
A Chaotic Symbiote Bonded To Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow

The main universe in this fanfic is the MCU otherwise known as Earth-199999. But MC and his host, Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow, will travel to different universes because MC's way of development is by eating other Symbiotes and gaining all of their abilities and powers. - What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an alien. What did he want to be? A Kryptonian? A Saiyan? No, a Klyntar! Or famously known as a Symbiote! His host? It's Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow AKA mommy dommy!

That_One_Alive_Ali · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

CH 20: Death of Alexander Pierce

- (A while ago)

"(🎶 I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic

You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere

Imagination, life is your creation

Come on Barbie, let's go party!🎶)" A certain black Symbiote sang inside of his host's mind, horribly. With a capital H.

To make matters worse, he was singing like a dead crow while his host was trying to do his job, write a report or something on his laptop.

"Venom, for the love of God, please be quiet." Eddie Brock, the host of one of the only alien Symbiotes, Venom, nearly begged with his hand on his head :"Not for long, just a few minutes. Please."

But was Venom ever one to listen :"(This is what you get for not letting me eat!)" And his host pointed at the pile of trash a little away :"The hell are you talking about?! Your trash is literally there, damnit!"

Venom :"(Oh Yeah?! Then why don't I see any skulls anywhere?!)"

Eddie :"This again?!"

Venom :"(Yeah, this again! I want food, damn you! I need to eat brains! I can't live on chocolate and chicken!)"

Eddie :"Then how does Chaos do it?!"

Venom :"(That asshole eats as many humans as he wants! I get hungry whenever I listen to that bastard brag! His host doesn't let him starve, unlike you!)"

Eddie :"Well, guess what? That's because her job involves killing people! She's an Avenger! Her letting him eat is just easy! Because those people were going to die anyway! So she might as well let him eat them!"

Venom :"(Then why can't you do the same thing?!)"

Eddie :"Because I'm a damn journalist and not a superhero who saves the world!"

Venom :"(Bullshit! We saved Earth just a few months ago!)"

Eddie :"That was a one time thing! This is these people's jobs!"

Venom :"(I don't care! I want to eat!)"

"God damnit..." He muttered under his breath, with his head in his hand. However, Venom's own phone getting a call saved his ass. The black Symbiote came out and looked at him confused, raising an eyebrow, before grabbing his phone with a tendril.

"It's Chaos." The Symbiote smiled at the name, before Eddie rolled his eyes :"Duh. You only have mine, Chaos's and Anne's phone number. Who else is going to call you?"

"I don't know why, but what you said annoys me, so fuck you." Venom snorted before accepting the call with a smile :"What up, ma dear bitch?"

Chaos :"What up, hoe? You good?"

Venom :"Yeah, just really hungry because Eddie is too much of a pussy to let me eat people."

Eddie, rolling eyes :"Sigh... Damn this guy..."

Chaos :"Well guess what, my whore of a best friend? That's taken care of! Because there's going to be a free-for-all buffet just for you and me in a while!"

Venom :"Wait, what?! Seriously?!"

Chaos :"Fuck yeah! Brains, limbs, guts, all on the menu! And not just one or two, but maybe about a hundred or something!"

Venom :"Explain right now before I bite Eddie's dick off!"

Eddie :"What did I do?!?!"

Chaos :"Oh hey, sweaty boy!"

Eddie :"We'll greet later, Chaos! Just explain the damn situation before this guy gets any funny ideas!"

Chaos :"Sure. So you know SHIELD, the guys who protect Earth from aliens and such?"

Venom :"Yeah, Natasha works for them, right? What of them?"

Chaos :"Well, SHIELD's been compromised. And only a small portion of them are good guys, while the others want to take over the world. That means free food!

Me, Natasha and two other guys are gonna stop them, so I thought I might as well invite you for the party too! Don't want to hug all the food to myself. Wanna come?"

Venom :"Do you even need to ask?! Eddie, let's hit the road!"

Eddie :"We don't even know what's going on!"

Venom :"Sure we do! Chaos just told us what happened!"

