
a Broken Wing

'"FABIAN!" I scream out his name in search for him. His side of the bond pulsing in fear, him reaching out for help. I frantically search for him among the corpses and lycans. I finally see him, at the edge of the woods, the necromancer standing over him with a blade. A sound comes up my throat as I rush towards him, my wings beating against the air, the right one aching in protest. When I reach him I kick my feet against him, knocking him to the ground. My wing finally giving out I fall as well. We begin to roll around, both of our hands fighting for the knife, me trying to take it away. Suddenly Fabian Groans from above us, I make the mistake to follow my instinct and look up, him resting against the tree trunk, clutching his chest as blood seeps through his fingers. At that moment I felt something rip through my heart. And the wicked sear of the blade sinking into my flesh. " What next?

Monnie_5526 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4

The couple lead me to a library after the shock had worn off. Agatha runs around collecting books from the massive collection, Some with words I can't read as they're in different languages. And Louis sits beside me. Drinking his cup of tea, I discarded mine as it had gotten cold. Instead, I tried to read one of the books that are in English, explaining what I am.

However, the badly translated text didn't make any sense to me. Some books look to be in Aramaic, Hebrew, Latin, and many other languages. So I'm sitting with him waiting and watching his wife sort through books, muttering foreign words in anger. Soon enough she sits down in front of us, with a stack of books, and her cup of tea.

"Most of these books aren't in English, it was no use translating as we thought Ravens didn't exist anymore. I don't understand how I didn't see it before, I mean, I was in your head for the last few weeks, and I didn't think anything was strange…. I should have at least questioned why you never had any moments where you remembered something from your younger years. and even then, if you're blocking it out, I think you would remember bits and pieces."

She keeps on speaking, I lose track of what she is saying after she switches to another language, and the words she is saying don't sound very friendly. She picks up a book and skims over it as she continues to speak until Louis gently taps her to put her back on track.

"This is just some explaining about what Ravens are, abilities, and lineage.

'Ravens or the Crey, are the children of Lucifer, and human women, they take after their father, unlike their brothers who took after their mother. The Crey specifically come from evil women..."

She pauses reading aloud, and reads in her head, Agatha then places the book down, and rubs her brow, taking a sip of her tea after a moment. 

"A lot of this information is incorrect, I guess it was written by a Fraretenebri, I hate them."

A scowl now on her face,

"What is a frere tene bri?" I ask, butchering the name to sound it out.

"They are similar to what you are, except more angelic. Don't be fooled though. They're the evilest people you can meet. You see, Lucifer had... taken many women, and the children that had come from that resented their father, and your mother, and the Crey. Which is understandable.

to an extent. They wanted to cleanse their bloodlines from lucifer, so they had only mated with angels. Which worked for the most part. But they still have some demon-like qualities. You, the crey come from lucifer, and a human woman who we call Ekon.

Lucifer thought that she was too beautiful to taint like that. So he had properly courted her, instead of just taking her. The Fratretenebri were angered that he didn't bother to court their mothers and that they were the product of.. that. And the Crey weren't.

While the Fraretenebri tried to hide their demonic features, the Crey embraced it. They mated with whoever they wanted, not to dilute their blood, but simply cause they just wanted to. It's why you see many different species, and some people stand out. Like a vampire with horns or abilities, or a Fae that is a little more... corrupt.

Like my abilities, and Louis. A Crey or Demon had mated into our bloodline at some point. Or well, my Sire's bloodline. Vampire blood ties are a little confusing. Anyways, the world eventually went to war.

Over trivial things, Lycans can't go into Shape shifter's territory, things like that. We needed leaders. Eventually, five families came forward, families with clean blood. The direct line of Ekon, a purebred Crey Family. Haku, a Fae Family.

The fae are the children of a water nymph and a human male. The water nymph had taken this male, and.. mated him by force. Eventually, he was willing but that is how it started. The children of their union are the fae.

Bazzin, for the demons. Bazzin was the name of lucifers wife, another devil. The children they made are demons. And Abbot for the shifters. Abbot was a man who was gifted the ability to shift into anything.

He mated a human man, Xander. Who was the voice for the humans. Together these families ruled the world. They had all signed a treaty that they wouldn't mate outside of their gene pools. For a  long time, there never was an issue.

Until Queen Camila took over. She didn't exactly break the treaty, but she caused a war. when she accepted her lifemate who was a demon. King Diabolos. Because he was a demon, she technically wasn't mating outside her race. So it eventually blew by.

During the war, they had a daughter. Lady Hadrid, she had taken the throne and had a human mate. Not only that but he dabbled in dark magic. The people overthrew them and in their place, the Fratretenebri took over."

She shakes her head, attempting to clear her head from the visuals.

"I believe the queen went into hiding, that she wasn't killed. And even if she is dead, she has to at least have children. It just doesn't make sense. I knew it. And now you're here.

And you don't remember anything about your past."

She taps her fingers against the table in contemplation and takes a sip of her tea which is now cold.

"I thought you were Fraretenebri, maybe a little pureblooded. But honestly, how could I think that you're too pleasant to be one of them."

I swallow, and take a sip of the drink,  and swallow again. My mind racing a mile a minute.

"You think I am possibly a descendant of the queen?"

I ask, nervous about her answer

"Realistically yes, your parents probably made you forget everything to protect you, hoping you could pass as one of them or a demon. But… it is probably a little far-fetched.  But you look a lot like the old queen. I just. Ugh!"

I watch her as she drops her head into her hands. Shaking it slowly. Defeated

"It's just. Ugh. such a mindfuck. I can't help you find out who you are, but you know where you come from at least. Why you can't remember I can't help you, you could have had something happen in your childhood, and you're just blocking it out, or there is some evil magic blocking it. Only a witch can figure this out."

she rolls her eyes, grumbling about witches and their bitchiness under her breath. Louis huffs out a laugh as he rests his face on his hand with his eyes closed.

"You have a very similar name, it's not common to see a name like yours in this time. Hadria... Greek I think, I think it means dark, definitely the child of a demon."

a chuckle leaves her lips, as she looks up at me shaking her head.

"Demons love to give their children names like that. Yknow. Lilith, Nyx, Melaina, Birsha. Scary sounding shit, I can't talk, I named my oldest daughter Mara, knowing it meant bitterness."

Louis joins in on her chuckling.

"We should call some of them. Yknow, check up on them, last time we saw mara was... When you first turned me."

he adds.

"How many kids do you have?"

I ask curiously.

"I have 12. All with my sire. None with Louis yet."

she says sighing.

"I wanna have another I just want a break. Raising little blood suckers is a real tough job. My youngest is fully matured yet she still doesn't know how being a vampire works."

She stands up, stretching out, and I hear a strange buzzing in my ears. Everything passes by me in a flash and I'm now sitting in front of the tv. A blanket draped around me. The amazing world of gumball playing. I love this show.

I wonder what else I loved before.