
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
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284 Chs

The Pieces Has Been Set(1)

– Somewhere in the Multiverse, Time: Unknown –

In a tranquil and quiet atmosphere, it shows a massive mansion that could make a person feel like an ant compared to it. It was peaceful for a moment until a portal appeared in the courtyard of the mansion, allowing a swarm of green-skinned aliens with armor and high-tech weaponry to emerge, accompanied with a couple of tanks.

These were the Flaxans. 


The Flaxans, an alien race from an advanced civilization, looked left and right to discover themselves in a courtyard with no one around. After their so-called incident with a certain Viltrimute in their world, they were back in business but before they could try and attack the earth in the Invincible dimension and exact vengeance on the Viltrimute who caused the whole incident, they needed some high level resources, which one of their scouts found here, but the scout didn't report back to them for unknown reasons, but they knew it was a resource that could help them in creating black hole in space type technology with it. 

Standing in front of the mansion, two flaxans from the army began quietly conversing in their Flaxan language.

(A/N: These brackets "[ ]" indicate that they are speaking in their native language.) 

[Hey, man.]


[Are you sure we can even get vengeance from that man who wrecked our planet like it was just a walk in the park?] 

[Quiet fool! The rest might hear you.] The second Flaxan whispered angrily before sighing, [Look, it seems like a long shot but with the resource that we might find here, maybe we can have a chance. I mean what could go wrong?] 

[...We are doomed. Again.] 

In the front, one of the Flaxans raised his hand to get the others' attention, he glanced at his army and pointed to the doors at the end of the courtyard. They slowly approached the doors cautiously with their weapons ready, just then, they halted their steps once they saw the doors open slowly. They immediately pointed their blasters at the door, but when the door opened.... 

They saw the Leader of the Council of the Crows, who was dressed in his pajamas and carrying a Spy crab plushie. His hair was a mess, and he was holding a pizza box.



"😑 Good grief." The leader heaved a deep sigh and shut the doors on their faces. 

[...Well, that was idiotic.] One of the Flaxans remarked.

The other Flaxan pats his back with a grin, [Told you nothing would go wrong!]

*Music Play — Tom Tom - HOLY FUCK Lyrics (Omniman Genocide Theme)*


The Flaxans let out a confused look as to where this music was coming from. But before they could respond, the doors reopened, revealing the Leader in his crow attire as his body began to emit a purple aura that caused the entire space to tremble.

"You don't seem to understand." The Leader muttered intimidatingly as the purple aura emanating from his body grew dense, causing the entire dimension to collapse. "Nobody invades my mansion and this universe while I'm playing Resident Evil 8 and binge watching anime during my day off!"

The Flaxans began to feel alarmed, feeling the similar danger since in the last incident. Without wasting even a second, they all fired their blasters and the tanks shot at him simultaneously. However, before it could get more than a foot away from the Leader, the blaster shots came to a halt in mid-air, surprising the Flaxans a bit. 

"Do not underestimate the power of the force."

With a deep and frightening voice, the Leader's eyes blazed deep purple and forcefully shoved all of the Flaxans and tossed the tanks back into the portal with a mere wave of his hand before flying into it, and he was now in the Flaxan home world. 

When he turned around, he found that the portal had closed. Looking around, he saw a million Flaxans and thousands of tanks and aircraft encircling him. 

Cracking his neck and knuckles, the Leader muttered, "Time to bring out the big fucking gun."

Creating a space tearing rift beside him, the Leader placed his hand inside and drew out the BFG-9000 with infinite ammo. Before the Flaxan army could respond by this, the Leader began firing countless shots on all the Flaxans surrounding him, blasting anyone who was stupid enough to be caught in the BFG's shot radius; with each shot of the BFG, hundreds to a thousand Flaxans exploded into pieces before he completely annihilated them in a matter of seconds. 

With a mere stomp of his foot, he instantly creates an enormous deep crater and effortlessly reaches several kilometers into the air and begins flying across their city with a sonic boom, travelling at the speed over Mach 10.

The Flaxan soldiers who were pretty much everywhere started firing at him from all directions, but he moved left and right at godly speeds, generating millions of afterimages of himself and dodging millions of blaster shots. He then saw a massive bridge several times the size of the Golden Gate Bridge filled with tens of thousands of Flaxans soldiers who began firing at him as soon as they caught sight of him. 

Landing on the bridge without a scratch, the Flaxan soldiers immediately reacted and began firing at him, but the Leader brought out two red lightsabers and started swinging them left and right in various angles, deflecting all the blaster shots like a pro. Whenever he deflected the shots, the shots would redirect back to the shooters and shot them in the head, killing them. 

'Good thing I teleported all the civilian Flaxans who aren't part of their army, or don't know how to fight or might not have bad intentions against humans in a pocket dimension using a very high tier teleportation magic.' He contemplated as he calmly deflected thousands of shots without an effort. Even if he wanted to, he can read the entire pages of the Dictionary or the Bible while doing this with only one lightsaber.