Eddie :"Okay, we barely know what's going on. But that's not enough information."

Chaos :"It's honestly not that complicated. A group of Nazis from World War II called HYDRA have actually been hiding and growing inside of SHIELD.

When the director of SHIELD found out, they tried to kill him. They managed to almost kill him, but I saved him, but made it look like they succeeded.

Now, they're planning to start a mass murder. They're planning to get rid of hundreds, thousands of even millions of people. Anybody who is a threat to them. And we're gonna stop them. Thought some extra muscles would be good, that's why I called. So, you guys in?"

Eddie :"..."

Venom :"Come on, Eddie! We can save the lives of so many people, and eat till I'm filled on top of it! It's an absolute win-win situation!"

Eddie :"... Sigh, fuck it... Fine! Where should we come and meet you?"

Venom :"Yes! You're not a pussy for once!"

Eddie :"..."

Chaos :"Fantastic! Alright, come to New York first. We're not exactly staying in a single place. I'll tell you where to meet up with us. By the way, we don't have much time, alright? Maybe a day at most, so hurry up!"

Eddie :"Sigh, alright, we'll come there as soon as possible."

Venom :"Hell yeah! Finally, some good fucking food!"

Chaos :"Aight! I'll see you two in a while! Bye!"

"Bye!" The black Symbiote bid farewell before smiling in excitement :"Let's get going, Eddie! Let's go save the world again!" Causing his host to sigh before getting up :"Fine, let's go. Hope everything goes well..."

- (A long time later)

"I'm sorry." Natasha said as she took off the advanced holographic mask and wig that had made her look like the councilwoman of the council, while aiming at Pierce as HYDRA agents laid on the ground, knocked out cold, but not dead, or headless :"Did I step on your moment?"

Quite a while had passed since they had met up with Fury, and Venom had reached them. And right now, they were trying to solve the problem.

Venom, Captain America, and Falcon were trying to get the computer chips where they should put them, while Venom was trying not to get distracted with eating.

Natasha, unlike what Chaos wanted, had decided to insure that Pierce wouldn't escape. And she wanted to empty all the files of SHIELD into the internet, so here they were.

Chaos being grumpy about not being able to eat anybody, and Natasha working on the holographic computer, while a councilman was aiming at Pierce from behind so that he wouldn't try anything.

"What are you doing?" One of the councilmen frowned at the redhead before Pierce answered :"She's disabling security protocols and dumping all the secrets onto the internet."

Natasha :"Including HYDRA's."

"And SHIELD's. If you do this, none of your past is gonna remain hidden." He spoke as he walked towards her, causing her fingers to halt as she looked at him :"Are you sure you're ready for the world to see you as you really are?"

"(I'mma take the wheel for a second.)" Pissed off at him for trying to agitate his host, Chaos took control of her body, and smirked at him :"Are you ready for the world to see you as you really are, and for your entire plan and long time efforts to go right down the drain? No, then shut the fuck up, ass face."

"... Thanks." Natasha whispered when she was back in control. But her Symbiote just snorted in annoyance :"(I'd be thankful if you let me kill this asshole already. He's really pissing me off.)"

"*Whispering* Not now. Fury wants to see him alive."

"(Hmph, I don't care. Let's just kill him.)"

"Have a little patience. We need him alive if we want to disable the encryption. Fury will be here any second now."

"(Hmph, fine.)" As he snorted, a playful tone made its way to his voice, confusing her a little. But she found out, and her body twitched slightly a little when she did.

"Chaos." She whispered through gritted teeth, as he inserted a small tentacle inside of her, while a few small tendrils circled around her nipples, gently pinching them.

"(What? I thought you were good at multitasking.)" He spoke playfully, gently pulling on her nipples, and wiggled the tendril inside of her, causing her legs to wobble a bit before she stilled her body :"Quit it."

"(I won't~. And you can't stop me.)" He smirked, and the tendrils pinched her beautiful and big nipples even harder, causing her to bite the inside of her lip to stay calm.

