
a Broken Wing

'"FABIAN!" I scream out his name in search for him. His side of the bond pulsing in fear, him reaching out for help. I frantically search for him among the corpses and lycans. I finally see him, at the edge of the woods, the necromancer standing over him with a blade. A sound comes up my throat as I rush towards him, my wings beating against the air, the right one aching in protest. When I reach him I kick my feet against him, knocking him to the ground. My wing finally giving out I fall as well. We begin to roll around, both of our hands fighting for the knife, me trying to take it away. Suddenly Fabian Groans from above us, I make the mistake to follow my instinct and look up, him resting against the tree trunk, clutching his chest as blood seeps through his fingers. At that moment I felt something rip through my heart. And the wicked sear of the blade sinking into my flesh. " What next?

Monnie_5526 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 6

'Marcus, what are you doing out here so late?'

 The woman asks, walking out to the balcony dressed in a simple gown. The silk flowing in the night's wind. Marcus turns around and looks at the woman, a slightly startled look on his face, then it quickly changes to one of indifference. 

"Just came out for some air. Go back to bed, I'll join you in a moment." 

He turns back around as the woman decides on what to do next, go back to bed, or try to find out what is on her husband's mind. 

 "You know you can speak to me…about anything? I would never judge you." 

She says as she walks closer, placing a hand on his back.  She stands there for a moment, and he starts shaking. Tears falling from his eyes, which he tries to hide from his wife. Ashamed that he was crying. Instead of speaking she held him, waiting for him to talk first.

" I visited a seer today. We had tea together, and to entertain ourselves, I asked about our future…" 

He pauses and looks down at her, 

"We have more than one mate, and.. I plan on rejecting them. I only want you, Hadria. But I'm scared of when we meet them, if you'll accept them, and maybe favor them more than me." 

She stares at her husband, and starts spluttering in anger.

"How could you think such a thing? Marcus, I love you, you're my first love, my last love, and my only love. If you don't accept them, neither do i."

She says as she stands back, to look at him fully. Suddenly his eyes turned to a more intense golf. Anger swimming in their depths.

"You liar., you cheater, even you know what happened and you have the gall to lie to my face again?"


I suddenly feel his hands around my throat. Lifting me up as he slams me against the stone wall.

I tune out his words, focused on getting air into my lungs, my wings flap violently, as he begins slamming me against the wall. Blood splashes against my face, before everything goes dark.


I croak out, my head placed in her lap. Her hands run through my hair in an attempt to sooth me.

"I saw it. Don't worry, it's okay."

I lay there for a couple of moments, trying to collect myself.

"I'll call my Sire tomorrow morning. And i'll show him. He can help you with this more than me, he has ties, ancient ties,"

The room goes silent, and we both lay there, comfortable, until she interrupts.

"I'm so sorry this is happening to you. (but the author is evil. mwahahahaha), no one should ever have to go through this."

"It's not your fault. Thank you for helping me, you're a very kind person for that,"

"Do you think I have a mate?, apparently he was mine, but he said that there were others."

She takes a long inhale before speaking, preparing herself to break the news to me.

"Yes. I don't wanna influence you. But.. I don't think you should accept them. Usually with Necromancers they'll have a punishment revolving around death or life.

Like, making you kill yourself in a very horrific way over and over. Or, in your situation, it makes sense that he lets you live forever, your mates will die, and you won't."

I digest this, and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

'Evil in it purest form'

"Sleep Hadria, I'll keep the sleep demons away."

She tells me, and eventually I drift off once again into a blissful sleep.

"This is her?"

I look up to see a man walking into the room, with Agatha. She nods, and he walks closer to me standing on the side of my chair. He is tall, he had a duck a little when he walked in, the hand he has outstretched to me is decorated with black ink that trails up under his red dress shirt. He gives me a smile, and his fangs poke out a bit. 

"My Name is Amon. Do you remember me?"

 He asks, Amon. What a strange name, yet it is familiar. I place my book down and stand to shake his hand. I lie,

 "No, it doesn't ring a bell. But I'm guessing we met before?"

 He tilts his head at me, amused. And I now notice the small black horns hidden in his hair.

 "My Sire and I were meant to be executed by Marcus for theft. We tried to steal some of your mothers vases and sell them. You saved us." 

He says, now more serious as he straightens his spine, still looking down at me. 

"And after that, did we remain in contact?" 

"You gave me a position in your military, and it came with a roof, food, and protection. And you had my Sire become the librarian, as he had a bad leg and could not fight." 

I hesitate next, afraid of what his answer would be.

"What was I like?"

His smile returns, this time genuine. 

"You were kind, gave everyone an equal chance, nobody in your territory starved or struggled. They might not have had everything they wanted but had what they needed. You and my Sire were friends, when he began to wither away, you sat next to him and made sure he was comfortable. The only time I had ever seen you laying a hand on someone, was when a maid had said something about your inability to have children, you tore her to pieces,then wept for days in the servants quarters on her bed," 

He pauses, then pulls me into a hug,

"Thank you for what you did for Jin, he had a really tough life, and had turned me out of loneliness. And in his want to take care of me, we were poor. Living in the woods, and drinking from cheap hookers or animals. If you hadn't stopped Marcus, then I wouldn't be here, and my Sire would have never had a friend." 

I feel something warm and wet against my forehead, his tears. And I wrap my arms back around him. 

"I don't remember him, or you. But you seem like good people. Hopefully, I'll be able to remember this man. He sounds like he was an awesome guy." 

He pulls back from me, and apologies. I assure him that it's okay, I take my seat and he sits next to me. Agatha is now gone, I can hear her upstairs fussing at Louis over the bed sheets. 

"Tell me about Marcus."