Tossing the two lightsabers into the air, the Leader simply raises his hand and lifts all the Flaxan soldiers present on the bridge into the air with the force. With a flick of his wrist, he snapped their necks 180 degrees, killing them all instantly and dropping them back to the ground. 

Suddenly, he noticed over two hundred tanks arriving from both ends of the bridge. Knowing he was once again surrounded, the Leader simply punched the bridge with a small fraction of his strength. However, that small fraction is sufficient to cause the entire bridge to collapse, along with the tanks to fall below. 

Flying in the air once more, the Leader had a plan in mind. Gazing at two twin towers about a thousand meters tall located dozens of kilometers in the distance, he raises his hand and easily rips the two skyscrapers with the force and tossed them towards a million of Flaxan soldiers and tanks outside the city.

[Dear lor-] The General of the Flaxan army couldn't complete his sentence as he and a hundred thousand of his men watched as the massive skyscrapers traveled like a ballistic missile right in their direction before crushing them and the entire landscape around them exploded with dust and rocks flying.

"Now for the crazy part."

With a sinister grin behind his mask, the Leader snaps his fingers and summons a hundred tornadoes by using a very high-tier weather manipulation magic. Although it wasn't the most powerful spells he possessed, more like the weakest of his collections of city-level destruction types, it was nonetheless powerful enough to devastate an entire city like Tokyo in minutes and was very massive, at least several times greater than anything documented on earth.

Like a God of Destruction, he sends all of the tornadoes toward each of their major cities. The Flaxan soldiers in those cities could only helplessly watch as they, the tanks, the majority of the buildings, and everything else got pulled into the tornadoes, shredding their cities entirely like it was nothing. 

Raising his palm in the air, the Leader covered the entire sky, no, the entire world in black clouds, as though a second Noah's Arc would occur by utilizing another weather manipulation magic as it began to rain. At that moment, a stream of electricity was shot from his fingers into the clouds, and an endless number of powerful lightning struck the cities and the Flaxans soldiers, destroying and vaporizing them to ashes. 


The Leader kept on unleashing lightning strikes while leaving the catastrophic level tornadoes active, destroying everything in their path as if it was a walk in the park.

Teleporting himself on their world's moon, the Leader grabs his top hat from his head and pulls out something massive, an enormous object that may even bring fear to the Gods themselves.

This enormous object is the BFG-10000.


Entering the BFG 10000's control pod, the Leader noticed a joystick with a red button on it. He then holds the joystick and adjusts it to the left, making the BFG turn to the left and pointing the massive weapon of destruction at the Flaxans planet. 


With a press of the red button on the joystick, the BFG-10000 powers up into its maximum capacity and fires an enormous pillar of green plasma, traveling at the speed faster than light as it hits the planet's surface where the main city was before creating a continental-size crater which could be seen from space. 

*Music Stops*

"Ohohohoho! They're gonna have to glue your planet's surface back together... IN HELL!"

Snapping his finger, the BFG-10000 instantly disappears. Opening a portal, he returned to his mansion in his universe.


On the Flaxans' planet, most of the cities were in complete shambles, with debris of buildings and dead Flaxan soldiers littering everywhere on the ground, the skies covered in black clouds. and the massive crater which was radiating with the plasma energy of the BFG-10000. While the Flaxans who were teleported by the Leader and who he didn't deem a threat were in a pocket dimension before returning here, they luckily survived from the world destruction as well as the lightning strikes and tornadoes which they had stopped. 

Will they be able to rebuild all of this? Yes. Yes they will, because they are Flaxans and they use their world's time stream wisely.


Underneath a wrecked building, an underground ventilation shaft blasts open and out of it came the two Flaxan soldiers. The same ones who were chatting in the mansion's courtyard and somehow miraculously survived the destruction. The two quickly rushed out of the collapsed building and reached outside, only to see their cities in ruins.

[😒 Nothing would go wrong, huh?] The Flaxan Soldier asks, his face solemn.

[Shut up.] The Flaxan said, stretching his legs and arms before saying, [Welp, looks like we are back to square one. Let's find something to do. Standing here isn't gonna help us much.] he said in a calm manner. 

The Flaxan who asks grabs him by the throat and brings him close to his face, shouting, [How can you be so calm about this mess?! Our planet got wrecked for the second time and you're saying we should find something to do!] 

[Relax, man. We can just rebuild it from scratch and just try again like we have always done. I mean we are good at it after all. We were able to bring our planet back in full operation after that human wrecked it, because we used our dimensions and world's time stream and used our intelligent minds wisely. It will be days for them in their human eyes but decades for us flaxans.] 

The Flaxan who gripped the other released him, rubbed his forehead, and heaved a deep sigh, [Yeah, you're right. But next time, let's better choose a dimension or universe for collecting resources where there aren't powerhouses with planet-busting capabilities, like that man wearing a mask of an avian creature from earth.] 



