
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · Sci-fi
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289 Chs

The Mole

On the rooftop of site-17, the Chaos Insurgency mole was talking to someone through the phone. It was the unknown man. 

[Remember, use that USB we gave you to create a diversion, and snatch Scp-999 from their hands and leave Site-17 immediately. Tonight, you will strike. And remember, don't mess it up.]

"Yes sir..."

Then the call ended. 

Once his boss ended the call, the Chaos Insurgency Mole then broke the phone into two and threw them away.

"Here we go, after all these, its time."


(A/n: Now from here on out, everything that will happen will be related to "The Finale" from Scp Animated Tales from the Foundation with many or minor changes. Again all of their characters belong to them. Not me. ) 

Somewhere in the hallways, Green was walking down, doing his usual guard duty until he saw someone standing down the hallway. As Green tries to take a look at who it was, he realizes that it was Scp-2396, also known as Ms. Sweetie. 

"Where is my candy? Oh I feel so terrible without my candy. Oh love, can you help me?" Scp-2396, who goes by the name of Ms. Sweetie, asked Green once she spotted him in the hallway.

"How did you get out?"

"Someone nice opened the door for me. Hehehe~"

"Wait someone let you out?" Green widened his eyes in surprise, thinking there is someone who wants to cause trouble, he wanted to know more but knowing 2396, she won't be useful, so he has to take her back before investigating this matter.

"Alright let's get you back to your cell." Green said as he approaches 2396.

"Oh! You're just a nasty boy. OUT OF MY WAY!" 2396 yelled and pushed Green down, he fell on the floor as she ran down the hallway. 

Being pushed down by 2396, Green felt like he was about the pass out which might be due to her anomalous ability.

"Oh god... Cerberus, keep me.... awake with electricity."

When Cerberus appears, Green hurriedly gets up and starts walking down the hallway while Cerberus tries to keep him awake with his electricity. Meanwhile, Ms. Sweetie made a right turn down the hallway and saw a bowl full of candy with a paper slip next to it which said 'Take one'. She approached the bowl and took one candy from it and ate it. Green saw her and was about to pass out but fortunately, Cerberus was trying to keep him awake. 

"Cerberus.... stay active and defend me from anybody hostile." Green mumbled as his vision became blurry.

"War. War." His Stand nods.

Pushing the button on the wall which sets off the alarm, he falls on the ground and passes out while Cerberus stays on the defensive. Ms. Sweetie turned around and saw Green lying on the ground but she couldn't see Cerberus since she was not a Stand user. 

"Is that boy ruining my FUN?! Oh, always a boy. Never really a man."


With Rodeo, he was in a hallway and was trying to contact Amelia, but it will always come out unreachable. But then, he heard the alarm sounded in the facility, it might be either a containment breach from an Scp, but... for some reason, something didn't feel right with him. 

"Ok, that bad feeling is showing up. Something is going on."


Hearing a yell, Rodeo around and saw Miguel, he asked, "What's the matter?"

"We have a problem. The lower levels have been breached by Scps!"

"What?! That means...."

"The mole has made his move. Communication is also not working properly as well. The lower levels are a diversion!"

Thinking for a couple of moments in brief silence, Rodeo already figured out what the mole was planning, and he knew, ".....I think I know what the mole is after."

"What is he after?"

"One of the Children of the Scarlet King. Scp-999 or Abby."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because if the Chaos Insurgency wants to weaponize something powerful, the Scarlet King is their best bet, and his children as well." Placing his hands on his shoulders, Rodeo ordered him in a serious tone, "Miguel, take the rest of the gang, head to the lower levels and go to Abby's cell as well. I'm going for Collingwood."

"Alright." Miguel nodded, "Good luck, mi amigo. Also do you think it's Carson or Gustav?"

"For that I have a plan. Now go."

Miguel nods again and he jumps into a shadow, while Rodeo quickly runs down the hallway as fast as he could.


In Dr. Collingwood's office, Molly was holding Scp-999 on a stroll and was about to head to the teleporter room to meet Amelia and Director Jones to see the recent project she heard about until she spotted Rodeo standing next to the door.

"Rodeo, why are you here?"

"Molly listen, I'm heading to the lower levels. So keep 999 safe and also, do you really need to do this protocol for 999? Going to places by transporting through space seems kinda risky."

