
a Broken Wing

'"FABIAN!" I scream out his name in search for him. His side of the bond pulsing in fear, him reaching out for help. I frantically search for him among the corpses and lycans. I finally see him, at the edge of the woods, the necromancer standing over him with a blade. A sound comes up my throat as I rush towards him, my wings beating against the air, the right one aching in protest. When I reach him I kick my feet against him, knocking him to the ground. My wing finally giving out I fall as well. We begin to roll around, both of our hands fighting for the knife, me trying to take it away. Suddenly Fabian Groans from above us, I make the mistake to follow my instinct and look up, him resting against the tree trunk, clutching his chest as blood seeps through his fingers. At that moment I felt something rip through my heart. And the wicked sear of the blade sinking into my flesh. " What next?

Monnie_5526 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

"Marcus had two sides to him, a cold and ruthless side, which everyone else saw. He ruled with an iron fist, He was in charge of the military, He handled the criminals and executions.. Even though He is a human, He is one of the most powerful people. I only saw the soft caring side of Him once, in the library. I was trying to see Jin, and I saw You two laying on the sofa, and He was reading to you."

"Why was He in charge of the more dangerous jobs? Was I weaker?"

Amon laughs, shaking his head.

"Oh no, He was in charge as a mercy! You were kind, but you could become a monster. Ive never seen it myself, but i heard that you killed murderers, the way they killed their victims. One thing I've ever seen of your punishments was for rapists, you would either allow the guards or maids to.. Return the favor, the maid who insulted you, and when You and Achlys killed Her then Mate."

"Who is Achlys and why did we kill Them?"

"Achlys is the Queen of the Demons. And it was because She was sleeping with another. "

I lay back against my seat, stretching my legs out from under me. He then speaks again.

"For you to understand everything, I'm gonna have you read a book. Jin wrote it, and when he passed I continued writing it. It's just documenting all important events happening in our world, new leaders, discoveries. Everything. It will help you."

As he says that Agatha comes into the room, and hands the book to him, and he begins to flip it open, looking through pages.

"We are gonna start at your Grandmother's time, everything after her, you need to know."

He hands my the book and I place it on my lap,and begin reading


Queen of the Crey, Iris has finally taken the throne along with her chosen mate. Her father, king Rufus has passed after his 600 year rule. Her Mate is Omar, A  Crey butcher from Persia. He will not be taking the throne with her, as he has no education at the time, and is not fit to lead.


Queen of the demons, Achlys, has become the queen, after her fathers passing. She has taken her true mate, who she doesn't want to be seen by the public eye.


Queen of the demons,  Achlys has had a child, prince Diabolos.


Prince fayette, of the Fae, has become the King.


Princess of the Crey, Camilla is born, Queen iris has announced that she does not plan to have anymore Children.


Lady of the Crey, Iris has stepped down from the throne, Queen Camilla has inherited the throne, She has not met her life mate, or chosen one yet.


Queen of Demons, lady of the Crey, Achlys's mate has been murdered.


Queen of the Crey, Carmilla has met her true mate, and has accepted him. He is Diabolos, the Demon prince.


A war between the Crey and Fraretenbri has started. 10,000 troops have been sent to the south of Ravenna by the Crey.


Princess of the Crey,  Hadria has been born, she has been fathered by King Diabolos.


The war has ended, the Crey have won.


Queen of the Crey,  Hadria has inherited the throne, she has met her truemate, Marcus, a human Necromancer from Rome. He will be taking the throne with her. 


Queen of Demons, Achlys has chosen a Mate, a servant named Lilith.


Queen of Demons, Achlys has murdered lady Lilith.


Queen of the Crey,  Hadria has been assassinated, with no heirs. King Marcus has survived, and will be giving the crown to Lord Daniel of the Fraretenebri.


Lycan King Otis of the Shifters has stepped down from the throne. His Son, Prince Adonis Takes over.


King daniel of the Fraretenebri has stepped down from the throne, Prince Kemuel Has taken the throne. 


King Fayette  of the Fae has met her Mate, a teacher from Scotland named Ensley. 


King fayette of the Fae and Lord Ensley had a daughter, Prince Elvina.


 King Fayette of the Fae has stepped from the throne. Elvina takes control. 


Elvina of the Fae meets her mate, a woodland Nymph named Yōsei. 


Elvina of the Fae , and King Yōsei have a daughter, Prince Norika.


Norika of the Fae has taken the throne. She has yet to take a mate.


King Norika of the fae has taken a mate, a water Nymph named Itsuki. 


Kings Norika of the Fae and Itsuki have a son, Mahou


The Vampires, Demons, Crey, and Fraretenebri all have the same father. Vampires aren't related by blood to the rest. Vampires come from a human man seeking immortality, he was granted this immortality with the price of vampirism. They also are children of Lucifer because of this man.

Lord Amon speaks for the Vampires.

Queen Achlys speaks for the Demons.

The Crey are no longer present.

King Kemuel speaks for the Fraretenebri.

No one knows where the Angels come from.

Lady Charmeine speaks for the Angels

The Fae, Nymphs, Sirens, and Elves are all related, they come from a Nymph named Haku. They can all mate with each other; the royal family can mate with anyone from this pool.

King Norika speaks for the Fae.

King Itsuki speaks for the Nymphs.

Lord Ionia speaks for the Sirens.

Lord Benzion speaks for the Elves.

The shifters and humans can mate with each other as they are from the same gene pool. Xander and Abbot are their fathers. Humans come from xander and other mortal women. Shifters come from xander and abbot. 

There are other races of people, or variations.

King Xander Speaks for the Humans.

King Adonis speaks for the Lycans.

Lord Farrel speaks for the Merpeople.

Lord Ezekiel speaks for the Dragons.

The descendants of haku refer to their leaders as king, prince, or lord, no matter the gender. They believe that there is no difference between male and female, it is only them who adopt this practice.

Witches, necromancers, sorcerers, seers, and mages are all human. Witches and wizards are people who work with magic, it can be evil or good. Necromancers work with dark magic, specifically with the dead. They sacrifice something to a devil, in order to gain this power. Sorcerers work with all types of magic, good, bad and evil, they work with demons and devils.

Seers are humans who are born with sight, they can see the future. And mages are immortal witches, mages are born when an entire family is witches, the magic is in their blood. They can mate with xanders, abbots, bazzins, and ekons descendants.

Lady Narcissa speaks for the Witches.

King Marcus speaks for the Necromancers.

Lady Esmeralda speaks for the Sorcerers.

Lady Minerva speaks for the Seers.

Lady Glinda speaks for the Mages.

There are many lost races, other dimensions,and many races who have gone into hiding, more will go into this book as time goes on. This book refers to our dimension only, and present  races."

The book ends, the rest of the pages blank. I look up at Amon and Agatha, staring at each other with blank eyes. Then their attention is drawn to me.

Amon speaks first.

"Do you understand everything so far?"

"Yes. it's a little confusing, there are alot of names. But I get it."

"You were really good friends with Achlys, she is your grandmother, you'll meet her soon. She told everyone that you couldn't be dead, and led everyone to search for you or at least your body.

"Did the other leaders look for me?"

"Yes. We all knew something was wrong, we began to suspect it had something to do with Marcus, and the Fraretenebri. When you meet the rest of the families they'll explain their plan to you. They've been trying to make it look like they believed you were dead, as who knows what Marcus did, and he had the help of a demon to do it, which means there are many more."