
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
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289 Chs

The Pieces Has Been Set(2)

– Underground Sewer System, Far from Site-17, America, SCP World - 12:57 PM –

The Forces of the Hell Dimension that escaped from Site-17 fled into the tunnels of an underground sewer system, which they could reach through the large drainage pipes that connected Site-17 to the sewers. Tyrant, Dread Knight, and Prowler, all members of Revenant's idiotic team, were also among them. 

"Hey guys! I'm not sure whether this tunnel will lead us into a city or to some seashore." Prowler stated to them.

"Does it matter?" Dread Knight asked as his face solemn.

"Maybe... maybe not?"

"Why did I even join a bunch of idiots like you in the first place?"

"Welcome to the club of questioning." Tyrant, who was standing behind the two, remarked.

As they moved further, one of the Blood Maykrs pointed ahead, seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Once they spotted it, they rapidly made their way to the end of the tunnel and exited it, only to find themselves on a rocky shoreline. 

"Finally some fresh air." Dread Knight exhaled deeply and sighed. Behind him, the Tyrant pressed a couple of buttons on his cybernetic arm, and a red-colored holographic panel popped up in front of them.

"Thank you Carcass for the upgrades back in the good old days." The Tyrant mumbled as he began to make contact with any Immoran trooper that might be in this world. After a few minutes, a video feed of an Immoran Trooper looking at him appeared on his holographic screen.

[Are you looking for help?] He asked.

"Yes, we are. Me and a few of our forces just escaped a facility and are on a rocky sea shore of some sort. Requesting pick up of any type of ship if possible."

[Pick up acknowledged and possible. We will send a Hunter-class Hellship hundreds of klicks from your location to pick you up.] Said the Trooper before the feed cuts off and the call ends. 

Once the transmission ended, the few hundred remaining demons that had escaped the Foundation waited for good ten minutes until they looked up in the sky and saw a giant red ship with tendrils made out of steel on it, its size was larger than any Fighter-class Hellships. 

This was an Immoran Hellship - Hunter-class.


The ship hovered closely in their location, and a door opened and a ramp popped up, with Immoran troopers on the door gesturing them to enter.

"Come on! We are leaving." The Tyrant called out to the demons behind him,

The forces of hell nod and they all walk up the ramp, entering through the ship as the ramp pulls up and the door closes. The ship then flies into the sky, keeping itself high above the clouds and makes sure to use a device that keeps them away from the eyes of any radars. 

Inside the ship, Tyrant enters the bridge area and glances at one of the Immoran troopers in charge and operates the ship.

"Where are we heading?"

"We are heading for an underground cavern in West Virginia where the rest of our forces and fleet are hiding." The Trooper responded, "We were planning on breaking you all out but it appears that someone else broke you out instead."

"Yeah. Is Revenant with you?"

"Yes, he is."

The Tyrant let out a deep sigh, "...Great."


– Underground Cavern, West Virginia, America - 1:00 PM –

The ship finally arrived at the underground cavern and parked itself near to the rest of the ships. They also possessed Immoran Destroyer-class hell ships in the cavern, which were larger than the Fighter-class ships but not nearly as large as the size of the Hunter-class ships.


Once the ship landed, Tyrant and the rest of the hell forces exited the ship and saw the rest of the Immoran Fighter, Hunter and Destroyer-class ships, as well as the rest of the forces of the hell dimension were all here.

"So this is where they have been hiding, huh?" Tyrant asked.

Prowler nodded, "Seems like it."

"Let's hope we don't have to meet our idiot leader." Dread Knight said as he took a step forward.


"Ha! Ha! I didn't expect to see you guys here!"

"...I spoke too soon."

When the three turn around, they find Revenant approaching their direction.

"By Davoth's Crucible Sword, I haven't seen you guys since Remnant. How have you been?"

"Great, that idiot." Tyrant grumbled in irritation, but soon calmed himself down before asking, "And why aren't you dead?"

"Oh, soldier. My fight against humanity is eternal and no weapon made by man can kill me! Just like Frank Woods from Call of Duty once said, "YOU CAN'T KILL ME!"" 

"Uh huh. So how many of our forces are here?" Dread Knight asked.

"A lot actually, but not enough to take over the entire world and we only have thirty Fighter-class ships, ten Destroyer-class and four Hunter-class ships for now." Revenant explained, "But if we can get the Argent crystal back we can unleash destruction on the humans once again in glorious fashion!" he shouted proudly.

"So anyone else from our disbanded team here?" Prowler inquired.

"Well I got Marauder, Imp, Cacodemon, Fireborne Baron, Archvile and... you three." He pointed out the three.

"Have you tried not to blow up anything by now?" Tyrant asked.

"Surprisingly no."

"Finally one good news to my ears."

