 100RP lucky draw. He could gain items ranging from 1DP up to 100,000RP. It was certainly tempting. He knew the odds were against him winning the jackpot, but you can't win unless you try. The only thing holding him back was the fact that it would cost 10,000DP to make 100RP. Although the odds weren't listed, he knew that the majority of prizes would be less than 10,000DP.

But in the end, he decided to give it a try. It wasn't like he spent DP to make his RP. He had over 21,000RP from building his dungeon faster than the others.

He clicked purchase. A giant wheel appeared in front of him. It was covered with various prizes. He didn't know what the prizes were, only the amount of DP required to purchase them was listed. Right as he was about to spin the wheel, he noticed an small box to the side.


He clicked on it.

There were not many options available. Basically, the only thing he could do was change the display of the lucky draw. And there was a small note that indicated that the lucky draw would have the same odds, regardless of the type of display. Since that was the case, Chuck flicked threw a few choices before he made a decision.

With his chosen display selected, he started the lucky draw.

A tall board was set up in front of Chuck. Hundreds of pegs jutted out at even intervals. At the bottom were 21 different slots. Each slot was labeled with a different price. He grabbed a small ball that was beside the board. He then dropped it in the only position that was open, the very center.

*Plink* *Plink* *Plink*

The ball fell into the game and started to bounce off the pegs as it made its way down the board. Each time the ball bounced off a peg, the value of the slots at the bottom randomly changed.

"Come on, come on. Give me a good prize." Chuck muttered as the ball moved down the board.

Although the prizes were randomly changing, the outer edges had higher numbers while the center always remained low.

The ball was starting to work its way to the left.

"Yes, yes, keep going. Keep going! Run left for me."

The ball kept bouncing further and further to the left.

*Plink* *Plink* *Plink*

The ball took a sudden bounce to the right.

"No, don't do that."

*Plink* *Plink* *Plink*

"Stop, go back."

The ball kept moving back towards the center. There were only a few more rows of pegs remaining. It was impossible to land on the far left, but it could still do better if it stopped moving towards the center.

*Plink* *Plink* *Plink*

The ball was bouncing left and right while getting lower and lower.

*Plink* *Plink* *Plonk*

"Yeah! That's the way."

The last two bounces moved it to the left before it finally reached the bottom and fell into the slot.


"He, he, not bad."

Although it was far from the grand prize, he had won something that was worth 6,000DP. Now he only prayed that it was useful.

Chuck was full of optimism. It should be known that the spawner for the Horned Rabbits cost 2,000DP. This prize was worth more than that.

He reached out his finger and poked the prize that was flashing to reveal what he had won.

[You have received….]

[Earth Clothing Pack(Male)]

Chuck won an assortment of clothing including casual and formal attire. There were jeans, shirts (Both short sleeved and long), slacks, a few collared shirts and even a suit. He also was award various socks underwear and shoes.

"Eh." Chuck said with a shrug. Although it was nothing amazing, it was still not bad.

He then clicked on the lucky draw again, ready to give it another try.