
A Blazing Fist (Gamer Insert - Starting in Avatar The Last Airbender)

My name is Zan, the gamer. With my fist cast ablaze, I'll scorch my way to omnipotence. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Team Girl Power + Zan 5

He led me out of the castle, onto the grounds where I first entered with Azula and My Lee and where we met Mai. The palanquin was still sitting outside, with the four guards who carried it here waiting diligently.

Then, towards the side where a smaller building was built just at the side of the path leading to the castle.

"You can go now." I told the guard as I stepped inside.

"Yes sir!" he bowed his head to me, before toddling off.

I closed the door behind me and and found myself standing in a simple stone room. There were no decorations a till within it, simply a multitude of weapon racks.

Double sided weapon racks, capable of holding ten weapons per side more or less.

Tri-Bladed spears, jian, broadswords, dao blades, warhammers, short bows, long bows, war axes, iron shields, one rack loaded with twenty quivers of arrows.

I made my way around the room, touching my hand to each individually stored weapon, armament or such and claimed them for myself, storing them within my inventory.

Twenty iron tri-bladed spears, twenty iron jian, twenty iron broad swords, twenty iron dao blades, twenty iron war hammers, twenty oak short bows, twenty yew long bows, twenty iron war axes, twenty iron round shields and a total of one thousand iron headed arrows.

All in all, it was a pretty great haul, and I was quite happy with it. In this case, the perks of choosing Azula to start with I suppose.

I was about to leave with all the weapons, when something occurred to me, and I turned back, moving across the room and storing each and every single one of the ten weapon racks within my inventory as well while I was at it.

'It's too bad there isn't any armour in here besides the shields.' I mused. But then, it wasn't like I had to store my armour with others. I got my own and then got to keep it.

That done with now, I made my way out of the armoury and headed back inside the castle, returning to King Bumi's old throne room, what was once a wide open, cozy room cast in a dim green light from glowing crystals, was now replaced by a brightly illuminated place, decorated in fire nation regale, torches of flame lighting everything up, the very furniture itself replaced from what I remembered it being like in the show.

"Young man, I have to say, I find your punctuality appalling," Mai's father frowned at me as I entered, "Princess Azula called for you and young Ty Lee over ten minutes ago, and you were with her when my daughter found you both, so why are you so late back compared to Ty Lee."

His lips drew up into a disgusted sneer, "We are facing a crisis!" he hissed at me, "If it was up to me, I'd have you exe-"

I cut him off by slamming my fist into the wall behind his head, punching my fist right through the wall and leaving a fist sized hole in it, "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to you spineless wimp?" I snarled back at him, flaring my flame around my fist, I saw his eyes widen in panic, "Don't talk to me like that again if you want to keep living." I spat, before continuing on.

I snorted mentally when I saw his level.

Governor of New Ozai, Ukano – Level 3

"P-princess Azula! D-did you see that, that barbarian just threatened my life!" he sputtered, looking to the girl sitting on the throne, two Imperial Fire Benders standing stoically

"...And?" Azula drawled uncaringly, "Governor, who gave you the right to try and discipline one of my companions? Keep in mind your position was given to you, your nobility was inherited, you earned nothing through your strength and abilities. Since when does a beaver-cat rule over a Saber-Tooth Moose Lion?"

Ukano, Mai's father shut up real quickly, "Y-you're right Princess Azula, I offer my most sincere apologies!" he apologised, quickly bowing in submission.

"Well, I'd let it go, but really, I'm not the one you insulted now am I?" She smirked cruelly at him, "It was poor Zan here you insulted."

Ukano looked up and met my eyes, and I saw him swallow heavily, revulsion apparent on his features before he turned and bowed the same, just to me this time, "My sincere apologies Zan."

I snorted, "That doesn't sound very sincere," I mused, it was cruel of me, but this guy just deserves it, I'm a petty vindictive cunt when the need arises, "How about you try again, but call me father this time."

There was silence for a moment, before Azula snorted and erupted into laughter, "Yes I do believe that would do it." she said between her laughter.

Gained 1 Reputation with Azula.

Gained 1 Affection with Azula.

The humiliation on Ukano's face was plain as day, but he bowed his head again, "My sincerest apologies, father."

It took all my self restraint not to burst into laughter myself, "Yeah that'll do, you're forgiven." I waved him off. For now at least. If that cunt stepped out of line again, I'll happily melt him into a puddle.

Ukano quickly rose up, bowed slightly again as was only polite, and vacated the throne room post haste.

"That was a bit too mean Zan," Ty Lee admonished me, "I know he was being really mean himself, but he's still Mai's father."

"Mai is your friend, not mine," I shrugged, "I'm sorry if it bothered you though. But I won't let anybody walk over me , no matter who they are, and he should learn to watch his mouth. He just tried to threaten me with execution, I have no problems killing anyone who threatens my life or the lives of anyone I care about. The only reason he got a bye right there, is because he is your friends father, if he wasn't, that hole in the wall would have been his face, governor or not."

Gained 1 Reputation with Azula.

Gained 1 Reputation with Ty Lee.

Gained 1 Reputation with Mai.

I rose an eyebrow in interest at the notifications that appeared in front of my vision.

"Well said, weaklings like him need to be reminded why the strong are strong in the first place," Azula nodded approvingly, before looking to her friend and the daughter of the humiliated Governor, "Have you got any problems with how he was treated Mai?"

Mai shrugged, "I would have stepped in if it got really violent, but a little humiliation will remind dad not to let his new position to go to his head." She said, looking in my direction and twirling a shuriken between her pale and lithe fingers.

Her threat was clear. Not that I'd let that stop me if I really wanted to kill that fucker. Really, out of the three girls in this room, the one I'd be most leery of fighting is Ty Lee. I can take Mai, and I think I can take Azula right now at a push, but Ty Lee could disable me with just a few hits. Chi Blocking was just that overpowered.

"I suppose, but I didn't like how your aura fluctuated," Ty Lee relented with a sigh, "There was this angry crimson red flame that just burned all throughout the awesome sparkling gold."

Azula clapped her hands, drawing our attention to her before I could say anything, "Well, enough of this nonsense, let's go ladies and Zan, we have a few rebels to put down." she grinned.​