"We have to, Rodeo. But don't worry we will be back soon."

"Alright then. See you later." Rodeo waved at her in goodbye.

Waving him back, Molly walked past him, unaware that her left eye glowed light pink for a brief moment and at the same time, Rodeo left the room. Opening the door to the teleporter room, she saw Carson still wearing his helmet and MTF uniform. 

"Oh hey. It's about time you got here." Carson said in his usual robotic-liked voice.

Molly just sighed.


Meanwhile, Ramsey and Lawrence were walking down the hallway with their assault rifles, trying to find an escape Scp named Ms. Sweetie after the alarm went off. 

"This thing really isn't worthy of this response. What do you think is really going on?" Lawrence asked.

The bald black skinned woman simply shrugged her shoulders in response, "Could be just a drill or readiness test. Does it really matter? Just get it secured."

"Yeah, but you have to wonder." Lawrence said, but then his eyes caught someone in the distance, "Wait, is that... Agent Green?"

Turns out, it was Agent Green who was unconscious. The two immediately approached him but all of a sudden, they were immediately grabbed by the throat by an invisible force which they couldn't see.

"What the hell?!" Ramsay exclaims in surprise and confusion.

"It's his Stand! Hey Cerberus, we're friendlies! We're not here to hurt him!" Lawrence yelled at the Stand, Cerberus, he looked at both of them closely and sensed no ill intention from them, so he lets them go. 

"Ok, not the response I wanted." Ramsay groaned in pain, rubbing her throat that Cerberus gripped as she looked at Green, "Is he injured?"

Kneeling down next to his unconscious body, Lawrence checks him while Cerberus watches him, just in case he does something to his user.

"No, he's alive. Just comatose. Must've kept his Stand active before he went comatose." Lawrence explained, but suddenly, his mind started to feel weird, "Oooh I'm starting to feel woozy."

"Found her." Ramsey called out as she saw MS. Sweetie standing down the hallway and looking at them. 

"I've got her. Stay here or you'll end up like him." She said to Lawrence, pointing at the unconscious Green.

Approaching Ms. Sweetie, the Scp looked at her with a joyful and curious look, "Oh! What do we have here?"

"Just a couple of us.... girls."

"Oh lovely! I've been waiting for someone just like you!"

"Righttt..." Looking at her blankly, Ramsay brings out a soda can and asks, "Want some sugar?"

"My dear, aren't you just a godsend!"

"Yeeeah... come on, let's get you back into your cell." Ramsey said as she started escorting 2396 to her cell. 

Once she was out of reach, Green slowly opened his eyes and saw Lawrence and Cerberus looking at him. 

"You ok there?" 

"Lawrence? Glad to see ya. I didn't think Command would send ya for something like Ms. Sweetie. Can't believe she got the jump on me. A mall cop could have handled her."

"Happens to the best of us. Also you could have captured her with your Stand. So why didn't you?"

"It would have been overkill and I didn't want to risk hurting her. Also she's not that hard to contain, so overconfidence got me and I let my guard down."

"I see."

Behind them, as Ramsey approached the two after finish containing the Scp, she began speaking to command through the radio.

"Breach contained. She won't be going anywhere for a while."

But she only heard static from the radio. 

"Command? Command, do you read me?"

Nothing. Still static. 

Sensing an uneasy feeling, Lawrence couldn't help but asked, "That's not good. Whose on duty?"


Located in the Warhead control panel, Dr. Logan was lying on the ground unconscious, or dead, but whatever it is, his condition is unknown. Behind his unconscious body, or corpse was the Chaos Insurgency mole, pressing some buttons on the control panel before pressing the big red button, which activates the warhead and hurriedly left. 

[On site, Nuclear warhead has been activated. T-minus ten minutes to total annihilation. Please plan accordingly.] The T.A system announced.


Back in the teleporter room, when they were about to activate the teleportation machine, the group heard the alarm and the T.A system announcement.

"Woah! Did I get lucky or what?" Carson yelled.

"What the hell is going on?" Molly asked in confusion. Then, she and Carson spotted Gustav entering the room. 

"Dr. Collingwood, what's going on?" He asked, also clueless.

"I can already tell this guy's gonna be really helpful." Carson said to Molly to his side.