"So care to explain what happened at the facility you were imprisoned in?" Revenant turns to ask.

Dread Knight responded, "Don't know, some guy with a big hat and a guy in a motorcycle freed us and I was able to get out of their prison even with their boss by helping him open a vault, but the next time he will encounter us... we kill him."

"That's it?"


"Damn it, I expected a bigger explanation than this."

"Look, even we weren't sure what they were after but he put the facility in chaos that's for sure." Prowler stated.

Suddenly, they spotted someone approaching and most of them were surprised to find Archvile as he softly chuckled, "Tyrant, Prowler, Dread knight, glad to see you again." he welcomed them pleasantly before turning to address Revenant, adding, "And Revenant, Marauder and the troopers found something on Mars."

"Did they find a weapon capable of annihilating all sentient life as we know it?!" he asked excitedly.

"Uhh... no. But Marauder says it's a useful weapon of war and in order to carry that weapon they found, they need two Hunter-class and five Destroyer-class ships and some extra hands as well to bring it from Mars to here without being seen by 179."

"We might be able to assist." Tyrant said.

"I appreciate your contribution, but you guys get some rest for now. Me and the rest of the hell forces will handle it." Archvile attentively replied, turning to face Revenant again, he suggested, "And you Revenant will make sure those three humans don't do anything suspicious."

"Roger that. You've...*sniff*... grown so much that you're now acting like a leader for once and giving me orders. You make me proud, soldier." Revenant said with a salute, shedding anime tears of pride and joy streaming down his face... somehow.

"Okay... Well, I'm taking my leave." Looking at several Immoran troopers, he ordered commandingly, "Get two of the Hunter-class and five of the Destroyer-class ships ready. Get the armored Barons, Marauders, Troopers and Blood Maykrs on our side. We need all the extra hands we can get." he said, watching as the troopers nodded and prepared the ships. 

'I wonder what Marauder found on Mars.' He pondered.


In an unknown location, Molly was laying face first on the ground, unconscious. Not until she let out a small grunt and slowly opened her eyes to see herself resting on the sandy grounds of a beach, just a few meters away from the water, while the sun was setting in an orange light.

As she rose up from the ground, Molly turned to the right and noticed a wooden bench with a man whose face she couldn't see. He was dressed in a cold war-era business suit and hat as he was observing the sunset in the far distance.

Examining the mysterious man on the bench, Molly didn't question herself as she recognized who he was...

This was SCP-990, otherwise known from the Foundation as "The Dream Man." 

"Dr. Collingwood, please have a seat." SCP-990, the Dream Man gestured to her to take a seat on the bench next to him.

Knowing all about the Dream Man, Molly nodded in agreement and sat calmly on the bench next to him. She then noticed a tiny scar on the tip of her index finger, which she got by touching the Stand arrow from D4C, and as she recalled the event, she feared about Lawrence and the others' safety.

While Molly was deep in thought, 990 noticed her anxious and sorrowful expression. So, he spoke, "Your loved one is alive, Dr. Collingwood. I can still sense his presence. He is asleep and is currently dreaming at this time. The Stand arrow didn't kill him."

"...You've been noticing the events that have been going on in the SCP world since the Stands came... haven't you, 990?" Molly asked.

"Indeed, but for some reason, I couldn't predict or anticipate their arrival at all when they first showed up." The Dream Man added.

All of a sudden, Molly could feel the atmosphere shifting, she gazed at the Dream Man and felt an uneasy feeling, or rather felt apprehensive.

"But now that they are here... one of those Stands is leading to a more darker path than any of the Stands that appeared in your world, and you must not let him achieve that form or your universe might end in a way that will make most world-ending SCP scenarios look like a joke."

"What do you mean? Just give me a straight answer. Is it D4C?" 

The Dream Man shook his head as a response, "No. D4C is powerful in his own way, sure but when it comes to universal level threat, this Stand is capable of that."

"Who is it?" Molly asked more sternly.

Suddenly, before her very eyes, Molly saw the clouds, the sun, and the moon were moving at such frightening speed, so fast that dawn and night were passing in seconds. 

"Why is everything moving so fast?! 990?" Molly exclaimed panickedly as she looked back at 990, but he was already gone. Then she noticed something flying past her at great speed, which surprised her at first.

Before she could think of what it was, she heard a whisper behind her back.

"Do you believe in gravity?" 

Slowly turning around, Molly faced a male humanoid, his entire feature was obscured by shadows so she couldn't find out what he looked like, but she noticed one thing on the humanoid... 

There are multiple speed dials. 

"People will fear their fates rather than accept them, and when I see that fear on them before my eyes, that will put a smile on my face. So tell me... do you believe in gravity?" The humanoid asked her. 

"What are you?"

