
A Blind Man's Adventure (Multiverse Story)

There was once a boy whom was born without the ability to see. He experienced many hardships and carries heavy traumas. Follow the story of a blind man as he travels the anime multiverse. Hello There! This story idea has been stuck in my head for the last couple of days, so I figured I would just go ahead and write it. Why not right? Anyway, this is just a hobby of mine so don't expect a steady update schedule.

subarashi · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Awakening and The Odd Wolf

What a refreshing feeling, I haven't felt this good since I was freed from slavery for the first time. Since the power system is based around cultivation, I'm guessing Mana cleanses the body or something? I could get used to this.


What do I do now, though? I'm getting hungry and It's getting colder outside, so the sun must be setting. I'd rather not die of starvation.

"reerrrererereeeeerrrrrrr" I heard a noise.

"Umm, is someone there?"

"Rerreereee ubuuurrrrrr" another odd noise, am I having an aneurysm?

*rustle rustle*

I felt something furry touch my hand. It feels similar to the fur of a dog but it's a bit too rough for that to be the case.


I've had enough, "shut it, you stupid mutt!" I yelled.


The mutt whined in my ear and snuggled into my armpit as if to hide away from my voice. What am I gonna do with this thing? I'm hungry and now this dog is attached to me. Time to delegate.

"Hmm, hey mutt, you know where to get some food?" I said doubtfully.

"RU-RU" it yelped.

Oh well, not like I have anything to lose anyway. I hop on the back of the wolf, and it takes off at such a high speed that I could barely see the surrounding environment. Oddly enough, I couldn't feel the wind pressure that should be a consequence of going at such speeds. We ran for what felt like hours. I could feel the sun's rays on my skin, so I'm guessing it is morning again.

As we start to slow down, I see that the trademark fog of the Elshire forest has dissipated; seeing as we were now in front of a cow that was tall enough to lick an elephant in the forehead, I'd say we are officially in the beast glades. The cow, clearly angry that something has invaded its territory, flicked its back hooves, revving up for a monstrous charge.

"Why do I know this information even though I am blind?" you might ask. Well, you see...

"The raging, giant, bull tears the soil beneath it asunder with its knife-like hooves. The small and lonely child stands against it all alone as his wolf companion hides behind my tree brethren. How will this seemingly powerless child get out of this situation?" an obnoxious tree narrates.

I can hear the bull starting its charge as I listen to the tree narrate the fight from the sidelines. They must be really bored; I almost feel sorry for them, almost. Now then, I either die here or I beat the bull....not! There is a third option!

"Hey, big guy! Can we talk for a second?!" I yelled out so he could hear me.

"Human...Must...Kill! MOOOOOOOO!" the cow declared as it charged at me.

"Hmm, it seems not every creature has intelligence," I whispered to myself as the bull continued to charge.

I still haven't had the chance to explore this world's power system, so I'd like to stay here a bit longer. Also, why can the trees talk!? I must know! I can die after.

It didn't take long for the bull to close the distance. I rolled out of the way as the sound of its thunderous footsteps was right on top of me. However...


My sternum was hit by an indescribable force, even my dad never hit me this hard. I was thrown backward, my back crashed against the ground and I rolled 4 or 5 times. I was stopped by the tree that was still narrating.

"OOOO, that hurts no matter what region you're from! What will the boy do now!? Find out on the next episode of Drag..."

"Shut it you useless lump of carbon!" I cut him off.

"Na-Na-Nani! You can hear me?!" the tree stuttered out.

"I don't have time for the nonsense. Can you tell me where that thing is?"

"Ahem, it's about fifty branches in front of you. How do you expect to fight that thing in your state?" he said with disguised excitement.

I stay silent as I focus on my mana core. I'm still at the lowest level my mana core can be, and I'm also not an augmenter like Arthur. I tried to enhance my body with mana, but it didn't work. I tried to use every element on the way here, but that also didn't work. That only leaves me with one possibility as to what my powers are...

I inspect my body for injuries. I can feel that my chest has slightly caved in, and a few of my ribs may be broken. My back also isn't feeling the best. I concentrate as hard as I can on the areas in the most pain and imagine pulling mana from the atmosphere towards my core. I fill it up as much as I can and start to filter it back out towards my injuries.

"That green energy, you're an emitter! How rare! I haven't seen one of your kind in a long while."

The pain that was assailing my senses began to fade, and the bones I healed felt stronger and more durable than before. I stand up, preparing to face my foe once more. I have too many questions to answer before leaving this world, and I most certainly won't be killed by a cow of all things.

"MOOOOOO!" the cow moos loudly.

"It's getting ready for another charge!" the announcer tree yelled.

What is it that I'm feeling right now, I wonder? Is it fear? No, I'm not afraid of something as arbitrary as death. Maybe it's my fight or flight response? That doesn't feel right either. Am I...excited? I never got into many fights in my last life, so maybe that's what it is? Either way...I like it!

"The bull charges again; the earth bending to its mighty form as a lone boy stands in its path. How will he triumph in these impossible odds?!"

The question is, "How do you beat a large target?" Well, like anything you can't reach, you have to bring it down to your level. How might do that you ask? Simple, you have to throw off their balance. That brings me to the last point. What senses can I block off to throw off a creature's balance?

That would be...the eyes! I manipulated the mana I gathered in my core towards the charging beast, and I waited for just the right moment when there was a gap in the vibrations of its hooves hitting the ground. It was about to be right on top of me, then...Its eyes were "healed" shut.

The cow could no longer see so it stumbled under its weight and fell with a loud crash!

"Mutt! Now's your chance!"

A blurry figure whooshed past, moving near the speed of sound towards the downed bull's head.

"The cowardly wolf makes an entrance!" the announcer screams.

The wolf approaches with its scythe made of wind at the ready and slashes down on the bull's neck, ending its life.


Request Complete!

Name- Supremacy!

Description- Start your new life off right. Choose violence! Kill a monster of your choice within the next week. D-rank and above.

Reward- A weapon of your choice.

Consequences- Monster Magnet: your scent attracts all the monsters in the area to your location.

Choose a weapon:







-Morning Star


-A Cool Hat

[AN: So, thanks for reading. The Emitter's abilities in The Beginning After the End were never properly explained, so I'm going to take a LOT of liberties with that. I hope you don't mind a bit of bullshiting on my part for a more interesting story!]