A portal opens in the sky, and out of it comes the Leader of the Council of Crows flying out and lands on the ground in a superhero landing stance. Moving his head upwards, he noticed his friend Doyle, an elite member of his Council, standing next to a stone pillar and was clapping his hands together. 

"Superhero landing... for the 19812th time."

Chuckling at his comment, the Leader rose up and said, "Come on, everyone likes a good superhero landing."

"Uh huh, you do know that Omni man was already on their revenge list. Now you've put yourself on that list as well, mate."

"Of course, but atleast I delayed their plans on invading earth in the Invincible dimension even longer, and I made sure to keep those Flaxans who aren't a threat away from the destruction of their planet and they are perfectly fine!" 

"And blasted a hole on the surface of their planet with the big fucking gun 10000?" Doyle added with a deadpan look.

"Hold up! Did you see me do all of that by sending Mr. Camera Man, which you use him to check the state of all the dimensions, alternate realities and other universes?"


"Oh." The Leader stood there in silence before asking, "Well anyway, what's the current problem in the SCP world?" 

"D4C stole the Stand arrow from Site-17 and Rodeo's team are recovering both physically and mentally." Doyle explains, "Unfortunately, Iris's Polaroid camera is with D4C so she's no more than an average human now without the camera and its photos. The Pillar Men are still moving and the Hell Dimension's forces are well trying to find new ways to get the argent crystal while the Chaos Insurgency are handling their project and the Global Occult Coalition are still quiet. Scarlet King on the other hand is still trying to find a way to get out of his prison with the help of his allies."

"I see, I see."

"Look sir, if the Scarlet King breaks out of his prison, the multiverse will be in danger, not only he has the power to destroy the Tree of Knowledge that contains an infinite amount of SCP multiverses, but he can effortlessly open portals to every multiverses from other franchises that exists out there and unleash the entire forces of the hell dimension on them, which they are only just mere cannon fodders to him."

He continued, "The real threat is the actual forces of the Scarlet King, the monstrosities he has that even the weakest of them were far more dangerous than the entire hell dimension itself. Unleashing on every single one of these multiverses will bring more death and destruction on them, even the Dragon Ball universe and the Tensura universe will be helpless."

With a serious look, he asked, "Leader, do you think Rodeo stands a chance on this?"

Before Doyle could react, Leader teleported beside him and patted his shoulder.

"Have a little faith, Doyle. If things go from bad to worse and Rodeo can't stop him, me and Arc will tear him apart ourselves." Leader wrapped his arms around his shoulder and replied cheerfully, "But if Rodeo is able to deal with him, then we won't get involved, because story wise, he is the hero of this story that is written by me and we can't mess up the story. We are just side characters for now, at least in this story that we are in. Alright?"

"Yes, sir."


"Also where did you send that Flaxan scout that we captured a week back?"



On some unknown world in the multiverse, the Flaxan scout that was mentioned was on a planet of some sort. There was green grass and small hills everywhere, just nothing but only them in an empty green environment.

[Where did they send me? Is this earth?] He repeatedly asked himself.


Hearing a voice below, the Flaxan glanced down and saw... a tiny desk engineer. 


"Your. Ugly." 

The tiny desk engineer started to do the square dance. In confusion, he steps on the dancing Engineer, squishing him. That, however, would be his biggest mistake because at the next moment, a thunderous rumble began to echo throughout the entire world.

Looking around, the Flaxan scout spotted countless, no, countless can't be described as there are an endless amounts of human size, tiny desks, and colossal dancing engineers heading towards him.

These abominations' eyes were affixed on the Flaxan, causing him to swallow hard as fear was shown in this face.


[To hell with this! I'm off!] 

Screaming on top of his lungs, the Flaxan scout begins to run for his life as the dancing engineers chase after him.


[Planet Information]

Planet Name: YEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Planet Population: One Nonillion Dancing Engineers of Various Sizes and Counting. 

Universe Number: 569988 

Like: Explosions & Dancing. Building Sentries, Dispensers and Teleporters. Music. 

Dislike: Anybody who makes contact with them. (If you do make contact with them you get blown up to existence by their explosive dancing)

Threat Level: ??? (Immeasurable)



"I'm pretty sure he's fine!"


"Anyway, I'm heading back to my room. Take care." The leader waved goodbye to Doyle and was about to head for the door, but Doyle stopped him and asked.

"Leader. I'm curious, just how many powers, weapons and abilities do you have from the different worlds and dimensions in the multiverse?"

"...All of them."

"All of them?!"

"Of course! You do know I have a special ability that I can grasp the power and items whenever it is written in fiction, including fanfictions. Example like that one story named "The Author's POV" written by Entrail_JI, it took the Demon King to devour countless worlds and took hundreds, if not thousands of regressions from Mr. Ben Dover to weaken and take the power of the Akashic Records. But for me, it's like taking a piece of candy from a small store that could be easy to rob."

"So can you ever compete with Arc?" 

"I highly doubt it." The Leader stated as he entered the mansion, leaving Doyle outside as he went deep in thought.

"I'll never understand what goes inside that head of his."