In response to her question, the speed dials on the humanoid's body accelerated at a tremendous speed, causing the skies, the sun, and the moon to move at a horrifying rate. 

"A person who believed in fate, but had never benefited from it."

Moving at the speed that even exceeds light itself at a greater margin, the humanoid cuts her down into atoms with his fists alone. Before Molly disintegrated into nothingness, she had a shocking expression on her face, and her eyes slowly turned to see the Dream Man, standing in the field filled with countless corpses of soldiers and beings that can be described as otherworldly.

"One more thing, before you wake up to reality, you should know that he's not the only major threat you should be worrying about. Aside from the SCPs, the Stands, especially the Forces of the Hell Dimension, there are even more greater threats out there that existed beyond that not even the Foundation had ever discovered or comprehend. And one day, those threats will set foot here, and there will be a great war that will unleash upon your world. So stay safe, Dr. Collingwood... and farewell."

This is the last thing Molly heard from the Dream Man before everything in her eyes went dark. 


Opening her eyes widely, Molly immediately woke up in a panic and breathing heavily. She looked around and saw herself laying on a bed with a small bandage on her index finger. Sighing to calm herself down, Molly gazed at her abdomen and saw it was all healed up. 

"Robert must have patched it up." Molly mumbled as she leaned back into her bed. Remembering what she had witnessed in the dream, 990, and that humanoid whose only apparent features she could see were the speed dials and the world moving at an alarming rate. 

'Believe in gravity? Otherworldly threats? A major war? What does he mean by all that?' She pondered, completely puzzled by the words meant by 990 and the mysterious being. Instead of answers, she only received more questions, and it's not helping her mental health at all.

She went deep in thought, until her gazes were drawn to the door, which abruptly opened, and coming in was Dr. Amelia Buck. 


"Yes, it's me, Molly. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm fine." Molly replied with a faint smile, "How long was I out? And what happened to D4C and the rest?" 

"For some time, and regarding your other question, after I got healed up by Robert, he told me that D4C and his team had already escaped with the Arrow, and the site is badly damaged in some areas, there are even casualties."

"How many?"

"Fifty-eight dead and several hundred injured with a few numbers in critical condition." Amelia answered, "The number could have been more if Robert's ability didn't come in handy in healing the wounded."

"...It's that bad?"

"Yes, and a few of the staff are now thinking of leaving the foundation after what D4C told and showed them with the classified documents, making them question the Foundation's motives, especially the new recruits. Queen's Requiem is trying to recover, but Rodeo is going through a hard time after what happened today."

"What about Lawrence and Green?"

"Green is alright, but Lawrence is still unconscious. Luckily he is not in a coma and Robert patched up his wounds as well so he'll be alright. Nikolai is watching over him right now."

"Can I see him?" 

"You can. He's in Ward H. Just follow me." Amelia circled around and prepared to leave. But before she took a step forward, her eyes caught something behind Molly. It was undoubtedly a humanoid, and it was peering at her from behind Molly before quickly disappearing.

"A Stand?"

At that very moment, her Stand, Locked Away manifested beside her.

"Knock?" She asked her user.

"I'm not sure." Amelia said, and she and her Stand began to talk for a few moments until the two then noticed Molly's surprised look.

"What's wrong, Molly?"

"What is that standing beside you?"

Her words caught Amelia by surprise, "Wait, you can see it?"



"Uhh... hi?" 


"Am I.... a..."

"A Stand user? It seems so. For now just follow us. Lawrence can wake up anytime, and we'll think and discuss your new Stand power later."

"Yeah, that would be better." Molly commented as she and Amelia exited the ward and made their way to Lawrence's location.


In Ward H of the Infirmary, Nikolai was sitting on a chair next to Lawrence, who was still unconscious on the bed with one of his hands wrapped in bandages.

"If only I and Finn hadn't been so distracted in getting the staff to the safe zones, maybe... just maybe we could have changed the tide of battle." He sighed in frustration, "But alas, what's done is done. There is no changing it, damn it! D4C will pay for this." Nikolai muttered, his fist clenched tightly in anger. For a brief moment, he gazed down in regret. Just suddenly, when he was about to say something, he heard someone singing. 

"🎶Their ain't no grave that can hold my body down🎶" 

Nikolai looked left and right, only to find no one but him and Lawrence. Wait... looking at Lawrence, Nickolai realized that the singing was actually coming from him. However, for some reason, his mouth remained closed throughout the song.

"Comrade Lawrence?"

The singing stopped, then he noticed Lawrence's heart rate monitor started beeping very fast, he was sweating profusely, and he was muttering some stuff. 

"Doctor! Help now!" Nickolai cried out loud and saw multiple doctors outside the room reacted and were immediately approaching in his direction.