As she tried to focus on her job, and not the pleasure between her legs and chest, Pierce opened his bitch ass mouth again :"Disabling the encryption is an executive order. It takes two Alpha Level members."

"Ahem, don't worry. Company's coming." She said after a cough to clear her voice, and then the sound of a helicopter coming near was heard.

When they all looked at the landing zone, they saw a black helicopter descend before Nick Fury, in his iconic trench coat, stepped out and walked towards them.

As he stared motherfuckerly at Pierce, the HYDRA mastermind couldn't do anything but curl his lips. However, the fact that Fury didn't seem to have any injuries and was completely unharmed did confuse him.

Pierce :"Did you get my flowers?"

Fury :"..."

Pierce :"I'm glad you're here, Nick."

Fury :"Really? Because I thought you had me killed."

Pierce :"You know how the game works."

Fury :"... So why make me head of SHIELD?"

Pierce :"Because you were the best, and the most ruthless person I ever met."

Fury :"I did what I did to protect people." <Sigh, and most fanfics make him look like the bad guy 😑🙄>

Pierce :"... Our enemies are your enemies, Nick. Disorder. War. It's just a matter of time before a dirty bomb goes off in Moscow, or an EMP fries Chicago.

Diplomacy? A holding action, Nick. A band-aid. And you know where I learned that. Bogota. You didn't ask. You just did what had to be done. I can bring order to the lives of 7 billion people. By sacrificing 20 million. It's the next step, Nick. If you have the courage to take it."

"(Man, just say you want world domination. Why beat around the bush so much? Wanting to justify this pathetic bullshit.)"

"No. I have the courage not to." Fury said before he grabbed Pierce's arm and led him to the holographic screen. "(I'll lay off this time.)" The red Symbiote of the redhead said before he returned all of his tendrils back into his body, inside of Natasha.

"Phew, thanks." As she breathed out a sigh of relief, she began to type some things before the robotic voice of the SHIELD computer sounded :"Retinal scanner active."

With her job finished, she walked away from the keyboard and aimed at Pierce, who chuckled before turning to Fury :"You don't think we've wiped your clearance from the system?"

Fury :"I know you erased my password. Probably deleted my retinal scan. But if you want to stay ahead of me, Mr Secretory, *taking off eye patch* you need to keep both eyes open."

Once they both leaned into the holographic screen, the computer scanned their eyes :"Alpha Level confirmed. Encryption code accepted. Safeguards removed." And all the data began to get released into the internet, for the world to see.

SHIELD's computers and internet were really praiseworthy. Because after not even a minute, all the data was released. "Done." Natasha said and took a look at her phone :"And it's trending."

But suddenly, sounds of screaming were heard from the other councilmen. When the assassin and the former director turned to look, they saw the chest pieces that Pierce had given the councilmen for entry had burned, and killed them by creating a 2 inch hole in their chests!

Natasha and Fury immediately aimed at Pierce, who was holding a phone or something in his hand. But he just smirked :"Unless you want a 2 inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down. That was armed the moment you pinned it on."

However, unexpectedly to him, instead of being nervous or scared, the sexy redhead just smirked and snorted :"Is this your trump card? Pathetic."

"What?" Piece frowned in confusion, but his eyes went wide when a red liquid came out of her chest and immediately wrapped around the chest piece like a cocoon!

Not willing to risk anything, and willing to at least take one of them with him, Pierce immediately tapped on the phone to set it off! However, only a sizzling sound was heard from the inside of the red cocoon.

"Didn't I tell you? Pathetic." Natasha scoffed with a smirk before Chaos went Symbiote Mode! Pierce shakily stepped back as the giant red and black monster stepped forward :"W-what the hell?!"

He tried to turn around and run, but Chaos grabbed onto his shoulder and lifted him up, causing him to groan in pain from his claws digging into his skin.

"Man, fuck this guy!" Chaos snorted with a devilish smirk, before he opened his huge mouth wide and bit his head off. As he chewed, he threw his headless body away with a frown :"This bastard didn't taste good…"