
A Chance To Become An Adonis

Laying in his own pool of blood, Lu Chen watches his wife being embraced by another man. He couldn’t believe it. If there is any way possible, Lu Chen wanted to tear them apart from each other, yet nothing. Lu Chen couldn’t do anything as he slowly dies. And the final words he will ever hear was, “You will always be nothing but second place.” Then a bullet went through his chest. Before Lu Chen had lost all consciousness, endless regret begins to flow through him. The people that cared for him he ignored, people that trusted him he betrayed. The only thing he had on his mind was; a second chance. However, it is as if somebody had heard him plead. Lu Chen was sent back to his 18-year-old body. He didn't want to believe it, yet he had to. Lu Chen couldn't waste this opportunity. What will the young man do to change his future? Hello guys. I will be posting 2 chapters every 2 days somewhere between 9:00-10:00 pm. Also, Penname will be Cai Xi Peng. Illustrator of my cover: Famahima (This novel is all rights reserved) Discord link: https://discord.gg/Ge8JfDk33C Patreon: patreon.com/placeintime Please note that I will be posting on RoyalRoad and Webnovel as well.

Teaisnice · Urban
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740 Chs

Chapter 3: Return Part 1

Chapter 3: Return Part 1

"Xiao Chen! Come downstairs and eat your breakfast!" A voice called out to Lu Chen from downstairs.

"Ughh." Lu Chen groaned as he woke up. Huh? His eyes turned wide as he realized. I'm waking up? I didn't die?! Confusion filled his mind.

The only thing he remembered was lying in his own pool of blood as he watched Long Shen and Liu Fei Fei. He looked around and noticed this wasn't his original bedroom.

Lu Chen walked towards the mirror in the corner of the room. He stared and noticed his face was covered by god awfully long hair! Lu Chen's mouth gaped open. It was wide enough for someone to put an apple in it.

He knew who was in the reflection.

It was him, but a different him. To be more specific, Lu Chen was looking at his younger self.

Am I really in the past? Lu Chen's eyes widened as he double-checked himself in the mirror. He couldn't believe it. But he had to. This was how he looked at his 18-year-old self.

Still in shock by the sudden situation he was currently placed in, Lu Chen didn't realize his mother had called for him again.

"Xiao Chen! Come downstairs! Your breakfast is going to get cold!" Her voice was filled with anger and annoyance.

Lu Chen snapped out of his shock. It couldn't be. He rushed down the stairs as fast as possible. He was hoping what he heard was not an illusion.

And when he got downstairs, tears began to form in his eyes as he saw the people he wanted to see most were there.

Walking into the dining room, he saw his father reading the newspaper and his brothers chatting at the table.

"Xiao Chen, you should have come down sooner!" A woman who looked to be in her mid-30s walked out of the kitchen. She gave off a warm and comfy aura toward others.

But as Lu Chen's mother, Zhang Wenling, said this, she noticed her son with tears in her eyes. Zhang Wenling's eyes widened, "Xiao Chen, what's wrong?! Why are you crying."

It's true. Lu Chen wiped his tears away, "Nothing, mom. I had something in my eyes." He couldn't tell her how happy he was to see her alive. Not just her but his entire family.

He remembered it all. His father was killed in a car accident. Then his mother killed herself out of grief. And then his brothers disappeared mysteriously, one by one.

Each one was picked off too soon. But Zhang Wenling and the rest were alive and living right in Lu Chen's eyes.

"Lu Chen, you looked like you got hoodwinked by someone. Go wash your face." One of the boys jokingly said. The person was Lu Chen's second brother, Lu Hao.

He was in his early 20s and had unkempt black hair. But he had a handsome face. Everything together gave him a wild and carefree aura.

Turning his head to Lu Hao, Lu Chen knew his annoying remark was only playful. Lu Hao always cleaned up the messes he caused.

"Ok, second brother." Lu Chen said warmly.

Lu Hao's eyes widened. Did the sun rise in the opposite direction today?! Whenever he teased his brother, he would always retort back. This was too unusual.

He walked up to Lu Chen and placed his hand on his forehead, "You good, little bro? Did you eat something weird before you went to bed?"

"..." Forgot he was such an ass. Lu Chen was going to retort, but another voice interrupted him,

"Lu Hao, stop teasing Lu Chen!"

Lu Aotian, Lu Chen's eldest brother, interrupted the two. If there were any words to describe him, it would be; a mature role model. His looks were the opposite of Lu Hao, prim and proper. What was more, he had the same handsome aura as Lu Hao.

He turned to Lu Chen, "And Xiao Chen, go clean yourself up. I can still see drool stains around your mouth!"

"Yes, sir." The two said in unison.

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